Rising America

Chapter 516: Please record the 1 cut here

Entering the area where Afghan refugees live in the Kayala Valley, Jin Xiantai and his team have a more intuitive experience and understanding of the current situation of the Afghan refugees.

Simple built tents, terrible and crowded living environment, feces can be seen everywhere, and the smell is so strong, the expressions on people's faces are also very numb, and they can't see any hope for hope in their eyes.

The children's clothes are sloppy, their faces are covered with mud, and many children don't even have shoes, just running around barefoot.

As for the glamorously dressed Jin Xiantai and the group surrounded by Pakistani soldiers, the Albanians in the refugee camp looked at them, with a trace of jealousy and guard in their eyes.

Little Coco hugged Camilla's neck tightly, and obviously felt the unfriendly atmosphere, which made her feel a little scared.

Not far away, a team of Pakistani soldiers circled an open space. The food for the day was being distributed over there. Jin Xiantai and his group walked over. He found that every refugee was given only a little rice, and a spoonful was very thin. Thin curry soup, there are only one or two potato pieces in curry soup.

Jin Xiantai didn't say anything about this. After all, with his understanding of the domestic situation in Pakistan, it is very good that the Musa regime can give Afghan refugees this food every day, at least he did not make the Afghan refugees hungry.

However, thinking of the information that Kalande told himself earlier, it is obvious that such food supply cannot be guaranteed for a few days, so the solution now is to quickly get food to supply to the Albanian refugees here.

[It seems this matter must be done quickly. 】

Kim Hyun-tae knew in his heart and took everyone away from the food distribution point.

Callander took the opportunity to say to Kim Hyun-tae: “There is also a shortage of medicines. Many of the refugees are injured or contracted with diseases, and die every day because of insufficient medicines. We are also very helpless. You also know that even if we have medicine, we must give priority to soldiers in the army."

Jin Xiantai nodded when he heard the words, and said to Callander: "I understand your situation very well. I will respond to this problem domestically, and I will do my part personally."

Kim Hyun-tae is very rich. It is not difficult for him to buy a batch of medicines from the United States. Therefore, Callander feels that the credibility of Kim Hyun-tae’s remarks is still very high.

Of course, if someone else said this, Callander wouldn’t be so easy to believe it. After all, Kim Hyun-tae is rich. This shows that he has this kind of strength, so the credibility of what he said must be very high. Far higher than ordinary people.

And the next sentence from Jin Xiantai made Callander excited.

"At the same time, I will buy a batch of medicines and donate them to the Pakistani military for free."

It is worthwhile for Kim Hyun-tae to spend a small amount of money to get friendship, even for a small friendship, it is also worthwhile.

Regarding money, whether life will bring death or not, Kim Hyun-tae is very open to the problem. Of course, there is no lack of Jin Xiantai who has such capital to do so now. After all, his current wealth can fully support his ‘willful’.

A bright smile appeared on Callander's face, "Then I will thank you for General Musa first." It was obvious that Callander was very excited.

But this is not surprising. General Musa is really short of medicines, so if Jin Xiantai can send him a batch of medicines, this will really solve the big problem for him.

Not only will General Musa be happy, but also those generals who want to come to General Musa's line.

And it was the soldiers at the bottom that got the benefit in the end.

"Can you take me to the patient gathering area?" Jin Xiantai made a small request to Callander, and of course Callander would not refuse this request, so he nodded, "No problem, follow I'm going here."

After that, Jin Xiantai and his party walked towards the north of the marginal area of ​​the refugee camp.

The Kayala Valley Refugee Camp is very large. After all, there are more than 600,000 refugees living here, so if the place is small, it can't accommodate so many people, isn't it?

Fortunately, the area for those who are sick and those who are on their hands is not far away, so Jin Xiantai and the others just arrived in more than ten minutes.

Where are more than a dozen obvious tents standing, and a red cross flag with a white background is waving in the wind. Even a fool who sees this flag knows where it is.

After seeing this banner, Kim Hyun-tae turned his head and asked Karand, "This is your medical staff?"

Callander shook his head and replied: "People from the International Red Cross, they just arrived five days ago. There are almost a hundred people, but this number is still less for the refugee camp. It is more important. It’s because they don’t have much funds, so they bring less medicines, so now they also have a headache."

Oh, the people of the International Red Cross, think of it as Doctors Without Borders.

Thinking of the identity of the person over the big tent, Jin Xiantai raised a heart of admiration in his heart.

It is said that these people are free to serve the refugees, and do not seek a little personal benefit, so how can their moral character not be admired.

No matter what others think, Kim Hyun Tae admires them anyway.

"Let's go, let's go over and take a look."

Kim Hyun Tae took the lead, and then Callander and the others followed one by one, especially the film crew following Kim Hyun Tae, who turned on the camera and started shooting everything he could see.

The International Red Cross medical team has set up ten tents here. More than one hundred medical staff have to take care of thousands of patients, so it is very difficult. Not to mention that there are countless patients who come to see doctors with minor illnesses every day. So these people It's not an exaggeration to use busy kicks on the back of the head every day.

Knowing that such a rich man Jin Xiantai had come, a person in charge of the medical team immediately came to greet him, but he was the only one.

In this regard, Kim Hyun-tae is not dissatisfied because he understands the other party very well.

This is a Norwegian named Dre who is over 40 years old and has a thick beard.

After a brief and brief introduction to each other, the hearty Norwegian bearded took Jin Xiantai and the others, and started walking around here. At the same time, he introduced some of the difficulties and problems facing Jin Xiantai now. Obviously, he hoped that Jin Xiantai would have What money people can promise.

Of course, Kim Hyun-tae did not disappoint him. He immediately took out the checkbook from his jacket pocket and wrote a series of zeros on the checkbook. On the spot, he donated US$50 million to the medical team for them to buy. The medicine needed, this made Da Huo Le’s snot bubbles almost come out, so he became more attentive to Kim Hyun Tae, not knowing if it was because of the 50 million relationship.

Of course, the scene of Kim Hyun-tae writing a check and donating 50 million US dollars on the spot was faithfully recorded by the cnn shooting team.

Just kidding, if your boss donates money and this kind of thing is not filmed, people like them will need to be mixed up in the future.

Only that kind of idiot would ignore this.

"The living environment in the refugee camps is not very good, and the sanitary conditions are too poor. Therefore, many refugees are suffering from malaria. Of course, the more serious ones are those who are injured."

The Norwegian bearded took Jin Xiantai and the others into the medical tent. While telling him about the current situation, he introduced him to the patients in the tent.

A little boy who seems to be only five or six years old, his legs have been amputated, and his body is bandaged, it seems that he feels very distressed.

As a father with a daughter, Kim Hyun-tae would of course be very uncomfortable. People who don't have children can never experience this feeling.

Especially the little person lying on the simple hospital bed made Jin Xiantai feel distressed. After all, he was only a four or five year old child.

At this moment, Jin Xiantai has mixed feelings in his heart, and can't tell what it feels like.

There are a lot of things seen in film and television dramas, and it is a completely different experience from seeing it with your own eyes. Only the person involved can understand the taste, and now Jin Xiantai is in such a state.

Norwegian Beard introduced: "This child was bombed while playing at the entrance of the village. The Soviet bomb exploded beside him. One of his sisters and brothers died on the spot, and he himself lost his legs. His parents had difficulty seeing him sent to us. We used a lot of effort to save his life, but now we lack anti-inflammatory drugs and other medicines, so this child..."

The little guy covered in bandages is still in a coma, but listening to the meaning of the Norwegian bearded, it seems that the child's situation is not very optimistic.

The filming staff of gave the little boy a close-up, completely photographed the little guy's miserable appearance, and recorded it in the camera.

The Norwegian Beard continued to say to Kim Hyuntae: "Mr. William, I know you are the largest media tycoon on the west coast of the United States, so I think you will faithfully record everything that happened here, and then bring it back to the United States to tell the American people what happened here. What and what kind of help is needed here."

For the International Red Cross, they do everything for free. People like Norwegian Beard serve local patients for free.

But the problem is that they are free, but those medicines and equipment are not free~lightnovelpub.net~ Maybe they can get them through donations, but more of them are bought by themselves.

But people like them are of course inadequate compared to the wealthy, so it is definitely necessary to get a certain amount of donations from the society.

Otherwise, because of Kim Hyun Tae's 50 million US dollars, the Norwegian beard would be successful.

The meaning behind what the Norwegian Beard said to Kim Hyun-tae at the moment is nothing more than the hope that Kim Hyun-tae will use media influence to inspire the compassion of the American people, and then make charitable donations to the Afghan refugees in the Kayala Valley.

But this does not violate the original intention and purpose of Kim Hyun Tae here, so how could Kim Hyun Tae refuse.

Besides, such a thing is not a bad thing, right.

So Kim Hyun-tae nodded, and said to the Norwegian bearded who looked at him diligently: "I promise you that I will let the camera crew film everything that happens here and take it back to the United States for the American people to see. To be continued.)