Rising America

Chapter 511: How to pass the boring time

The second meeting with General Musa was basically quite successful, because from the attitude and words of General Musa, I can see and hear that Musa was very excited about this cooperation. I don't know if the United States will agree to his condition.

"Lend" 200 dollars to him, and then this is done.

But the question is, will the iron **** in the US Congress pass this matter smoothly?

Kim Hyun-tae is not good at making random judgments on this issue.

You know, the 20 billion U.S. dollars are given to Musa, it is definitely ‘meat buns beat dogs’, and Musa also said plainly that he will not pay back the money.

Look, how arrogant, I told you I want money first, and after you give me the money, I won’t pay it back.

However, Kim Hyun-tae thought that this matter was actually very successful. After all, the Americans made a lot of money last year. The Japanese foreign exchange reserves were taken away by American ghosts and animals. Therefore, the US government is now very rich in funds.

Taking into account such a situation, it is said that the conditions of General Musa can really be passed from the Congress.

Of course, it is useless for Kim Hyun-tae to consider this question. This matter depends on how old George handles it.

In this way, at the residence of General Musa, Jin Xiantai started talking nonsense with this guy after talking about business matters, and then left after chatting for a long time.

Back to the resident side, my daughter Coco is still playing games. The little guy has an extremely obsessive hobby of games, but I think I’m a kid, so it’s normal to like to play games, but it’s not worth it to be surprised. of.

But when he came back, Jin Xiantai still told Hilda to forcibly turn off Coco's game console and brought the little guy to the living room.

Jin Xiantai did this mainly to prevent his daughter from having myopia in the future, but he is still young and in the stage of physical development, so he has to pay attention to this problem.

He didn't stop Cocoa from playing games, but there was a limit to playing games.

It’s no good for a little guy to play games for a day. It’s too much damage to his eyesight. It would be too dereliction of duty if a father doesn’t care.

Fortunately, Jin Xiantai is not such a father, he is very qualified.

Little Coco was brought to the living room by Hilda carrying a collar and being kicked and grabbed by the little guy who was lifted off the ground. He shouted with dissatisfaction. Obviously, Hilda turned off his game console and interrupted. At the moment when he was killing the boss, the little guy was very unhappy.

It's a pity that the order came from Jin Xiantai, so Hilda, who is a genetic man, must obey, so what can Koko do.

"Let me go, let me down, I want to play the game, I want to play the game, I almost killed the boss just now, it's all you! Hilda, it's all you, if it's not you, I will pass the level."

The game console is shut down at a critical juncture, which is very uncomfortable, and it is understandable that Xiao Keke will be so noisy.

However, understanding belongs to understanding, and Kim Hyun Tae, as a father, will not be moved by it.

"I asked Hilda to turn off the game console." When Kim Hyun-tae sitting on the sofa saw Coco opening his teeth and waving his claws, he waved his little hand as if he was about to hit Hilda. He finally couldn't help but speak. Shouted at his daughter.

I tried my best to catch Hilda, but I couldn't succeed. I was hating my short-handed little Cocoa for a moment, and then the whole person seemed to be stiff, and then the little guy started a little, a little bit. He turned to look at his father, and her expression was very sad.

"Dad! Why are you doing this?"

Faint! Grief! Puzzled! Wronged!

The little guy contained too many responsible emotions in this sentence, which also made her look pitiful.

Unfortunately, Kim Hyun-tae will not be fooled by her daughter so easily.

Because he knew very well that his daughter's pitiful appearance was actually just a pretense.

As Coco's father, Kim Hyun Tae really understands his daughter's character.

You can say that she is carefree, or that she is a little girl, and the little guy is always optimistic, and has a good temperament, but it is this kind of miserable that has no chance with her.

Whenever a daughter shows such a pitiful appearance, she must achieve some goal, which is not in her heart at all.


As a father, how could he be fooled by his daughter's acting skills, a joke!

"Coco, put away your pitiful expression, you know, Dad is not so easy to deceive, and this trick is useless to me."

Kim Hyun Tae said this to Coco with a smile, and at the same time the expression on his face seemed to tell Coco, "I have seen through everything," which made the little guy quickly put away the pitiful appearance. Then he became dejected, and his little head slumped down and no longer made noise.

The quiet little guy actually looks very quiet and well-behaved, and if he sits there to keep smiling, he looks like a little princess.

Of course, if she moved, she would be finished. A proper little girl was exactly the same as she was when she was quiet.

When Hilda brought the little Cocoa and put it to her side, Kim Hyun-tae said to a dejected daughter: "Cocoa, you are still young and you are still developing, so you play too much games. If you do, it will have a great impact on your eyesight, so please understand Dad, okay?"

Coco curled her lips with her head down, but what else could she do when facing her father.

After all, her little arm can't twist her thigh, and she has to listen to this situation.

Being able to see the situation clearly is also an advantage of the little guy, so the little guy nodded and said ‘oh’, which was considered an agreement.

After receiving her daughter's response, Jin Xiantai's smile became even brighter.

Obedient children are always liked by adults, and Kim Hyun-tae is no exception. He is also such a ‘vulgar’.

But now the situation in Pakistan is turbulent. Going out to go shopping is definitely not enough. Unless you are mentally disabled, you will have to go out and go shopping in this situation. In short, it is safer to stay in residence than to go out.

You can't play games, you can't go out shopping, and Coco suddenly becomes boring.

"Dad, there is no internet, I can't go shopping, I can't play game consoles, and I don't even watch TV. I think it's very boring."

It is true that Coco is still a child after all. A child of her age is instinctive to move, or find her a game that she likes to play, so that she can put all her energy on it and not get bored. .

Then I feel bored when I play very little Cocoa.

Hearing what his daughter said, Kim Hyun-tae was really boring after thinking about it, but he would not continue to play games or watch TV for his daughter. He had to protect his daughter’s eyesight. He didn’t want her daughter to be young. Bring glasses.

So how to pass the boring time?

After thinking for a while, Jin Xiantai came up with an idea.

"Coco, shall we come to play Jiajia?"

Well, this is an interactive game that many children will play. I really didn't expect Jin Xiantai to think of this game.

Kim Hyun-tae, who thought his daughter would immediately agree, saw his daughter's expression of contempt as soon as he finished speaking.

The little guy squinted at his father, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly to the side. The look on his face was contemptuous and unobtrusive. Looking at Jin Xiantai was a heartbreak.

"Dad, don't you feel ashamed to play such games when you are so old?"

The next moment Xiong's words hurt people even more.

[Ah, what do you call me "so old"? 】

Kim Hyun-tae is heartbroken +1 after hearing this.

However, what Cocoa said is right. Jin Xiantai's actual age is almost 40 years old, but he has become much younger after coming to Alien Time, and he looks like a teenager.

So in terms of his actual age, playing children's games like "Play House" is really too much.

"Then are you playing?"

Although he was very heartbroken, in order to prevent his daughter from getting bored, he still had to persevere as a father, so he drooped his eyes and looked at the bear child and asked, saying, "If you say no, I will leave." the meaning of.

Seeing his father's piety, Coco immediately said: "Play! I play, of course I play, because it is very boring now. I propose to play the doctor and patient game. I will be a doctor and my father will be a patient."

I believe that many people are familiar with the game "Play House", and this game is not only about playing the roles of father, mother and child, but also playing the role background game of doctor and patient in a different mode.

Strictly speaking, this can be regarded as an ‘early’ period, it’s just unresponsive clothing.

The little guy suggested to play this game, and gave himself a more advantageous role as a doctor, which made Jin Xiantai very speechless.

But he can't say not to play, after all, he finally made the little guy not want to play game consoles, and can pass the boring time, so he doesn't want to dispel the little guy's enthusiasm.

What's more, playing this interactive game ~lightnovelpub.net~ is still his own proposal.

Coco ignored his father’s reaction, but began to enter the state, constantly muttering wherever he went: “I’m a doctor, so I need a nurse, um, Shelley and Camilla can do it, and Rochelle can and Dad is like a patient."

After talking about it for a while, Coco turned around and shouted.

"Hilda, Camilla, Rochelle, come, let's play games together!"

47 Pidian Pidian ran out, she is also terribly boring now, after all, she only has to watch the game console, playing that is the right to enjoy Cocoa.

Hilda and Camilla looked at each other, and then walked over with a smile.

After everyone came, Cocoa put on a serious expression and said loudly: "The Cocoa Clinic is now open, where is the first patient? Nurse Hilda, please bring the first patient..."

The little guy really seems like that. (To be continued.)