Rising America

Chapter 518: 1 young man named Ben#拉马丹

"It doesn’t matter if the minds of the tribal elders are not unified. At least half of the people are willing to fight with the Soviets. That’s all. So I ask you to use your relationship first to transport a batch of weapons from the country to Pakistan. Prepare a large amount of food and medicine to send over... As long as these things are in place, the living conditions of those tribes who are willing to fight with the Soviets will improve, which will affect the attitudes of other tribes."

The living conditions in the Kayala Valley are very bad. If there are better living conditions, no one is unwilling to improve. Kim Hyun-tae’s hand is just right, and he fully sees some of the weaknesses of these people.

Think about it, the living conditions of those tribes who have received aid from the Americans and are willing to fight with the Soviets have improved. Then what mentality will the tribe people still in poor living conditions be like?

Although life needs to be paid even at the cost of life, as long as the family can be fed and dressed warmly, what does it matter to take risks?

Not to mention that they were going to fight the Soviet invaders.

Benefits and hatred for the Soviets, I think more and more people will join in.

Kim Hyun-tae explained his plan to Old George all the time. He couldn’t see the surprised expression of Old George anyway. Anyway, Old George has nothing to say about Kim Hyun-tae, except for satisfaction or satisfaction. , And value him even more.

However, with the mentality of being a teacher, Old George couldn't help showing his own strength, so he asked: "If weapons, materials and funds are in place, how do you plan to allocate them?"

Kim Hyun-tae responded by saying, “All of it will be handed over to the elders of those tribes, so that we can show our sincerity and exchange for closer cooperation in the future.”

[Still too young. 】

After hearing Kim Hyun Tae's answer, Old George flashed a thought in his mind.

But overall, Jin Xiantai is still very good, at least in the eyes of old George, he is a very good young man, at least he has not seen any young man comparable to him.

So, what does it matter if the answer is not good? This is just a small flaw.

After all, it was really good for Jin Xiantai to come up with such a method.

Those young people like him are facing this situation, how many people can be like him, and can think of a solution, and take care of the future.

So Old George said to Jin Hyuntae: "I'll teach you a lesson, you have to listen carefully."

Jin Xiantai immediately held his breath when he heard it.

"Your plan is very good. I have nothing to criticize about it. This shows that I value you for nothing wrong. You are worth my effort to cultivate.

But after all, you are still very young and have not experienced many things. Weapons, materials and funds cannot be given to those tribal elders all at once. This is the key to our cooperation with them and the key to our control of them.

It will increase their appetite and become uncontrollable, which can become very troublesome.

They can be ambitious, but the prerequisite is that they must first obey the interests of us Americans, or else what do we look for them for. "

That's it!

Hearing what Old George said, Jin Xiantai immediately woke up and knew where he was wrong.

If you really do it like yourself, the Americans will not have any benefit except to feed the appetites of the tribal elders.

And the elders who have the funds for weapons and supplies will not behave in the future.

Therefore, these things must be controlled by the Americans themselves, and spit out to each other a little bit, instead of giving them all at once. That is foolish practice.

Realizing this, Jin Xiantai said to the old George on the other end of the phone: "Thank you for your teaching, Mr. George. I know what to do, so can you tell me, can the Congress pass the material matter?"

The old George on the other end of the phone laughed and replied: "This is nothing. You can find out by watching CNN news at night. As long as you send people from the CNN News Department to pay attention to the press conference in Washington."

Obviously, the old George's answer is to tell Jin Xiantai that there is no problem with this matter, and there will be an answer in a very short time.

At this point, Jin Xiantai can also rest assured.

The old George on the phone continued to say to Jin Xiantae: "Since you have such a plan, it seems that you will stay in Pakistan for a few more days. At the same time, I will let the CIA send someone over and you can leave when their people arrive. Up."

Kim Hyun-tae didn't feel dissatisfied when he heard that. It would be better for the CIA person to take over this matter than him. After all, the CIA agents are better at such things, aren't they?

So Jin Xiantai immediately expressed his obedience to this arrangement.

The old George on the other end of the phone smiled and said to Jin Hyun-tae: "Don’t worry, if this matter is successful, the credit that belongs to you will not escape. After all, you are the planner of this plan. I will tell the CIA about this. That group of people."

Kim Hyun-tae was a black line when he heard the words, because he didn't want the credit, but he couldn't tell the old George, so he felt very depressed now.

Old George gradually exerted his strength on the way to pull Kim Hyun Tae into the ‘Abyss’. In short, he wanted to make Kim Hyun Tae imprint the American brand on his body so that he could not leave the United States in the future.

For Kim Hyun Tae, old George is very important, and now he wants to tie Kim Hyun Tae to the American warship anyway.

And Old George did not do any harm to Kim Hyun Tae, on the contrary, there are many benefits.

The only premise is that Jin Xiantae does not betray the United States. If Jin Xiantae betrays the United States, then the credit he has made will be fatal.

This is also the old George dedicated to cultivating Jin Xiantai as a backhand left behind.

Well, it can be regarded as an insurance.

After all, Kim Hyun-tae is of Chinese descent, and Old George doesn't want to capsize in the gutter.

Fortunately, Jin Xiantai has always performed very well, like an out-of-the-box abc, so the possibility that this ‘insurance’ can be used in the future is not very great.

But from the standpoint of Old George, this ‘insurance’ must be in place, otherwise he would not rest assured that he would use his power and political resources to cultivate Jin Xiantai.

Some people may ask, why didn't George old raise his son.

Speaking of it, it was because Little George couldn't compare with Kim Hyun Tae, who performed amazingly.

Even though the old George is very selfish, he is also a hawk with the supremacy of American interests, so he will choose people who are worth training, rather than cultivate his own son.

After all, in the eyes of old George, Jin Xiantai's future premise is stronger than that of his son, and he is not even stronger.

Moreover, Kim Hyun Tae is still younger.

Therefore, he chose Jin Xiantai instead of his son George.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Old George didn't care about his son at all, otherwise he wouldn't let little George go to politics.

It's just that the old George is more confident about Kim Hyun Tae's future.

And Jin Xiantai will develop in the future, so he can support his son after looking back, because cultivating Jin Xiantai is also good for his son, isn't it?

Americans are also very shrewd, not as simple as they seem, especially old fox politicians like George.

After chatting with the old George for a few more words, Kim Hyun Tae hung up the phone.

When he walked out of the board room, Karand, who had been waiting outside, walked over to him and said: "There is a young man outside the barracks who wants to see you. He said he can organize a lot of young people to fight the Soviets, and everyone also They all want to fight the Soviets, but they need weapons and supplies and funds."

A young man wanted to see himself and expressed such thoughts, which made Kim Hyun Tae feel a little baffled.

"He represents that tribe?"

Jin Xiantai thought this young man was a representative of a certain tribe, or simply came from a relative of a certain tribe’s ruler.

But Callander's answer made him even more confused.

Shaking his head, Karand replied: "I asked, he said that he represents the attitude of the young people in Afghanistan and has nothing to do with the tribal elders."

Jin Xiantai listened to Callander’s answer and said, “Then take me to meet this young man. He said that he can represent the attitude of the young Afghan people. I am really curious why he speaks so loudly.”

At this moment, Jin Xiantai became interested in this young man.

Soon, Jin Xiantai and Callander came to the gate of the barracks.

A young man wearing a black A country traditional costume and a black head cloth caught Jin Xiantai's eyes.

This young man has a thick black beard. Although the clothes look a bit old, they are washed clean, not unlike the dirty look of most of the refugees here.

Because of his thick beard, his looks are not good for comments, but in general, this young man will not be disgusting when he sees it.

When Kim Hyun Tae saw him, the young man also discovered Kim Hyun Tae.

Before Kim Hyun-tae could walk over, the young man walked over on his own initiative, and when he came in front of him, he introduced himself in proficient English.

"My name is Ben# Ramadan. I graduated from Harvard in the United States. My family runs a construction company in New York. I came here this time to fight the invasion of the Soviets. Unfortunately, no one in the family supported my behavior. , So I don’t have any funds."

Yo, he is still a top student who graduated from Harvard in the United States and a rich second-generation.

After hearing the other party's self-introduction, Jin Xiantai was taken aback.

But immediately he reacted, reached out to the other party, and introduced himself.

"William King, Chinese American, attending Santa Monica College."

It's much simpler than the self-introduction of Kim Hyun Tae.

However, this young man named Ben# Ramadan did not underestimate Kim Hyun Tae.

Because he just inquired from a special channel that the Chinese in front of him with a legendary fortune, he came here to represent the US government.

Because he was studying and living in the United States, this young man was as straightforward as the Americans. He straightforwardly said to Kim Hyun-tae: "I have formed a force independent of the tribal armed forces, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Therefore, I hope you can give us a batch of weapons and supplies, and I promise that the soldiers in our army are brave and will not waste your weapons."

Jin Xiantai asked: "How many people are there in your army?"

Ben# Ramadan replied: "1500 people!"

Jin Xiantai: "We have not found weapons and supplies yet, did you find me and find the wrong person?"

Ben# Ramadan: "I won't be mistaken, you represent the U.S. government, you can't lie to me!"

Kim Hyun Tae: "Why do you think your team is better than those tribal forces?"

Ben# Ramadan: "Because our slogan is ‘Holy War!’"

At this point in the conversation, Jin Xiantai's expression became strange and serious.

On the contrary, Adjutant Callander, who was standing behind Jin Xiantai, had a devilish look on his face. He looked at Ben #拉马丹 as if he was watching a clown... Indeed, in front of Jin Xiantai, the young man named Ben #拉马丹 behaved like A clown... (To be continued.)