Rising America

Chapter 517: Talk to me about your thoughts

The main purpose of filming refugees in Afghanistan is to guide American public opinion and the compassion of the American people through the media, and what to do with Jin Xiantai, a visitor from another time and space, is still in mind.

As the saying goes, have you never seen a pig run and eaten pork?

So the thing is very simple, just shoot those who look miserable, look numb, and have no hope in their eyes.

Just filming those people and taking them back to play will definitely arouse people's attention to the refugees in Afghanistan and then sympathize with them, right?

Sensational If he can't, then he will live in vain.

You know, he didn't watch a TV for so many years.

The photographer of, carrying heavy camera equipment, is taking pictures of a woman wearing traditional Albanian costumes. The female location host who came to Albania with the team was accompanied by an interpreter to communicate with this woman.

Facing the camera, the Afghan woman answered various questions with a dull expression, and said the following passage.

"My family died in the bombing of the Soviets. Father, mother, husband and two sons, and even my unmarried sister. My family was destroyed in this war. Now I don’t know. How to live in the future and what to do to survive, I am very Soviet and I hate them."

Although the woman's expression was very sluggish, when she talked about the Soviets, Kim Hyun-tae, who was standing a little behind, found that the woman's eyes flashed that kind of hatred.

It can be seen that if you give this woman a bomb, she would dare... Maybe the so-called "human bomb" appeared in this way.

Think about it, a woman whose family has died in war has no hope for the future, and death is nothing terrible to her, because the death of her family has numb her.

Therefore, such a person is easily agitated.

Next, the filming team continued to interview many people, and these people were basically the same. They all had family members who died in the war caused by the Soviet invasion.

Perhaps their families died in different ways, but there is no doubt that they all died at the hands of the Soviets.

After all, no war can really take into account civilians, and civilians are a very vulnerable group in a war, so it is not surprising that such a situation occurs.

At the same time, these Albanian refugees who have been interviewed all expressed a point to the filming team, that is, they hate the Soviets very much.

Basically, through the shooting of Kim Hyun Tae, I have understood the refugees’ thinking and their current situation.

Then Kalande arranged for Jin Xiantai to meet with a dozen tribal elders from the Aguo refugee camp in the Kayala Valley for a brief exchange.

When Kim Hyun-tae asked clearly, "If the United States is willing to provide them with weapons and funds, do they come from encouraging the tribesmen to confront the Soviets", as Callander said, a group of tribal elders Immediately divided into two factions and began to quarrel.

One faction said on the spot that if the Americans are willing to provide weapons and funds, then they will organize the lads in the tribe to fight the Soviets. There is no doubt about this.

The other faction felt that it was no good to confront the Soviets, so they were unwilling to do so. They also said that the Americans are not a good thing, and they will not sacrifice their lives to the Americans.

In short, the dispute between the two sides is very fierce, and neither of them can persuade each other, and both feel that their choice is the most correct.

Kim Hyun-tae didn’t want to participate in the dispute between the elders of these tribes, so he got up and prepared to leave after he stayed for a while, but before leaving, he still said to the elders, "If anyone wants to, you can come and find yourself." This American meaning counts.

Then Jin Xiantai and Callander left the tent with strong ‘gunpowder smell’ and went outside.

After getting out of the tent, Jin Xiantai looked up at the blue sky, then took a deep breath and then spit it out for a long time, exhaling the boredom in his heart, making his mood a lot more heartwarming.

Callander leaned in at this time and said: "In fact, General Musa supported the United States in training Albanian tribes to fight the Soviets. After all, if the Soviets had a foothold in Albania, they would pose a great threat to us, especially when there is evidence that shows. The Soviets supported and aided the former government, so please don’t get discouraged."

Maybe it was because he was worried that Kim Hyun-tae was disappointed to leave, so Callander would say this to comfort Kim Hyun-tae.

But Kaland didn't know that Jin Xiantai couldn't become discouraged because of this little reason, because he was not that kind of person at all.

Of course, Kim Hyun-tae looks so young, so Callander thinks he can't stand such a blow.

But no matter what, Karand was kind enough to arrive.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai smiled and looked at Karand with a concerned face and said, "Thank you for your concern. I am not so cowardly. Half of the tribal elders are willing to fight against the Soviets. It is actually good. I think as long as they can get some results, Then it may affect other people's participation in the war even more."

After observing it for a while, and found that Jin Xiantai was indeed not discouraged, Kalande was finally relieved.

Seriously, he was worried that Jin Xiantai would leave because of this.

Now it seemed that what he was worried about would not happen, so Kaland became relaxed.

Hearing that, Kaland nodded and said: "You are right. It is impossible to agitate all of them. It is not bad that half of the tribal elders are willing to fight the Soviets. At least they can serve as an example. Affect others."

Jin Xiantai smiled: "So I want to ask what the domestic side means, find a way to get a batch of weapons and funds, first put the materials in place, and send them to the tribal forces that are willing to fight the Soviets, so that they can get them. Let’s talk about actual benefits."

If you take it in advance, you must give it first.

Kim Hyun-tae didn't understand this kind of truth, and this kind of method is very appropriate at this time.

In short, he needs to let people see the benefits, and improve the living conditions of those tribes who are willing to fight with the Soviets. Then people from other tribes will be excited, right?

Maybe you won't have to waste your tongue then, and people like them will come to the door automatically.

It’s just that you have to discuss this matter with Old George. After all, Jin Xiantai has no way to call the shots. Unless he is willing to risk buying weapons with private funds and send them to refugee camps in Afghanistan, otherwise he really has to discuss this matter with Old George. It's just a moment.

After all, if Old George came forward, it would be much easier to do this.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai and Callander went to the garrison camp of Baguo in Gudi, and asked him to prepare a room for himself, and he was about to contact Old George.

At the same time, he also told Callander that today he and the cnn filming team will stay at the barracks for one night, so the barracks have to prepare a few rooms for them.

That's right, one day is not enough to film the refugees in Afghanistan, and it's not easy for them to be in the open air with so many people.

Fortunately, there was no trouble if Kalande came forward on this matter, so this matter was resolved very well.

On the side of the Pakistan Garrison Barracks in the Kayala Valley, a large board room was quickly arranged, and Jin Xiantai and the others had no problems at all, and this problem was solved.

Immediately, Jin Xiantai came to the board room and began to contact old George.

Toot toot!

There was a busy tone on the phone, and then a magnetic male voice came.

"William, what are you looking for me."

Old George can answer the phone, obviously he is fine now.

If old George had something to do, he would not answer his phone.

Now that the call was connected, Jin Xiantai told his thoughts to the old George, without being a bit wordy.

"Mr. George, I just met with the tribal elders on the refugee side of the Afghan refugees in the Kayala Valley. Only half of the elders expressed their willingness to accept our weapons and funds and then go to fight the Soviets, and the other half said no to us. The attitude of trust and unwillingness to confront the Soviets can be said to have not achieved unity in ideology."

The news that Kim Hyun-tae said was mixed, but it was not difficult for Old George to solve it, but he did not intend to tell Kim Hyun-tae what to do, but wanted to hear what Kim Hyun-tae had to solve this problem. Check his school.

Now the old George no longer has that kind of test mentality to Jin Xiantai, and some just take the school test. This also shows that he has decided to start teaching Jin Xiantai slowly and has begun to guide him consciously.

It was from this moment that the old George really took Kim Hyun-tae as his own person to cultivate, but he didn’t know the old George’s thoughts about Kim Hyun-tae at all.

But even if Kim Hyun-tae knew what old George was thinking, he wouldn't be excited anymore.

So Old George asked on the phone: "It's not too bad~lightnovelpub.net~ So William, do you have any solution? This is my test for you. You can say it with confidence. It doesn’t matter if you say something wrong, I will correct you. You can use this exchange as a beginning for me to teach you."

what! Teach me?

Kim Hyun-tae looked wonderful while holding the phone, but fortunately, at this time, Old George was not standing in front of him, so he couldn't see all of this.

However, Jin Xiantai, who had an humbly learning attitude, still honestly expressed his thoughts.

"Mr. George, in that case, I will talk about what I am going to do, I think..."

As Jin Xiantai expressed his thoughts, the old George, who was far away in Thailand, slowly changed his expression from calmness to surprise, and then from surprise to surprise.

Indeed, Jin Xiantai's method is really good, so how can it not surprise Old George.

Especially at the age of 17 years old, Kim Hyun-tae seems to make him look enchanting... (to be continued.)