Rising America

Chapter 525: Want to be a tough guy? Ha ha!

Because he knew what was happening in Japan, and the old George was too mindful, the Japanese land reclamation project allowed him to make this big battle, which really shocked many people, especially Scared the Japanese.

After all, the Yamaguchi group, who came to trouble and wanted to take advantage, did not expect to provoke the troops of the US Naval Base in Yokosuka.

If they knew that such a consequence would happen, they wouldn't have a wishful thinking.

Speaking of it, they were dazzled by their interests. They just saw that a Huaxia company contracted the follow-up land reclamation project. They thought they had a bargain and could convince the other party. But what they never expected was that this company came from Huaxia's company has an American background.

Therefore, the Yamaguchi team was kicked on the iron board this time. Even if they regret it now, it is too late. Because of the Yamaguchi team who came to the construction site that day, almost 100 people were surrounded by American soldiers with live ammunition. Anyone dare If you move, you will be severely beaten with the butts of the American ghost and animal soldiers.

In the current situation, even the most brainless people among them can guess what they will end up next.

Sad reminder!

But this is not the end, and the police of the Metropolitan Police Department, who are the same as Yamaguchi, were also rounded up by the American ghost and animal soldiers, and their treatment is no different from that of the Yamaguchi group.

Some people might say that the police of the Metropolitan Police Department should not be treated the same as the Yamaguchi group members. After all, the Metropolitan Police Department can be regarded as the face of Japan.

Of course, this is not unreasonable, but it must be considered and analyzed based on the environment and location, as well as some more important complex factors.

Especially when this thing happened in different time and space, so don't worry about some logical problems.

In short, the American soldiers did not show any face, what about the people in the Metropolitan Police Department? All have to be honest to me, haven't you listened to the chief?

Anyone who hits land reclamation projects is regarded as an important place for hitting beautiful things and can be shot on the spot!

I'll go, who is not afraid of this?

Now it's just being smashed with the **** of a gun by the American soldiers, after all, this can't kill anyone.

If anyone doesn't have eyesight and wants to bluff in front of these ghosts, then if they cause these ghosts to shoot, they will lose their lives.

Therefore, the situation was brought under control all at once.

At the same time, the interview vehicle owned by Asahi also arrived at the location of the incident and began to conduct interviews and videotaping, as if it was going to make the matter worse.

When I saw Asahi reporters, the attitude of the head of the Metropolitan Police Department was different from those of the Yamaguchi group, and the Yamaguchi group didn’t care at all. On the other hand, the officials of the Metropolitan Police Department who were present at the scene showed their faces. It showed the appearance of eating shit, in short, wonderful and weird.

The Asahi shooting team that arrived at the scene of the incident was divided into three groups. One group of people took pictures of the Yamaguchi team, but they were all those who had no injuries on their bodies and looked fierce and looked like they were not good people. At the same time, they lost them. The baseball bats at the feet were also photographed.

On the contrary, for those Yamaguchi crew members who were snatched out and beaten up by a group of Qingyun companies, who were dying and looked miserable, Asahi's cameraman did not take them at all, or even gave them a shot.

So if the filmed video is played on the news screen, what kind of effect it will have, it is also conceivable.

But this is also very normal. Who made Asahi the property of Kim Hyun-tae? He is the boss of Asahi and the representative of the United States in the Japanese media industry.

Then my boss's land reclamation project is in trouble. Of course, the people below are very clear about what they should do next. There is no need for someone to tell them in particular.

This is something that everyone who is rolling in the society knows and understands. No one is an idiot or fool.

"Why did you blackmail the construction party?"

The reporter who was in charge of shooting the Yamaguchi group members took the microphone and started asking questions.

This is a white man with blond hair and blue eyes, but his Japanese is perfectly round. If you don't look at his appearance, you will definitely think he is an authentic Japanese.

The people in the Yamaguchi team immediately glared at him when they heard this.

You know, in this place of Japan, no reporter dared to ask them questions like this, especially those who were very straightforward and labeled them blackmail.

Unfortunately, the reporter who asked the question was an American, so the threatening eyes of the Yamaguchi team members did not affect him at all. On the contrary, their performance caused problems for themselves.

"Be honest! What do you want to do!"

When the American soldiers guarding these Yamaguchi group members saw this, they immediately picked up the butts of their rifles and smashed them at the tough guys.

At the beginning, some people even pretended to be hard-hearted, and remained silent after being hit.

But they didn't know that the more they acted like this tough guy, the more they inspired the American soldiers to beat them, so they were treated more fiercely.

A person's toughness has a bottom line, so when this bottom line is crossed, the tough guys will not be able to pretend to be. In other words, China's rough language is to pretend to be stupid.

"Oh! Don't fight! Don't fight! It hurts! It hurts!"

"Please don't fight, I'm convinced!"

"Let you pretend to be a tough guy, I'm from Texas. I have never seen a tough guy!"

A few guys who followed the tough guy style route were beaten to the ground by a gang of American ghost and beast soldiers, and couldn't stand the torture, and began to beg for mercy.

It’s a pity that they overestimated the compassion of American ghosts and animals. The more they begged, the more they were beaten. In short, whether they pretended to be a tough guy or pitiful, they aroused the animal status of the American ghosts and animals. , It’s impossible to prevent these soldiers from releasing the ghost and beast skills that they have stimulated.

And in the process of the American soldiers releasing their skills, the cameras on Asahi's side were of course turned off. These reporters are also smart.

After the soldiers' skills were released, the camera was turned on again.

The white reporter handed the microphone over again with a funny face, and then repeated his previous question: "Whose instructions did you come to the construction site to blackmail?"

This time no one took the tough guy style, but no one answered the reporter's question. These people in the Yamaguchi team all pretended to be dumb and prepared to fight with silence.

But can they avoid this problem by doing so?

The result is very obvious, because their attitude once again inspired the ghost and animal skills of the American soldiers, and they gave themselves a brutal beating.

Finally, someone couldn't help but opened his mouth.

And as one person speaks, others see a role model, and more people speak slowly.

After all, they are also flesh and blood, and they dare not fight against the American soldiers who are gifted with ghosts and animals. Perhaps they can bully honest people or ordinary people, but in the face of American soldiers with gifted ghosts and animals, they are no different from ants.

Therefore, those who know the current affairs are handsome, they also understand the truth.

The answer is not unexpected. It is nothing but the instructions of the people above. It involves the high-level of the Yamaguchi group, and even the agreement of the high-level and the Metropolitan Police Department. Everyone hopes to get a share of this project.

After getting this answer, the white male reporter left with great satisfaction, leaving behind a group of miserable Yamaguchi members floating away.

The white reporter even thought about the headline of the news. The Metropolitan Police Department's collusion with the gangsters will certainly attract the attention of many people.

The second group of filming teams came to the Metropolitan Police Department and began interviewing and asking questions about the Metropolitan Police Department.

Facing the reporters from Asahi, the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department, large and small, cursed in their hearts one by one, but they had to behave in front of the camera and they were very decent in terms of questioning, and their inner suffering was really not for outsiders.

"We have received news that in this police operation, the Metropolitan Police Department clearly favored the Yamaguchi group with a gangster background, so can we think that you are in collusion? Of course we received the exact news, Metropolitan Police Department The senior management and the Yamaguchi group reached an agreement, and they all want to squeeze profits from this project, so what do you think of this issue?"

The question to the Metropolitan Police Department was a white female reporter, and the questions she asked were even sharper. All the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department did not know how to answer.

Fortunately, for such questions, the Metropolitan Police Department has a routine way of answering.

"No comment!"

Well, generally speaking, such an answer can indeed avoid the question.

Only this time, obviously such an answer is impossible to satisfy a female reporter.

"Please don't avoid my question. Your answer is obviously not enough. The public has the right to know!"

This is not your United States, OK~lightnovelpub.net~ Even the United States is fake, grandma's!

The police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, who was entangled by the female reporter, looked at the female reporter in front of him and scolded the 18th generation of the other ancestor in his heart.

Of course, if people from the Metropolitan Police Department do not cooperate, they cannot be as cruel to them as they are to the Yamaguchi group. After all, they are Japanese civil servants, not like gangsters.

Therefore, apart from continuing to entangle this female reporter, she also has no good measures. Even the American soldiers who are responsible for surrounding the Metropolitan Police Department can only stare.

I asked several questions in a row, but people from the Metropolitan Police Department did not cooperate, and the female reporter turned around to face the photographer's lens and began to talk to herself.

"The Japanese Metropolitan Police Department has an affair with the gang. This is an indisputable fact in Japan. We Asahi have enough evidence to confirm that the recent incident of blackmailing a US construction company was involved by senior officials of the Metropolitan Police Department. For details, please Follow the evening news on Asahi TV."

After finishing talking, the female reporter looked back at the uncooperative Metropolitan Police Officer and said to him: "Watching the news at night, Asahi is not just a local Japanese TV station. There are audiences from overseas. You will be famous." to be continued. ..