Rising America

Chapter 582: The scariest person in the eyes of an al

At this moment, Pietro#姜戈#Maximov was entangled in his heart, and at the same time it was very shocking. Since he knew that he has inhuman abilities, he has done some experiments. He has no existing people. In the face of one's own abilities, be able to ignore it like Coco. (?〈<[(

For the boy, it is almost as magical as a fairy tale written by William King.

But whether Pitro wanted to believe it or not, the facts in front of him had to make him admit that his ability had indeed lost its effectiveness in front of this little Chinese girl.

Strictly speaking, Pitro’s ability is not that time is still, but a kind of sound field is released around his body, but wherever he passes, it will be affected by this field, it seems that time has been stopped. same.

Of course, Pietro can also reclaim this area and use his talent to move the sound.

But he didn't intend to do this to Coco, after all, it would be fine to use the domain to scare the kid.

But why didn't he think that his field would actually fail in front of Cocoa?

"I am a mutant, an existence higher than human beings. We are new humans, but not aliens or magicians. You should respect me!"

Although Pietro was very frightened, he decided to continue to scare Cocoa.

After all, Coco was just a kid who was less than two years old in his eyes. Perhaps he felt that even a little fright could make Coco yield and fear.

But Pietro didn't understand Coco, nor did he know Coco's strange character, so his plan was destined to fail.

Coco raised his right hand and punched Pietro severely.

Pietro wanted to use his abilities to hide, and at the same time show Coco a little bit more power, but he suddenly realized that his body was unable to move, so he could only watch Coco's small fist hit his stomach.

In an instant, a huge pain and nausea came to my heart.

【Damn! This little kid is not big, but he is very ruthless. 】


After a punch, Coco shook his small fist in front of Pietro's eyes, and then asked arrogantly.

"I'm not convinced! I'm in a bad shape today!"

Coco furrowed his eyebrows, and then punched Pietro again, still hitting the same spot.

Cocoa beatings have a characteristic, that is, they will be hit in the same place in turn, so this will make people who are beaten by cocoa particularly painful.

You know, anyone who is hit in one spot in turn will not be able to stand it.

And now, Pietro received such a treat.

Well! Wow!


"If you are not convinced, call my eldest sister!"

"I don't accept it! You are a kid, I don't accept it!"

Peng Peng!


"Can you play in another place?"


Peng Peng!


Finally, Pietro vomited.

Coco stepped aside with a look of disgust, letting Pietro spit out there.

"You wait, vomit, I'll find my sister to clean up you! vomit!"

Pietro vomited while still not convinced that Coco threatened.

Coco curled his lips and looked at Pietro contemptuously: "I have cleaned up as much as I find your sister, but if I defeat your sister, will you be my subordinate?"

Pietro, who was slowing down a little bit, looked hatefully and said: "If you can beat my sister, I will be your subordinate! But what is the benefit of being your little boy's subordinate?"

Coco touched his chin: "A lollipop, a pack of chocolates, drink any beverages, and a buffet once a week!"

Pietro rolled his eyes.

"Do you think I rare these?"

Indeed, the children who can go to kindergarten here are not rich at home.

So how could it be knocked down by the little temptation of cocoa.

But Coco didn't think so, she had her own point of view.

"Because your future is under mine, then you must accept what I give you, whether you like it or not!"

"Wait until you beat my sister! I'm not yours yet!"

"Hurry up and find your sister, I am an impatient person, don't make me continue to beat you!"

Faced with the ‘cruel’ Coco, Pietro fled.

Coco proudly raised his little face and muttered: "I thought it was so powerful. It wasn't just that I shrank with two punches. Boys are all this virtue. As long as they are afraid, they will not dare to be so arrogant. Up."

But soon, the little guy fell into contemplation. After all, Pitro's field made the little guy very curious. She didn't know what Pitro's ability was.

Of course, the little guy doesn't know why he can face Pietro's domain without being affected.

When Pietro disappeared, Keira, who had originally left, reappeared.

When Coco beat Pitro earlier, Keira had actually been hiding in the corner of the corridor and saw it, and she found that Pitro was like a kindergarten demon, and she was easily taken care of by Coco, which made her feel incredible.

You know, Kayla is not an ordinary person. She comes from a planet called Krypton in this space-time universe. She is an out-and-out alien.

But even an alien like her would be at a disadvantage when facing Pietro and his sister, so Keira felt so shocked that Coco had cleaned up Pietro.

"how did you do it?"

Kayla appeared silently behind Coco, but Coco did not appear to be afraid or frightened at all, because she had already seen Kayla.

Why did she find Kayla, Coco didn't know the reason, and the little guy didn't bother to explore the reason.

"If you want to beat him, just beat him, you don't need to ask the reason, reason, and reason!"

Facing Kayla's curiosity, Coco responded with a very domineering tone.

Hit if you want!

Simple and easy to understand.

"How about you, can you be my subordinate? A lollipop and a pack of chocolates every day, and I invite you to a buffet once a week."

With the black line at the end of Kayla, she didn't know how to respond to this amazing little girl.

"Of course, the benefits of being my subordinate are not just that. As your boss, if anyone bullies you in the future, you can find me and I will avenge you! Believe me, I'm great!"

As if to increase his aura, Coco raised his right hand again, clenched his fist and waved it.

It's just a pity that a little girl who is less than two years old can have any momentum in doing this kind of action, it just makes people think she is very cute.

"You solve Pitro's sister first, if you can really beat his sister, then I might consider being your subordinate."

Kayla didn't say so perfunctorily, but really thought so.

Don't think Kayla is an alien, but she is also a little girl after all, she is no different from the little earth girl in terms of age alone.

Maybe she speaks a little adult, but in the final analysis she is also a little kid.

Therefore, if someone can defeat the strongest sibling in kindergarten, it seems that there is nothing wrong with following such a strong one.

You know, before Coco appeared, Keira was bullied by Pitro's sister and brother.

Of course, bullying among children is at best a prank, and it will not be as bad as older children.

"Okay! Leave it to me. I will defeat Pietro's sister and let you know how good I am." Coco squeezed his waist and laughed wildly.

Kayla looked at Coco with some worry, thinking [Is this little girl too arrogant? Pietro's sister is not easy to deal with. Although only six and a half years old, she is also a mutant. 】

Of course Coco didn't know what Kayla thought, but even if she knew Coco, she wouldn't care.

For Coco, Pietro has solved it, so is there any difficulty in defeating his sister?

Obviously, Coco felt no pressure at all.

In other words, Coco is simply that kind of heartless little girl movie.

"My sister is waiting for you in the playground, dare you come?"

Pietro showed half of his head from the corner of the corridor, and this guy was obviously afraid to get close to Cocoa.

Hearing this, Coco responded very arrogantly: "I'm just to clean up your sister now, you wait to be my subordinate!"

Afterwards, Coco looked at Kayla who was extremely cute and said, "Let's go!"

Keira nodded silently, and then followed Coco.

After Pitro realized that Kayla and Coco were together, he immediately shouted: "Kayla, I don't think you are in the same group with her. When my sister defeats this little girl, I will stuff caterpillars in your storage box every day!"

After screaming, Pietro disappeared like a gust of wind without waiting for the cocoa fire. This guy ran so fast.

As an alien, no one would have thought that Kayla was actually afraid of caterpillars, and he was still afraid of caterpillars. It was really funny to say it.

Therefore, when Keira heard Pietro's threat, her face turned pale, obviously she was really frightened. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Fortunately, Coco comforted her, but Coco's comfort made Kayla from fear to disgust.

I saw Coco patted Kayla on the shoulder while comforting the three-year-old alien girl: "What's so terrible about caterpillars. If he dares to do this to you, I will go to the storage box of him and his sister. Stuffed stool." After finishing talking, Coco grinned at Kayla with white teeth.

Under the sunlight through the window, Coco's big white teeth were a little reflective, but recalling what Coco had just said, Kyla suddenly felt nauseous.


Youdao means that a mountain is higher than a mountain, and there is a strong middle player in the strong!

It can be seen that Coco is more ‘dominant’, more ‘dirty’ than Pietro...In short, Kayla suddenly felt that the Chinese kid in front of him seemed much more terrifying than Pietro.

After all, not all bear children dare to use ‘stool’ as a weapon and means of revenge. (To be continued.) 8