Rising America

Chapter 513: What Callander revealed

Kim Hyun-tae is not a gentleman, but he is not the kind of man without a bottom line, so of course it is impossible to touch Rochelle, so this is the end of the matter.

However, the game changed a different trick later. Little Coco became a chef, and Jin Xiantai, 47, Hilda and Camilla started to play diners. So far, the peachy game storm has finally been invisible. This It also made Kim Hyun Tae relieved.

In this way, the group stayed here for two more days, and it was not until the 85th that they waited for the CNN filming team to come. Finally, Kim Hyun-tae finally had something to do.

And General Musa’s condition, Kim Hyun-tae, also told Old George, and Old George reported it to the Congress in Thailand for members of Congress to start deliberation. At the same time, Old George asked his colleagues in the same camp in the United States to start lobbying those members. State the powerful relationship and let them pass the funding proposal as soon as possible.

Of course, it will take a while to wait for the final result, so Kim Hyun Tae will continue to stay in Pakistan.

But considering that the school started in September in the United States, the old George would certainly not delay him, so Kim Hyun-tae didn't feel any worries about it.

At the request of Jin Xiantai, CNN sent a large filming team, with a total of more than 40 forty people arrived in Pakistan.

After all, it was the request of the big boss, Kim Hyun-tae. Now Qiao An, the manager of CNN, must not neglect, that's why such a big battle has been launched.

With so many people at once, security issues had to be treated cautiously, so Kim Hyun-tae had to ask General Musa to send additional security forces to protect himself and the CNN crew.

For Kim Hyun-tae’s ‘small request’, General Musa certainly did not and would not refuse it. It was nothing more than sending a troop, which was nothing to him.

Therefore, a company's security force was dispatched to Kim Hyun Tae and the others, specifically responsible for protecting their safety.

With the protection of this army of more than two hundred people, the possibility of Kim Hyun Tae and the others being in danger is greatly reduced. After all, no idiot will choose to trouble someone with the protection of the army unless they are authentic. Dao's fool.

What's more, this force is still protecting foreigners, so even the former government armed forces who rebel against General Musa will know that it is no good to get Jin Xiantai and the others, because it will cause serious diplomatic incidents and put themselves in a more isolated situation. .

At the same time, maybe it will cause revenge from the Americans.

Therefore, the safety of Jin Xiantai and the others can be regarded as having no concerns.

Kim Hyun-tae, who was relieved of his worries, also communicated with General Musa and then went to the Pegier area where refugees from the country gathered, and began to shoot them purposefully.

On August 16, a convoy of fifteen military trucks, three buses, and two bulletproof cars drove away from the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad, and headed for the Pegil area in the northwest...

It takes a little more than a day to drive from Islamabad to Pegil. Because of various conditions, it is impossible for General Musa to send a plane to Jin Xiantai to make it easier for him to reach there. Therefore, the only means of transportation Jin Xiantai can choose is car.

Fortunately, General Musa was quite interesting. He arranged for Jin Xiantai to ride in two black bulletproof cars, but did not let him ride the bus with the filming team.

After leaving Islamabad, Jin Xiantai had a more intuitive understanding of the current situation in Pakistan.

Although there are sporadic exchanges of fire in the capital, they are not too fierce. Even if there are some traces of the fighting, it is acceptable.

But once he left the area of ​​Islamabad, Jin Xiantai found that the traces of firefighting in urban and rural areas gradually increased, and the scene became more cruel.

Dead bodies appear on both sides of the road from time to time, and because of the hot weather, those corpses even begin to decay. These decaying corpses attract all kinds of scavengers, crows, wild dogs... maybe this is them. To be excited about the feast.

But this time, she didn't lie down on the car window and looked out curiously. The little girl's face turned pale since she saw the first sentence of the corpse, and she hasn't slowed down until now.

Although Kim Hyun-tae used this to fool the little guy as usual in ‘making a movie’, the obvious effect was not great, so the current state of cocoa worries Kim Hyun-tae very much.

Pakistan’s road facilities are not very good. Except for the cement roads around the Islamabad area, once you leave the Islamabad area, you will all walk on dirt roads.

Therefore, in the next trip, Kim Hyun-tae felt the bumps on the road.

About four hours after leaving Islamabad, the time came to noon, and they passed by a small town called Kasang.

It’s just that this town is already empty. The civil war has turned the town into an empty city. All you can see here are the devastated ruins and the soldiers wearing Pakistani clothes. The civilians are here. It's hard to see here.

Because he needed a rest, Karand, who was in charge of leading the Pakistani security guard team, found Jin Xiantai, and after communicating with Jin Xiantai, he was going to rest here.

Yes, Musa sent his lieutenant to Kim Hyun Tae to take charge of commanding this company, which is a solution to a lot of problems.

At the very least, Kalande and Kim Hyun Tae are familiar, and his English is pretty good, and there will be no obstacles to communication. It can be seen that General Musa is considered very thoughtful.

According to Callander, the town was captured by the army only yesterday, and it has been in the hands of the former government until then. However, it is not a problem for everyone to take a short rest here, because there are about The troops of the three divisions are stationed, so the armed forces that were defeated yesterday will not have any power to make trouble. They have to find a place to lick their wounds.

The soldiers jumped out of the truck, and under the command of their respective officers, they took the commanding heights of the resting place with good training, and then began to be on guard. At the same time, some soldiers also built simple defensive positions, even if they encountered an attack. Don't worry anymore.

No one on the CNN filming team is afraid. These people have also seen big scenes, and they are all war correspondents, so there is no problem in dealing with the current environment. Qiao An must have taken this into consideration when selecting personnel.

So except for the little cocoa who has been in a bad state, everyone seemed very relaxed.

There were soldiers who were responsible for making fires and cooking, so Jin Xiantai and his party didn't need to do such things, so Karand took advantage of this moment to chat with Jin Xiantai.

"Kasan was originally a very beautiful town. In my memory, it used to be very prosperous, but now it has become such a ghost, which is really embarrassing."

As a native of Pakistan, Kaland saw the current appearance of Kasang Town, and of course he felt this emotion in his heart. Jin Xiantai understood this very well.

Therefore, he looked around at the ruins of the surrounding buildings, and said: “As long as General Musa can stabilize the domestic situation, and at the same time completely wipe out the armed forces of the previous government, and then begin to develop economic construction, Kasang can still restore the former prosperity. "

Callander looked at Jin Xiantai and asked, "Mr. William, are you interested in investing in our country?"

Hearing that, Jin Xiantai and Callander looked at each other and said: "As a businessman, I am willing to invest in a place where politics and the environment are stable, but Pakistan clearly does not belong to this category now."

He answered Kalande, but Kim Hyun-tae was thinking secretly in his heart [It seems that Kalande was talking about this with himself, maybe it was General Musa who asked him to do this? ].

A look of disappointment appeared on Karand's face, but Karand also knew that Kim Hyun-tae was right. In all fairness, if he was a businessman himself, he would make the same choice as Kim Hyun-tae, so it’s impossible for him to have it. What dissatisfaction and resentment.

Callander smiled bitterly, and then whispered to Jin Xiantae: "We have received reliable news that the former government armed forces have received support from the Soviets, and they have received a military aid fund and a batch of weapons and ammunition. Encirclement and suppression of the armed forces of the former government will become more difficult."

This news made Kim Hyun-tae also stunned, because he could not have imagined that while the Soviet Union was going to war in Afghanistan, there was still room to support the former government forces of Pakistan, and they also supported North Vietnam in Vietnam.

The Soviets are really rich!

Such a thought suddenly flashed into Jin Xiantai's heart.

"I will inform the country of this news and let them make a judgment. Thank you for providing this news."

Why did Karand tell himself this news~lightnovelpub.net~ Kim Hyun-tae also has his own judgment.

Obviously, the remnants of the former government received assistance from the Soviets, which is not a good thing for General Musa and his line.

So they now need to find a force that can compete with the Soviets to help them fight.

Obviously, Americans are a good choice, especially at this time when they still have a good communication channel with Americans.

[Look, the Soviets supported the remnants of the former government, so do you Americans have to support us? Wouldn't the Americans want to see a comeback of the former government that was completely close to the Soviets? 】

The above are the words that General Musa didn't say, these Jin Xiantai can infer it with his butt.

That's why Jin Xiantai responded to Callander like that, and those words can be regarded as a reassurance for Callander, he will tell General Musa before he comes.

What Kim Hyun Tae has to do here is to tell old George the news... (To be continued.)