Rising America

Chapter 512: Bear kid playing tricks

"Well, it turns out that you have diarrhea, and it looks very serious, so I think you need an injection to get better, then you are ready to get an injection."

Xiao Keke is a very good doctor, but her medical skills are obviously not good, because no matter what kind of illness Jin Xiantai said she has, Coco, a doctor, only uses one method to solve it, that is, injections!

Hearing from her daughter that it was an injection again, Jin Xiantai could only grinned, and then pretended to be lying on the ground, pretending to be an injection.

Xiao Keke jumped over with a grinning gesture, pretending to be a gesture, um, this is the end of the injection.

"Doctor! I'm fine, I'm fully recovered, wow, your medical skills are really amazing, thank you very much."

Jin Xiantai turned over and sat up after waiting for her daughter to sign, and then fumbled around with her hands on her body. Then she showed a pleasant surprise and praised Coco loudly.

Familiar with each other, Xiao Ke Ke showed a very proud look, as if it were justified.

Moreover, this is also playing the house. If the hospital dares to ask Coco to be a doctor, then Coco will not cure the death.

But after all, I played Jiajia, so of course I don’t have to be so serious.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai tries his best to cooperate with his daughter, so that the little guy can have fun.

To be honest, this kind of interaction between parents and children is quite good, and in order to allow oneself to have private time and space, it is a bad thing for children to indulge in video games.

Smart and responsible parents generally don’t let their children play games all day long. This will not only damage the children’s eyesight, but also make the children lack of care. It can be seen from this that Kim Hyun Tae is a single father Still very good.

He is not like most parents, in order to have a private time, let the children play video games, and then indulge in it so irresponsible.

Xiao Ke Ke also found fun from playing interactive games with his father, and looked like he liked it. In short, this is a very good result.

Obviously, there will be no results on General Musa's side, and the filming team on the US side has not yet arrived in Pakistan, so Kim Hyun-tae has to wait here with his daughter.

Then in the situation in Pakistan, Jin Xiantai and his daughter stayed here all day, it was really boring.

Although he can bear this kind of boredom, Coco can't bear it.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai must find a way to prevent her daughter from being bored and still have some fun.

It seems that Jin Xiantai has found a very good solution at the moment, and finally can solve this problem.

"The next patient!"

After healed his father's diarrhea, Dr. Coco started to see the next patient.

There are a total of five people here. Jin Xiantai and Rochelle (47) play the roles of patients, but they are doctors, and Hilda and Camilla are nurses, as if they have a clear division of labor.

"Doctor, this lady said that her chest hurts, but she doesn't know what disease she has, so I hope the doctor can show her."

Hilda, who plays the role of a nurse very well, introduced Rochelle, as if Rochelle is now a patient with chest disease.

47, who has never played this kind of game, is very excited, and she is also very serious, and her face is really painful, looking like a real patient.

Rochelle's performance made Coco very satisfied, and the little guy felt that he did not cross this friend.

"Doctor, my chest# is very painful, but I don't know the cause, can you help me see it?"

Rochelle sat on the carpet opposite Coco with a'pain' expression, and then told Coco about his current situation.

Little Coco continued to look up and down pretendingly, and then said in a very sure tone of what disease Rochelle had.

"Well, this lady seems to have ratite, which is a very severe and painful disease, but it's deadly if it's not done."

The bear child made up the disease indiscriminately, and had a serious expression, even his tone of voice was so serious, as if there is such a disease in the world.

This made Hilda and Camilla, as well as Kim Hyun Tae at the side, very dumbfounded.

And the three thoughts suddenly flashed in their hearts, "Is there such a disease in this world!" ? ].

However, unlike the three, Rochelle's exaggerated expression became more painful, and his acting skills also broke out.

"What! I actually got such an actual terminal illness?" Rochelle's acting skills can give 98 points. She has a good interpretation of the expressions of pain, shock, grief and anger, and no one can see her. Not long ago, it was like an'animal', being kept in a cage.

Coco nodded in sympathy, which meant to say, ‘yes, you have this disease. ’.

"Doctor, I'm still young, I don't want to die, please help me!"

Rochelle's acting skills were almost bursting, and she was seen crawling on the ground, and then her body twitched, as if she was in a weak convulsion.

Coco also clicked 32 likes in her heart.

But at this time I got cocoa to talk, so the little guy put away his complicated thoughts and looked at Rochelle very seriously: "Madam, although this is a terminal illness, you are looking for the right person if you come to me. This doctor specializes Treating terminal illnesses of these centuries, so if you find me, you basically have a chance to save your life."

The little guy bragged not to draft, anyway, he just opened his mouth, and Jin Xiantai couldn't help but twitched his eyes. He found that his daughter had advantages, but there were also many shortcomings, and bragging was one of the shortcomings.

"To tell you the truth, I have a treatment plan that can save your life, but I need your cooperation."

"Save me, let me do anything, I can give you all my money, just ask the doctor to save my life." Rochelle almost forgets me in her performance. Kim Hyun Tae-do sees her performance For a moment, if he didn't know that he was playing a game, maybe he would take it seriously.

Rochelle took out a deck of playing cards from him at this time. This was what Coco used to pay for Jin Xiantai and Rochelle to pay for their medical treatment.

Hehe, playing cards are used as money.

Putting a deck of playing cards into Cocoa's hands, Rochelle said: "All for you, all for the money, as long as you can save my life."

Coco put the playing cards in his pocket and said, "Well, since I took your money, I must heal you. Then you must listen carefully. My plan for treating you is, please Undress first."

Just playing an interactive game. Although Jin Xiantai and others cooperated, they only had a play mentality and would not take it seriously.

But he overlooked a problem. Rochelle, who also plays the role of a patient, would not have his mentality. This girl is now fully involved.

Of course, you can also say that she acted very real.

But this is after all playing an interactive play house game, what do you say you are doing so seriously?

And the consequence of being fully involved is that Rochelle really took off his clothes after hearing the words twice, and then exposed his upper body in front of Jin Xiantai, making himself young and fit. The body was shown in front of Kim Hyun Tae.

The pink bulge trembled slightly, plump and straight and round, with a full grip of the waist... It was just that Jin Xiantai, who was all white in front of him, reacted quickly, and he immediately turned his face to the other side.

Rochelle's figure is very good. Compared with ordinary girls, her body is very muscular, but not as scary as a bodybuilder. She should be big and small, and she even has a mermaid line.

Little Coco could not have thought that Rochelle was so predictable, so the short-handed bear kid was jealous.

"Please help the patient with diarrhea just now, reach out and touch the chest of this female patient...",

But jealousy belongs to jealousy. The doctor's duties have to be carried out. The little guy still remembers that he is playing the role of a doctor.

So she coughed, adjusted her emotions and said, "Come here a little bit and let this doctor start treating you."

Rochelle leaned forward when he heard the words, and immediately covered his two round **** with cocoa, and then watched the little guy start rubbing and rubbing, and the bad cocoa would pinch the pink with **** from time to time. The bumps gave Rochelle a strange feeling that Rochelle had never had before, and made her almost scream.

Little Coco said while rubbing, "Your flat chest will be cured after I get bigger. To be honest, my treatment is very effective, and I am the only one in the world who can do it, so you found me But I found the right person, come on, and move forward."

A feeling of shyness came to my heart, and this feeling made Rochelle feel very fresh, because she had never felt this way before, and everything she experienced now made her feel very funny.

Yiyan straightened his chest forward, and Coco's expression gradually became wretched.

With this virtue, the bear child would show such an expression when he saw it, which made Jin Xiantai helpless all the time.

Think about it, you said that Coco, a little girl, when she sees her **** is like a pervert, this is not appropriate at all.

Look, now she's starting this again.

"Coco, are you enough? Let's play another game. You can see how you play this game."

Finally, Jin Xiantai, who couldn't bear it, spoke up.

Ke Ke Yan, who was playing happily, looked at his father, and then showed a thoughtful look, and immediately changed to a suddenly realized expression, and then rushed back to his father and shouted: "Oh, dad, you want to touch too. Do you? Come on, let's touch it together, Rochelle won't care!"

You bear boy, can dad do this!

Kim Hyun-tae didn't look back and kept silently complaining in his heart~lightnovelpub.net~ To be honest, Kim Hyun-tae seemed a bit old-fashioned in this regard, but is it a gentleman's demeanor?

Of course, if there are ten thousand people and ten thousand Hamlet, some people may also say that he is not necessarily a "silly wave one".

Kim Hyun-tae was unmoved, but obviously the bear kid would not consider this issue. He saw Coco punch 47, that is, Rochelle made a look, knowingly 47 got up and walked to Kim Hyun-tae and sat down, taking advantage of the situation. Yoo's body was close to him.

"Come and treat Rochelle, we want to listen to Dr. Coco."

Kim Hyun Tae closed his eyes and he felt speechless now.

[It's so awkward that you can play with a house, but I'm convinced! 】

Jin Xiantai, who closed his eyes, was 10,000 convinced to his daughter in his heart.

At the same time, Rochelle's voice continued to sound in his ears, "Come on, touch it, treat Rochelle, come touch it~"... (To be continued.)