Rising America

Chapter 491: No financing, no listing

"The animation company now has $4.8 billion in cash on its account. The sales of the toy factory are very good. There are more than $900 million in cash on the account. CNN has $1.2 billion in cash on its account. However, William Internet Technology is still burning money here, and it needs to supplement more than 200 million yuan in cash there every month to support their salary."

Hilda puts on the phone from Joan for Kim Hyun-tae, and soon Kim Hyun-tae gets feedback from Joan.

Yes, several companies under the name of Jin Xiantai are very profitable, earning hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue each year, but it happens that the network technology is still burning money, but there is no way.

You know, this is the case in the early stage of network technology, but Jin Xiantai's instant messaging future income is expected to be very high, so this investment is nothing compared to the previous period.

It's just that Jin Xiantai needs money to make investments, so he has to consider whether he has enough cash.

Fortunately, after listening to Qiao An's feedback, after Jin Xiantai calculated in his own heart, he found that he still had enough cash.

It's only 10 billion soft sister coins, but only 1.3 billion US dollars.

(The exchange rate between the US dollar and the soft sister currency is 1:8 in different time and space)

And the cash in the accounts of the companies under his name exceeded 6 billion, almost reaching 7 billion US dollars.

Even if he leaves a monthly salary of the security network company, even if it is only US$2.4 billion a year, he can also spend US$4.5 billion to invest in China.

US$4.5 billion is converted at an exchange rate of 1:8 in different time and space, which is 36 billion soft sister coins.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae is determined now.

"You didn't count the cost of renting the data center, but this is enough." Jin Xiantai said to Qiao An on the other end of the phone. "By the way, how is the development of the Internet company recently?"

It has been a month since he left the United States, and in this month he has not asked about the United States, but since he is the boss, it’s not good for him to always ignore everything. Therefore, it is necessary for him to intervene.

What's more, what he values ​​most of the companies under his name is the network technology, because he knows exactly how much wealth instant messaging can bring him.

"The development is not bad. QQ has logged in to South America and other countries. Now its users are growing rapidly. I have learned about the data given to me by instant messaging. Now the global users of QQ have exceeded the 2 billion mark."

Ha ha, is there a user base of 2 billion people?

Kim Hyun-tae was happy after hearing Qiao An's statistic.

Of course, it is possible to have such a data, thanks to the huge population base of Different Time and Space, otherwise there would not be such a gratifying situation.

Using the base number of 2 billion users as the benchmark, if the paid membership function is opened up in the future, even if it is based on the 100:1 data, there will be 20 million paying users.

I don’t dare to say too much. Is it okay for a person to have a monthly membership of $1.99?

Then a person is 23 dollars a year.

With 20 million paying users, it is more than 46 million US dollars in one year.

And this is just member consumption, Jin Xiantai does not count other charges.

At the same time, the 20 million potential paying groups in the future are only users in Europe and South America. Countries such as the Middle East and Asia have not logged in to QQ yet, so users there are not counted.

If you consider the users in these countries and regions, as well as the potential paying groups, it is really...hahahaha!

And it looks like blue diamonds, yellow diamonds, green diamonds and other functions like this, hehe! Getting hundreds of millions of dollars a year is simply not too easy.

And these are not big heads yet!

The big money maker is the Alipay platform that Jin Xiantai wants to build and the game production department he wants to set up for instant messaging.

You know, the most profitable business is to use QQ, a platform with a huge user base, to promote games.

The power of the small pop-up window cannot be glimpsed.

"Qiao An, the Alipay platform does this now?"

After asking about the network technology company, Jin Xiantai asked about Alipay.

Qiao An, who was sitting in his office, smiled and replied: "The situation is very good. It has been officially launched and the trial operation phase has begun. The feedback feedback is also very good, and it has benefited from Wheatstone. Banks have come forward to help. Now Alipay can directly use the savings accounts of major banks to pay for utilities and other related expenses."

Qiao An said that the trial operation of Alipay was very good, which made Jin Xiantai less worried about Alipay, as long as everyone's evaluation is good.

When everyone is willing to use Alipay and get used to using Alipay, then it will be time for Jin Xiantai to make a lot of money.

You should know that Alipay, which is obtained in different time and space, has to charge 1% of the fee for each account.

Don't underestimate this one percent. If everyone uses Alipay, then Jin Xiantai will make a profit.

After all, the population base here is ten times as huge.

It's like the online payment utility functions that Alipay is currently trialling. It is far from the United States alone. One month is enough to make Jin Xiantai a lot of money.

Not to mention that more payment functions will be developed in the future, and Jin Xiantai is building a different time and space ‘Taobao’. The future transaction volume will be huge, which will provide him with a stable income cash cow.

In another time and space, Taobao's daily transaction volume is around billions of cash. When it encounters Double Eleven or other festivals, its transaction volume will reach tens of billions of soft sister coins.

Therefore, it is conservatively estimated that if Jin Xiantai's Taobao and Alipay are combined, he can provide him with a steady income of millions of dollars every day. This is definitely a business with money.

Of course, this is also Jin Xiantai's good luck. After all, Taobao and Alipay in another time and space did not do this, and there is no so-called one percent charge.

But Jin Xiantai did this in different time and space, and he did it with confidence, which has nothing to do with the people's consumption concept here.

More importantly, Alipay was developed by Jin Xiantai. The independent intellectual property rights are in his hands. At the same time, combined with the protection and respect of intellectual property rights in different time and space, then in the future, I want someone to also develop a network with the same function. Payment platform, it's impossible.

However, Kim Hyun-tae never thought about monopolizing this piece. Paid opening to the outside world is also possible, provided that the other party needs royalties and the cost of this piece will never be low.

For example, South Korea wants to use Alipay, a convenient online payment model, so that people in its own country can easily pay various fees online. Then Jin Xiantai can authorize South Korea to develop its own Alipay.

However, the use of the Korean side is not gratuitous, and if it is not possible, the benefits will have to be divided in half with Kim Hyun Tae.

And Jin Xiantai does not have to worry about the other party not using Alipay, or look down on Alipay, after all, the convenience of Alipay online payment is obvious to all, right?

Of course, these are all things to say, and now Alipay is only in the trial stage in the United States, but even so, many people are optimistic about Alipay's future ‘money’ journey.

Because this is simply a money-making tool, it is impossible for those smart guys not to see this.

Therefore, the venture capitalists and fund investors on Wall Street are very jealous and become more crazy.

But it is a pity that Jin Xiantai has always had no intention to raise funds. In addition, his companies are all private enterprises, so it gives these people the feeling that they can't speak up, which makes them very uncomfortable.

The mouth-watering delicacy is right in front of you but you can't eat it yourself. What do you think it is like?

Regarding this question, Qiao An jokingly told her little BOSS on the phone.

"BOSS, I receive a lot of calls every day. These guys on Wall Street call me. They talked to me about the same thing, that is, I want to invest in William Instant Messaging Network Technology Company, and I hope you can Merger of the companies under the name and then go public.

They assured me that the market value of your company after the integration will never be low, and they are willing to handle all related matters and do the listing properly.

I have never seen those guys expressing such attitudes, so I have to say that BOSS, your charm is really enviable and jealous, even those old guys on Wall Street can fall for you. "

Qiao An's remarks were so ridiculous that Jin Xiantai would not fail to hear it.

Is he attractive?

Admittedly, it's okay to attract some little girls, but to attract the cunning Wall Street predators... Kim Hyun Tae doesn't think he can do it.

And this kind of thing will happen right now, but it's all because of "Franklin." It's not because of his charm, but the green dollar bills. Kim Hyun-tae has a clear understanding of this.

But Kim Hyun-tae hasn't planned to do this until now, so the predators on Wall Street are obviously going to be disappointed.

"I have no plan to raise funds here~lightnovelpub.net~ As for listing or anything, I have never thought about it. After all, you know that I don’t lack money, and I don’t even want to create a company that I have worked so hard to create. Those predators on Wall Street were taken away."

Qiao An on the other end of the phone heard what his little boss meant. It was obvious that his little boss had no plans to raise funds or go public at all, and he would definitely maintain the standard that his company is a private enterprise.

Indeed, there is nothing more insurable than a business that has always been private.

There will be shareholders for financing, and listing will be subject to various constraints. Kim Hyun-tae does not want to have such a problem, so it is necessary for him to keep the company private.

What's more, the financing and listing is to collect money, but is he short of money?

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae is equivalent to saying that he has no weakness, and that's why those on Wall Street are so helpless.

[Poor Wall Street tycoons, you can’t help you meet someone like my little boss, right? 】

Qiao An silently mourned for those Wall Street tycoons who bothered him with the phone call every day. (To be continued.)