Rising America

Chapter 529: Zhou Jianguo's plan

Yokosuka is surrounded by a large number of American bars, cafes and shops because of the U.S. Naval Base and the colony of its entourage members. This also makes the lives of U.S. military families living here very convenient.

It is precisely because of this that the local Japanese will call this place "Little America", and it has also attracted a large number of Japanese teenagers who admire American culture to linger.

Jin Xiantai and Zhou Jianguo found a quiet but not so noisy bar here and sat down. After ordering two cold drinks casually, Zhou Jianguo opened his chatterbox.

"I made a phone call at the embassy, ​​but someone made trouble and asked for trouble. Therefore, the embassy refused my call for help. Therefore, I had to take self-defense measures and those Yakuzhas. Yes, if it weren't for the reminder of contacting you, we might all have to fall into the hands of the Metropolitan Police Department."

Jin Xiantai seemed very quiet, and at the same time he speculated in his heart, and probably guessed a little bit of inside information.

Sure enough, Zhou Jianguo immediately began to talk about this aspect.

"This is someone who wants to take the opportunity to let me fall into the hands of the Metropolitan Police Department, and then use this to attack my old father-in-law. It is also a revenge for my integration of the company’s shares some time ago. Because of your investment, I will The second generation ancestors who eat dry shares and do nothing have been cleared out. Because those guys have lost their benefits, it goes without saying that they hate me."

According to Zhou Jianguo's statement, the inside story is not too complicated. The black hand behind the scenes was to retaliate against him for clearing himself out of Qingyun Company, and did not make a fortune after Jin Xiantai became a shareholder.

At the same time, there is news that Zhou Jianguo’s old father-in-law is going to be raised, but the appointment has not been issued yet. If his son-in-law has a scandal in a foreign country, then using this to attack Zhou Jianguo’s old father-in-law will definitely affect his promotion. Sex.

Vengeance and political struggle are inseparable from what Kim Hyun-tae inferred, but Kim Hyun-tae doesn’t want to participate in such things, after all, even if he wants to participate, he can’t participate.

Zhou Jianguo’s father-in-law is a senior executive of Huaxia, and he is an American high school student. Moreover, his energy is limited to the United States and cannot affect Huaxia at all.

So, Kim Hyun-tae can only help what happened to Zhou Jianguo.

Of course, he can still do it with two comforting sentences, but it is limited to this.

In this regard, Jin Xiantai has a very clear understanding, so he won't be silly to join in, and have to trouble himself.

Even as Zhou Jianguo said, because of his own equity participation, he has offended many people, but strictly speaking, he is not to blame for Jin Xiantai.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai will not be impressed by Zhou Jianguo's words, and has to take part in it.

The cold drinks ordered by the two were brought up by the waiter. These were two alcoholic drinks. Zhou Jianguo took one of them and took a big sip, then placed the cups heavily on the table.

Kim Hyun Tae spoke at this time.

"Don't think about it so much. Fortunately, there are no major problems. Now your main focus is on engineering. Don't think about other things for the time being. This will be distracting."

Jin Xiantai didn't ask much about who was behind the scenes, he didn't mean to be curious at all, and he didn't ask Zhou Jianguo who he had guessed was. It was obvious that he was not very interested in this matter.

Seeing Kim Hyun Tae's reaction, where could Zhou Jianguo be unclear.

However, Zhou Jianguo didn't even think about pulling Kim Hyun Tae into this trouble, and what he said just now was just a vent, and by the way he complained.

Therefore, Zhou Jianguo nodded slowly after hearing the words, indicating that he understood Jin Xiantai's suggestion.

Zhou Jianguo, as an old river and lake, would not despise Jin Xiantai because he was young, nor would he rely on the old to sell him in front of him.

Of course, if you don't know how to be a human being, Qingyun today won't be so big.

What's more, Kim Hyun-tae also "obtained" the troops from the US Naval Base in Yokosuka. Such energy surprised even Zhou Jianguo.

Although Zhou Jianguo was able to rely on his old father-in-law's background in China, his background was not useful at all when he went abroad.

But Kim Hyun Tae is different. Even if he walks out of the United States, he is still very energetic in some countries. At least Kim Hyun Tae left such an impression on Zhou Jianguo.

In fact, Zhou Jianguo knew that it was not Kim Hyun-tae who mobilized the US Navy in Yokosuka, but George.

However, Zhou Jianguo would not ask this question in detail, and Jin Xiantai obviously would not confess the truth stupidly, so Zhou Jianguo could only continue to misunderstand it like this.

"With the American soldiers here, Little Japan will never dare to provoke us again, so I can focus all my energy on the project. After all, this is a project that involves going abroad. As long as we finish our company, we will get it. Something to shoot."

Zhou Jianguo's mood slowly improved, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Jin Xiantai said: "I don’t want to ask what happened to the shareholders of the company in the past. It has nothing to do with me. If they find trouble with the company and affect the operation of the company, that’s not okay. You must Have a clear understanding."

Jin Xiantai was considering the development of the company, so he had to remind Zhou Jianguo very seriously that he must deal with this problem well.

"Although I am a high school student, I am also a businessman, so as a businessman I certainly don't want to cause so much trouble, because it will make people unable to make money, so I like stability."

Zhou Jianguo understood the meaning of Jin Xiantai's remarks. It was nothing more than to let him deal with the messy things and not to affect the company's development.

In fact, Zhou Jianguo didn't want to be like this either, but the grandsons in the country... just such a virtue, he couldn't help Zhou Jianguo.

Fortunately, Qingyun is currently doing projects in Japan. Those second generations who have made great achievements in the country are temporarily beyond the reach, and their capabilities are not involved here.

But when the project in Japan is finished, people like myself always have to return to China, so the next thing will be troublesome.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae hinted at this concern.

Zhou Jianguo, who understood the meaning of Kim Hyun Tae, looked at Kim Hyun Tae and said, "Don’t worry, I won’t let the company run into trouble. Even if there is a problem, I will try my best to solve it, and I have to weigh the people who trouble us. I, after all, with your shareholding, I have re-registered the company and changed it to a US-owned company. In other words, Qingyun is now a foreign company."

Having said that, Jin Xiantai immediately flashed the thought of "You are a real chicken thief" and understood Zhou Jianguo's plan.

Compared with China's local private enterprises, American-owned companies do have some advantages in nature, and they may even make some people feel jealous when they peek.

What Zhou Jianguo wanted to do was to give himself a protective layer to protect himself from troublesome intrusions. After he said this, how could Jin Xiantai care about it?

Then the two talked about how to give benefits to the injured employees.

According to Zhou Jianguo's meaning, the 100,000 soft sister coin cash reward for the injured employees is enough. After all, the salary of these different time and space Huaxia employees is only more than 4,000 a month. Zhou Jianguo gave out 100,000 soft sister coins at a time. It's also very good as a soothing payment, which is equivalent to a two-year salary award, and no one will have an opinion, right.

But Kim Hyun-tae felt that he was still a bit lacking.

After all, those employees were injured, even if their injuries were not serious.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai decided to give out 100,000 soft sister coins as a bonus to these employees. At the same time, all employees who participated in the fight with the Yakuza were also rewarded with tens of thousands of yuan.

And the money does not go to the company's accounts, it is completely paid by Kim Hyun Tae himself.

It's uplifting to think about the Chinese people beating Yakuza, so what's the point of spending a small amount of money in a comfortable mood.

Now Kim Hyun-tae is the least'lack' of money, and besides, it can't cost much money, right?

A total of 23 employees of Qingyun Company were injured, and all of them were minor injuries. No one was seriously injured.

Therefore, according to the standard of 100,000 per person for 23 people, Jin Xiantai only needs to take out 2.3 million soft sister coins, which is 300,000 US dollars according to the exchange rate.

So is 300,000 dollars a lot for Kim Hyun Tae?

Therefore, this matter was quickly finalized, and Zhou Jianguo did not object. After all, Jin Xiantai wanted to use his own money as a reward, and Zhou Jianguo had any qualifications to disagree.

After the issue was settled, Zhou Jianguo said to Jin Xiantai: "Now you have 80% of the company's shares. It is not an exaggeration for the entire Qingyun to say that it is yours, but as a minority shareholder holding 20%, I still have a suggestion."

Kim Hyun Tae heard the words and said, "You said it."

Zhou Jianguo thought for a while, and said: "The land reclamation project has already completed a large area, so why don't we start to develop it? This can save a lot of time first, and there is no need to wait for the completion of the project. It just started, and at the same time, it can accumulate a lot of cash, which will be very beneficial to the development of the company."

Yes, the land area of ​​50 square kilometers on the land reclamation project has an area of ​​35 square kilometers that has already been completed, but it has not been developed and constructed. It is a pity that people see it.

After all, the land is ready for development and construction.

So why do you want to stay ridiculous?

Once it is developed, whether it is to build residential or commercial blocks, a large amount of cash can be credited to the account, which is of great benefit to Jin Xiantai.

Because he is the right holder and owner of this land.

For Zhou Jianguo and Qingyun Company ~lightnovelpub.net~ it is also good to do so, that is, it can allow the company to gain a lot of construction experience, and lay a good technical foundation for returning to the country to do commercial real estate in the future, and then gain advantages .

You know, Qingyun, a government low-rent housing company in Dalian, has always wanted to transform into commercial housing development.

But low-rent housing is not the same as commercial housing. Qingyun has not yet possessed such a strong strength, whether it is capital or technology.

So Zhou Jianguo has always been a headache for this.

But now that there is such an opportunity in front of you, how can you say that Zhou Jianguo might not be moved.

Of course, the accumulation of land reclamation projects is not only technology, but also fame and honor.

Qingyun has engaged in #real estate abroad!

This gimmick can definitely attract the attention of high-end people in China.

After all, the psychology of Huaxia people in different time and space... you know... (to be continued~^~)