Rising America

Chapter 554: Do you want me to teach you one?

With the song "If I'm a Boy" on the Internet, it was fermented in an alternative situation from the perspective of traditional people. In reality, major music magazines and newspapers in the United States have also begun to comment on Huini and her song. Report.

After all, Huini's rise in time was very short, and she had achieved incredible results in the eyes of outsiders, especially when she reached a foreign country, it was even more incredible.

So, those music magazines and newspapers, even popular entertainment gossip magazines, have found the focus they can use to report.

Those old singers, celebrities, and the public who see the news every day will feel depressed. If there is a new face, everyone will be very happy if they want to come.

Therefore, Huini gradually appeared in various magazines and newspapers and became the front page figure of the entertainment edition.

Of course, these reports are good or bad, and it depends on the girl's ability to withstand such things.

After all, in order to gain sales, some unscrupulous media will use exaggerated or even alarmist titles to attract people's attention.


Huini has had countless abortions, her history is horrifying!

Our reporter undercover Compton verified that the newcomer in the music industry used a song If I were a so-and-so up-and-coming singer, she was really a bad girl. She was born in the South Central District of Kampton. She has been in Los Angeles since junior high school.

The ex-boyfriend of the upstart girl in the music industry showed up and talked about her bed work.

Our reporter interviewed the newcomer ex-boyfriend in the music industry. In front of our reporter, this unsurprising boy talked a lot about bed quirks. He said that he likes it, and he especially likes to be a hostile party. He also likes to be a puppy with a ring. And she has said to her boyfriend many times that if she is a boy, she will use violence and love to her girlfriend, in this way to imply that her boyfriend treats her, California Entertainment News.

The rookie Huini is a member of the gang. According to reliable sources, she is a member of the blood gang!

As we all know, the Compton South Central District has bred two well-known black gangs in the United States, the lame gang and the blood gang. As a native of Compton South Central, who have lived in this place since childhood, there are boys and girls of the same age in the surrounding area. Girl, can she be alone when she is involved with the two big gangs?

According to sources familiar with the matter, he was a member of the blood gang a long time ago and was the mistress of the high-level leader of the blood gang. It was also the sponsor behind the scenes when it entered the music scene. At the same time, the blood gang also plans to take over the name of its singer after it becomes famous. Money laundering! , Hollywood Star Communications.

Take the above three reports and take a look, you can know how much Hui Ni has to face now, and this is only a part, and when Hui Ni is mentioned, it is a bit concealed, and there is no name.

It can be said that such reports have involved personal attacks and defamation, but because the other party did not name her, Hui Ni has nothing to do with it. Even if she is angry, she can only suppress her in her heart.

Of course, the contents of these reports are all fabricated and forged, and the real Huini is not as unbearable as described in the report.

However, the reports about Huini are not all such sensational. There are also some positive energy and positive aspects.

It's not just a TV station, it also has many newspapers and magazines under it. In particular, Kim Hyun-tae has also incorporated the newspaper with the largest circulation on the West Coast, which makes it more powerful in the media.

Therefore, when dealing with their own artists, these newspapers will certainly contribute.

Therefore, in the mainstream media, there are more reports about Huini’s positive image and some positive reports than those in gossip magazines and tabloids.

Coupled with the large circulation and wide audience, the impact of those sensational reports on Hui Ni is basically not that big.

At most, it just made the girl feel a little suffocated.

The upstart Huini Houston, born in the chaotic community of Compton South Central, but with her extraordinary talent and unwilling faith, the girl finally walked out of the place that the world considers equivalent to hell, and Huini wants to tell For everyone, as a girl from Compton, she hopes that everyone will not look at people with colored glasses. If there is fairness and opportunity, no one will not succeed. , Los Angeles Current Affairs Express.

In Qiao'an's office, Qiao'an put down the newspaper in her hand with a smile, and looked up at Huini, who was sitting a little far away from him, as if Huini was hiding from her own female lace.

But because of her work, Hui Ni couldn't avoid herself forever, so every time she had to see herself, Hui Ni would have such a funny reaction.

Qiao An was amused and helpless about this, but she didn't have the mind to entangle these at the moment, because she had more important things to do.

Compared to teasing and teasing this little black girl, it is obvious that the things that my boss confessed are the most important, right?

Qiao An's official and private affairs can still be distinguished.

Therefore, she retracted her thoughts and put away her smile. After turning into a serious Qiao Ann, sitting behind her desk and looking at Huini, who was guarding herself like a hedgehog, said: "The boss’ strategy is very successful now. If nothing happens, this year you should not be a problem when you become a little girl."

Hearing Qiao An talking about her own affairs, Huini also straightened her body, but she obviously did not relax her guard against Qiao An, she saw her arms around her chest, which was a very obvious guard posture.

"What do I need to do? I don't want to disappoint William, after all, he racked his brains to come up with such a way."

In Hui Ni's view, it is inseparable from the support of Kim Hyun Tae that she can achieve such an achievement in such a short period of time, especially when the other party writes and composes songs for herself, and also came up with such a network promoter. plan.

Without William, even if he has a good talent, it is impossible to achieve such an enviable achievement.

Huini is different from ordinary black compatriots. She will not overestimate herself, nor will she become airy after some successes. She is still so grounded and grateful.

If you are other black compatriots, you don't know how old you are at this time. That kind of arrogant personality will undoubtedly be manifested, and things that are maddening and objectionable once they are successful will appear.

Big platinum chains, furs in summer, big diamond rings, luxury cars, parties, beauties, Annie has seen too many such compatriots.

Perhaps some of them can live this life with their talents, but most of them are wiped out after a short period of brilliance. Even these people do not know how to be grateful, thinking that their success is due to their own excellence, and The others have nothing to do.

And when they fall, no one will inevitably offer a helping hand.

Fortunately, Huini is not such a person. She is very different from her compatriots. At least she knows how to be grateful, which is an advantage that many of her compatriots do not possess.

Therefore, when Hui Ni mentioned Kim Hyun Tae, Qiao An's face showed satisfaction. She nodded at Hui Ni and said, "You are right. The reason why you can have today is really inseparable. William’s support, even if some words are said to make people feel a little ugly, but if you really did not have William, you would not have achieved the same kind of achievement as you are today."

If the person who listened to this sentence were other black people, it might cause a fierce quarrel.

Fortunately, Qiao Ann said this to Huini, and Huini is a girl with a good mentality and a very upright appearance. Therefore, Qiao Ann’s words did not arouse her disgust, but also won her. My inner approval and recognition.

The most important thing for a person is to have self-knowledge. If a person has no self-knowledge, then his fate will be very sad, and it will give people a sense of arrogance for no reason.

Huini has a very good talent, and she can arrange and compose lyrics herself, and sing some small and fresh songs. These are her advantages.

But in the real world, it does not mean that success can be achieved with talent.

Only a large company that can support your development, has a lot of energy, has a platform that keeps you exposed to the eyes of the public, and has such a large company with strong resources can you succeed.

At the same time you have to be a human being.

If you don't know how to be a human, all this is no use.

The group possesses all of the above, and Huini herself has the advantages of being a human being. When combined with the factors of Jin Xiantai, the combination of all of these results in Huini's current dazzling achievements.

But the girl knew very well, no, without Jin Xiantai, then everything she had now would cease to exist.

"I don't know how I should thank William. It was he who pulled me out of the quagmire of Compton, allowing me to have a new life, and even dared to imagine and dream of my future."

Hui Ni's words are very emotional.

Qiao An laughed and joked: "How about looking at your body? You have a very good figure. Black pearls may be able to give the little boss an exotic experience. I heard that black girls have smooth skin, even in bed. It feels different."

After all, Qiao Ann is a lace edge, and she doesn't care about what she says, which makes Hui Ni very embarrassed.

But maybe it was Huini's embarrassment that made Qiao An keep teasing her to tease her, right?

In short, Qiao An also has her bad taste.

Because of the skin color, I can’t see if Hui Ni is blushing now, but it can be seen from Hui Ni’s restless reaction~lightnovelpub.net~ The girl is now made by Qiao An’s words. It's a little uncomfortable.

Qiao An continued vainly: "Oh, yes, you're still a girl, that's not okay. If you don't have any experience, how can you make William like you? At least your aspect should give him excitement. Experience is good. Would you like me to teach you a bit? It’s always harmless to learn more about this, right?"

Okay, Joanne's fox tail is showing.

Suddenly, Huini was like a kitten with blown up fur.

"I don't need you to teach, don't talk about this topic anymore. Be careful that I get angry. The nickname of Hui Ni is not for nothing. Don't regret it then!"

Huini waved her fist, in Qiao An's opinion, she had no deterrent effect, she was just bluffing.

But Qiao Ann also knows how to measure, but he did too much.

So taking this opportunity, Qiao Ann stopped teasing the black girl and said: "You prepare, I will take you to a welfare home in Laguna Beach in the afternoon, and a team of filming teams will go together." To be continued .