Rising America

Chapter 545: My goal is to monopolize

From the screen of his daughter’s Cocoa mobile phone, Jin Xiantai can see a very simple interface, and the interface has a very obvious QQ logo, and the English letter logo of "Esco". At the same time, because Coco is the first time to log in to this website, The system also has very intimate text descriptions and operation prompt services.

However, it may be due to a relationship that has only recently opened up. Therefore, the "Esco" network of Jinxiantai Internet Co., Ltd. copied Taobao has no products for the time being, and the traffic is not very large.

Therefore, after browsing at will, Coco quit this website. After all, there are no products to see on it.

"Cocoa, you don't have a branded clothing, you can open an online shop here, maybe you will have unexpected gains."

Kim Hyun Taean resisted the excitement in his heart, and did not worry about the current lack of popularity of ‘Esco’. Instead, he encouraged his daughter to register as a seller on ‘Esco’.

Coco looked up at his father, curled his lips and said, "Not interested."

I didn't expect that not only did her daughter not be bewitched by herself, but she gave herself a disappointed response. However, Kim Hyun Tae was not discouraged, but continued to encourage her daughter Cocoa to register a store on the ‘Esco’ online store.

A joke, how can this be done even if my daughter is not interested.

Moreover, "Esco" will definitely catch fire in the future. Before everyone is aware of this, let my daughter seize the opportunity to make the [Panta] clothing under her name an online store, which is of great benefit to her daughter. of.

Although it’s okay to wait for "Tesco" to become popular in the future before letting his daughter register, but doing so will be very criticized. It is equivalent to saying that his abuse of power will bring bad influences and ethos. He will manage the "Tesco" in the future. 'What?

So this kind of thing must be eliminated, at least so that ‘Esco’ can be slightly fairer.

Therefore, when no one noticed this, let the daughter's [Panta] stationed in, this is something that no one can fault.

It’s a weird thing here in Alien Time. It’s timeline in 2016, and there is no online shopping. If Kim Hyun-tae hadn’t come to Alien Time and had personal experience, he wouldn’t believe such a thing.

Since there is no online shopping, there is inevitably no online payment system, so this also allows Jin Xiantai to see the opportunity, so Jin Xiantai made a copy of the "Alipay" system, and at this time has taken pictures, and reached with several major banks in the United States The agreement, using the public as a slogan, officially launched'Alipay', and after a period of operating public feedback is still very good, so taking this opportunity to copy'Taobao' also appeared.

Regardless of Jin Xiantai has been in school all the time, it seems that he doesn't manage the company very much. In fact, Jin Xiantai also uses email and QQ at home to contact Qiao An, as well as the management and technical department heads of the Internet company, to achieve the management of the company through the Internet. .

In many cases, it is not necessary for Kim Hyun Tae to do the facts by himself. Otherwise, what will the company hire so many managements to do.

Jin Xiantai is now a little bit accustomed to and accepting this kind of life, and is slowly integrating into the changes brought about by his identity and status, and learning how to become a qualified boss.

"Cocoa, how can you not support Dad? This website was created by Dad's company. You see how deserted it is now, so as my daughter, shouldn't you support it?"

Of course, you can't be favorable to Coco. Tell her what future prospects and benefits will impress her. After all, Coco is still a kid, and she is still very indifferent to the concept of money.

Maybe if you put 10 billion in front of her and put a lollipop at the same time, the little guy will not choose 10 billion when choosing a lollipop, and this is definitely not a joke.

They don't care about so many children as young as one and a half years old.

Therefore, if he wants to impress his daughter, Jin Xiantai can only change a routine, such as acting like this pitiful one.

I have to say that Kim Hyun-tae’s routine is still very correct, because this trick is very useful for many children under 3 years old, so Coco is no exception.

Are adults good or bad?


But as expected, she saw her father's pitiful face, her heart softened, and then looked at Jin Xiantai and said, "Daddy is so pitiful, then I will support you, alas, who made me your daughter? ."

Kim Hyun-tae put away the pitiful appearance, reached out and hugged Cocoa, and then took a sip at her little cheek, and said with a smile: "With the support of my daughter, my father's website will definitely become popular in the future. , I believe it will be like this, because Coco is the lucky star of Dad and can bring luck to Dad."

Cocoa naturally raised his proud little face, as if what his father said was true.

Every child is like a lucky star to his parents. Parents will also think that their children are the best gift from God, and such a precious gift is the only one in a short lifetime. Nothing else can compare.

For Kim Hyun Tae, a single father, the meaning of Coco Yu is even more so. Therefore, although his words seem to be a joke, who can understand that Kim Hyun Tae’s heart was very deep when he said these words. Sincerely.

Because but he is in this different time and space, the real, only relative.

It is precisely because of the existence of Coco that Jin Xiantai was able to survive the early difficulties so strongly, after all, the early life in different time and space was not so generous.

After the daughter agreed, Jin Xiantai immediately began to teach her how to register a store, and then taught her how to run her own online store, deal with customers, and determine the buying and selling intentions and delivery.

Of course, Coco's shop does not have to be managed by her herself, she can completely hand over the shop to someone from [Panta] Clothing to manage it.

However, Jin Xiantai still has to teach Cocoa to familiarize her with some of the processes in it, so that she will not be fooled.

In the face of his father's teaching, Coco also studied very seriously. After all, his father's current website is unpopular, which is very pitiful.

Since I promised my dad, I have to work hard to do this thing well.

Although the one-and-a-half-year-old Coco is sometimes cheating and likes to fool around, not all that kid is like that.

There are shortcomings, but there are also advantages in Coco. For example, Coco thinks that as long as he agrees, he must do it anyway. Even if there is no way to complete it, he can't just do things by himself. Look, is this an advantage.

"Dad, if I confirm the transaction with the buyer, which company should I ship to?" Xiao Keke suddenly asked a question at this time, and this question is also the most important part of the online shopping link.

Fortunately, although there is no online shopping or Alipay in Different Time and Space, there are so many express companies, large and small, all over the United States.

It's just that these couriers are not very unified, so it will bring a little obstacle to online shopping, and this problem really needs to be solved.

If this problem is not solved, it is really difficult to make online shopping bigger.

Therefore, this problem was mentioned by Coco, and Jin Xiantai immediately saw this small hidden danger from his excited state.

After inquiring about the interface of "Esco", Jin Xiantai found that there are more than 20 express companies recommended by buyers on Esco, and these companies are relatively large, and they can ensure the safety of goods.

It's just that Jin Xiantai discovered that these companies do not cover all regions of the United States, some of which are small towns and even remote areas, so the ‘Esco’ website is not allowed to make signs indicating that transactions are not possible.

How can this be done!

In the original time and space, China’s three major express companies dare not say anything else, basically covering all regions of China, even in remote places, there are people delivering express.

It is precisely because of this relationship that the rapid development of Taobao and other major e-commerce companies has long been achieved. Therefore, the role of express companies in the era of online shopping must not be ignored.

People who despise this will definitely die miserably!

So, for this situation, what solution does Kim Hyun Tae have?

Don't say it, there really are.

And the method is very simple. Spend money to integrate those express delivery companies, and at the same time invest in the express delivery network to cover those areas that are not included in the express delivery coverage network. As long as people in any place have online shopping, the express delivery company can deliver it. And at the same time to ensure the safety of the goods, then the express company can be accepted and used to by people, and at the same time, it will also let the e-commerce rise!

So I was asked by my daughter’s question, and saw that there is still a hidden danger in "Esco", Jin Hyun-tae immediately took out his mobile phone from his suit pocket and called Qiao'an.

At the same time, I said to my daughter: "Daddy see if this problem can be solved. You should familiarize yourself with some of the functions of Tesco. At the same time, think about the things that dad taught you just now."

Seeing his father like this, Coco also knew that his father was doing business, so the little guy was very clever and said, "Oh," he lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, and was familiar with the main page of the "Tesco" merchant as requested by Jin Xiantai. The function is gone.

And here Qiao An also answered the phone.

"BOSS, is there anything you want UU reading www.uukānshu.com?"

Hearing Qiao'an's voice on the other end of the phone, Jin Xiantai directly said, "You can help me to make an assessment. If I want to integrate express delivery, how much investment do I need?"


Is the little BOSS going to enter the field of express delivery?

After some understanding of Kim Hyun Tae’s intentions, Qiao An asked: “Then BOSS, can you tell me what scale do you want to be? Is it in the Los Angeles area or California? Or...become a leader in express delivery.”

That's right, before the evaluation, Qiao An needs to understand Jin Xiantai's goals, and then she can let people come to a conclusion, otherwise it is really difficult to make this evaluation.

"I want to monopolize!"

When Qiao An's voice on the other end of the phone fell off, Kim Hyun-tae immediately gave out what he wanted to achieve.

Yes, that is the monopoly speed. (To be continued.)