Rising America

Chapter 587: Don't be afraid, i'm very gentle

Two blocks away from Santa Monica College, a Chinese restaurant named ‘Northeast Farm Food’ with a strong Chinese northeast style interior attracted Li Baoying and Jin Xiantai. [)]

Jin Xiantai was a little surprised at this Chinese restaurant, which was decorated in Chinese with a Chinese name and rich Northeast style even though it was opened in Los Angeles.

After finding a seat under the guidance of the waiter, and after ordering a few famous dishes from Northeast China, Li Baoying stared at Jin Xiantai openly.

"I found this store online, and it is the first time I came today, but I have seen a lot of people commenting that this store tastes very good, so I want to try it, but I will be even happier with you and me. "

Li Baoying was bold and straightforward, which made Kim Hyun Tae uncomfortable.

Compared with the courage of European and American girls, Li Baoying is not at all letting go.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai could only smile awkwardly, and then changed the subject.

"Will opening a Chinese restaurant in this place with such a name attract local people?"

After speaking, Jin Xiantai looked around.

However, he soon realized that he seemed to have a lot of worries. During the lunch time, there were quite a few Jinbiyan locals who came to patronize this Northeast restaurant.

In particular, Jin Xiantai has a more interesting phenomenon, that is, the local and old beauties who come to dine here will order the pot-and-wrapped meat dish.

No matter how many dishes they order, the pot of meat will definitely appear among them.

It can be seen that Laomei seems to have a soft spot for Baobao.

Of course, it can also be seen from this point that this Northeastern cuisine chef's Baobao meat dish is very authentic, otherwise it would not be possible to attract so many old and beautiful foodies.

What do you eat in Northeastern cuisine?

Of course it is the kind of very authentic taste.

It's like an improved Northeastern dish... Let's not talk about that stuff.

Li Baoying smiled and continued to say to Jin Hyuntae: "Many people have ordered Baobaobao. I also like this dish very much. When I go to Northeast China, I often order it. I didn't expect to eat it in the United States. I am so happy."

Kim Hyun Tae retracted his gaze and looked at Li Baoying and asked, "I won't ask you too much. After all, in your capacity, if I ask too much, it will cause trouble. Where do you live in Los Angeles?"

"How can you get into trouble by asking me some questions?" Li Baoying wrinkled her nose when she heard the words, raised her hand and pressed it on Kim Hyun Tae's forehead. This behavior seemed a bit ambiguous and intimate. I think she and Kim Hyun Tae are like a small couple.

Even Kim Hyun-tae felt that Li Baoying seemed to be a bit ‘excessive’ to him.

But Li Baoying, the person involved, didn't think so.

"I promise you will tell you everything you ask me, and will not cause you trouble at all, I promise!"

Li Baoying became very serious at this time, and her eyes became very hot. She stared at Jin Xiantai as she spoke, and Jin Xiantai did not dare to look at her.

------split line------

"I will not answer any of your questions before my lawyer arrives. I have this right."

Although he had fallen into the hands of the Los Angeles police, after Zhang Yaozu informed his father about the incident, he suddenly became confident.

Perhaps, in his eyes, his father is omnipotent.

Because in Zhang Yaozu’s growth experience, he really caused a lot of trouble, but he was settled one by one by his father. Therefore, in Zhang Yaozu’s eyes, his father must become an'omnipotent' existence. Zhang Yaozu felt that no matter how much trouble he caused, his father would come forward to settle him.

Although he is not in China now, Zhang Yaozu also thinks that his father can do it, nothing more than spending a little more money than in China. This should be no problem for his father.

At the same time, because of his understanding of the American system, Zhang Yaozu slowly recovered his nature and began to arrogant again.

Several sturdy police officers turned their heads to look at Zhang Yaozu who was kept in the single-person detention room. They all suddenly felt that this young Chinese man seemed to have a mental illness.

The evidence is conclusive, and the police have all personal and physical evidence. Under such circumstances, does he think a mere lawyer can change anything?

It is true that American lawyers can be said to be black or white, or even dead to live, but this time is different.

Let's not talk about the physical and personal evidence, just those things reported by net TV are enough to make Zhang Yaozu drink a pot.

"Boy, don't be arrogant. Although you have seen similar scenes in Hollywood movies and thought you could use this method to make us cast a mouse, I still have to say to an idiot like you that reality is not a movie."

Wearing police uniforms with batons, pistols, stun guns, chili water, handcuffs, and various police equipment on his waist, a white policeman approached the detention room and spoke to Zhang Yaozu in English through the iron fence.

Zhang Yaozu's English is fairly qualified, so he can hear the other party's meaning clearly.

But for the deeper meaning, Zhang Yaozu is a little bit confused.

Therefore he continued to yell: "Are you threatening me? I want to sue you for intimidating me. I will sue you when my lawyer comes. I remember your police number!"

The white policeman looked at Zhang Yaozu with an idiot look. He also wondered why this Chinese youth was so arrogant, and what kind of confidence he had?

But no matter what the opponent has to rely on, he definitely cannot get away this time.

The police in Los Angeles are aware of this issue.

Posing his lips, he simply stopped paying attention to the idiot Zhang Yaozu. The police officer returned to his companions. Then several people began to whisper and look back at Zhang Yaozu from time to time.

However, it can be seen from the eyes of these whispering police officers that they do not have any good feelings for Zhang Yaozu, and even a trace of malice flashes from time to time.

Anyone who is smarter will definitely know that he should be quieter and more honest at this time.

But Zhang Yaozu is a person who has always been accustomed to, relying on his own Laozi to be rich, he has never been treated like this before.

Although he had been arrested several times in China, the policemen who took him knew that he was Zhang Hongbing’s son, they would treat him well at the police station, where he was kept in a single detention room like he is now. It.

"I want to smoke! I want to watch TV. I'm hungry. Order me a deluxe paella, or I will sue you for abuse!"

"This guy is too much. Who does he think he is? I am still the president, but I don't think even the president is too much, right?"

A police officer couldn't help but complained to his colleagues.

His words were approved by several colleagues. One of the police officers responded: "Let's clean him up, at least let him be honest. I'm very annoyed to be so noisy."

When these words landed, several police officers suddenly showed smirks.

Seriously, do you really think the American police are not bad?

Even if there is a sound system, if the American police is broken, they can do things that you never think of.

The monitor was turned off, and the five-big and three-thick policemen walked into the single-person detention room. One of them raised his hand and squeezed the knuckles of his fingers, and squeezed it! Click it! ’Loud, while watching Zhang Yaozu’s smirk of "hehehe".

Even if Zhang Yaozu is arrogant and mentally disabled, he can still detect that something is wrong when facing such a situation.

So he was like a frightened kitten, leaning back nervously until his body was pressed against the wall.

But even so, those smirking police officers still made Zhang Yaozu uneasy.

"I tell you, don't mess around, my father is very rich, he can ask a well-known lawyer to sue you, and even let you lose your job!"

Several police officers looked at each other, and they all saw a funny look in the eyes of their colleagues.

One of the police officers said to Zhang Yaozu: "Don't be nervous, what do you think we are going to do? Punish you physically, or do other things that violate the regulations?"

Zhang Yaozu pursed his lips, but from his expression, he seemed to think so.

The police officer smiled: "We are good police officers, so we don’t do things like that. Even if you are a scumbag, we won’t do anything to you. We will get dirty when we beat you. Hands."

Soon, a black man who was also detained in the police station was brought over by a police officer. It was obvious that he was detained in another area.

The smiles on the faces of several police officers grew stronger after the guy with a sturdy figure and a height of 2 meters was brought in.

"This little guy will leave it to you. You have to treat him well tonight, but don't kill anyone, and don't show any injuries on your body. It will be troublesome if we don't let us, and you will be troublesome yourself."

The black strong man 猥# put his tongue out~lightnovelpub.net~ licked his dry lips, then showed a somewhat intriguing smile and nodded.

"Don't worry, I know how to measure it."

With a snap of his fingers, one police officer took the lead to leave the detention room, and the rest of the police officers followed this to leave the detention room.

After the police officers left, only Zhang Yaozu and the sturdy black man were left in the single-person detention room.

At this moment, no matter how idiot Zhang Yaozu was, he also knew that the next thing would definitely be bad for him.

"Hey! You get this guy away, or I will sue you if my lawyer comes!"

Listening to Zhang Yaozu's last arrogant words, a police officer who seemed to have a lot of weight among his colleagues said to his companion: "Turn on the monitor, maybe the things taken by the monitor will become classics."

The strong black man slowly approached Zhang Yaozu, "Don’t panic baby, I will be gentle with you, and I will let you have the most wonderful experience, provided that you don’t resist, otherwise I will be very angry, and the consequences will be It becomes very serious..." (To be continued.)