Rising America

Chapter 579: Let's go, i'll take you home

The flaming red sports car was finally intercepted. After all, with helicopters in the sky, dozens of police cars on the road, and roadblocks, if Zhang Yaozu was able to escape, the Los Angeles police would definitely become a big one. Laughingstock.

Especially since Zhang Yao was hunted out, the Los Angeles police must do their best to capture the suspect and rescue Wang Tiantian.

Fortunately, the final result is still very satisfactory. Zhang Yaozu slowed down the car and slowly stopped to the side of the road. Then, he was surrounded by a dozen police cars. Under the guns of dozens of Los Angeles police officers, he raised his hands and left him. He was lying on the ground in accordance with the instructions of the Los Angeles police.

Wang Tiantian, who was tormented in the trunk, and was uncomfortable because of Zhang Yaozu's crazy drag racing, was finally rescued by the police.

When the girl saw her friend Andy Song, she couldn't help crying loudly anymore, and even ignored Kim Hyun Tae who was standing next to Andy Song.

Fortunately, Jin Xiantai didn't intend to show himself, he had to let Wang Tiantian know that he was her savior or something, so he quietly walked aside, and then watched Zhang Yaozu coldly.

The American police would not be so gentle, especially to Zhang Yaozu, a criminal who committed a kidnapping, so Zhang Yaozu was really treated rudely.

At this time, Zhang Yaozu no longer had that spirited appearance. Instead, he kept his head down in despair. In peacetime, he seemed to be a different person.

Zhang Yaozu was taken into a police car, and a police officer in charge of the arrest walked towards Jin Xiantai.

This white, golden-eyed police officer stopped when he was about one meter away from Kim Hyun-tae, and then smiled at Kim Hyun-tae with a very kind smile on his face, and said, “Thank you for the clues that can help us to commit the crime. The suspect was successfully arrested, and the Los Angeles police really want to thank you for this."

Jin Xiantai waved his hand, "As an upright, good, law-abiding citizen, this is what I should do, so I don’t need to express any gratitude to me. At the same time, I think you should go to the Montecarpal community now. My classmate said this crime. The suspect also kidnapped two young people in this community."

As an ‘honest and law-abiding’ citizen, Kim Hyun-tae certainly has an ‘obligation’ to provide the other party with some important information. After all, this is also related to two young lives.

Hearing what Jin Xiantai said, the police officer immediately looked terrified, nodded and turned away.

Compared to greeting Kim Hyun Tae, obviously this police officer also knew very well what was the most important thing at this time.

The reaction of the other party made Kim Hyun Taek a look. He originally thought that the other party would let other police officers do this, and he would stay close to himself.

You know, from the bottom of the opponent's eyes, Kim Hyun Tae perceives all kinds of complicated emotions such as flattery and ambition.

"What's your name?"

Maybe he thought that the other party was good, so Jin Xiantai asked while the other party was not far away.

The police officer who was walking towards the policeman he was driving stopped, looked back at Kim Hyun-tae for a moment, and replied: "Wright, friends in the police station like to call me Wright."

Jin Hyuntae smiled and nodded to Lai Fei: "I remember your name, please be sure to find those two poor young people."

Wright raised his hand and made a gesture, and said, "Don't worry! This is the duty of our police."

It wasn't a whim that Jin Xiantai asked this guy's name.

Because he saw the light of ambition in the opponent's eyes, and he observed a lot of wind and frost in the corner of Wright's eyes, and some things contained and suppressed in his eyes, he concluded that Wright is an ambitious, and at the same time in the Los Angeles Police Department. The system is very unwilling.

[Perhaps, in the Los Angeles police system, you can try to see if you can support a person, and evaluate the energy you have now. 】

When Jin Xiantai came up with this idea, he suddenly felt that Wright should be a good candidate, so he asked the other person's name.

Otherwise, Jin Xiantai wouldn't be interested in Wright.

There are too many people who are depressed, can Kim Hyun-tae manage it!

If Wright can really change his state as a result, it can only be said that he is lucky.

"Boss, do we need to keep up?"

Lilith, the leader of the &nb road team, came over and asked Jin Xiantai in a low voice.

It stands to reason that now that Zhang Yaozu has been caught, then her mission should also be considered over.

But when she saw Wright walking towards the police car and greeted a few police colleagues, Lilith felt that the matter was not over yet, so she walked over and asked the big boss Kim Hyun Tae.

Hearing this, Jin Xiantai raised his finger to Wright, and said to Lilith: "You can keep up with him. There will be big news in a while. You can go back and tell Joan about the report on this incident. It will be done in the future. Follow-up reports, when the suspect is convicted and served sentence, we can end our attention to this matter."

For the scumbag who oppresses his compatriots, Jin Xiantai will not just let him be so comfortable, so Jin Xiantai intends to completely scum like Zhang Yaozu in the United States.

At the same time, he also inferred that Zhang Yaozu’s father would never let his son have an accident in the United States, so he would definitely use all means through various means, using all his power, and even spending a lot of money to settle the matter for his son. child.

In particular, the problem that worries Jin Xiantai is that once they open the extradition regulations and get Zhang Yaozu back to China, then even Jin Xiantai will have nothing to do with Zhang Yaozu.

And when Zhang Yaozu returned to China, Jin Xiantai thought about it and could predict that this guy would definitely not be convicted or even serve a sentence, and he would continue to live very well.

Think of those who were persecuted by him, and those parents who didn't know that their children had died from the poisonous hands. As a single father with a daughter, Jin Xiantai felt that he could never let this scumbag be saved by his father in this way.

If Zhang Yaozu is at large, God knows who will be poisoned by him in the future, and even destroy his family because of him.

Don't talk about giving people a chance to reform, but know that this kind of opportunity is not given by everyone. Will a scum like Zhang Yaozu change?

At least, Jin Xiantai doesn't believe that Zhang Yaozu will change.

In the last life, Jin Xiantai saw a lot of rich people bullying the common people. Since he has such energy in this life, if he doesn't preside over what he thinks of justice and fairness, then what is the meaning of what he pursues.

In the future, how can I set a good example for my daughter, teach her to be an upright person, walk the right path in life, and have a correct moral view?

Kim Hyun-tae fell into thought after speaking to Lilith, and Lilith Wright drove away in the police car and followed up.

Song Andy walked over with Wang Tiantian who was still crying at this time. While comforting Wang Tiantian softly, she explained to her the truth that she could be rescued.

"This time you have to thank William very much. He called the police after knowing what happened to you, and then took me to chase Charlie Zhang and the others. Otherwise, I can't imagine what happened to you. You It is also clear that I have little courage and I dare not call the police."

Indeed, Song Andi was beside Wang Tiantian when Wang Tiantian was taken away by Zhang Yaozu in the morning. But even so, Song Andi did not dare to call the police, showing that she was really frightened by Zhang Yaozu.

Therefore, if it weren't for this matter to be known by Jin Xiantai, and feel that this matter will get bigger no matter what, Song Andy is forced to call the police and catch up with Zhang Yaozu personally, Wang Tiantian's prospects are really not very good.

After all, Zhang Yaozu and his accomplices had already planned to do something nasty to Wang Tiantian before selling her to Las Vegas.

In other words, if there is no Jin Xiantai, she Wang Tiantian may have no future at all.

So, there is nothing wrong with Song Andy saying that Jin Xiantai is Wang Tiantian's benefactor.

However, Jin Xiantai waved his hand repeatedly to deny this.

"Don't say that, what kind of benefactor is not a benefactor, Wang Tiantian's things, but anyone with a conscience and a sense of morality, will not ignore, and I do this, I think there is nothing, and it is not worthy of you to crown me. In this name."

Wang Tiantian raised her teary face and looked at Jin Xiantai sobbingly. The girl's mood at this moment is very complicated.

She has a crush on Kim Hyun Tae and is one of many girls who like Kim Hyun Tae and regards him as her Prince Charming. Although she wrote a love letter to Kim Hyun Tae, it is a pity that Kim Hyun Tae did not respond. Therefore, Wang Tiantian complained for a long time and even thought she was an ugly girl. , It can't attract Jin Xiantai.

She originally imagined that one day she could be noticed by Jin Xiantai, and then there was a very romantic and romantic... But now, it turns out that Jin Xiantai talked to herself for the first time in such a scene.

"Thank you."

Wang Tiantian lowered her head again~lightnovelpub.net~ with a mosquito hum and said thank you.

Kim Hyun-tae didn’t think much about it. He thought that the girl might have suffered from such an experience, which has caused her to be in a bad mood. After all, it won’t be good for anyone who was born in this matter, let alone Wang Tiantian, a girl who has not been involved in the world. Up.

But Song Andy's expression was dim at this time, because after hearing what Jin Hyun Tae had just said, her face suddenly burned badly, and she felt like a selfish person who had no sense of morality, no sense of justice, and even when a friend was in danger. Girl.

"Let's go, I will take you home. It is obviously impossible for you to continue to school today. I think going home should make you more comfortable. As for the school, you don't have to worry. I will ask for leave for you."

Jin Xiantai, who has never been very sensitive to girls, certainly did not find anything wrong with the two girls. Therefore, the carefree Jin Xiantai greeted Song Andy and Wang Tiantian, and prepared to send them home.

Anyway, the rest of the matter is handled by the Los Angeles police, he just needs to wait for the result, so he doesn't need to waste time here, right? (To be continued.) 8