Rising America

Chapter 578: dad! help me!

[Here is the live report of the net police channel Lilith for you. According to reliable reports, an organized crime case involving a group of Chinese students was born at 7 o'clock this morning. The Los Angeles police immediately deployed police upon receiving the report. And within a very short time, the suspect’s vehicle was locked...]

The audience who watched the net police channel in the morning saw a very cool red sports car and a black Bm sports car appear on the TV screen in the next second. ?]

The picture changed again, three helicopters hovering in the sky, a dozen police cars on the high road shuttled in the traffic, and then turned back to the hostess Lilith.

Holding a microphone and wearing a simple and capable skirt, Lilith was serious and talkative in front of the camera. [Half a year ago, in the Los Angeles international student group, an organization with the nature of a junior gang# faction appeared, named'城#管#帮'. It is reported that all members of this organization are Chinese students studying in the U.S., and they are all children of some wealthy people in China...]

Lilith began a thorough analysis and explanation of the organization's "previous life and present life", which gave the people in front of the TV a very intuitive understanding.

To put it simply, it is such an organization established by the elder brothers and daughters of wealthy people to have fun in a foreign country, but after the establishment of this organization, they can only do things that scumbags can do. .

The police cars on the high road started to increase, and the sirens sounded harshly, no longer as silent as before.

A net camera helicopter appeared in the air and began to faithfully film these scenes, then transmitted them to the instant broadcast vehicle on the ground, and finally broadcast them to the audience in front of the TV.

From the TV screen, it can be clearly seen that Zhang Yaozu's red running and the Bm sports car behind his comrades speeded up and started to gallop forward at twice the speed of a normal vehicle on the road.

A ‘wonderful’ high road chase scene began to take place.

"Brother Zhang, why did the waste police in Los Angeles come so fast?"

The companion behind him asked in a disturbed tone in the Bluetooth headset.

Zhang Yaozu is also confused. With his knowledge and knowledge of the Los Angeles police, it is logically impossible to find himself so quickly.

Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that I can't help but respond.

"Don't say so much, let's hurry up, our car is good to them, and we use the energy of drag racing to get rid of these wastes. We will have the capital to brag in the future."

Even now, Zhang Yaozu didn't feel how serious the matter was. Instead, he urged his companions and the police to drag racing in a very relaxed tone.

Immediately, two cars began to add.

A sports car is a sports car, not to mention it soon, once it is strong, it will really surprise people.

Although the Los Angeles police car is also good, it is not comparable to a sports car in terms of speed.

Therefore, I can only look at the cars of the two suspects in front of me, a little bit of distance from myself.

Fortunately, the Los Angeles police are not so wasteful. Even if they know that their car's performance is not better than the other, they still bit Zhang Yaozu and the others.

It's just that, it hurts Wang Tiantian who is **** in the trunk.

[The suspect speeded up the car. Obviously, they were trying to get rid of the police. However, the more than a dozen police cars of the police merely followed and did not allow the suspect to succeed. At the same time, the traffic flow on the road also prevented the suspect’s car from being upgraded. maximum. 】

Lilith continues to broadcast this police chase scene, and inserts some of her own views and opinions from time to time, but most of them are praises to the Los Angeles police, rather than complaining and criticizing the Los Angeles police as in the past. Up.

After all, Lilith was told when she received this task that it involved her own big boss, so for the Los Angeles police who worked so hard because of the influence of her big boss, she would certainly have to say something good this time, right?

Without chasing like the police, Jin Xiantai still kept his car, because he knew that no matter how much Zhang Yaozu flew, he would be found eventually.

After all, Andrew in his family does not eat dry food.

In addition, Kim Hyun-tae contacted Andrew and said to him: "Give Lilith the information about the boy and girl currently imprisoned by Zhang Yaozu and the others, so that she can broadcast it on TV right away, and at the same time, the information of those who have been hurt by Zhang Yaozu and others Give all the information and photos to Lilith!"

As for whether this will infringe on his personal portrait rights, Kim Hyun-tae can no longer worry so much.

Because he didn't want to crucify the scumbag with a stick and leave him here in the United States to accept the punishment he deserves, he must make all the angry things this guy did and let everyone know on TV.

Of course, none of his accomplices can let go, whether they are male or female!

Some people may say that they are still young, why do they need to be beaten to death with a stick? Isn't it good to give them a chance to reform?

But Kim Hyun Tae also has his rules.

What he advocates is [if you are evil by nature, why should I care about your age], so he will not care about the young people among these people, or even girls.

You know, according to the information that Andrew has inquired about, these people even committed several homicides in their hands, and the victims were tortured alive by them.

The reason why these cases were concealed was mainly because the victims were all elementary overseas students from China, so even if they were already dead, their families who were far away in China were not. I know.

Just imagine, once the families of the victims in China know that their children have been tortured to death by some people in the United States for the purpose of seeking excitement, what will happen to the victims’ families.

Even for the consideration of these victims and their families, people like Zhang Yaozu absolutely can't let go.

Being young is not a reason!

People need to bear corresponding responsibilities and results for their actions.

The net police message continued to show the police chasing two red and black sports cars, and at the same time a picture of a very beautiful Chinese boy was hung in the lower left corner of the screen.

[According to the police, the suspect kidnapped a 14-year-old boy **** who was also a Chinese student four days ago, and subjected him to brutal torture and...]

After a brief introduction, the boy’s picture was replaced by a girl’s picture. The girl in the picture smiled very nicely and made her look innocent.

[Du xx, a student from Huaxia Elementary School, was kidnapped by suspects and members of his organization four days ago. They treated this 14-year-old girl...]

Next, the photos of the young men and women who had encountered Zhang Yaozu and the others were hung in the lower left corner one by one, and they were introduced one by one.

Of course, the pictures of the boys and girls who have lost their lives were also hung up, and Lilith used "reliable news" to tell the audience in front of the TV that these children had already suffered a murderous hand, and they were far away in China. The family still knows nothing about it.

For a while, everyone who watched this morning net police news was filled with outrage and hated the suspect in the picture.

The most affected were the Chinese communities in Los Angeles, and even the Chinese Embassy in Los Angeles, which saw the news, began to pay attention.

So far, for the first time, Kim Hyun-tae guided the public in a purposeful way by using public opinion.

Many members of the ‘City#管#gang’ still don’t know anything about what happened, and most of them are still sleeping.

Although someone knew the opportunity, saw this news broadcast, and reacted quickly to buy a plane ticket to leave the United States and return to China, but this smart man was stopped at Los Angeles Airport and was put into the airport isolation room to prepare. Handed over to Los Angeles police for processing.

An invisible net has been opened, they can't run away, and Jin Xiantai won't let them run away.

The evildoer will finally accept a just trial, and the world also needs someone to preside over the axioms, at least Jin Xiantai thinks this is necessary.

"Brother Zhang, we are on TV. The Los Angeles police have obtained evidence for all the things we did. I was detained at the Los Angeles Airport. What should I do now!"

The hapless guy who was detained at the Los Angeles Airport took advantage of the guards not paying attention in the isolation room and took out his hidden mobile phone and called Zhang Yaozu.

After all, Zhang Yaozu has always been the leading elder brother among them, and he is considered the richest one. Therefore, facing the current situation, the unlucky person who was detained by the Los Angeles police, the first time he thought of contacting this eldest brother.

Driving his own cool sports car, Zhang Yaozu, who was proud of his ability to turn the team of Los Angeles police into action, instantly froze after receiving this call from the member.

The sports car has an on-board wireless TV signal receiver, and you can watch TV news through the on-board video player. Therefore, Zhang Yaozu turned on the player and tuned to netbsp; when the warning channel was broadcast, it happened to be the first photo. When it was hung out, Zhang Yaozu suddenly felt a sudden heart.

Things are playing big!

Zhang Yaozu is not stupid, this idea flashed through his mind for the first time.

Los Angeles police, you may regard them as idiots~lightnovelpub.net~ but only if their criminal evidence is not in the possession of the other party.

Once the other party has the evidence of your crime, then these people you regard as "idiots" will make you unable to eat.

"Hurry up and contact your parents in China, this matter is no longer something we can solve!"

Zhang Yaozu gave his comrades the most sensible way, and immediately hung up the phone of the hapless man who was seized by Los Angeles Airport, and quickly dialed the domestic father's number.

Toot toot!

After a busy tone, the call was answered.

Zhang Yaozu did not wait for the other person to speak, he himself hurriedly shouted at the other end of the phone: "Dad! I am Yaozu, I am in trouble in the United States, come and save me!"

As soon as his words fell, he suddenly felt the rear wheel rang, and then the steering wheel became uncontrollable, and the front of the sports car turned and hit the protective cement belt on the side of the road. (To be continued.)