Rising America

Chapter 524: Scared you to pee your pants

“It’s not a big deal that you hurt Yakuzha in Japan. They want to come to the reclamation project to take advantage of it. Then they have to let them know something is good. Otherwise, everyone will come to look for it. Stop making money?"

Just as the plane flew into the border of Thailand, Jin Xiantai received this call from Zhou Jianguo. When he heard Zhou Jianguo talk on the phone that the Japanese land reclamation project even Yakuzha came to find a bargain, but was beaten up by Zhou Jianguo and the others, Jin Xiantai couldn't help but feel dark.

And still yelling from the bottom of my heart [Hua Xia men in different time and space are great, and I will not be afraid to go abroad! ].

As for whether they will cause trouble if they hit Yakuza, and Kim Hyuntae doesn't think Yakuza is a trouble.

Others may be afraid of Yakuza, but those people are actually a fart in the eyes of Kim Hyun Tae.

However, the fact that the Japanese police related to Yakuza wanted to take Zhou Jianguo and the others away gave Jin Xiantai a headache.

It stands to reason that Zhou Jianguo and the others should go to the Huaxia Consulate, but Zhou Jianguo also clearly said that the consulate was no longer in charge, so they found him Jin Xiantai for this matter.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai can't let it go.

Fortunately, Jin Xiantai is not without a solution, so he confessed to Zhou Jianguo: "You hold on, don't let the Japanese police take it away, I will find a solution immediately!"

After speaking, Jin Xiantai ended the call with Zhou Jianguo and immediately dialed the number of old George.

No way, all he can find is Old George.

And Jin Xiantai didn't pay attention to his daughter, Coco, who applied for the weirdness and listened to the phone. Jin Xiantai, who had all his thoughts on how to solve this problem, ignored her daughter Coco's current state.

Coco glanced at his father and found that his father didn’t pay attention to him. The little guy put his hand on his little mouth, then turned to the side and whispered to the person on the phone, “Although your chest is not big, but The news you told me was very timely. The hateful Japanese came to violate my father's rights. Then we must let them know the consequences of doing so!"

Xiaoshizi is not a big voice, but she is not so small, what ability does she have to make the Japanese behave.

Even so, Coco still feels that she is very cool to say that.

[Well, I △≦, m..c⊥om, do you have the aura of the big brother in the TV series "Chicago Storm"? 】Obviously, the little guy has substituted himself into a certain American drama character.

The person on the other end of the phone has a black line on his face, apparently thinking about this issue.

No one else was talking to Coco, but Demi who was live in Japan.

Because he had been neighbors with Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, Demi knew about the virtues of Coco, so she didn't take her words to heart at all, and she was not a fool.

So she was silent on the phone, and then she said to Coco: "I'm going to hang up. Say hello to your father for me, saying that Demi missed him very much."

Ke Keyan immediately responded: "You should say these things to my father yourself, and I don't think you miss my father, you should say that you want to sleep my father, this is the truest thought in your heart. am I right."

Bear kids dare to say anything, but Coco is really powerful.

Demi blushed like a monkey **** when he heard that, and the whole person was not good.

It took a long time for Demi to recover. It took her a long time before she yelled at the phone: "Yes, I just want to sleep with your father. I sleep with him once in the morning, once at noon, and twice at night! I'm weak, closing my eyes every day is my figure, can't you?"

Demi suddenly broke out and spoke very fast, so even Zhou Jianguo didn't catch what she was talking about. This saved Demi from embarrassment.

Taking a deep breath, Demi continued to roar: "I tell you, my chest is not that small. You will not be allowed to say that to me in the future, and your chest is smaller than mine, you little kid!"

After shouting these words, Demi pressed the hangup button, and then took a few deep breaths, finally calming her mood.

Ayumi looked at Demi funny, and asked her: "Demi, you looked so funny just now, why? The child of the person you like annoys you again?"

Demi looked back at her friend, dumbfoundingly, and said, "Yes, that little kid is getting less and less cute. I still think she was more fun when she was a kid."

------split line------

"Dad, Demi said she wanted to sleep with you once in the morning, once at noon, twice at night, and clamored to sleep that you were too weak to sleep! Dad, you have to fight for her, and you must sleep her instead. Sleep until your hands and feet are weak."

Who can understand the world of bear children?

At first I thought, but I told my father to stay away from Demi and not be close by her, but the last sentence showed that the bear boy told his father to be a winner on the issue of sleeping.

Doesn't this mean encouraging my father to sleep with Demi?

Of course, Coco didn't know the meaning of "sleeping" between men and women. She just thought that Camilla was sleeping with her as usual.

So, a bear child is a bear child.

Jin Xiantai glanced at his daughter with a black line, but he ignored his daughter's question.

Obviously, he didn't want to dwell on this matter too much.

Xiao Ke could see that his father didn't react much, so he was a little angry.

"Dad, your cute and cute daughter is talking to you, have you heard it!"

Little Coco is quite good at talking words, and he is ‘cute’ and ‘cute’.

"When you sleep with Demi in the future, you must make her limbs weak!"

[Bear boy, you can say this too, I didn't hear it! 】

Jin Xiantai stood up and walked to the end of the cabin, away from the harassment of the bear children.

It can be seen that Zhuang immediately embraced his hands in front of his chest, and Lao Gao's puffed little mouth was pouted.

Camilla and Hilda covered their mouths and snickered, while 47 looked at the angry Coco and the smirking Camilla and Hilda felt very inexplicable.

A sulking Cocoa keeps thinking in his heart [Huh! My dad is very strong. Your hateful flat chest will never succeed. I have faith in my dad! ].

God knows that being strong has something to do with hair.

Thinking about it, Coco looked down at his little chest.

[I'm still young, and I will definitely grow up in the future. I will be older than your Demi's by then, hahaha, I will linger in front of you every day and make you angry! 】

Thinking of this, the little guy's mood suddenly improved a lot.

The little guy is kind of self-hypnotizing.

At this time, Jin Xiantai had already told the old George who picked up the mobile phone of what happened in Japan, and he had attracted the attention of the old George.

Unlike Kim Hyun-tae who only thought that Yakuza was taking advantage, Old George thought of another problem, one that probably involved a deep-seated problem of the Japanese government.

After the completion of the land reclamation project in Tokyo Bay, a large port will be built along the coast, part of which will be used for docking of import and export ships, and part of it will be opened to the US Navy for berthing warships and even aircraft carriers.

Then the emergence of Yakuza was inspired by the Japanese government?

I'm afraid of thinking about this matter, as long as I think about it, it will make people feel that something is wrong.

But in fact, the old George really thought too much. In fact, it was the Yakuza Pass Group who wanted to take advantage of it, and nothing else was involved.

But the facts are facts. Old George was so suspicious that there was no explanation for this matter.

However, if old George thinks this way, it is good for Jin Xiantai and Zhou Jianguo, so when old George said his guess, Jin Xiantai also laughed secretly in his heart, and then pretended to be ignorant: "Should not?"

Old George taught Kim Hyun-tae with a very serious tone: "You should have a deep understanding of what virtues the Japanese are. You know how dirty the methods the Japanese used to infringe your intellectual property rights earlier."

Okay, we've all talked about the ‘intellectual property infringement case’. What else can Kim Hyun-tae say?

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae had to laugh inwardly while pretending to be educated and asked Old George: "Mr. George, what shall we do now? The Japanese want to arrest the construction team, but the project cannot be stopped."

The old George on the other end of the phone said to Kim Hyun-tae in a very positive tone: “Of course we can’t stop. If the construction is completed one day earlier, we will start building the dock one day earlier. Delaying one day will be detrimental to the United States. Leave this to me. I will deal with it!"

------split line------

Fifteen trucks of American soldiers left the naval base with live ammunition, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at the place where Zhou Jianguo and the others happened.

The truck stopped and the American soldiers jumped out of it.

With the emergence of American soldiers, the expression on the Japanese side suddenly became much ugly.

They never thought that it would cause the US naval base to be dispatched. They really didn't think about it.

An ominous premonition immediately enveloped the hearts of many Japanese people.

Of course, luck is not without psychology.

It was just what happened next that disillusioned all the fluke, which made the Japanese have to accept the cruel reality.

"Enclose all those Japanese people for me, don't leave any of them, and shoot if anyone dares to resist!"

American soldiers are not polite to the Japanese and are famous in different time and space.

The Japanese also have a deep understanding of the virtues of American ghost animals, so they are quite cooperative.

"Hello, this is Kenji Shinoda from the Metropolitan Police Department."

The person in charge of the Metropolitan Police Department who was in charge of leading the team walked over and stretched out his hand to shake hands with the U.S. military leader. Unfortunately, the American police officer didn’t pay attention to him at all, and didn’t even give him the corner of his eye. To the extreme.

The American officer came to Zhou Jianguo and the others. He turned around after looking at Zhou Jianguo and the others. At the same time, the men behind him handed him a loudspeaker.

"This is an important place under the control of the US military. Anyone who strikes this place will be regarded as an enemy of the United States. We have the right to kill it on the spot!"

Click! Click!

The American soldiers who surrounded the Japanese turned their guns to prepare them, which made Yakuza, who was still arrogant before, and the menacing Metropolitan Police officers almost peeing.

Zhou Jianguo and the others also watched it for a moment, and they didn't expect that Jin Xiantai would actually get all the American soldiers to back up, so they couldn't help but think that Jin Xiantai was simply too good in the United States.

Of course, strictly speaking, Jin Xiantai really does not have this ability.

But old George has ~lightnovelpub.net~ It’s just Zhou Jianguo, who doesn’t know the inside story. At this moment, he has a profound experience of Kim Hyun Tae’s energy in the United States, although there is a deep misunderstanding in this experience.

At the same time, several broadcast interview vehicles with the logo of Asahi tv appeared, and several hosts who carried cameras and familiar Japanese people got out of the vehicle.

When the people from Asahi TV showed up, the cowboy American officer turned around and said to Zhou Jianguo in English: "You can find some people to dress up a little bit more badly. We want to show the Japanese a bit more this time!"

Zhou Jianguo nodded knowingly, and then secretly took a few people to go.

At this time, whether it was Yakuza or the policemen of the Metropolitan Police Department, there was a deep and deep sense of despair from their hearts.

[Would you like to be so cruel, it is American soldier and Asahi TV, is this not letting us live? 】

If you still don't see any problems until now, then such a person is really an idiot... (To be continued.)