Rising America

Chapter 586: New classmate, Li Baoying

"Hello everyone, my name is Li Baoying, from Switzerland. [八[[一[(<<中<文[

When Coco had solved the two little overlords in kindergarten, Jin Xiantai returned to school and met an acquaintance.

Li Baoying, a girl from the Northern Dynasties who had ever met in Korea, also appeared in school and became his classmate.

Kim Hyun Tae knew that he would not admit the wrong person, because since Li Baoying entered the classroom, his eyes had not left him, and he smiled sweetly at him from time to time.

After introducing herself, Li Baoying sat down next to Jin Xiantai according to the teacher's arrangement. When she placed her book on the desk, she greeted Jin Xiantai in a low voice.

"Hi! William, don't show such an expression when you see me, it seems like hell, am I so scared?"

Li Baoying's English is very fluent, but her English has a little European accent, but there will be no barriers to communication.

God knows how Li Baoying did this. As a daughter of the Li family in the Northern Dynasties, she actually used a Swiss identity to go to the United States to study. This shocked Jin Xiantai.

If Li Baoying’s identity is revealed, he would be very happy if he wanted to come to the special department in the United States. Fortunately, Kim Hyun Tae did not intend to do so.

"Are you crazy? If you let the Americans know that you are here, you will cause your father a lot of trouble!"

Kim Hyun Tae lowered his voice and quickly said to Li Baoying.

The smile on Li Baoying's face is even brighter, because from Kim Hyun Tae's words, it seems that he still cares about himself.

Although this concern has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, it still makes Li Baoying feel very good.

"You are the only one who knows who I am. At the same time, I don't think you are the kind of person who will betray me, so what can I worry about? You won't betray me?"

Li Baoying's voice was a little bit ridiculous. It was not so much that she was asking Jin Xiantai as if she was acting like a baby to Jin Xiantai. If this were seen by people familiar with Li Baoying in the Northern Dynasty, I don't know how many people would be shocked.

As the leader of the Beihuo group, Li Baoying is only 17 years old, but she is known for her cruelty to help her father and consolidate the rule of the Li family.

Although many people were not handled by Li Baoying personally, they were arrested or executed by orders she signed.

Therefore, in the Northern Dynasties, Li Baoying was definitely a terrifying existence.

Many people will ignore her age when facing her, and only remember her identity and status, as well as the family and terrorist methods behind it.

As for Li Baoying's current attitude of a little woman, no one has seen it.

Even her father Li Taiyang has never seen such a feminine side of his daughter. The daughters he knows and understand are the same as tomboys.

Kim Hyun-tae felt that the hair on his back was erect, and he fought a cold war.

"Of course I will not reveal the secret of your identity, but what are you doing in America?"

Immediately, Jin Xiantai told Li Baoying that he would never reveal the secret of her identity.

After listening to Kim Hyun-tae’s personal assurance, Li Baoying’s smile became brighter and sweeter. At the same time, she whispered a little bit to Kim Hyun-tae, "For you."

for me! ?

Jin Xiantae was shocked, but did not react for a while.

To be honest, Li Baoying is a very straightforward girl. No matter what she does, she likes to be direct and doesn't like to be roundabout.

Therefore, she will always be regarded as a tomboy, and no one will regard her as a girl or a man.

Of course, Li Baoying is not ugly, and it can even be said that she is very beautiful.

It's just because of some complicated reasons that everyone respects Li Baoying, and there will be no doubts about her.

And Li Baoying herself is also used to such a life and life.

But all this became a thing of the past when I met Jin Xiantai.

Li Baoying fell in love with Kim Hyun Tae, perhaps because of Kim Hyun Tae's handsome appearance, or perhaps because of his ‘talent’, but no matter what, the moment Li Baoying saw Kim Hyun Tae, she knew the boy’s heart moved.

Many people would not believe such things like love at first sight.

In fact, Li Baoying himself does not believe in such a thing.

But sometimes, when this kind of thing is born to unbelievers, it has a little dramatic effect.

"Yes, for you, to be honest, I like you! The first time I saw you, I knew that I was moved by you, so I hope to be your girlfriend and be your wife in the future."

Li Baoying was bold and direct, even to the point of surprise to Kim Hyun Tae.

There is no word in these characters, Li Baoying has thought of being a wife.

"I will give you a lot of children, but considering some special factors, I think I can only give you five at most. If you have too many children, your body will be out of shape. If you can give birth to five babies at once, then Very good."

Ignoring Kim Hyun Tae's weird expression, Li Baoying fell into his own fantasy about the future.

Destiny is sometimes so wonderful. Li Baoying had never thought that her words would become proverbs today. In the future, she will actually give birth to quintuplets...

Kim Hyun-tae simply ignored Li Baoying, he felt that he could not keep up with Li Baoying's thinking.

But Kim Hyun-tae’s ignorance of Li Baoying does not stop Li Baoying from harassing him.

You know, Li Baoying left the Northern Dynasty and came to the United States with great effort, just for Jin Xiantae.

Therefore, in any case, Li Baoying also felt that she wanted to make Kim Hyun-tae his boyfriend, and finally let him become the "horse man" of the Li family.

As the daughter of the Li family, it's not easy to meet someone she likes. If she misses Jin Xiantai, she will definitely become a victim of political marriage in the future.

Li Baoying doesn't want to be such a tragic person, nor does he want to live a lifetime with someone who has no feelings, so in any case, she will try her best to get Kim Hyun Tae, and then live a life with him that is not ashamed or ashamed.

At this moment, Jin Xiantai made a look of listening to the teacher's lecture attentively. He was completely an excellent three-good student template, but he was not really listening to the teacher's lecture, but just pretending to be.

Originally, he thought that Li Baoying came to the United States for a special mission, or to spy on American classified intelligence.

Unexpectedly, Li Baoying said that he came to the United States to pursue him, and he did not know what methods he used to become his classmate.

I went!

Kim Hyun-tae was very surprised by things like birth.

Even unexpectedly, he himself didn't believe that such a strange thing would happen.

Because it was still in class, some students couldn't ask Kim Hyun Tae why Song Andy didn't come back with him. In addition, the new classmate Li Baoying seemed to have something wrong with Kim Hyun Tae, so some gossip began to burn among the students.

[This new **** is so proactive as a newcomer! 】

Where did Li Baoying continually harass Kim Hyun Tae, this scene was seen by the girls in the class, so it is logical that Li Baoying was also included in the ranks of [Bi Chi].

All in all, for the girls who like Kim Hyun-tae, all the girls who provoke William other than themselves are [Bitch].

Finally, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the morning class was over.

Kim Hyun-tae, who looked like a decent student, immediately got up and prepared to'escape', wanting to escape Li Baoying's bombing by himself.

Unfortunately, before he left his seat, he was stopped by his classmates.

And Li Baoying also took her textbook, moved her chair and sat next to Jin Xiantai, not caring about the angry eyes of the other girls.

"William, what about Andy Song? You didn't go with her, so why are you alone now?"

A male classmate asked about Song Andi.

As soon as his voice fell, an Indian-born little four-eyes took the conversation and speculated: "It's not that Andy Song can't stand William's big bird. Now he has his body wounded and recuperated at home?"

This funny inference was actually echoed by many people.

Seeing many people nodding their heads, Kim Hyun Tae was a little bit dumbfounded.

At this time, the Indian little four looked at Jin Xiantai and continued: "William, you are wrong. On the first day of school today, you ran out with Song Andy to do that kind of thing. What do you make us single dogs think!"

What to do!

He and Song Andi are not very familiar, although Song Andi has given himself private videos, but the relationship between himself and the other party is really not good.

Looking at Indian little four with a serious and serious look, Jin Xiantai hooked the opponent's neck and clamped it under his armpit.

Of course, Kim Hyun-tae didn't exert any effort, it was only the slapstick of the young people.

"Skaba, don’t tell me you seem to know the truth. Am I as unbearable as you say? Don’t talk nonsense about such things. I have nothing to do with Andy Song, let alone the relationship between boy and girl friends. If you talk nonsense again, I'll go and pick up your sister."

The Indian fourth eye is named Skaba and has a senior sister in high school, so Jin Xiantai made such a joking threat.

The Indian fourth eye rolled his eyes without fear under Jin Xiantai's control, and shouted to the classmates: "Did you see, this guy is going to kill someone! But then again, you will really bluff my sister. Isn’t that? My sister is a great beauty. If you really **** her, I think my sister will be very happy. In fact, my sister also likes you. Of course, many girls in our Indian community like you.”

[Skaba, you still shameless! 】

Kim Hyun-tae let go of Skaba in a dubious manner, and pointed his finger at the opponent silently.

"Your sister is a bit dark. If I want to say that my sister is good, she is a big beauty with golden eyes and a top-notch body, and her aesthetics is absolutely in line with the Chinese." As soon as Skaba's voice fell, someone stepped forward to tear down the platform. .

In the face of the demolisher's remarks ~lightnovelpub.net~Skeba could not refute.

By the way, their Indians do have dark complexions, but he doesn't want to be underestimated.

Therefore, Skaba immediately shot back: "The white man has thick hair, and my sister can dance with electric hips!"

The demolition was a little fat guy, and this guy was not to be outdone: "Your sister must have a curry taste, my sister is the best." After that, the little fat guy turned to look at Jin Xiantai, "Choose my sister, and quickly soak her. Get it, so I won't be bullied at home!"

[I'm going, is this introducing my sister, or has another purpose! You guys funny! 】

The original controversy suddenly turned into a ‘sell sister for no purpose’ meeting. Kim Hyun Tae was silly at such a change.

At this time, Li Baoying pulled on Kim Hyun Tae’s T-shirt. When Kim Hyun Tae looked down at her, he tilted his head and said to Kim Hyun Tae: "What the **** with these naive kids, I’m a bit hungry. Let’s go eat, I know There is a good Chinese restaurant near the school. I invite you." (To be continued.)