Rising America

Chapter 574: These guys are too much!

"Song Braces, have you brought your protection fee!"

A very arrogant voice came in from outside the classroom, and the other party spoke Chinese, so except for Kim Hyun Tae and Andy Song, all the other students in the classroom were very unclear. Eight〕)>

As for Kim Hyun Tae, Andy Song's body trembled visibly, as if she was very scared of the voice's owner.

In the next second, a non-mainstream dress, covered with all kinds of dark wind accessories, appeared as a street vendor selling accessories at the door of the classroom.

To be honest, Kim Hyun-tae felt painful for this guy's appearance.

But looking at the other party, it seems that the other party thinks this appearance is very trendy and cool.

[Nima! The typical village killing looks like murdering my eyes]

Kim Hyun Tae murmured silently in his heart.

Audi Song stood up, apologized to the classmates in fluent English, and then ran to the man with the ‘villager’ look nervously.

Because he didn't understand what the strange-looking Chinese boy was talking about, the classmates in the classroom didn't have much reaction. Only Jin Xiantai stood up and walked over, ready to see what the other party was going to do.

Andy Song took out a small envelope from his pocket and handed it to the man with the ‘villager kill’ look, and then looked at him nervously.

The other party took the envelope that Andy Song had handed over, and took out a stack of pieces from the envelope and looked at it. Then he nodded and said: "If you know it, or else the boss will have to let you sell it. Up."

Andy Song's face was pale, apparently she was very afraid of this Chinese youth.

After frightening Andy Song, this'villager'-looking man was about to leave, but when he turned around and wanted to go, he was suddenly grabbed by his shoulder, and the manpower grabbing his shoulder was very energetic, which made him fundamental Can't move.

Immediately, a cold voice sounded from behind him: "Return the envelope to Andy. I don't know who you are, and I have no interest in who you are, but you are obviously committing a crime if you still show up. If you do, I don’t mind calling 911. At the same time, I have to tell you in good faith that your look is really earthy, it’s just scum."

To be honest, look at those gang members in the United States of Time and Space, whether they are blood gangs or lame people, and even the Mexican ms13, they all have cool styles. The style of this village killer is really compared to those people. The soil reached an extreme.

The village killer who was unable to move by Jin Xiantai's shoulders turned his head and threatened with a distorted expression: "Asshole! Do you know who I am? Do you dare to talk to me like this. I think you don't want to live anymore? I'm 城#管#帮的人!"

[Moreover, even with this name, I will not be afraid of you. 】

Jin Xiantai ridiculed silently in his heart.

Although Jin Xiantai is not afraid, Andy Song is afraid to die. The girl kept begging in a low voice: "William, let go, they are a gang organization, not something we can provoke. This will cause you trouble. of."

Fortunately, Andy Song didn't speak, she immediately let the village killer find the target of the leak and threat.

"Song Yahoo! This guy is your boyfriend, let me tell you, you're done, your boyfriend is also dead, I'll tell the boss about this when I go back, wait and see!"

Hearing the threats and intimidation of the village murderer, Andy Song was almost crying.

Obviously, this hot girl in private is actually very courageous.

Jin Xiantai looked at Andy Song, who was trembling, and he was a little bit dumbfounded in his heart. At the same time, he secretly said in his heart, "What a fool, can't you see that this guy is obviously scaring people." ].

After all, Kim Hyun-tae is not Andy Song, besides, he is a man for two lives, can he be frightened by the murderer?

Obviously this is unwilling to do.

If such a thing happened, then his Kim Hyun Tae would have lived as a dog for two lifetimes.

The hand holding the opponent's shoulder increased his strength, and the opponent couldn't help but ‘oh! Whoops! The cry of ’, it looked like it was painful.

After all, Jin Xiantai has extraordinary strength, so it is normal that this village murderer can't stand it.

It’s just this guy, ‘oh! Whoops! ’The call is like a lady, and the one who got Jin Xiantai is called a greasy crook.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai couldn't help but ridiculed: "Is it just that you are from the gang# faction? If this kind of pain is too much for you to bear, I think you should accept your gang# faction career as soon as possible."

While taunting the murderer of the village, Kim Hyun Tae forcibly pulled the envelope out of the opponent's hand, and then stuffed it to the terrified Andy Song.

"One more statement, don't appear in our class in the future, otherwise I will really show you good looks, don't think I'm joking, I have this ability, go back and tell your boss, I am William King."

Jin Xiantai is not a gangster, but as a rich man, it is still very easy for him to get people like this village murderer, isn't it?

As a person who donates money to the Los Angeles Police Headquarters every month, he only needs a phone call, which will definitely give these people in the urban#管#gang a shocking education.

After that, Jin Xiantai thought for a while and added: "My friend's brother is still the lame little boss, I think you should be familiar with the lame."

At this moment, Jin Xiantai thought of Omar, and also thought of Omar’s mention that his brother was still a member of the lame, so he took out the banner to scare the murderer.

With Kim Hyun Tae loosening his shoulder, Murakami was finally free.

However, this guy obviously treated Kim Hyun-tae’s words as a whisper. He first kept a distance from Kim Hyun-tae, then looked at Kim Hyun-tae angrily and shouted: "We are not easy to provoke, you wait and see!"

After that, the Murakami turned around and ran away quickly.

"You shouldn't provoke them, it's nothing more than $50."

Andy Song was very touched by Kim Hyun Tae's emergence for herself, but she still felt that it was not worth getting into trouble for this matter.

Therefore, the girl now looked at Kim Hyun Tae with some complaints, and at the same time the worried expression on her face was very strong.

After all, the girl was threatened by the Cheng#管#gang. She knew better than anyone the methods and horrors of this organization.

Kim Hyun-tae looked at the extremely worried girl, smiled and said, “Don’t worry about anything, don’t forget that I am not an ordinary person, and I really have a good relationship with the police headquarters, so you don’t have to worry about me. I'm very curious, why are you involved with them?"

For Andy Song, Jin Xiantai was really curious about how the people from Cheng#管# helped.

Seeing Kim Hyun Tae asked about this, Andy Song's face suddenly fell, and a helpless look appeared on his face.

This is really unlucky to say.

As an American student who only knows about studying, her life is very monotonous and ordinary. Just like Kim Hyun-tae, she is just two points and one line at home and school.

It stands to reason that she and the city#管#gang should not have an intersection.

But there is a saying that goes well, called ‘unlucky to drink cold water, they will have their teeth stuck’, and this sentence is best interpreted on Andy Song’s body.

The city#管#gang is formed by a group of rich second generations who came to the United States to study in the United States. These rich second generations did not go to private colleges with rich people, but chose public colleges. To show off.

After all, there are so many rich people who go to private colleges, so there is no room for them to show off.

Coupled with the influence of Hollywood gangster movies and the fact that their parents are not around them, these people suddenly become wild.

But how to play to stimulate?

After much deliberation, these guys actually opened their brains and decided to form a gang!

Then, Cheng#管# helped the organization whose name was frustrated and was born smoothly.

Then the organization is established, there is always something to do for a living.

Although the members of the organization are not short of money, they are looking for excitement after all, so these weird things have really begun to learn from the gangsters to collect protection fees.

Although they are international students and cannot obtain guns from normal channels in the United States, as long as they have money, there is nothing they can do in the United States.

Furthermore, these rich second-generation international students who bought a lot of guns from the black market have confidence.

Of course, these guys are not stupid.

They know how to choose their goals and implement their plans.

Fighting with the cripple, the blood gang and the Mexican gang, they will definitely not do this kind of brain damage.

You know, the consequences of angering these gangs are not something they can bear.

And for this, obviously these rich second generations are very clear.

Therefore, they made a clever and wretched choice, which is to target their compatriots, including the Chinese American group.

The shops in the Chinese community in Los Angeles began to receive extortion from these people, but what makes people feel strange is that there are not many extortions called 城#管#gang. A monthly quota of 2o dollars for a shop is enough.

Oh my god, is this a black#gang or a beggar gang?

In the early stage, some people ignored it as a joke, but no one thought that these ignored shops would be damaged or even set on fire at night.

With such an example, who would resist the protection fee of US$20 a month?

And when they paid the protection fee, something stranger happened.

Those who came to collect the money actually drove a multi-million dollar luxury sports car.

Nima! For 2o dollars, as for?

This was the thinking of most people at that time.

But it is undeniable that even if the protection fee is small, the Kecheng#管#gang is formed after all.

At this point, this organization has become ‘famous’, and its members all consider themselves to be ‘real’ gang members. When they return to China, they will definitely have the capital to brag about their friends.

From this time onwards, they moved the target from the shop to the Chinese student group, and Andy Song was unluckyly targeted at this time.

In order to make Andy Song subjugated, the people from Cheng#管# at the time beat a Chinese boy in front of her, and also beat a Chinese student girl in front of her.

I have never experienced these things before. Everyday I just know how to read, and the most extraordinary is Andy Song who is sending a private and **** video to Kim Hyun Tae. Of course, he was frightened.

When Kim Hyun-tae patiently listened to Andy Song’s narration, he gave a comment from the bottom of his heart [These little kids, who are silly for seeking excitement, unknowingly embarked on the road of crime, and the bullying was their compatriots. You really are not ashamed! 】

That's right, Jin Xiantai looked down on these guys a little bit.

If these people form the so-called gang# faction, the target choice is that the Mexicans and the blood gang cripples are organized to work against each other, perhaps Jin Xiantai can still admire it.

But see what these people do.

Just about the target group they chose, it also made Jin Xiantai despise them to the extreme.

Thinking of this, Jin Xiantai comforted Andy who was still in fear: "Don't be afraid, this world is still full of justice, and evil will eventually retreat, as long as you are not scared by them."

However, Kim Hyun Tae's comfort obviously couldn't calm Andy Song.

The girl was still so nervous and scared, and grabbed Kim Hyun-tae’s arm tightly, letting her small breast, which was hidden under the large shirt, close to Kim Hyun-tae’s arm~lightnovelpub.net~ so that he could clearly feel the softness , At the same time exhaled and said to him: "You don't know, their methods are very cruel, Wang Tiantian was forced to sell himself by them..."

Kim Hyun Tae's eyes narrowed!

"There is such a thing?"

To be honest, he just thought these rich second-generation generations were fooling around. Unexpectedly, Andy Song broke out such fierce news, so he was very surprised.

The Wang Tiantian Jin Xiantai mentioned by Andy Song had some impressions, that she was a Chinese girl from another class, she was not an international student.

Of course, like Andy Song, Wang Tiantian is the kind of Chinese nerd who only knows to read in the eyes of the students.

At the same time, Jin Xiantai had an impression of Wang Tiantian, because Wang Tiantian wrote him a love letter.

Kim Hyun Tae's expression gradually turned bad, even a little distorted.

To be honest, what these guys do is a bit unnatural in Jin Xiantai's eyes, so he can't ignore it! (To be continued.)