Rising America

Chapter 544: 1代成#The birth of a tycoon

I spent one night at the U.S. Naval Base in Yokosuka, and Kim Hyun-tae’s cell phone did not stop ringing this night.

However, Jin Xiantai did not answer any calls from these numbers that showed that they were from Japan, because he knew exactly who the people who called him were and what they wanted to say when they called him.

Kim Hyun-tae didn’t dare to turn off the phone, because he didn’t know if the United States and George would be in a hurry to find him, so he could only be patient and let the ringing ring noisy all night, so he didn’t sleep well at all that night, so he got up in the morning. There is a faint black halo on her eye circles.

Last night, the 7 o'clock news of Asahi TV broadcasted a six-generation breaking news video, and this news caused a sensation in all walks of life in Japan, especially the shock to Japanese politics.

In this video broadcast on the news, the sixth generation of Yamaguchi Group spoke of several big names with names, so how could it not cause the public’s attention and political shock?

In particular, Comrade Liudaimu stated with conviction that he still has relevant evidence in his hands, which can prove that many investigations in the early years were clueless, but the incidents that made people feel that there were shady incidents were related to some big people. .

News and videos have already been broadcast, and the next thing is not something that Kim Hyun-tae can participate in. His role is only to act as a fuse. The rest of the matter does not need to be considered by him. Naturally, someone will follow up. Go down.

When Old George asked him to do this, Kim Hyun-tae basically knew where his part of responsibility was, so he had a good heart.

At this point, the Japanese party can be considered as a perfect ending, and then ready to set off to return to the United States.

As for the Thai side, Jin Xiantai doesn't plan to go. After all, school will start for some time. As a student who is about to be promoted to the second grade, it is not good to be absent for no reason.

Therefore, after communicating with the old George, he was ready to go back to the United States directly from Japan. However, when Jin Xiantai thought that he had promised an old man from China to invest in this matter, he checked that the current date was August 15. With half a month before school started on September 1, I temporarily decided to go to China and then return to the United States.

Of course, before leaving Japan, Jin Xiantai still has to do a little bit.

He invested US$5 million in Demi and became her only partner of'Instant Noodles'. He was also responsible for finding a machine for making instant noodles for her. So before leaving, she contacted Demi and told Dai Mi had to stare at his news patiently, and don't worry about it.

After encouraging this former girl next door, who had a crush on herself and confessed but was rejected, Kim Hyun-tae left the Yokosuka U.S. Naval Base with his daughter, two maids, and 47, and arrived at the airport under the **** of the military. I took the Airbus that was rented by the Congress and left Japan for China.

Strictly speaking, Kim Hyun-tae’s personal gains during this trip to Asia are not great. After all, some things cannot be measured by money alone.

Wealth is only a standard, a part of a foundation, but it can never be all.

Although the owner of Japan's Asahi TV is Kim Hyun-tae, he is actually the spokesperson of the US government in the Japanese public opinion circle. If he does not follow the American wishes, it is easy for Asahi TV to change the boss.

Kim Hyun-tae doesn't think he has the ability to wrestle with the US government, especially after seeing how the Japanese Yasuda chaebol was destroyed, he has a deep understanding and fear of power.

Having wealth without power is basically the same as a pig whose lamb is ready to be slaughtered. It only depends on when the power person slaughters you. Once this happens, even if you have money, it is of no use.

South Korea’s SBS TV station was also successfully taken by Kim Hyun-tae and merged into the CNN media brand, becoming the Asian Korean sub-station, giving him another voice channel after Japan’s Asahi TV, which increased CNN’s influence in Asia.

Asahi TV and SBS have more than 300 million fixed user groups together, and there is a trend of expanding. This is very good news for Kim Hyun-tae.

Of course, whether it is Asahi TV or SBS TV station, its wholly-owned subsidiaries are involved in the business of You Cheng #, especially the wholly-owned subsidiary of Asahi TV, and there is also a Japanese largest # Cheng # film production company, publishing And the number of movies released are very objective, and there is a female #you team with hundreds of people, and there are also several magazines with a lot of circulation. It is Japan after all.

Although SBS does not have a subsidiary of Cheng#ren film shooting, it also controls a #rensha magazine, which publishes the ‘unspeakable’ type of magazines and owns many exclusive female models.

Therefore, Asahi TV’s #success business, plus SBS’s #success business, and the nation’s largest #success video and content production company controlled by CNN, Kim Hyun Tae is like a generation of ‘色’#情# tycoon.

This matter is really speechless to the extreme.

Maybe if a wretched traverser is in the position of Jin Xiantai, he will be very happy and excited, but Jin Xiantai himself is very depressed.

As long as Kim Hyun-tae was willing, he gave an order that all Japan, South Korea, the United States and the Three Kingdoms #woe were gathered in his mansion in Los Angeles, and it was not impossible for him to live in such a frenzied and extravagant life.

And this is exactly the kind of men who can only play movies, dreaming of living.

Fortunately, Jin Xiantai is not such a person, so this kind of life will not appear in his world, otherwise Jin Xiantai would not be Jin Xiantai, he should be renamed Jin Aotian.

But even so, if someone inquires about it, you will find that for Kim Hyun-tae, it is really not too simple to live the life of spending time and drinking with women, because the number of successful companies under his company is full of people. There are a lot of top girls.

At the same time, these girls are also very simple to deal with, just give enough money, and will not cause any trouble to themselves.

It's just that there are not many things that people in the world can know about Jin Hyun Tae's business that he doesn't want people to know, so no one knows them.

At the same time, he obtained the right to develop a gold mine on the outskirts of the Northern Dynasty’s capital due to fate. Although the gold deposits in this gold mine are not as substantial as the Northern Dynasty’s boasting, they also have reserves of 30,000 to 40,000 tons. Just make money.

Of course, what Jin Xiantai didn't know was that he was taken by the North Korean authorities' highest sun's daughter. Now the little girl has surreptitiously left the North Dynasty and entered the United States through a special channel, planning to be a classmate with him.

In Mongolia, except for a girl who was raised as a beast and was a test product of the Soviet KGB experimental institution and also suffered from heterochromia, Jin Xiantai got nothing here.

In Huaxia Jinxiantai, at a very cheap price, he bought a former aristocratic courtyard house next to Yinding Bridge in Houhai, a courtyard house with 13 paved floors in Nanluoguxiang, and a total of two real estate investments. This investment seems like a good deal. Bring him a generous return, but Jin Xiantai won't care, all he cares about is that he can satisfy a thought in his previous life.

At the same time, he was recognized as a grandson by an old Chinese man, and he agreed to invest in 10 billion Chinese soft sister coins.

Taking these things together, it is correct to say that Kim Hyun-tae did not have any big gains during his trip to Asia.

At least, in Kim Hyun Tae's opinion, it is not a big gain.

After all, you are about to become a #人#tycoon. It's really hard to show off, right?

The plane has lifted off, the heading has been fixed, and it has entered a smooth flight. Kim Hyun-tae sat in his seat and quietly sorted out the gains from this trip to Asia in the bottom of his heart, and came up with something that made him laugh and cry. in conclusion.

[God, I am almost becoming a tycoon in a particular industry. 】

With a dull and self-deprecating hum, Kim Hyun-tae stood up, walked to the small bar in the cabin, found the mint wine he was most willing to drink from the wine rack, took another glass, and took it from the refrigerator After taking a large iron scoop of ice cubes and pouring a cup and taking a sigh of relief, the stasis in my heart finally dissipated a lot.

The flight attendant on the airliner kept smiling, but Kim Hyun-tae always took her as the air. It’s not that Kim Hyun-tae disrespects people, but because Kim Hyun-tae could see that the flight attendant wanted to tease herself, so he certainly wouldn’t give her a chance.

47 sleeps in the suite in the airliner, while Hilda and Camilla are playing chess on the round sofa not far away~lightnovelpub.net~ My daughter, Coco, is playing with her mobile phone as always. God knows she is there. Talking about Twitter or playing stand-alone games.

In short, everyone now has their own things to do.

"You go out, I don't need service here, I will call you on the beeper if needed."

Kim Hyun Tae left the flight attendant, and when she left, Kim Hyun Tae felt that the whole person became much easier.

Holding the wine glass in his hand, Jin Xiantai relaxed his body, leaned his back on the comfortable seat, and began to sip the mint wine in the glass slowly, enjoying the leisurely tranquility.

At this time, Coco, who was playing with his mobile phone, suddenly raised his head and shouted at his father who was enjoying himself: "Dad! What is QQ.com?"

Hearing his daughter's shout, Jin Xiantai put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up again and walked over. After stopping next to Coco, he squatted down, and then focused his gaze on the phone screen his daughter was playing with.

At the same time, Jin Xiantai's heart moved [The Internet technology company, has it already made the copycat Taobao out? 】……(To be continued.)