Rising America

Chapter 581: Little girl, you are too arrogant!

"Newcomer, you can't be so arrogant. You have to know that it's better to be honest with a little kid of your age, so that you can save yourself and be beaten by those older kids in the end!"

In the only kindergarten in Beverly Hills that specializes in the placement of children from wealthy people, Coco is facing the temptation and teaching of a little girl with golden eyes. The girl’s name is Kayla. Her parents are well-known scientists. Many of the patents on the Internet have been commercialized, so Kayla’s parents made a lot of money and moved into Beverly Hills.

Therefore, as a daughter and only three years old, Kayla must also be enrolled in this kindergarten.

You know, after all, this kindergarten is the best and most expensive in Los Angeles, right?

Because it’s been longer than cocoa, Kayla has the right to say about things that happen to the kindergarten children.

Even though these children are not very old, they are very young and mature. Even Kayla, who is only three years old, speaks like a little adult.

When the new girl of Chinese descent appeared, she actually looked like a badass. Out of kindness, she felt that she should remind the other party to pay attention to it.

So there is also the opening words.

Unfortunately, Kayla didn't know what kind of person the Chinese girl in front of her was, and how funny her personality was, so her kindness can only be said to be in vain.

Coco took a look at the cute, golden-eyed Kayla with her combed hair. The other party's words meant for herself, and the bear child could still hear her.

It's just that, as an existence that wants to dominate the kindergarten, how can it shrink because of fear of being beaten!

So Coco immediately responded: "Thank you for your kindness, but I am not prepared to accept your suggestion. You must know that my goal is to dominate this kindergarten and become the well-deserved king here, so how can I be afraid of those older children? "

After talking, Coco raised his right hand and clenched his fist and waved it, and then said: "And I don't fear anyone in fighting. Even boys older than me can beat them! I am Coco, I Use your fist to speak for yourself!"

Arrogant and arrogant, this is Kayla's initial impression of Coco.

Seriously, Kayla wouldn't think that Coco, a kid who was only one year old and nine months old, could dominate the kindergarten.

You know, although the children in kindergarten are all rich and spoiled one by one, these children definitely belong to the seven dissatisfaction and eight dissatisfaction types of things. Usually, the children compete with their parents who have money, or who When her mother is the most beautiful, she often fights.

Once there is a fight, it is usually the older, stronger, and stronger child who will win.

Girls will also have conflicts with boys, but if they fight, girls are really not boys’ opponents, at least Kayla has never seen a girl win a fight.

Especially in kindergartens, there are still a few aliens, so she wants to dominate the kindergarten in front of her, which is a bit funny.

"Do not you trust me?"

From the look and reaction on Keira's face, Coco keenly saw something, and then asked unconvincedly.

Facing a kid like Coco, Kayla didn't think there was any problem with admitting, so she nodded: "Of course, who would believe a kid who is only one year old and nine months old."

After speaking, Kayla turned and walked away. Apparently she felt that Coco was incurable, so she didn't bother to care about her anymore.

Dominate the kindergarten?

This goal was extremely ridiculous in Kayla's eyes.

If Coco was a boy, or she was a little older or something, it was still possible.

But Coco is just a kid who is one year old and nine months old, so who doesn't find it funny.

Even if Kayla herself is only three years old, she can still laugh at Cocoa.

Of course, the more important thing is that Kayla herself is not an ordinary person, but even she has never thought about dominating the kindergarten, so in her eyes it is just a cocoa for an'normal' child, so how can she do it? This point.

Especially in the kindergarten, there are two other guys that even Kyla is afraid of, so she feels that Coco is destined to fall.

But it's okay, let the little kid suffer a little bit, she will be honest, right?

Coco curled his lips as he watched Kayla disappearing in the corner of the corridor, and whispered: "Coward! What's terrible about big kids, I have beaten all seven or eight-year-old boys in San Juan, and I don't think they have anything Terrible place."

Coco was full of confidence in the road to hegemony, and never thought that she would encounter setbacks and failures, or encounter someone she could not defeat at all.

Perhaps this is all because she swept the San Juan kids circle, which gave her this kind of confidence.

Hey, who knows.

Anyway, how confident is the little girl

She firmly believes that she can achieve the goals she has established, just like she said to Kayla just now, she is cocoa, and she has to use her fist to speak for herself.

In the children's world, the fist is a manifestation of strength, and whoever fights hard can dominate other little kids.

Coco had already understood this essence when she was in San Juan. At that time, there were many little girls gathered around her, and under her leadership, those little girls who had been pressing San Juan were always bullying. Girls and boys.

Therefore, Cocoa believes that she can continue to be as brilliant as San Juan and become the invincible existence of this kindergarten.


How lonely is invincibility!

Although she was young, she had a funny little girl. At this moment, a very funny idea flashed in her mind.

Just as Coco despised Kayla as a coward and was about to turn around and return to the small class's classroom, she suddenly heard a chuckle from the other side of the corridor, and this chuckle contained sarcasm.

[This is laughing at me! 】

Since Coco heard the ridicule contained in the laughter, of course he couldn't love to ignore it. For Cocoa, mocking her was the most unbearable thing.

Well, basically little kids will have this reaction, but it's not an exception.

"Who! Come out, why are you laughing at me!"

Cocoa is wearing a Panta children's sports suit today. The little guy has made a full set to dominate the kindergarten, and even thought that he might do it, so he even put on the clothes prepared for the "fight", which shows that she is I'm fully prepared.

A boy with a silver-white head and a denim suit, who appeared to be six or seven years old, came out from the corner of the corridor.

When the little boy showed up, Coco could clearly see the thick ridiculous smile on his face.

Obviously, the boy was laughing at himself.

While Coco was looking at each other, the little silver boy turned his lips to Cocoa and said: "Children are not big, but their ambitions are not small. I don't know how confident you are. You actually think of dominating the kindergarten. I didn’t tell you that it’s better to be a low-key person? You know, the world is not as simple as you think. Once you provoke someone you shouldn’t provoke, there will be terrible consequences.”


It's hard to imagine that everything here is so adult.

Coco pinched his waist with his hands, stood arrogantly on the spot, and said to the boy with a smile and arrogantly: "I'm not afraid of it. I even dare to eat fried spiders, and someone once said to me However, if you are too low-key, others will not be afraid of you, but will think that you are a good bully. Therefore, we must take the lead in letting others know that we are not easy to mess with, then the future will be better!"

The silver boy shook his head again and again after hearing the words: "I really don't know who taught you this kind of truth, but I can tell you very responsibly that this kind of theory is wrong, and the mistake is very outrageous!"

Coco squinted his eyes, staring at the boy and thinking in his heart [This boy is quite old, if I beat him, it might be a bit famous, then should I attack him? What's more, he laughed at me just now, so I seem to have to let him know that I'm great. 】

Of course the little boy didn't know the thoughts of the little girl opposite, he was still talking there, saying that Coco, this little kid didn't know what it was, as if he didn't know that he had been listed by Coco as a role model.

"What's your name?"

Coco asked, squinting.

The little boy flirted with his silver-white shoot pretending to be handsome, and his mannerism seemed to Cocoa to be too naive.

【Humph! Is he more handsome than my father? 】

Coco rolled his eyes suddenly.


The six-year-old Pietro, learning the actions of the protagonists in the prodigal movies he had seen when they were handsome, leaned against the wall of the corridor, folded his hands on his chest, but he did not Knowing that this way of doing things seems to Cocoa to be idiotic to the extreme.

"You remind me of the bell-ringer in "Notre Dame de Paris". That ugly monster is also called Maximov. ("Notre Dame de Paris" in different time and space

Coco was about to turn on the viper mode and sprayed "venom" at Pietro.

Six or seven-year-old boys, especially the handsome boys, are most taboo when others call him ugly, so Cocoa touched Pietro's bottom line and made him burst.

"You little bean sprouts, I didn't want to care about you, but you have angered me, so you have to pay for it!"

In the face of Pitro's threat, Coco looked nonchalant, and even turned on the mocking mode: "Come on! Don't just talk about it, today I will use you as a stepping stone on my way to dominance! "

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

Pietro is still a child after all, so he can stand this provocation.

Suddenly, the time around it seemed to become very slow, but this strangeness was noticed. The fallen leaves outside the window on his side stopped in front of the window like a Buddha. A fluttering bird just left the tree branch, but it was so Strangely stopped in the air.

Pietro, who was still a little far away from herself, appeared in front of her in the next second, looking at herself with an unkind expression, and at the same time saying to herself: "Boy! I hope you will not have nightmares in the future. Today, Brother Pietro will Let you see something you haven't seen!"

It’s a pity that the little girl who thought she would react with fear and fear did not look at herself as Pitro expected, but she even showed an expression of excitement, her eyes bursting into a bit of amazement. Colors.

"Science fiction movies have been watched too much, are you time slow-moving ability! Are you an alien? A magician? Or a descendant of prehistoric humans?"

The next moment ~lightnovelpub.net~ Coco suddenly asked a lot of questions.

Although Coco was not scared, Pietro, who originally wanted to scare Coco, was scared.

"You...you...how can you still speak normally!"

Pitro knows his abilities very well. In his field, no one except himself can be normal. Therefore, it can be said that Pitro can do whatever he wants.

What he didn't expect was that the cute little Chinese girl in front of him was not affected at all, but was able to ask himself a series of questions.

Seeing Pietro, who raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at him, and at the same time looked like he had seen a ghost in disbelief, Coco shrugged his shoulders and sat on a grimace, grinning revealing his little white teeth. Very arrogant response Said: "What's weird about this, because I am Coco, a person destined to dominate the kindergarten, so how can a supporting role like you affect me!" (To be continued.) 8