Rising America

Chapter 499: American conspiracy

"The population problem is a big problem, and it is a problem that all human beings must pay attention to. It is not a trivial matter. It is also related to the survival of every country, especially when there is not enough food. It is more worthy of our attention, to study solutions, to explore whether there is a way out..."

On this day, Jin Xiantai, as a member of the old George's staff, participated in an exchange meeting with the official Chinese government with the participation of US personnel and UN census officers.

With freshness, curiosity, excitement, and the mentality of Xiaobai and the turtle, Jin Xiantai sat behind the old George, listening to him talk to the officials of Huaxia.

The staff of old George, Jin Xiantai, of course knows old George's plan, and he also knows the calculations and conspiracies behind the Americans talking about this issue with China.

But he had no way to remind Huaxia officials about this matter. After all, his current identity is Chinese American, even if he reminded others whether he would believe it or not, it was the same thing.

In addition, Jin Xiantai did not have a strong sense of belonging to China in different time and space, so he didn't bother to remind those people, but honestly buried everything in his heart and played him well.' Bananaman's role.

[There is not enough food. This is really nonsense. There is not enough food. Isn't it stable in so many countries around the world? Old George can really be alarmist, and fooling people is really a set.

If you didn't know the inside story, you would be fooled by these remarks. I have to say that the American abacus is really crackling. 】

Listening to where old George was ranting, Kim Hyun-tae sat behind him silently talking.

However, although Kim Hyun-tae was very spit on this, he himself admired the American plan very much in his heart.

You know, in order to carry out this conspiracy and subvert this country in the socialist camp, this move of the Americans has already been implemented long ago.

And the method used by the Americans is not the kind of hard-working method, but the method of killing people with a soft knife slowly cutting, so that China in different time and space is completely unaware.

First of all, Americans began to create public opinion in the international community more than 20 years ago. They talked a lot about the so-called “population but little food” argument, and they spent a lot of money to give some people in the world. Influential experts on population and food issues asked them to stand in the foreground to advocate this argument, which made this argument have a market all over the world, and many people believed it.

So far, the first link of the conspiracy is considered a success.

Next, the United States will not do anything. It has been patiently advocating this argument for the past twenty years, allowing people to be completely immersed in this conspiracy, and sitting at this time, American talents will completely take action. The second link Implementation began.

Bewitching China has a sense of crisis, which in turn allows the American conspiracy to succeed in the first step.

"Mr. George, you are right. Our Chinese population is indeed a little bit larger. This has created some difficulties for management, but we are confident that we can overcome this kind of suffering and continue to lead the entire nation to become a powerful country. "

One of China’s five big brothers who was in charge of the talks with Old George, an old man surnamed Chen responded to Old George without humbleness, but Old George didn’t care at all about the old man Chen’s soft but hard words, and his smile was always on his face. on.

After all, in order to carry out a big conspiracy, this little cynicism is nothing. For a mature politician like Old George, it is simply a drizzle.

"What you said is that we can all see the achievements of China's reform and opening up. You have achieved brilliant successes and drove the entire international economy. Such results cannot even be achieved by us Americans. Once again I want to say congratulations to you, and I hope you will continue to work hard to maintain this achievement, and we, the United States, are also willing to participate in China's great economic transformation and contribute to it."

Old George's mouth seemed to be smeared with honey. The kind words were really a set, and Jin Xiantai sitting behind him was very numb.

However, Kim Hyun Tae also learned something from the performance of Old George.

That is, in order to achieve the goal, the face must be thick, and the posture must be lowered. All face and pride should be left out, just to achieve one's own goals.

Ha ha ha ha!

The old man surnamed Chen smiled ‘hehe’, and a proud look appeared on his face. At the same time, he was proud of the low profile of old George beside him.

[Look! Our China is about to rise up, and the Americans are not the same, but are also small. Hmph, these things that only recognize money, seeing the benefits become this kind of virtue, which is really despised. 】

The old man secretly despised Old George in his heart.

"If China’s population does not restrict growth, it is likely to exceed the 20 billion mark in the next 20 years. By then, this will have a great impact on stability, economy, education, medical care, and the public, even if China’s economic reform has achieved good results. Achievements, but I think you don’t have so much money to afford these, right?"

Old George smiled ‘showing his fangs’ and finally said what he wanted to say.

Sure enough, the expression of the old man surnamed Chen changed slightly, because the issue that the old George raised had always been a concern for the Chinese government in different time and space.

After returning to China, some demographers who have gone abroad in China have been advocating the "overpopulation threat" tune that the Americans have made in the world, and they have won many people from the high-level China support.

And the old man surnamed Chen is one of the members who support this tone, so when Old George mentioned this matter, how could he remain solemn.

Therefore, he nodded with a serious expression: "Yes, everything else is easy to say. Education, medical care, public pension, and even public resource allocation are all issues that need to be considered. Even more population will bring other related issues. Negative issues have an impact on domestic stability, and we take this matter seriously, but we can’t think of any good solutions for a while."

Old George is a shrewd person, he immediately reacted when he heard the old man surnamed Chen, knowing he had a chance.

Therefore, the old George took the opportunity to speak: "In fact, this matter is not without a solution. The George from the United Nations next to me is an expert on population. He has a solution to your headache. If you don't mind, you Can you give him some time to talk about his thoughts?"

Jin Xiantai only knew what the Americans planned. The implementer was Old George, but he didn't know at all what they were going to do, but now Jin Xiantai can guess even if he is an idiot.

Suddenly, he had a very familiar feeling about it.

Yes, the Huaxia, where he lived in his previous life, was so shameless by the Americans?

Jin Xiantai thought that he had seen some hidden articles on the Internet. The questioner claimed that the family planning #birth# policy at that time was a prescription prescribed by the Americans and was obtained during Reagan's visit to China.

Only then did the post-80s generation of sad reminders.

But Jin Xiantai has no way of telling whether this is true or not, but now he sees the scene where the Americans conspired before the introduction of the different time and space plan #养# policy.

As a personal participant, Jin Xiantai's heart is very uneasy.

But he also knew that there was no way he could do anything about it, and sitting here and watching quietly was his best and wisest choice.

Georgi, a population expert from the United Nations, really said what Jin Xiantai had guessed. They all made the China Facts Planning #生# policy tones and were very deceptive.

Old George continued to intervene, saying that if Huaxia is willing to implement this policy, then the United States is willing to find a company to solve the problem of Huaxia’s grain output per mu, and is also willing to cooperate with Huaxia on some high-tech projects, and in China The promise of investing a large amount of dollars.

Jin Xiantai quietly observed the expression of the old man surnamed Chen, and he found that the old man seemed to be moved.

【Ugh! Another time and space in China, it might have been conspired by the Americans. I have to say that the Americans are too bad. 】

After detecting the intention of the old man surnamed Chen, Jin Xiantai sighed secretly in his heart, and then thought of many things.

However, the old man surnamed Chen did not express his position on the spot. After all, this was not a trivial matter, and he could not make his own decisions. Therefore, he could only tell the old George that this matter still needs ‘research and study’.

But Old George had already seen the other's heart-stirring attitude, so he had no objection to studying something.

As long as it is shaken, it's easy to say, at least it shows that there is a door to this matter, and there is no chance at all~lightnovelpub.net~ So this is also a good thing.

Besides, the old George also knew the truth of ‘you can’t eat hot tofu if you are anxious’, so he knows that he must be patient at the moment. Anyway, the other party is already tempted.

If you still roar, you might be self-defeating.

Subsequently, Mengshan Company took advantage of the trend and began to talk to the old man surnamed Chen about the high yield of genetically modified crops, and the old man surnamed Chen was stunned.

"Our Mengshan company has researched high-yield soybeans, corn, wheat, and meat chickens and cattle that can be sold in a few months. As long as these crops and livestock provided by our company are available, it will solve the problem of human eating and drinking. No."

Old George interrupted at this time with a serious face: "We do not shed the seeds of Mengshan Company, and our country is also very strict in control. As for why you should understand."

[Bag! 】

Jin Xiantai rolled his eyes behind Old George speechlessly. (To be continued.)