Rising America

Chapter 533: Hang out

Kim Hyun-tae could have seen it, and there was no way for Demi to dispel the idea of ​​liking him. Kim Hyun-tae himself was helpless and speechless about this.

But he really has nothing to do, the most he can do is not to accept it, nothing more.

As for what Demi said because of her good looks, she liked this strange reason. Although the reason is very strange, it is not impossible to understand Jin Xiantai after thinking about it.

You have to know when he lived in another time and space, in which era would he really like girls based on their looks, otherwise, where are there so many Korean fans?

Therefore, Demi's reason is strange, but it is not impossible.

It's just that in Kim Hyun Tae's opinion, this reason makes him a little bit dumbfounded.

Unable to communicate with Demi normally, Kim Hyun-tae had no choice but to end the topic, leaving the cafe with his daughter, Demi and Ayumi, and started shopping in Ura Harajuku Commercial Street.

After all, shopping can not continue with the previous topic for the time being. The dazzling array of goods on the shopping street can divert the attention of the three girls and allow Jin Xiantai to obtain temporary peace.

Well, this trick is still very useful. It is possible to look at the cheerful appearance of the three girls. Their attention has been attracted by the shops on both sides of the street, especially Xiao Ke Ke, who is even more dizzying. The gaze attracted by the various trinkets displayed in the shop was plentiful, and it was obvious that the little guy was very interested in those cute trinkets.

Ura Harajuku Shopping Street and Shibuya are the two major gatherings of trendy goods for young people. Many young people from Japan and even foreigners will choose to visit one of these two places when they come to News, and buy some of their favorites by the way. Products of.

If you come to Japan and haven't been to these two places, then basically for young people, you have never been to Japan.

Therefore, walking on the Harajuku commercial street, Kim Hyun-tae can see many girls dragging their suitcases. They keep going in and out of various shops, choosing their favorite clothes and accessories, and bargaining with the store to buy them directly. Put the purchased goods in the suitcase, and then continue to drag the suitcase to go shopping.

In addition to the cool ones, the popular young people's clothing in Japan is more kawaii style. This kind of clothing that makes people look cute when worn on the body is very popular among girls and is also a current fashion trend.

And this fashion trend is similar to another time and space, there is no difference.

All kinds of gothic, British or long or short skirts, with lace headwear, neckwear, wrist accessories and other small accessories, can make girls look cute and cute, and this is called in Japan Kawaii, and there are a large number of strange flowers sought after and respected.

Japan is a society above patriarchy, even Japan in different time and space.

Although it has entered the modern era, this view above male power has not been shaken off, but it is just not as conspicuous as in the past.

But in the bones of Japanese women, they still think that pleasing men is what they should do most, and only in this way can they be considered a successful woman.

Therefore, when men are obsessed with admiring kawaii, girls must unknowingly choose this girly dress to catch up with this trend.

It's just that outsiders don't understand this deeply, they are just curious and admired for the fashion sense of Japanese girls and the cuteness of dressing up.

But for the lover who knows the hidden hidden in Japanese society, when looking at the kawaii girls on the street, there will be a deep pity in their hearts.

Kim Hyun Tae is like this now.

Comparing Demi and Ayumi, and their daughter who doesn't know anything, Kim Hyun-tae must know more than them. After all, the two lives have experienced so many things.

Therefore, I know more about Japanese society as a whole and its hidden dark side than the girl Meen.

A boy with a weird hairstyle and weird costumes, but in the eyes of young Japanese people who would be seen as a trendy boy, passed by Kim Hyun-tae. Behind him was a Japanese girl who was equally dressed and struggling with high heels. Follow his steps closely.

The boy in front didn't turn his head, he didn't even reach out to hold the girl, or help the girl walk together. After all, the two of them should look like a couple.

"Why are you walking so slowly, faster!"

At this time, the boy looked back at the girl behind him and yelled. After yelling, the boy turned his head and continued to walk forward, but he still didn't mean to help the girl.

"Sorry, Hiromoto-kun, the heels of my shoes are too high to walk, but I will try to keep up with you."

After the girl was yelled, she did not show any dissatisfaction. On the contrary, she was embarrassed and even said something to the boy as if she had done something wrong.

When the boy continued to move forward, the girl tried hard to follow.

And this is just a microcosm of the Japanese patriarchal society.

This kind of thing is in Japan. If it happened in China, hehe, the boy would dare to use such an attitude toward his girlfriend, he would have to be slapped with two big mouths by his girlfriend.

From this point of view, at least in terms of equality between men and women, Huaxia did a very good job, but the girls at Huaxia didn’t feel so deeply about it.

"Dad, that brother was so fierce just now, and that sister is so pitiful."

It's impossible to see anything at Coco's age, but even so, she felt that the girl just now was a bit pitiful, after all, being treated like this by her boyfriend, she still maintained a humble and respectful attitude.

"Cocoa is not allowed to find a Japanese boyfriend when he grows up?"

Kim Hyun Tae's funny character happened, and he didn't know what he thought of. At this time, he was very precautionary and gave his daughter a vaccination.

Xiao Ke Ke tilted his head and looked at his father with a puzzled look on his face. After a while, he asked, "What is a boyfriend? Why does Coco look for a boyfriend?"

Well, there is no way to tell this question to her daughter in depth, and Jin Xiantai also knows what he said just now, and he seems a bit strange and funny.

Therefore, he does not intend to continue discussing this issue with his daughter.

After all, if you make a mistake once, how can you continue.

Fortunately, Demi came over at this time, opened the mouth to solve the small trouble for Kim Hyun-tae, and successfully changed the topic.

"There is a selfie hall in front, where Ayumi is going to take a few selfies. Let's go with her, okay, we won't waste much time, we can finish it soon."

"Okay! No problem, go!"

Jin Xiantai was bothering about how to change the subject. Now Demi has just solved this problem for him, so Jin Xiantai immediately walked forward in a hurry, not giving his daughter's chance to continue asking questions.

Camilla and Hilda looked at each other and smiled, and then Hilda took Cocoa in his arms and followed.

Camilla accompanies 47, watching her specifically to prevent her from doing actions that may harm others. After all, under 47's seemingly harmless appearance, she actually has a very powerful lethality, right?

Therefore, Camilla must follow her every step of the way and watch her under this situation.

There are several selfie shops in Harajuku Shopping Street. For only 2000 yen, you can take a photo with a real-time imaging machine here.

And Jin Xiantai is no stranger to such a shop, he has also seen such a thing in his life experience in the past life.

It was the first time that Coco saw this thing, so the little guy seemed very excited.

And the little guy began to strongly ask Jin Xiantai to take selfies with him.

Jin Xiantai has no reason to be dissatisfied with the small request of his daughter. After all, this is not a bad thing, right.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai paid out the money, and Coco stood in front of a Selfie, and began to pose continuously with her daughter, and made various expressions according to her daughter's requirements. It was very fun to play with her daughter Cocoa.

And after shooting for a while, Coco greeted Demi to join in.

Ayumi walked into a small cubicle by herself and went to do her own private affairs, but no one cared about her.

There are mostly girls in the selfie shop, and they all wear trendy clothes.

Maybe it’s because it’s summer now, so the girls still wear all of them are very cool. Some wear hot pants that show half of their ass, and some wear very thin **** vests but don’t wear a cover inside. , It is easy for people to see that the two small bumps on the chest are pink, and there are always different ones.

After the handsome Kim Hyun-tae appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of these Japanese trendy girls, and even some courageous girls would wink at him~lightnovelpub.net~ Obviously this was seduce.

In Japan in a different time and space, trendy girls are generally avant-garde and bold, and the degree of boldness is very staggering, beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Of course, Japan’s unique customs may have some related factors.

In addition, the Japanese themselves are a lecherous people, and all kinds of pornographic magazines and video discs can be sold in the streets and alleys, so how can Japanese girls not be open to their thoughts?

In addition, Japanese men usually look rather wretched, so when Kim Hyun-tae appears with good looks and good figure, it becomes normal to attract Japanese girls.

If he shows a little bit of meaning, maybe these girls are willing to go with him and have a little intimate relationship, and these girls will even pay for the house, and will not cost Kim Hyun-tae, and even Kim Hyun-tae will have to go for a few people at a time. Whatever, these girls will not refuse, they will only feel excited about such a thing.

Of course, the premise is that Kim Hyun Tae is a handsome guy.

To be that kind of wretched guy, this matter is to be continued.