Rising America

Chapter 585: I lost

The robot Po, who was realized by Coco and Wanda, and the fairy flower fairy Kulala, disappeared in a way that neither of them expected. Coco and Wanda were very surprised by this, and at the same time, apart from being stunned. Helpless. 〈?

Especially Wanda didn't expect that the fantasy entity she realized would actually throw off herself and run away without following orders. This really made her feel a bit subversive.

But whether she is willing to accept it or not, it is the fact that she does not accept it or not.

Cocoa is very open-hearted. After all, he acquired this ability for the first time, and he also summoned the "big hero" robot Abao in his mind. Although the realized robot Abao is a bit funny, Coco still feels very funny. Excited, even if this guy finally ran away.

So compared to Wanda, Coco is the best mentality.

"Hmph! Flat-breasted girl! Your flower fairy ran away. Obviously, she must have seen your **** are too small and therefore unwilling to fight for you, so you should give up quickly!"

After a brief period of astonishment and surprise, Coco quickly recovered and then turned on the taunt mode again.

Wanda, who was originally angry about Huaxian's abduction by the robot, was ridiculed by Coco's taunt mode, and his heart became more frustrated.

"Ugly monsters! Your robot is not good, it abducted my flower fairy!"

From Wanda's point of view, Abao, the robot who is all Cocoa manifestation, is not good. If there is no such robot, the flower fairy who manifests himself would definitely not abandon him.

So since the robot was summoned by Coco, it is obviously not wrong to blame Coco.

Coco raised his hand and dug his nostrils, looked at Wanda, who was several years older than him, with contempt, and said, "That's my Abao, which is so charming. You can't envy you this."

Wanda's little face flushed.

The two girls who were going to fight a battle have changed into a war of words, and they started to complain about each other.

This makes Pietro and Kyla a little unacceptable.

Seeing that his sister was about to be swayed by the kid, Pietro had to say to her sister: "Sister, don't get caught in the track of this kid. She must want to use this way to make you more and She's the same, and then use her rich experience to defeat you. From this we can see that this kid must have a very good mouth. Don't be fooled."

Pietro is a smart boy, so he saw through Coco's ‘conspiracy’ and reminded his sister.

After the reminder from his younger brother Pietro, Wanda really woke up.

【Pooh! Little sinister girl, I almost got fooled, thanks to my brother's reminder. 】

Wanda, who thought he was awakened, would definitely not be led by Coco's nose. She gritted her teeth and looked at Coco and shouted: "Don’t be arrogant, I won’t be fooled. Get up like me, but you will not be stronger than me!"

While shouting loudly at Coco, Wanda turned on her abilities again, she was ready to make Coco a fool.

After all, the manifested warrior has disappeared, so Wanda has also lost the power to fight Cocoa. You must know that the manifested ability is not available at any time, and this thing has limitations.

Like I used it once today, it will take at least a month before I can use it again.

Similarly, in the skill column deep in Cocoa's consciousness, the skill [incarnation] under the Chaos Magic skill tree has been marked, and the skill can be used again after 29 days, 23 hours and 58 minutes.

[Distorting reality! 】

Wanda's fiery red silk was silent, she clenched her teeth and raised her right hand to Coco, moving the last skill she could use right now.

And this skill is the most terrifying and lethal one among the chaos magic skills.

It's just that, now being used by Wanda, who is only six and a half years old, its power obviously cannot be that great.

You know, this skill has wiped out millions of mutants around the world in a certain plane period, leaving only 138 people alive.

This shows how terrifying reality distortion this ability is.

Of course, Wanda at this moment hadn't thought about killing Coco, after all, she was just a little girl now, and she couldn't do things like murder.

However, with this ability, Wanda would still be happy to make Coco this little boy fool around.

[Today you go to kindergarten naked, everyone will see you look ugly, and you will be everyone’s laughing stock! 】

As Wanda used the [Distortion of Reality] ability, a powerful, depressing atmosphere spread, and quickly enveloped Coco and Kayla.

Wanda put down her right hand and laughed ‘hahaha’. She didn’t have to wait for the result to appear, because she was confident in her ability and had never failed.

But Wanda's laughter soon stopped abruptly.

Because she saw a very incredible sight.

The wind brought by the ability surrounded Coco and Kayla, and formed a small storm circle, but these winds could not get closer to Cocoa's body within three meters, and even Wanda’s ability to move The invisible force blocked the outside.

It can be said that Wanda’s ability to distort reality is ineffective against Coco at this moment.

This really surprised Wanda and was very surprised and shocked.

The voice of cocoa in the wind circle came out at this time, "Do you think it is hot, want to cool me down? I won't thank you, and I feel as if you can't hurt me.", the next second Feng'er After dispersing, everything returned to calm, and Coco, who showed his figure, laughed wildly.

Coco's blue Panta sports suit is still there, and it hasn't disappeared because of Wanda's [Reality Distortion] ability, and nothing has changed.

[The opponent uses the ‘reality distortion’ ability, do you fight back? 】

As Coco laughed arrogantly, the unfamiliar voice deep in the meaning of Coco echoed again.

As the so-called revenge, the bear child is not the kind of bad guy. Since Wanda wants her to make a fool of himself, the little guy feels that he has to make the other person look good.

Similarly, Coco wouldn't kill people, and she wanted Wanda to make a fool of herself.

It's just that she is more funny than Wanda, so the way she makes a fool of Wanda is also very different.

"Now it's me!" The ridiculous voice gradually disappeared, and then she learned the tone and expression of the villain in the American TV series she had watched. Wanda was taken aback by surprise.

Not to mention, Coco really didn't watch so many American dramas, and now she pretends to be a little villain.

"I don't know how to make you bare but tasteless things, and your little bean sprout-like figure won't be seen by anyone, so you can be a boy for one day! Your brother will be a girl for a day!"

Raising his finger to Wanda, he moved his ‘reality distortion’ ability.

Wanda does not have the protection of the mysterious power of Coco, so there is nothing to do with the copycat version of ‘reality distortion’.

Wanda could clearly feel the changes in her body as the wind with dust blew by, and this change made her face pale.

Similarly, Pietro's expression changed drastically.

About ten seconds later, two screams penetrated the blue sky.

------split line------

Pietro still looks like a boy, but his body has changed a lot because his "Little Gigi" has disappeared.

It is said that Pitro and Wanda have very good genes. Although Pitro is a boy, he looks very delicate, so it is not surprising to be regarded as a girl.

Like his younger brother, Wanda as an older sister has undergone a little change, but this change makes Wanda feel a little sick.

Coco stood there with a smirk. With her smirk, she really wanted to get a punch on her face to relieve her hatred.

"we lose!"

Although very reluctant, Wanda is a bachelor. After all, if you lose, you lose. Even if Wanda doesn't want to admit this fact, it won't work.

Kayla, who was standing next to Coco, looked at the dejected Wanda in surprise. She did not expect that Wanda, who was like a big devil in her eyes, would be defeated by Coco, who was one year old and nine months old.

All this made Kayla dreamlike, as if she was dreaming.

You know, Kayla is often bullied by Wanda sisters and brothers because they are aliens, so when Wanda sisters and brothers bully her, they are different from bullying ordinary children.

Therefore, Keira hates Wanda sister and brother deeply.

"Boss! How to clean up Wanda and Pietro next?"

Even though Kayla is only three years old and still an alien, but she winks, so she immediately called Coco the boss, and she still hinted that Coco beat the dog.

It is a pity that the bear child is a bear child after all, how could she be led by the nose by Kayla.

"You don't need to clean up him (her), they will be my subordinates from now on." Coco turned his head to look at the eager Kayla and said with a cowhide look, and the hottest reminded Kayla, "Everyone will be It's your own person, don't fight inwardly."

Looking at Coco is better than Wanda, although Kayla is a little reluctant, she will never go against Coco's meaning.

Kayla didn't want to provoke Coco~lightnovelpub.net~ and was turned into a boy like Wanda, with so many disgusting things in her body.

Therefore, for the Coco boss, Kayla is determined to follow his footsteps and thoughts and be a qualified dogleg.

Pietro reached out and reached into his crotch, his face became very wonderful and weird.

Watching her younger brother 猥#'s trivial behavior, Wanda can only repay her eyes and helplessness.

"Introduce yourself, at least I also know the situation of my family, and what the mutants and new humans you mentioned earlier? Why haven't I heard it?"

Now that the matter has come to an end, Coco will not continue to attack Wanda and Pietro. At the same time, she has a lot of doubts in her heart and needs Wanda to answer herself.

That's right, both Wanda and Pietro mentioned ‘mutants’, ‘new humans’, and ‘ancient survivors’, and these information made Coco very curious. (To be continued.) 8