Rising America

Chapter 546: Your father is going to cause trouble

There are also anti-monopoly bills in different time and space, mainly to prevent large groups and multinational companies from monopolizing the market, and finally can manipulate prices to obtain huge profits and plunder people's wealth.

However, there is no such bill. Large groups and large multinational companies are still mingling. As the saying goes, if you have policies, I have countermeasures. Moreover, behind the formulation and promulgation of this bill, this group of guys agitated behind. , How could people like them shoot themselves in the foot?

This is just to fool ordinary people.

This bill is actually very simple. It is OK to split a company into several companies. As long as it looks like it is independent and financially independent, the boss is actually one person.

At the same time, there is another advantage of doing so, that is, it can reduce the opportunities for other people to get involved. Once the signs and threats are discovered, these companies can unite to suppress the crowding, and finally achieve the goal of ‘monopoly’.

The bill is there, and the countermeasures are there. All this is just a joke.

But for these things, ordinary bosses really believed.

It has to be said that ordinary people are so foolish. They are the same in any country, even in different time and space...

Therefore, when Jin Xiantai said that she wanted to monopolize the express delivery industry, Qiao An was not surprised, but rather calm, because she felt that this matter was not a big deal, so there was no need to make a fuss.

It's just that she feels that the express delivery industry is very deep. Although it does not conflict with the interests of those established groups and multinational companies, it is not so easy to monopolize this area.

Because it involves the Italian black# gang.

Obviously, his little BOSS still doesn't know this, so Qiao An felt that he should remind him and let him have a bottom.

So after receiving Jin Xiantai’s answer, Qiao An reminded Jin Xiantai: “Boss, it’s not difficult for you to monopolize. We can deal with it with a little trick, but most companies in the express industry involve Italians. Therefore, if you want to set foot in this industry, I think it will cause some unnecessary troubles, because these Italians are very humiliated, and they are all related to the Italian black#gang, or even black#帮钱laundering business, you set foot Monopoly will cut their financial avenues, which is very dangerous."

If Qiao An doesn't remind him, Jin Xiantai really doesn't know at all, there is such a thing in it.

It's not that Jin Xiantai is so pure. It's really that he is not a gangster, so it is impossible for him to pay attention to and study such things.

American gangs are rampant in different time and space. Among them, the Italian black# gang has the most prominent name, which is well known to Americans, followed by the sudden emergence of Mexican Americans in recent years, followed by the black #gang# faction that rose in Los Angeles in the 1960s. Basically, other small organizations need not be mentioned.

what? Why don't you mention Chinese American#gang#pie?

To be honest, the Hua-Yi#gang# faction is really not powerful.

Bullying and bullying oneself is fine, but like African, Mexican, and Italian gangs who dare to fight with other ethnic groups, and get **** and brutal, it will not do.

Therefore, in a different time and space in the United States, it is really possible to say that it can be rampant. It is the black# gang with these ethnic groups as the main structure.

Of course, white people have also felt dangerous in recent years. Therefore, the so-called "Aryan Brotherhood", which was very extreme and was born in prison, appeared. The English letter is expressed as [S*B] This group that makes Kim Hyun-tae want to laugh, and it is fierce. The **** methods that must be reported for wicked flaws suddenly became the fourth largest black #dao organization in the United States, confronting the three major groups of Italians, Mexicans and Africans.

The interests of the Italian mafia, which is famous in the United States in different time and space, and even famous all over the world, if Kim Hyun Tae dared to infringe, it would really cause big trouble.

Therefore, Qiao An's reminder made Jin Xiantai's brows tangled. Really, he never thought that this would involve the Italian Mafia.

If it was just a small business, then Jin Xiantai would forget it, and he didn't want to provoke these people.

After all, Jin Xiantai is not what he used to be, and he has a daughter, so he can't fight with these people.

But this involves one's own ambitious goals. It is related to whether the Shanzhai Taobao can smoothly grow, and it is related to hundreds of billions of transactions each year. Alipay's huge profit of 1% of each transaction is located.

So even if it involves the Italian Mafia, Kim Hyun Tae, who never wants to cause trouble, can't let go at this time.

Seeing Kim Hyun-tae fell silent, Qiao An continued: "As far as I know, there are also many politicians from the Italian Mafia, or even members of Congress supported by the Italian Mafia. Even the current President Kenny and Italy The Mafia has an unclear relationship, so you have to carefully weigh this matter when making a decision as a little boss."

Qiao An said this to Jin Xiantae, of course, because she knew that her little boss didn't understand the inside story, and she didn't want Jin Xiantae to enter the circle recklessly and anger the Italians.

You must know that the Italian mafia has always been very cruel to those who violate their own interests, especially when the companies controlled by the express delivery industry are involved in money laundering.

Therefore, when Kim Hyun-tae enters into a monopoly, it is tantamount to smashing their money laundering tools. It is possible for the Italians to do anything extreme at that time.

You know, in another time and space, there is a rumor that a certain American president was killed by an Italian gang. This shows how bold the Italians are and how fierce they are.

So, for such a rich single father as Kim Hyun Tae, the Italian gang will be jealous of him?

The joke is the same, right?

There is even no need to deal with Jin Xiantai himself, as long as they deal with Cocoa, Jin Xiantai can be completely passive.

Unlike another time and space, on the 2016 timeline, the Italian Mafia in another time and space no longer exists, and was completely destroyed by the US authorities in the 1990s.

However, in this different time and space, the Italian Mafia is still alive and moisturized, and it completely controls the world-famous Xiaojin Cave Las Vegas. It can be said that each and every member of the Italian Mafia has bright clothes. I am the same as a celebrity.

So in the face of Qiao An’s reminder, and stepping into this industry will implement his own monopoly plan, and will definitely cause trouble and danger to himself. What should Jin Xiantai do?

To put it bluntly, it's useless to think about it. Now Jin Xiantai faces two paths, one is to give up, and the other is to continue.

As for what choice to make, it depends on Kim Hyun Tae himself.

Qiao An also wanted to know what choice Jin Xiantai would make.

After a long silence on the other end of the phone, Jin Xiantai finally made a decision.

He opened his mouth to Qiao An on the other end of the phone and said: "I don't want to give up the express industry, because it is a very important part of the business empire I have built. However, considering that conflicts of interest with Italians are unlikely in the early stage, so We should be careful in the early stage, and the problem should not be big. As for the future, after we start to monopolize, I will find a way to solve them."

Is the Italian Mafia scary?

To be honest, as long as they don't infringe on their interests, these people are actually getting along well.

But if it violates their interests, hehe, they can kidnap you before smiling at you, then pour the corpse into concrete and bury you in a place where no one can find it, letting you completely evaporate.

And Jin Xiantai made this decision, not because he had enough courage to confront these Italians, or was ready for them to fight or something. After all, he is a serious businessman, how could he go black #道.

Jin Xiantai came up with a solution that might solve this problem in the future, and at the very least, it could make those Italians jealous, so he made this decision.

As for Kim Hyun Tae, what did he think of?

Very simple, the benefits are bound!

Of course, those Italians are not tied up. Jin Xiantai intends to bring in the old George's son and give him some shares in the express section. As long as the little George becomes a partner, if the Italians deal with themselves in the future, even the little George can't run away.

So can old George ignore it?

With the old George's network, if you want to fight for the Italian, it should be 55 open.

As for breaking the Italians, Jin Xiantai still dare not think about it, but as long as it can make the Italians jealous.

At that time, with the rise of the express industry and e-commerce, the huge benefits will definitely satisfy George and George, and they will stand in front of the stage and fight with the Italians willingly.

I have to say that Jin Xiantai has already learned that he has a black belly.

Look, if he doesn't go to school now, will he find someone to take care of him.

I don't know if Old George knew what kind of idea Jin Xiantai was making now, would he have strangled Jin Xiantai, anyway, Jin Xiantai had made up this abacus now, and was going to let little George help him out of the thunder.

However, Kim Hyun-tae also feels that he will not let him become a white thunder in the future. Once the plan goes smoothly, the vigorous development of e-commerce will surely drive the development and income of the express industry. Then George will also get a lot of benefits, right?

It was with such a calculation that Jin Xiantai told Qiao An that he decided to continue to implement this plan, but he did not tell Qiao An of his plans, because Jin Xiantai is not stupid. Of course, this kind of thing will not be told to everyone, even if it is. Neither did Joan.

After repeated confirmation from Qiao An, he said on the other side of the phone: "Since you have decided on this, BOSS, then I won't say much. I will let people make an evaluation as soon as possible, and then tell you the results of the evaluation. ."

After Qiao An and Jin Xiantai exchanged a few more words, the two ended the call.

After Qiao An ended the call, he immediately contacted Annie, who was back in New York, and told Annie all of Kim Hyun Tae's plan. At the same time, he also raised his own worries and worries that this matter might cause trouble.

Like Qiao An, when Annie heard that Jin Xiantai was going to get involved in the express delivery industry and had a monopoly plan, she also had concerns.

After finishing the call with Qiao An, Annie turned her head to look at the sleeping babies, with a slightly sad expression on her face: "Your father is going to get into trouble, and this time the troubled mother may not be able to handle it properly. I have to spend money to invite a group of people to protect your dad. At the same time, I have to spend money to invite people to pay attention to the old Italian men. If they have any changes, I will kill them, hoping to protect your dad and sister."

For Kim Hyun Tae~lightnovelpub.net~ Annie does not have any psychological burden to do such a thing, not to mention the Italian mafia themselves are not good people, and Annie feels that there is nothing wrong with asking someone to kill them when necessary.

It's just that Annie is very worried that even killing a few bosses will not be able to solve this matter. After all, Jin Xiantai's monopoly in the express delivery industry is to break the way for Italians to launder money, which involves the core interests of Italians.

Therefore, this matter is definitely not so easy to handle, which is why Annie looks sad.

Of course, things are not so absolute, as if there is really no way to get things done.

It's just that this trouble will bring danger. Annie doesn't want Kim Hyun Tae and Coco to be harmed by this incident. After all, the Italian Mafia is famous for being brutal.

The old butler Nord came over at this time, holding a document in his hand.

When he walked in front of Annie, he stopped and said to Annie: "Miss, you asked me to find someone to do a survey of subordinated debts and the results have come out. I was shocked by William's sharpness after seeing the results! To be continued.)