Rising America

Chapter 593: This routine

"You will not be so lonely, because there is still me with you. [August 1 Chinese?〉])]}}>?)]〉"

Li Baoying's remarks can be understood by any fool, but Kim Hyun-tae decided to pretend to be silly, and he refused to respond and changed the subject, which made Li Baoying very helpless.

Seeing Kim Hyun-tae took the conversation and changed the topic: "Are you really doing nuclear tests? The current international situation is a bit subtle. Doing such things at this time seems to be very beneficial to you, but I think there must be a lot of pressure on your side."

In order not to let Li Baoying continue to say such ambiguous words, Kim Hyun Tae shifted the topic to the North Korean nuclear test.

Li Baoying was also somewhat helpless about this.

She took her gaze back from Kim Hyun Tae, then put it in front to watch the traffic, and after a moment of thought, she said: "This question is a bit complicated. Although I can give you a very accurate answer, you must understand it. As far as my identity is concerned, I cannot divulge relevant information indiscriminately."

It's true that Li Baoying likes Kim Hyun Tae, but it is only because of this that he leaked such important information to him, obviously Li Baoying has not been able to do it.

Kim Hyun Tae didn't care about it either, he just wanted to change the subject anyway.

Of course, Li Baoying can more or less predict Kim Hyun Tae's purpose, but the girl is very clever and pretends to be confused.

"Before I came, I received a message from the Internal Intelligence Section of the Northern Dynasties. Your U.S. military base stationed in Binhai is under high-intensity attacks by the North Vietnamese army, and the situation is already precarious. Seriously, I am not optimistic about you Americans Participate in the French colonial war in Vietnam."

Hearing what Li Baoying said, Jin Xiantai frowned.

Kim Hyun-tae actually didn't care at all whether the American troops that entered Vietnam in the early stage would be destroyed in this North Vietnam campaign.

After all, the dead are all Americans in different time and space, so why should he worry about Kim Hyun-tae.

It was just that Jin Xiantai thought that there was another reason for an "acquaintance" at Binhua Base, so he couldn't help but worry about the other party.

And the ‘acquaintance’ he was worried about was Hulk who had left the orphanage to join the army.

In fact, Kim Hyun-tae is not sure that the outcome of the American participation in this war of the French in the Vietnamese colony is destined to be less than good.

Just because of Kim Hyun-tae’s reminder and preliminary plans, the United States has never thought of helping the French stabilize the situation in Vietnam. It just wants to consume a large amount of early inventory in Vietnam and experiment with new equipment at the same time.

Therefore, the military and American arms dealers pushed Congress to pass the bill for the United States to enter the war.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Baoying to understand the deep-seated reasons, let alone her, even though there are not many people in the US who know the real reason.

Everyone has a very unified external caliber to prevent the expansion of the xxist camp.

Well, I have to say that this is a very good excuse. At least the French believed it, the entire Europeans believed it, and the Soviets believed it.

But as the first proponent of this plan and also the issuer of the copy, Kim Hyun Tae knew exactly what this was all about.

"North Vietnam dared to take the initiative to attack, in my opinion, it is nothing more than relying behind them. It is obvious that the Soviets may have given them material and military assistance, which makes them feel that they have the confidence to face the multinational forces."

While driving the car, Kim Hyun Tae responded to Li Baoying.

Li Baoying then answered: "Why do you think you are from the Soviet Union, can't you be from Huaxia? You must know that the ruling power in North Vietnam has a very good relationship with China."

[China Support North Vietnam? 】

Hearing what Li Baoying said, Kim Hyun Tae immediately caught a little bit.

After all, in the history of another time and space, it was indeed China that supported North Vietnam against the United States, which made the United States humiliated and withdrawn from Vietnam.

So in this Vietnam War that is happening in different time and space, should China here have to play such a hand?

I originally thought that the Soviets were behind North Vietnam, but now listening to what Li Baoying said, Jin Xiantai dare not be too sure.

It's just that Jin Xiantai is not sure that all of what Li Baoying said is true. After all, the old George's visit to China has ended. It seems that the Chinese people did not express their intention to support North Vietnam.

Seeing the puzzled look on Kim Hyun Tae’s face, Li Baoying guessed Kim Hyun Tae’s thoughts at this moment, so he smiled and said, “A lot of things that you think are impossible are often the most true. Chinese people play tricks, they are Westerners. The ancestors, this is something everyone knows."

And Li Baoying's remarks made Kim Hyun Tae more certain.

It seems that North Vietnam really has the support of China.

However, Jin Xiantai turned around and thought again, it seems that this matter has little to do with him, except for worrying about Hulk, the other soldiers in the United States have a relationship with him.

Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae no longer struggled with this matter anymore, and his whole person who was no longer struggling became relaxed.

"Let's talk about something else. As far as I am concerned, I have not paid much attention to the war in Vietnam. After all, I am still a high school student and not a soldier."

Li Baoying, who was sitting on the side of the co-pilot, looked at Kim Hyun-tae and secretly curled his lips and said, "If you can visit Asia with Vice President George Old, only fools will believe these words of yours. 】, but Li Baoying still did not expose this fact.

"I am no longer Li Baoying from the Northern Dynasties. Now I am of Korean descent from Switzerland, so in the future we should not talk about political topics, okay."

Li Baoying suddenly made a small suggestion at this time.

And Kim Hyun-tae just woke up, dare to go around Li Baoying, the ultimate goal is this.

Kim Hyun Tae, who understood Li Baoying's purpose, was a little dumbfounded.

But facing Li Baoying's proposal, Jin Xiantai nodded and agreed.

After all, Kim Hyun-tae didn't want to get involved in political issues with Li Baoying too much.

After Kim Hyun-tae nodded in agreement, Li Baoying stretched out his hand grinningly and rubbed Kim Hyun-tae’s. Kim Hyun-tae got goosebumps all over his body and said, “That’s right. If you didn’t mention the nuclear test, I would also I won’t talk to you about the Vietnam War. Let’s not talk about these aspects anymore. Let’s talk more about what high school students should talk about."

[This girl's routine is very deep. 】

Although I had a brief contact in South Korea and I was still a classmate today, Kim Hyun-tae really didn’t know that Li Baoying was a girl who did what she did.

Of course, maybe it can be described as "scheming, scheming", but Kim Hyun-tae still likes to describe Li Baoying as "scheming and deep."

Of course, Li Baoying didn't know. She actually gave Jin Xiantai such an impression. If she knew, maybe she wouldn't be so ostentatious.

But Li Baoying also showed that he was true to himself here, and he did not deliberately conceal his character from Kim Hyun Tae, as if there is nothing wrong with it.

At least Li Baoying felt that he should show his true self to Kim Hyun Tae instead of being hypocritical.

Of course, only when Jin Xiantai accepts this kind of herself, and when she and Jin Xiantai come together, the lives of the two people will be happy, harmonious and not ashamed.

Otherwise, if the front and back are different, this will cause big problems.

"By the way, you haven't told me where you live. I have to take you back."

At this time, Kim Hyun Tae was already on the main road leading to Beverly Hills, so he had to ask where Li Baoying lived.

Li Baoying covered her mouth and smiled, then put down her hand and said to Kim Hyun Tae, "I am your neighbor now."

Hearing this, Jin Xiantae was shocked. He vaguely remembered that the neighbor next to him was a certain Hollywood director whose name he did not remember.

Li Baoying explained at this time: "Don't even think about it, your original neighbor, the director, has moved away, and I bought that house, so I am really your neighbor."

Kim Hyun Tae smiled bitterly. He knew that he couldn't get rid of Li Baoying for the time being. He would be neighbors with himself, right?

Of course, Jin Xiantai couldn't believe what Li Baoying said. After all, as Li Baoying, she wanted to buy the house very easily.

The outside world seems to be very poor in the Northern Dynasties, but as the daughter of the ruler Li's family, of course Li Baoying would not be the same as ordinary people, would he?

As for this question, of course, Kim Hyun-tae would not explore anything, so he nodded and smiled and said to Li Baoying: "Unexpectedly, we will be neighbors in the future."

Li Baoying also responded with a smile: "Then I will go to your house in the future. You have to entertain me more. Of course, if you come to my house, I will treat you well, and I will make cold noodles for you."

Faced with Li Baoying's kindness, Kim Hyun-tae couldn't refuse, so he nodded with a smile.

But in fact, in Kim Hyun Tae's heart, he didn't take it seriously.

Kim Hyun Tae could still see Li Baoying's special thoughts. UU Reading www.uukANASHU.com

While talking, Jin Xiantai stopped the car slowly.

Li Baoying looked at Jin Xiantai curiously, obviously she didn't understand how to stop the car properly.

This is the foothill of the main road in the Beverly Hills community. Except for a mansion surrounded by an iron fence covered with green vines and covered by dense pine trees, it looks like nothing else.

"This is a kindergarten, my daughter is here, I have to take her home with her."

Just as Li Baoying was curious, Kim Hyun Tae finally said the answer.

[Capitalism is decay. A kindergarten is built like a mansion. How much does it cost! But I think it’s not bad, and my child and I will also go to such kindergarten...]

Kim Hyun Tae, who had parked the car on the side of the road, opened the door and walked down. Li Baoying also got out of the car from the co-pilot position.

Standing in front of the gate of the kindergarten, Li Baoying started thinking about it... (To be continued.)