Rising America

Chapter 500: Old George, you cheated me!

The meeting ended in a pleasant atmosphere. Jin Xiantai and Old George left in the same car. On the way back, Old George asked Jin Xiantai how he felt about the meeting and whether he had any thoughts.

In response, Jin Xiantai replied: "Huaxia people are too simple, but our plan is very Zhouxiang."

In one sentence, it was revealed that he had seen through everything, which made Old George's spirits up.

You must know that although the old George mentioned the plan to be implemented to Jin Xiantai, the results and purpose of this plan will eventually be realized. The old George did not talk to Jin Xiantai.

But now I see what Jin Xiantai means, as if he has seen everything through, which makes Old George surprised and curious.

He also wanted to see how smart the young man he valued was, and how much he could see through such a meeting.

Therefore, old George looked at Jin Xiantae with a smile: "Oh, listening to you, it seems that you have a deeper understanding of our plan?"

Kim Hyun Tae nodded: "You can say so."

Old George heard this and asked, "Tell me about it."

At the moment, Jin Xiantai is not polite: "If China implements the plan #生# policy, they will not notice anything in a short time, but after 20 or 30 years, they will have an aging population structure, the school cannot find students, or even The problem of fewer troops, and these problems are just the tip of the iceberg."

Jin Xiantai didn't say so much, but just casually said a few problems that would arise, but these few problems are already very representative.

"At that time, there will be a situation where one family raises two families, and the burden on young people will become heavy. These are major issues that will affect social harmony."

Kim Hyun-tae opened his conversation and couldn't stop. While recalling the things he had experienced, he told the old George here.

But to the old George, Jin Xiantai was right, and he thought farther than the person who made the plan, and he thought of the problems that would arise in more detail.

[Genius! It seems that I really picked up the treasure. Such a person came to the United States and was discovered by me. This is simply God's arrangement! 】

Old George screamed secretly in his heart!

Kim Hyun-tae’s tone was a little sigh, but he didn’t dare to show disappointment or depression in front of Old George. After all, he couldn’t let Old George see that he was very concerned about this aspect. That would have a great impact on him. .

Who made Kim Hyun-tae’s current foothold and foundation in the United States? There is no alternative, so Kim Hyun-tae is very worried about this.

"In fact, Huaxia doesn't know that a large population is also good." After Jin Xiantai said, he stopped talking. There were many things he didn't want to say anymore.

Originally, he wanted to say that a large population also has war potential, and that a large population can bring demographic dividends, but he suddenly didn't want to say anything.

It's useless to say it, so why bother.


Old George clapped his palm vigorously, and looked at him with a bright and satisfied smile at Jin Xiantai.

"It's a person I value. You are really smart. You can see so many problems from a little bit of clues. If I don't train you, I'm really sorry to the American people."

【rub! I have a Mao relationship with the American people, not to mention the United States in a different time and space. I don’t even have a sense of belonging to China in a different time and space, let alone you Sam. 】


Jin Xiantai flashed such a thought in disdain when he heard the words, but his face showed a shy look, and he said polite and humble words.

Jin Xiantai, who has a middle-aged soul in his bones, has now improved his acting skills a lot. At least he didn't let old George see any flaws, showing that Jin Xiantai still has some talent.

Maybe it's because of having more contact with people like Old George, anyway, Jin Xiantai is now a little bit different from the original to some extent.

It may be mentality, personality, or other aspects.

Of course, no matter how Kim Hyun-tae changes, some things in his bones do not mean that they can be changed, such as the mentality of a small citizen, the character of a turtle, and so on.

Also, his attitude towards girls is not easy to change.

So in general, Kim Hyun Tae is a cute guy who contradicts.

Old George slowly put down his hand and smiled and said to Jin Xiantai: "Yes, we really want Huaxia to get the set. Their large population is a headache for us. You must know that the population is large and their war potential is huge. If It is not economic reasons that are holding them back, so we in the United States will be uncomfortable.

But now that they have begun economic reforms and achieved very good results, then we have to find a way, right?

A country as powerful as the Soviet Union is not good for us, and it is not in the interests of us Americans. So we need to weaken them, but we can’t use that tough method. After all, we have another powerful The enemy... the Soviet Union! "

The remarks Old George said to Kim Hyun Tae were quite confidant, and Kim Hyun Tae would not be unable to hear it.

And the old George looked at Kim Hyun Tae fixedly after saying this, and the thought of testing Kim Hyun Tae again flashed in his heart.

After all, Jin Xiantai is of Chinese descent, so it's no wonder that Old George always likes to test him. After all, Old George values ​​Jin Xiantai very much and wants to train him, but Old George doesn't want the people he cultivated, so he finally thought about China.

Ethnicity, this is a very critical issue, and George can't help but take it seriously.

It is also for this reason that old George likes to occasionally tempt Jin Xiantai to observe his reaction and judge his attitude as a measure and method of measurement.

Trust between people is not so easy to achieve.

Especially for people like old George.

Not to mention that the old George valued Jin Xiantai very much and intended to train him to enter the American elite circle.

You know, the American business class circle does not mean that you can get in if you have money and power, let alone you are of Chinese descent.

This requires recommendation and testing.

And now it’s the old George who is testing Jin Xiantai, and in the future, George will also become a recommender of Jin Xiantai. Otherwise, the old George won’t bother so much.

"A stable China is not what we want to see, so do you have any ideas?", thinking of the old George who tested Jin Xiantai again, this time he suddenly asked him. "Now we just thought of such a way, but I don't think it is enough. If possible, you can talk about your ideas."

Jin Xiantai didn't know that Old George was always testing himself, but he knew very well what kind of attitude he needed now.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai showed a thoughtful look. In fact, he really recalled the time and space where he had lived, and the various incidents that happened in China as a reference to see what could be copied.

With this bug, if Jin Xiantai succeeds in passing the accidental test of the old George, it is simply not too easy.

About a minute or so, Kim Hyun-tae raised his head to meet old George, and then said: "My idea is this...this...this way, it will take 20 to 30 years to succeed, but the advantage is that it can effectively accumulate people. The distrust of the government creates favorable conditions for the final shot!"


After the old George heard Kim Hyun Tae's idea, he immediately laughed and raised his hand on his shoulder and patted heavily.

To be honest, Jin Xiantai really made him admire him. He never expected that Jin Xiantai would surprise himself so much and come up with such a brilliant idea.

You know, this idea fits his appetite, and it's still something the idiots in the CIA's strategic department can't think of.

Since Jin Xiantai can think of such a vicious way, it can be seen that his heart is definitely not towards Huaxia, and he can safely train him in the future.

From this moment on, the old George completely accepted Jin Xiantai, the reason was that Jin Xiantai came up with an idea that looked very sinister to him, and this idea was aimed at China in another time and space.

Anyway, Jin Xiantai, who had passed this level, was truly treated by Old George as his own person at this moment, instead of the previous state of being tested and tested again.

At the same time, more importantly, when Old George decided to come up with this plan to the CIA, he must specify that the plan was invented by Kim Hyun-tae and file it with the CIA.

If Kim Hyun-tae dared to betray the United States and run back to China, then this filing will definitely let him drink a pot at that time, so it means that Kim Hyun-tae has a handle in the United States.

So this is the key point in the change of old George's shape.

Of course, if Jin Xiantai has been working hard for the United States, then this record and this plan will become part of his glorious resume and make him meritorious.

So whether he won merits and recognition, or beautified by the two sides, it depends on the path that Jin Xiantai chooses in the future.

But right now, it seems that Kim Hyun-tae is still interested in the United States, right?


Growing up in the United States ~lightnovelpub.net~ I learned American culture, thinking and values ​​are all Americanized, so people like Kim Hyun-tae are still worthy of peace of mind.

Old George, who had gone to a stone in his heart, suddenly became cheerful.

Jin Xiantai felt very curious about this change of old George, after all, he could not know the heart dynamics of old George.

"You are very good. I will report the plan you mentioned to the CIA's Langley headquarters. At the same time, I will specify that you made the plan. I think that you will get a medal when it is necessary."

Old George, who was in a good mood, winked at Jin Xiantai until the end.

But while maintaining humility on Kim Hyun Tae's face, his heart was overwhelmed.

[Fuck, doesn't this nail me to the pillar of shame in history? It's over, I have become an enemy of Huaxia, will they send someone to assassinate me? Grandma's, old George, you cheated me! 】(To be continued.)