Rising America

Chapter 509: situation


There was a sound of shaking the sky in the distance, followed by a flash of fire in the sky, and then a thick black smoke appeared, which seemed to be very quiet.

[Make such a big movement? Even the hotel side shook a bit. It seems that General Musa's life is not easy. The resistance organization is still quite strong. 】

Standing in front of the French windows of the hotel where he was staying, Jin Xiantai, who was holding a bottle of beer in his hand, looked thoughtfully at the thick smoke in the distance.

At this time, their group had left the residence of General Musa and was arranged to stay in the most luxurious hotel in Islamabad. In order to ensure the safety of Jin Xiantai and his group, General Musa also sent a team of 40 people as a team. Their guards.

Forty people is a platoon. The military establishment in different time and space is similar to that in another time and space, but Jin Xiantai doesn't care much about this. After all, he is not here to study the situation of Pakistan's military establishment.

The first meeting with General Musa was very pleasant, and the exchanges between the two sides were good, but there was no substantial progress. It was just a preliminary trial.

Jin Xiantai also knew that it was unrealistic to deal with the other party once. After all, what he was talking about with General Musa was not a trivial matter, and General Musa couldn't agree so lightly.

But in any case, Jin Xiantai saw that General Musa was interested, but he still needed to weigh some considerations in various aspects.

It doesn't matter, Kim Hyun Tae has plenty of time, so he can wait.

Moreover, for General Musa now, the most important issue is not to reach an agreement with Kim Hyun Tae, but to eliminate the remnant resistance of the former government in the country as soon as possible, stabilize his dominant position in Pakistan, and then discuss other things.

Looking at it from another angle, Jin Xiantai can understand the current state of General Musa and the things he needs to consider.

So he lived in peace of mind.

"Dad, the people on their side make a big movie scene."

I don't know when my daughter came to my side. The little guy approached the French window with a shocked look, and looked at the place where the explosion had just experienced in the distance, and exclaimed with surprise and emotion.

Because Kim Hyun-tae’s daughter was fighting the civil war in Pakistan, she was actually shooting a movie, so Coco really believed the father’s words.

So now she saw this scene and didn't think too much, just thought that Pakistan's ‘action movie’ was still being filmed.

Kim Hyun-tae felt that he was a little sorry for his daughter, so a trace of apologize flashed across his face, but in order to prevent his daughter from understanding the cruelty of the world, he felt that it was okay to deceive his daughter in this way.

"Well, Pakistan's movie is still being filmed. It is estimated that there will be scenes like this in the future. I heard that they have added war scenes in this movie, so it is not surprising that such scenes appear."

Kim Hyun Tae continued to fool her daughter, making her continue to think that the so-called "action war movie" was being filmed here.

Of course she would believe her father, if she couldn't believe her, then who could she believe?

You know, in this different time and space, Jin Xiantai is definitely her only relative.

Perhaps it was Xiao Keke who knew this vaguely, so after she could express her meaning, the little guy showed that kind of trust and dependence on her father. Of course, the occasional jokes and cheatings were also because she was still young. Small, so this is understandable.

But in any case, there is no doubt that Coco trusts his father.

"Does the director of Pakistan want to enter Hollywood?"

Coco felt that he had thought of the essence of this matter.

Kim Hyun-tae nodded dumbfoundingly: "Yes, the director of Ba country really wants to enter Hollywood, otherwise he wouldn't invest in such a big production and come up with such a movie."

He spoke to his daughter, but Kim Hyun Tae secretly complained in his heart.

[People do not want to enter Hollywood, but want to enter the United Nations. 】

That's right, if General Musa can stabilize the domestic situation, then his position will become stable, and then he can naturally become a legitimate government in the United Nations, so Kim Hyun Tae is not wrong to think so.

It's just that up to the present position, General Musa overthrew the previous government. Until now, no country in the world has stood up and said that it supports his legal political status.

Therefore, it is impossible for General Musa not to worry.

He has not been recognized for his legal political status, then he is equivalent to illegal. At that time, anyone can stand up and overthrow him. It is impossible for General Musa to worry about this.

Especially he can't guarantee that if this situation continues, there will be no careerist to kill him.

It is precisely because of this relationship that when he first met with Kim Hyun Tae, Kim Hyun Tae said that when the United States could declare its support for his legal status, why was General Musa so excited.

Excited, however, General Musa did not immediately agree to Jin Xiantai's request. This shows that General Musa is a very thoughtful person, and he is also very cautious on some issues.

But it doesn't matter. Kim Hyun-tae felt that he and General Musa would eventually reach an agreement, because Musa's current difficulties had to make him do so.

If he quickly controls the situation in Pakistan, and his position is consolidated, and he has won a lot of support in the international community, perhaps it will be a little harder for Kim Hyun-tae to achieve his goal here, but now the situation in Pakistan is all. So how long can General Musa last?

Shaking the beer in his hand, Jin Xiantai felt that General Musa could not last long.

Leaving aside the resistance organization in Pakistan, just the supporters and soldiers under General Musa will have to pay people's army after a while.

If Musa can't pay the military salary by then, hehe, this thing will be interesting.

Because Jin Xiantai learned from a special channel (information given to him by the old George) that the former Pakistani government stored a large amount of foreign exchange reserves in the neutral country Switzerland, and the foreign exchange of these Pakistani countries was not obtained by General Musa.

And General Musa, who controls Pakistan’s treasury, looks very rich. In fact, those domestic coins are useful, at best, they can deceive the people of the country within a period of time.

As a result, prices in these days and Pakistan have skyrocketed, and the common people cannot survive.

Therefore, those foreign exchange reserves are the most fundamental thing. If Musa has no foreign exchange reserves, unless someone provides him with funds to maintain, otherwise his life will definitely be sad.

Originally, Musa wanted to take away the foreign exchange reserves of the former government, but the Swiss Bank ignored him at all and even frozen those foreign exchange reserves, which made General Musa very uncomfortable.

According to the Swiss bank, General Musa is now organized by an illegal group, so they refuse to hand over Pakistan's state-owned foreign exchange reserves to illegal people.

A grand-sounding excuse, but no one can refute it.

Little Coco, who looked for a while in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, found it meaningless, and went back to the room to continue playing her stand-alone game.

Because of civil wars and conflicts in Pakistan, the Internet is no longer available, so the little guy can only kill time by playing single-player games.

Seeing Coco back to the room, Camilla followed, then 47.

Hilda stayed and stood behind Jin Xiantai, ready to serve her young master.


Take starting point 38, I am the king of Phil Dao!

I said I was the king, I was so mad!


While Jin Xiantai was staring at the distance explodingly and meditating, the phone in his pants pocket suddenly vibrated, and then the rap ringtone rang.

Quickly took out the phone and looked at the number. Well, the number displayed was old George's.

Press the answer button, "Hello, Mr. George."

Old George's voice came from the other end of the phone: "William, do you have a TV now?"

Kim Hyun Tae had a puzzled expression, but still replied, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Old George's tone on the phone was very relaxed: "Quickly turn on the TV and have a look, cnn international news channel, you will know it, I will find you soon after I want Musa."

After speaking, Old George hung up the phone.

The puzzled Kim Hyun-tae turned around and ordered Hilda to turn on the TV in the living room and locked the channel to his own cnn international news.

The U.S. foreign press spokesperson on the TV screen is giving a press conference.

[The United States recognizes the dominance and political status of the new Pakistani government, and will establish diplomatic relations with Pakistan in the near future. Based on the political philosophy of mutual benefit, we are willing to provide assistance in any form in order to maintain regional peace...]

Seeing this, if Jin Xiantai still doesn't understand, then he is a real idiot.

The United States has announced that it will establish diplomatic relations with the Pakistani Musa government and has recognized his political status. Now he has turned from illegal to legal. Although ordinary people can't see much, Kim Hyun-tae, who has been with the old George for a while, has I fully understand the role behind this statement and the meaning behind it.

Kim Hyun Tae kept watching.

Subsequently, the cnn international news channel broadcasted diplomatic speeches from France, Spain, Italy and other countries~lightnovelpub.net~ These countries, like the United States, announced their recognition of the Musa regime in front of the media.

Why are these countries like France?

Kim Hyun-tae will understand after a little thought.

Now these countries are fighting in Vietnam, and the boss behind the North Vietnamese military bloc is the Soviet Union. Now that the Americans want to add chaos to the North Vietnamese boss Soviets in Afghanistan, then of course France, Italy, and Spain, which are now a union in Vietnam To support the Americans.

Behind all of this is the cause of interest.

Tuk tuk!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door at this moment.

Hilda turned to open the door.

Opening the door, Kalande, General Musa's adjutant, stood outside.

He smiled and said to Hilda who opened the door: "General Musa wants to see Mr. William, please inform me." (To be continued.)