Rising America

Chapter 507: How old are you

Pakistan is mostly mountainous and hilly, bordering India to the east, China to the northeast, Afghanistan to the northwest, and Iran to the west. Its geographical location can also be regarded as a place of the Fourth World War.

The landforms of Pakistan in different time and space are also the same, but what is different from what Jin Xiantai knows is that the relationship between Pakistan in different time and space has not been so strong with China, which is somewhat regrettable and surprising.

Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan in different time and space, Jin Xiantai and his team finally arrived at their destination after 33 hours of flying. The Airbus 230 he was taking was finally in Pakistan. The seemingly simple airport stopped and served as the door of the cabin. Opening, he took his daughter, two maids and 47 down the gangway.

No one greeted him, no flowers, no one from Pakistan came to pick him up, and of course Jin Xiantai didn't need it either.

Kim Hyun-tae came to Pakistan in the name of a private business investigation, so there is nothing wrong with being low-key, and fanfare is unnecessary. Therefore, he feels that there is nothing unacceptable for being so deserted.

However, the airport is really deserted. Walking down the gangway and bringing a few girls to the airport lobby, Jin Xiantai did not see many passengers waiting for the flight in the airport lobby. Instead, he saw a lot of Pakistani soldiers with live ammunition.

These Pakistani soldiers with live ammunition immediately showed a look of vigilance after seeing Jin Xiantai and his group, but when they found that Jin Xiantai and others did not look like Pakistani, their vigilance immediately disappeared a lot.

[It seems that Pakistan is still under martial law. 】

I saw those soldiers with live ammunition in the airport lobby, and this idea flashed through Jin Xiantai's mind.

That’s right, Pakistan’s General Musa just overthrew the original ruler a few days ago and became the new master of this land. But after all, he took control of the power through a military coup, so Pakistan saw many soldiers here and felt A solemn atmosphere is a normal thing.

Relevant personnel from the airport showed up. After checking the documents of Kim Hyun-tae and his party, they did not make things difficult for them. They passed the security check and left the passage very smoothly, and they also kindly reminded Kim Hyun-tae that they must pay attention. Security issues.

Thinking of the soldiers I saw, coupled with the reminders of the relevant personnel at the airport, we can draw a judgment that the situation in Pakistan is still a bit unstable.

However, this is also good for Kim Hyun Tae, because the domestic situation in Pakistan is unstable, which shows that Musa has not fully grasped domestic power. There are still many forces resisting him, and they are constantly looking for trouble.

Then, on behalf of the United States, I came forward to look for him and asked him to agree to some conditions from the United States. If I can offer some benefits, the possibility that the other party will agree will become very high.

The thought of this made Kim Hyun Tae feel a lot more comfortable.

"Master, I don't feel good about the security here."

When he was about to leave the airport, Hilda approached Kim Hyun Tae and spoke to him in a low voice.

Kim Hyun-tae nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, it seems that the environment in Pakistan is not very good. After all, they only experienced a military coup four days ago. The original authority has been overthrown by General Musa, who is a soldier. The one in power is General Musa."

After talking briefly to Hilda about the current situation in Pakistan, Jin Xiantai stopped.

The group had already arrived at the airport pick-up point at this moment, but the problem was that Jin Xiantai, who came here, looked around and didn't see one or two cars for them to ride.

Obviously, due to the influence of the military coup, the taxi drivers might not start working.

This is how to do?

Jin Xiantai couldn't help but frowned. After all, he and the girls always need to get out of here by car. If there is no car, this would be good.

Seeing that Kim Hyun-tae was worrying about this, Hilda once again leaned over to Kim Hyun-tae and said, “I’ll go to the airport service over there to ask too much, maybe that can solve this problem, so please wait here, Master. I will go back."

Except for this method that Hilda said, Jin Xiantai really couldn't think of a better way to solve the problem, so he could only nodded in agreement.

Immediately, Hilda turned and walked towards the airport information desk, which was still a little far away.

At this time, Coco, who had been in her arms by Jin Xiantai, looked at his father, and then said, "Dad, why are we here? This place looks good at all, Coco doesn't like it at all."

Yes, Pakistan’s economy is underdeveloped, so it is not like Japan, South Korea, China and other countries with so many high-rise buildings, and even the United States, which is called the ‘rural’, is incomparable.

This is somewhat similar to Mongolia.

Do not!

Not even as good as Mongolia.

So it's no wonder that Coco said this before leaving the airport.

"Dad has important things to do here."

Kim Hyun-tae doesn't need to explain so much, just one sentence is enough.

After hearing the words, Xiao Ke Ke closed his mouth and stopped asking. The little guy knew that she would never disturb her father to do serious things, but she had understood a truth since she was very young.

Camilla walked over to Jin Xiantae and said, "Master, let me hold him, Miss."

Jin Xiantai glanced at her, then after thinking about it, he handed Cocoa into Camilla's arms and asked Camilla to hold Cocoa for herself.

Camilla, who took Cocoa, asked Kim Hyun-tae with a serious expression: "Master, I don’t know if we will be in danger here, but I still hope that you can authorize me and Hilda, in case of danger. , We can use force to protect the safety of you and the young lady."

Kim Hyun Tae was surprised when he heard that, and thought it was a bit funny

Because of protecting yourself, such words, coming out of Camilla's mouth, really made Kim Hyun Tae amused.

You know, even if it is in danger, he should be a big man in the early stage. When did he and his daughter need a woman to protect him.

When Camilla saw Kim Hyun Tae’s expression, he guessed some of his thoughts, so he explained: "Master, please don’t forget that although Hilda and I are maids, we are also guards. We have been subjected to strict fighting and firearms. There is no problem in terms of training, burden and safety,"

Yes, when he left the United States to start a trip to Asia, Hilda did tell him something about this.

Like Hilda and Camilla, as well as the girls who stayed in the Los Angeles mansion, they all have the dual skills of service and protection, but Jin Xiantai doesn't know if he can trust their abilities.

"Master, don't doubt our ability, we only need you to authorize us."

At this time, Camilla once again urged Jin Xiantai to mention authorization.

But Jin Xiantai didn't think so much, he thought that if he kept a low profile anyway, maybe he would not encounter any danger here at all.

What's more, it won't be long before he will see General Musa. When the time comes, Musa will definitely send soldiers to protect himself. Therefore, the situation that Camille will be in danger will never be very high.

But if you refuse them, it will hurt their enthusiasm and self-esteem, so what does it matter if you empower them?

Thinking of this, Jin Xiantai nodded: "Well, I authorize you. If you encounter danger, you can take action."

Although he agreed to the authorization, Kim Hyun-tae didn't think there was a chance for the girls to take action.

Camilla nodded at Kim Hyun Tae with a smile on her face.

"Leave the safety of Master and Miss to me and Hilda."

Coco, who was in Camilla's arms, couldn't help but said, "Camilla, are you really that great? Can you protect me and Dad?"

Hilda looked down at Coco. Although she had a bright smile on her face, her eyes revealed an extremely powerful and confident response to Coco: "Of course, you must believe in Camilla and Hilda, Miss."

Coco looked like ‘I can’t believe you’, and then he asked, "How many can you beat? I'm talking about boys. Coco can beat four or five at a time."

Coco said she could play four or five by herself, but she didn't brag, but four or five of her mouths were three or four-year-old kids, so Coco was able to do it.

The little guy still doesn't know the difference between a kid and an adult.

So she thinks she can play four or five, so Camilla can't be worse than herself.

"If you use a gun, you have to take into account the environment and terrain while you are concerned about the young master and the young lady. I think a dozen people should be fine."

Camilla's answer No matter what Coco thought, Kim Hyun Tae didn't believe it anyway.

That's right, Camilla, who is Jiao Didi, is a girl no matter what, he doesn't believe that a girl is so powerful.

But Kim Hyun-tae is not so boring to say that Camilla brags, he is not such a blind eye.

Like her father, Coco also thinks that Camilla is bragging, and the little guy is not as decent as his father ~lightnovelpub.net~ She directly said: "Camilla, you brag, shy. ", while talking about the little guy, he raised his hand and scratched his cheek.

Facing Coco's distrust of Camilla, he just smiled, but didn't say anything, because there is no way to prove himself in this matter. In many cases, you need to do it yourself to count.

Camilla, who didn't respond to Cocoa, turned her head and looked at 47 who looked around curiously: "If you encounter danger, you who eat plain rice will have to behave at that time, do you know? Master's house does not raise waste."

47, who was looking around, immediately closed his gaze when he saw Camilla nodded and said: "Rochelle can't eat rice, Rochelle is not a waste, in fact, Rochelle is very useful, Roche You can sleep with the young master."

Kim Hyun-tae turned his face aside with a black line, while Coco clapped his hands while laughing, yelling, "Rochelle, you are lustful."

Camilla curled his lips and thought with disdain [There are more women who want to sleep with the young master, how old are you].

Hilda, who went to the airport information desk at this time, came back, so it broke this somewhat ambiguous and awkward atmosphere... (To be continued.)