Rising America

Chapter 520: Old people, women, and boys

Shalgut Mulla is an authentic Afghan woman. She originally had a warm and happy family, with a loving husband and well-behaved twin sons. If there were no accidents, her life would be happy. And happy.

But things are often not so satisfactory. The Soviet military's invasion of Afghanistan completely destroyed Mulla's happy family, and her family also died under the guns of the Soviets.

It was a very peaceful morning, and Mulla clearly remembered that he got up early to prepare breakfast for her husband and children, but there was a rumbling engine sound from outside the village, which completely broke the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the village.

Before Mu La could figure out what was going on, a bomb with a sharp whistling sound fell on her home, and her husband and twin sons who were still asleep died like this. Mu Ra's luck escaped, but he has since become a homeless person.

She hated the Soviets because they let her destroy her originally happy home, and they also took away her husband who loved her, and a well-behaved son, making her a widow.

Mu La, who has lost her family and family, lives like a walking dead in the following days, because she really can't see any hope for the future.

You must know that the status of women in Afghanistan is very low. It is not easy to find a man who loves her like her husband. It is precisely because of this that Mulla will miss the happy life he once had all day.

But every time he thinks of the past, Mulla's hatred for the Soviets intensifies.

This is a woman who has lost her longing for life, even if she lives in this world, she is like that kind of zombie.

So basically Mulla's future has been finalized. She either died in distress, or died in an unknown corner, and there would be no second way to go.

As for finding another man to rely on?

Mula has never had this kind of thought, because she loves her husband very much and misses her husband's thoughtfulness and gentleness, which is different from most Afghan men.

So when other men appeared, Mulla compared him with his dead husband, and immediately lost interest in those men.

She hates it!

I wish all the Soviets died.

But after all, she is just a woman, a woman who has no power, so what can she do with the Soviets?

Therefore, the resentment in Mulla's heart is getting deeper and deeper, especially when he recalls the tragic death of her husband and children, it is even more painful for Mulla, and the hatred in his heart also breeds even more.

Such a woman seems useless, but for Ramadan, such a woman has very important uses, it depends on how you move her.

Leaving Ramadan on Jin Xiantai's side, he brought the two Pakistani non-commissioned officers sent by Karand to the refugee camp and found Mu La directly.

After finding Mu La, Ramadan asked Mu La straight to the point: "Do you want to avenge your husband and children?"

Is this still necessary?

Mulla is always thinking about revenge.

Therefore, in her colorless pupils, a trace of color finally bloomed, and it seemed that she was very interested in revenge.

The two Pakistani non-commissioned officers who were following Ramadan didn’t know what Ramadan did with such a weak woman, but thinking of Karand’s explanation, the two of them could only continue to observe with patience instead of interjecting in. .

Mulla nodded at Ramadan: "I want to avenge my family in my dreams, but I'm just a woman, a woman who has no hands, how can I trouble the Soviets?"

Ramadan’s tone became soothing, and it sounded very close to him, so I saw him say to Mulla: “I have a way to get you revenge, and I can take my family to heaven and enjoy the blessing. It’s just that this method will kill you yourself, but what I can assure you is that your effort is worth it, because at least hundreds of Soviets will die because of you."

To be honest, Mulla had lost hope for the future, so death was not so terrible for her, and it was even considered a relief.

It's just that if she died silently like that, it seemed to Mulla a little unworthy, because she hadn't avenged her husband and children yet.

But when she thinks that she is a delicate woman and there is no way to seek revenge from the Soviets, Mulla suffers from painful spiritual torment every day and feels that she is simply a waste.

And at this time, Ramadan found her and told her that she could seek revenge from the Soviets at the cost of her death. Therefore, Mulla said it was impossible not to be moved.

If you die, you die. If it's like Ramadan said, if you can die with more than a hundred Soviets, then this thing is worth doing.

In any case, more than a hundred Soviets are definitely worth the lives of their husbands and children.

Mulla's eyes gradually became firm. She looked at Ramadan very seriously and asked: "What you said is true. Can you really make me do this?"

Ramadan nodded, his expression extremely serious.

"Yes, I can't deceive you and swear in the name of God."

The dialogue between Ramadan and Mulla made the two Pakistani non-commissioned officers very curious. The two of them wondered how Ramadan would let Mulla take revenge, and then killed more than 100 Soviets.

Mulla is just a delicate woman. She is not the tough guy in the American blockbuster. She can single out dozens of them. Moreover, it is still unknown whether this woman will use a gun.

So how would Ramadan make women take revenge?

A big question mark floated above both people's heads.

Ramadan swears in the name of God, which is equivalent to a guarantee for Mulla, so her worries are gone.

Ramadan asked Mulla: "Are you afraid of death? I said that revenge will kill you. I have to remind you of this."

Mulla smiled miserably, and said to Ramadan: "Death is nothing to be scared of for me. Living is the real suffering for me. Every night I see my husband’s face and children’s Smile, that was the happy life I once had, but unfortunately now all of this is far away from me, and there is nothing in my life worthy of nostalgia. Now what I think every day in my heart is how to avenge my family, even if it’s dead. I am willing to do it too."

Staring at Mulla’s eyes earnestly for a long time, after confirming that the woman is not telling lies, Ramadan said: "Now you go with me, I will tell you how to take revenge, but before that I need to let you Get ready, and I will find a few more people with you."

In this way, Mulla and Ramadan left, waiting for her fate, it seems that this is doomed, but there is no trace of regret on the woman's face, and some are all that kind of morbid excitement and excitement.

For people like Mulla, her mentality is difficult for ordinary people to understand, but in all fairness, if her experience falls on us, what choice will we make?

Of course, the answers may be strange, and people's choices will be different.

But what is certain is that Mulla chose a more radical revenge, rather than suffering every day in despair.

We have no way of commenting on whether her choice is good or bad. After all, we are not her, and we have no experience like her, right?

The two non-commissioned officers in Pakistan are still at a loss. Up to now, they have not speculated on Ramadan’s plan. If Kim Hyun-tae were here, he would be able to infer what Ramadan said just now. The thing is.

After all, Jin Xiantai is a guy with a bug.

Unfortunately, he is not here, so it is impossible to see the conversation just now.

I have to say that this is a little regretful.

Ramadan took Mulla around the refugee camp, and soon found an old man and a child who seemed to be only 11 years old, and then took the three of them to the outskirts of the refugee camp.

On the outskirts of the north side of the Kayala Valley, Ramadan has a small site.

After he brought Mulla, the young man and the old man here, he said to the three of them very seriously: "You must think carefully. It is too late to withdraw now."

This was the last time the attitude of the three was confirmed, and when Ramadan was not disappointed, the old man, the boy, and the three of Mulla, none of them showed the intention to shrink.

Seeing this, Ramadan nodded: "I will try my best to let you eat and drink as much as possible in the next three days. Just ask what you want or have any requirements. As long as I can do it, I will satisfy you."

After all, it is a business to kill people. In the last period of his life, Ramadan can't fail to satisfy the three of them, so that they can leave without regret.

Of course, the premise is that Ramadan can meet their conditions. If Ramadan can't do it, then this matter will be considered unsaid.

Fortunately, the old man, the boy, and Mulla didn’t have much demand. Only the old man said that he could have a full meal in three days~lightnovelpub.net~ The boy only asked for a toy, and Mulla asked for one. Pieces of new clothes.

Look, these three people are not very demanding, not even harsh at all.

So in the face of the three conditions, Ramadan completely agreed.

After that, a few Aguo men with thick beards took the three of them away. Then the three of them will be ready to receive a series of trainings required for revenge.

Of course, this training has no technical content. The trainer just asks the three of them not to be afraid, and at the same time constantly instills in the three of them that they will go to the heaven opened by God after death.

So far, the two Pakistani non-commissioned officers who have been following Ramadan here finally guessed something, so their expressions suddenly became exciting, and their eyes when they looked at Ramadan became full of alert.

[This is a very dangerous madman who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal and sacrifice others! 】

The two Pakistani non-commissioned officers made a very pertinent evaluation of Ramadan in their hearts. (To be continued.)