Rising America

Chapter 522: Chinese who subvert cognition

The land reclamation project in Tokyo Bay has great benefits. One of the most critical pieces is the earth and stone materials. The members of the three-member team who came to the troubles took a fancy to this piece of land.

Because as long as they can win this business, they can cost 1 million yen for the original 100,000 yen of earth and stone, and they can also make huge profits by shoddy.

As for whether Qingyun can guarantee the quality of the project, it is not a question for the Yamaguchi team to consider. They just make money.

And in this way, they can continue to bully the construction party, which is Qingyun Company.

For example, after the completion of the project, they can occupy the land in one way or another to achieve the trick of the empty glove white wolf.

As long as they can squeeze out the black and white, even William King, the actual owner of the land, can't help it, right?

At least, this is Yamaguchi's own thinking.

They may not know how Jin Xiantai would let them go if they really invaded the land that was reclaimed from the sea.

It's just that these are the latter things. The first thing they have to do now is to win the business of suppliers of earth and stone.

As the ‘Yakuza’ organization, they cannot do business seriously, but they are very good at achieving their goals by illegal means.

Usually violence is also used.

Usually such methods and methods will be very effective and can achieve the purpose they want to achieve.

It's just a pity that they met Chinese people, and there is also a local tyrant among these Chinese people, so this is doomed to the Yamaguchi team's plan cannot be easily achieved.

Taro Hashimoto, who was the first to rush out, was beaten on the head with an iron rod by a simple-looking middle-aged man, and then he fell to the ground in black.

[Baga, Huaxia people are leading, it's too cruel! 】

This was the last thought before Hashimoto lost consciousness.

In short, he couldn't see how the people he had brought were beaten up by the workers of Qingyun Company. My mother, that was a miserable one.

Japanese Yakuzha fights basically have routines and rules. For example, no head and key points are the unspoken rules for fighting.

But the problem is that the young and old from China don’t understand. They only know one thing, and that is to greet these Japanese Yakuzas to the death.

So these people in the Yamaguchi group are tragic.

In terms of cruelty, the Chinese people are not inferior to the Japanese, and the Chinese people have no climate, otherwise the Japanese Yakuza would be considered a green onion.

Today’s gang fight has made the Americans watching the excitement and the Yamaguchi team members as one of the parties insightful, knowing how much Chinese people hate fighting.


The Japanese fell to the ground, but there were still five or six people with iron rods where they were beating hard. There was a strong momentum that they would not stop killing them. This made the other Yamaguchi group members who originally wanted to continue beating. See, that bit of fighting spirit in my heart was immediately extinguished.

[Cao! Huaxia people are terrible! 】

Among them, Zhou Jianguo, as the boss, also went to battle in person. He took off his suit and tore off his tie. He took a steel drill and led a few people to stab a felled guy on the ground. Every time he pokes that guy, There was a cry of'Oh,' and it seemed that he was poked hard.

"Wipe your mother, come to mess with me! Wipe your mother! Let you mess with me! Is it going to die, is Yakuza? Wipe, is Yakuza!"

Zhou Jianguo was screaming crazy while poking with steel drills, and it scared him to death.

Zhou Jianguo was extremely brave, and there were four helpers beside him who were not idle either. Each of them was holding a steel rod and accompanied Zhou Jianguo towards the fellow of the Yamaguchi group.

"I'm going, Huaxia people are so fierce!?"

The Americans who watched the excitement not far away were stunned, which completely reversed their impression of Chinese people.

Because in their past cognition, Chinese people are very honest. Generally, it has nothing to do with them in fighting. Isn't it the same for Chinese in Americans?

But now, it seems that I have a big deviation in my perception of the Chinese. The Chinese who started to hate are even crazier than the blacks and Lao Mo.

Americans who watch the excitement feel that their worldview has been subverted.

"You are done, you are in big trouble! You wait for me!"

The Yamaguchi group, which was brutally hit, retreated to the distance one after another, but they were unwilling to start clamoring, "You are waiting for me to find someone" posture.

Zhou Jianguo was standing outside the fence of the construction site holding the steel drill, watching the Japanese who were clamoring in Japanese. He raised his right hand and raised a middle finger. Although the language is not clear, it doesn't matter. This gesture is universal.

The Yamaguchi team started calling and calling people, Zhou Jianguo also turned around and ordered all the workers to come over with steel rods and stop working today. He was going to fight to the end with these Yakuzas.

For a while, this matter has a tendency to develop out of control.

"Zhou, these people have deep energy and relationships here. After all, we are foreigners. We have no roots here. We will suffer if we fail. So I suggest to contact the embassy as soon as possible and let them inform. Only by the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department."

This is the second person to make this suggestion to Zhou Jianguo.

Zhou Jianguo gradually calmed down, feeling that this was not unreasonable.

There is a saying that is quite right. They are foreigners in this place after all. If things are empty, it will be very detrimental to them.

And now they still have reason, but if things get out of control and turn into a big violent incident, then they won't have reason.

Zhou Jianguo is neither stupid nor idiot. After a short measurement, he nodded.

"Hurry up and contact the embassy and ask them to come forward to the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department, saying that we have been harassed by Japanese elements and have just injured a lot of workers by them. In self-defense, we temporarily drove away those elements, but those guys. Obviously will come again."

Now that he took advantage of it, Zhou Jianguo was very wretched and planned to accept it as soon as he saw it.

After the order was completed, Zhou Jianguo said to his side humanely: "Take a look at the statistics to see if anyone is injured. The fight just now is messy. If someone is injured, he will be sent to the hospital immediately. The salary will be paid and the bonus will be 50,000! And everyone who participated in the fight just now will be rewarded. 30,000 yuan in cash!"

Zhou Jianguo didn't care about money, especially when he took advantage of it, Zhou Jianguo in a good mood didn't care about money.

How much is 30,000 per person.

The post-sea reclamation project that Jin Xiantai entrusted to him was as profitable as the profits he had made in China for ten years in real estate, so the bonus to the workers was completely trivial.

When Zhou Jianguo contacted the embassy, ​​there was a sound of police sirens in the distance, and then dozens of police cars with the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department appeared and stopped at the place where the Yakuzas gathered.

A man in a police uniform got out of the car and talked a few words with one of Yakuza, then turned his attention to Zhou Jianguo and the others.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Jianguo had a bad feeling in his heart.

I have to say that Zhou Jianguo's hunch was correct, because a large number of Japanese police rushed over and surrounded Zhou Jianguo and them.

Among them, an interpreter brought by the Japanese police shouted in very bad Chinese: "Put down your weapons. Now you are suspected of gathering a fight. Please come back to the police station to assist in the investigation!"

The Japanese police all took out their pistols and surrounded Zhou Jianguo and the others as if they were facing a major enemy. After all, they had seen the tragedy of the Yakuzas, which made the Japanese police feel jealous.

You know, the Japanese police are the most incompetent, and there is no one.

If you don't see a Japanese rioter, you can make the 20th or 30th police useless. How incompetent such a policeman is.

So when faced with Zhou Jianguo and the others, they showed such nervousness and caution, which is understandable.

"Zhou, what shall we do?"

Someone asked Zhou Jianguo at this time.

Zhou Jianguo thought for a while: "The hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses. Let's put the steel drill down first, or else the reason will become irrational."

As Zhou Jianguo put down the steel drills in his hands, the Qingyun company workers gathered around him also put down the steel pipes and iron drills one by one.

Immediately a crowd of Japanese policemen rushed up, preparing to handcuff them.

Not far away, when the Americans were watching a lively place, two girls in very kawaii costumes were talking in a low voice.

"These Chinese people are going to be unlucky. The relationship between the Yamaguchi group and the Metropolitan Police Department is not simple."

One of the two girls, a surprisingly plump upper body, a sweet-looking appearance, and a beautiful long dark hair. At first glance, a girl who looked like a shrine maiden in a manga whispered her opinion to her companion.

And beside this girl who looked like a shrine maiden, was a blond girl wearing a gothic-like skirt, apparently a European and American girl.

After the European and American girl listened to her companions expressing her views, a deep worry appeared on her face, and then she said, "What can I do? It is obviously those elements who are causing trouble, but now she is treating those Chinese. Disadvantage ~lightnovelpub.net~ Is the Japanese police so unreasonable?"

The girl who looked like a shrine maiden curled her lips: "Those incompetent guys in the Metropolitan Police Department, of course they are in collusion with the Yamaguchi group, so they don't know the truth."

As an out-and-out Japanese girl, it is obvious that this girl who looks like a witch has a clearer understanding of the national conditions and unspoken rules of her country than her peers.

"Oh! I remember that this project belonged to William. If all these Chinese are taken away, what about this project?"

The blonde girl seemed to have thought of something, and the worried look on her face became much stronger.

Unexpectedly, this girl can actually know this inside story, so who is she?

That's right, this is the girl who followed his father to Japan to look for business opportunities. Kim Hyun Tae’s neighbor when he lived in the Santa Monica community, also liked Kim Hyun Tae and confessed to him, the girl who was only rejected, Demi.

And Demi's companion is a good friend she met after she came to Japan to go to school, and Ayumi who likes to draw strange manga and write very rotten and rotten novels. (To be continued.)