Rising America

Chapter 526: Americans dare to play

Zhou Jianguo was wrapped in a white bandage on his head, and blood stains that looked scary were oozing out of the bandage. At the same time, his right hand also helped the bandage, and was clamped on two wooden boards.

It's just that the blood stains on his head came from a chicken that had just been killed in the board room. There was no problem with his arm at all. The reason why he looked so miserable was just to cooperate with Asahi's camera.

And all the workers at Qingyun Company have also learned from their own boss Zhou. They all made themselves look extremely miserable, as if they were being bullied very badly.

In fact, Zhou Jianguo and the others took advantage of this conflict.

"Although we are from China, we abide by the local laws when we were constructing here, and we did not do anything out of line. But we were treated very unfairly, not just by the people who claimed to be the underworld here. Blackmail, and will be made things difficult by the police who are in collusion with the underworld"

Zhou Jianguo is not stupid, of course he should say something at this moment, and should not say anything.

Therefore, these things he said now are all detrimental to the Yamaguchi group and the people of the Metropolitan Police Department. Zhou Jianguo did not mention anything about them beating the people of the Yamaguchi group.

"Strictly speaking, Qingyun Company should be regarded as a US company, because the 80 controlling shareholders are Americans, so we can take over the land reclamation project. Perhaps the underworld elements do not know this and think we are a Chinese company. It’s okay to be bullied if you don’t have a background here, so I came here."

Zhou Jianguo talked eloquently in front of the camera, and from time to time he pretended to be weak, and took a few quick breaths. His acting skills were also very good.

"Although the reclamation project is about to be completed in the later stage, but even so, it will take two or three years to complete. This is full of benefits that are invisible to ordinary people. For example, we need earthwork materials. Landfill in the later stage is of great interest.

For example, a truckload of earthworks requires 100,000 yen, but those guys found us but asked for 1 million, and threatened to beat our earthmoving suppliers, forcing them to transfer the supply right to them, and then they raised the price, the world There is no such reason, right. "

Zhou Jianguo was right. The Yamaguchi team is untenable for such a thing, because the truth is not on their side.

Facing the camera lens, Zhou Jianguo continued: "Their people spoke very loudly when they found me and threatened me that they have a deep relationship and energy in the local area, and we are nothing but foreigners in their eyes, so no matter what It’s impossible to beat them, so if you want the project to continue, you must do it in their own way and give them certain benefits and benefits. Otherwise, the project will not want to continue construction."

Asahi’s cameraman and sound engineer recorded everything Zhou Jianguo said, and the reporter who led the video recording for Zhou Jianguo also quietly let Zhou Jianguo perform there, interrupting him a little. nothing.

After all, Zhou Jianguo's performance was very good, so why bother to interrupt him.

But at this time, the leading reporter still asked a question.

"Mr. Zhou, then do you know their identity and background?"

Haha, this is for Zhou Jianguo to unlock the identity of the other party. How can Zhou Jianguo be unclear about this.

It may be jealous to change to someone else, but Zhou Jianguo is different. He is not afraid of the Japanese at all, especially when he is already offended, he is even less jealous.

"The person who had found me a few days ago to threaten said that he represented the Yamaguchi group, the largest gang in Japan, and threatened that if I did not agree to their terms, I would bring people to make trouble and make us all I can’t go back to my country and die in this place.”

Zhou Jianguo is also quite capable of spreading rumors. It is certainly possible to say that the Yamaguchi group threatened him, but it is a bit unrealistic to say that the other party said that all of them should die in Japan.

However, the Japanese gangs in different time and space are well-known in the world. Therefore, although Zhou Jianguo's remarks are a bit excessive, many people believe it.

As Zhou Jianguo emphasized, the reclamation project contains huge benefits, and it is not impossible to take risks for these huge benefits.

The leading reporter took the opportunity to ask again: "What conditions do they force you to agree to?"

Zhou Jianguo replied: "The earthwork supply will be given to them at a price of 15 times the current price, and 10% of the land area that has been prepared will be sold to them for free. In return, they will let them start the construction smoothly. "

Haha, after listening to Zhou Jianguo's introduction of the conditions for the opening of the Yamaguchi team, the reporters who led the team laughed out loud, because the Yamaguchi team's appetite is really big, and it can even be said to be extremely greedy.

After the completion of this land reclamation project in Tokyo Bay, the total land area will be about 50 square kilometers, which is completely built as a new district.

Although the land has not yet been completed, and there are no buildings on some of the completed land, anyone who is not an idiot will know how much business and wealth will be contained in the future.

You know, Tokyo, Japan can be described as an inch of gold, so the value of the land is obvious here.

Wanting to use blackmail and threats to take away about 5 square kilometers of land at one time, it can be seen that the Yamaguchi group's appetite is really amazing.

You know, Tokyo’s famous Shinjuku business district is only one square kilometer in size.

It is impossible for them to be unclear about the wealth represented by this square kilometer.

Especially after the land reclamation project is completed, it is obvious that it is not impossible to develop a commercial area on the ground, and the geographical environment here is also quite superior.

Therefore, once the commercial development is completed, it is equivalent to the role of Jinshan.

"These people are really greedy, and in the face of such a huge profit temptation, it is not surprising that they are forced to take risks and use violence."

The reporter leading the team turned to face the photographer and began to make evaluations and comments.

Regardless of whether Zhou Jianguo's words are true or not, because of the huge interests involved, people can't help but believe his words.

The U.S. military officer standing on Zhou Jianguo's side was photographed by the photographer at this time. After facing the camera, the reporter who led the team talked awkwardly, and finally found this guy.

Facing the camera, the active-duty officer of the U.S. Navy base also began his performance.

"This land reclamation project originally belonged to the express company, but due to financial problems, the project and rights were transferred to the owner William, and because this reclamation project involved the future development of the U.S. Navy in Yokosuka, So we attach great importance to what happened today."

This incident involved the US military, which suddenly made people look serious.

"We suspect that behind these gangsters, perhaps not only the high-level instructions of the Metropolitan Police Department, but also the acquiescence of the senior officials of the Japanese government, their purpose is to influence the construction and hinder our terminal after the completion of the project. Construction projects, because some officials within the Japanese government are dissatisfied with our U.S. military for a day or two, but they will not tell us clearly, they will only engage in small tricks in secret, just like the previous stage. Time framed us American soldiers for violent Japanese girls."

The officer said a big deal very deliberately.

Fortunately, this filming is not an instant broadcast, otherwise the Japanese government will be able to fry the pot right now.

Framed! Do little moves! And also want to influence the Americans' plans to expand the deployment of naval bases in Japan. Such a thing is absolutely great, but once the Americans really want to take the opportunity to make trouble, the result is definitely not what the Japanese government wants to face.

After all, the evaluation of American ghosts and animals is definitely not just a talk, it is the Japanese have personally experienced.

Despite the fact that the Americans are always at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Soviets, it is easy for the Americans to bully the Japanese.

"So, this incident may involve high-level Japanese government?"

The reporter leading the team sensitively grasped an important point.

The U.S. official nodded: "We have received relevant information. This incident involved many high-level Japanese officials, but how to deal with that is a matter for the Congress. What I want to do now is to ensure that the construction here can go smoothly. Go ahead and will not encounter such harassment in the future."

The voice of this beautiful officer was clearly heard by people in the Metropolitan Police Department not far away. Therefore, the faces of the Metropolitan Police Department's gang turned pale, and they had no idea that things would become like this.

The U.S. official went on to say an important message: "As far as I know many senior Japanese political leaders involved in this matter, it is not convenient for me to disclose their names, but there is one person I can say because he has led the framing of the reputation of our U.S. military some time ago~ lightnovelpub.net~ and used money to buy out the case that the girl planted to us. He is the official minister of the cabinet, Kenji Nagato. This person is an out-and-out right-winger and has many connections with Japanese gangs."

The Nagato Kenji spoken by the US military officer is not sure if it is such a person, but it is obvious that the Americans are going to take this opportunity to destroy him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't take the beautiful official's mouth, and said the above remarks facing the cameraman in Asahi, and directly called the name.

As for the US military's **** of a Japanese girl some time ago, whether it was framed by Nagato Kenji or not, it depends on different people.

In the back, Zhou Jianguo, who listened to the American officials chattering with the camera, was also sensitive to a trace of something. At the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart that the Americans are really going to play a big game. What is the name of that? The guy at Kenji Nagato is out of luck. But the Americans really dare to play, which can't help but admire. .

The reporter who was in charge of interviewing Zhou Jianguo and the U.S. official turned around and continued to comment after the U.S. official said: “It seems that this incident will involve many people, and it is likely to cause shocks in Japanese politics. Please follow-up development. Follow the Asahi Shimbun broadcast, the Asahi Shimbun brings you the latest and hottest news in the world, and digs out the hidden shady scenes" to be continued.