Rising America

Chapter 594: Cocoa, are you cheating again!

"Number 99928"

"Name: Wangda#姜戈#Maximov"

"Gender: Female"

"Age: Six and a half years old"

"No. 99929"

"Name: Pitro#姜戈#Maximov"

"Sex: Male"

"Age: six years old"

"Classified as Mutant"

"Given that he is still a minor and has not attracted the attention of ordinary people and public losses, this time a five-level warning is given and the guardian is notified to strengthen the teaching of mutant rules. Are there any different opinions on such punishment?"

When Jin Xiantai just parked the car at the entrance of the kindergarten and was about to walk into the kindergarten, in the principal's room of the kindergarten, the four children of Coco, Pietro, Wanda and Kaila were facing two men in black suits and black sunglasses. Education. {(八{一中文)}>))]>}>

Two men, one black and one white.

Although facing four children, it is strange to see the seriousness of the two.

Wanda and Pietro nodded, without making any rebuttals.

Coco was sitting on the side in a foolish manner, obviously not paying attention to the two men in black.

Kayla stood next to Wanda's sister and brother uneasy. The four little kids were only Coco the most arrogant.

"Number 1o548"

"Name: Felix#Kayla"

"Gender: Female"

"Age: Three years old"

"Alien species, Kryptonian."

"Failed to stop the fifth category from using its own abilities in time, give verbal warnings, and notify guardians to strengthen education. Are there any different opinions on this?"

Kaila nodded silently, and did not rebut or appeal like Wanda's sister and brother.

I don't know what these two men in black do, but looking at the uneasy appearance of Wanda's sister and brother and Kayla, it is obvious that these two men in black are not small.

Otherwise, it won't make the three inhuman bear children uneasy.

Coco was really upset about the three'men' being so uncomfortable.

In her opinion, these two guys in black suits and black sunglasses are just looking good, so I'm so scared.

Of course, after all, Coco has never been in contact with a special circle, so it is bound to be unclear why Wanda brothers and sisters, and Kayla, this little alien girl are so afraid.

Simply put, Coco is someone who doesn't understand anything.

So, she is not afraid of people in black. This is normal.

After educating the three little kids, it was finally Cocoa's turn.

Two men in black walked in front of Coco. One of them took out a very strange electronic device similar to a mobile phone and fiddled with Coco twice. When the result appeared on the display of the device, he turned his head and said to his black companion. : "Humans, supernatural powers."

The black man next to the white man here listened to the same thing, and his expression of tension eased a little bit. This kind of reaction was a little strange.

The mysterious circles of different time and space generally have many branches, such as mutants, aliens, ancient blood awakeners, and various dark creatures.

For most of the non-human existence, the attitudes of various departments are basically the same, that is, the attitude of wearing colored glasses and guarding.

The attitude of the governments of all countries is the best only if the branch of humanity can be.

Perhaps in the eyes of these people, the existence of the branch can be regarded as ‘one’s own people, and fellows such as mutants, aliens, and even the Ancient Bloodline Awakened are all non-my races that need to be vigilant.

There are even senior officials and scientists claim that capable humans can lead orthodox humans to complete evolution, while other non-human beings have no such ability.

It is for this reason that the two men in black will react like this when they are sure that the cocoa is in line, and the body has not mutated, and the x chromosome has not been mutated to become a mutant, and they are an out-and-out little human girl. Not surprising at all.

And the subsequent exchanges between them and Coco weren't as blunt as they were to Wanda's sister and brother and Kayla, on the contrary they were very friendly.

I have to say that on this issue, special departments have demonstrated obvious ‘human orthodox chauvinism’.

But from another perspective, it seems that this is also very beneficial to Cocoa.

It's just that Coco doesn't know why, and he doesn't care much about it.

"Little girl, what's your name then?"

The black uncle smiled what he thought was very kind, and knelt down to ask.

Where did Coco sit, with his hands crossed on his chest, he rolled his eyes in a very awkward manner.

Although Coco's performance is very poor, the black man is still very patient.

If you change to Wanda sister and brother and Kayla, the black uncle will definitely not behave like this, and you must call the parents to clean up the bear children.

But looking at their kindness to Cocos, this is envious of Wanda and Kayla.

Of course, there is another reason for being so friendly to Coco, that is, the two men in black also know very well that this is an expensive kindergarten, and the family of the little girl who can go to kindergarten here is obviously not simple. Up.

Therefore, being polite and friendly will not hurt after all.

Although the people in black are a special department, they are not unreasonable.

"Don't be afraid, the uncle is not malicious, maybe the uncle looks a little ugly, but the uncle is not a bad guy."

The black uncle put down his posture as much as possible, and asked Coco in the most gentle and kind manner.

Although he didn't have a cold for the two men in black, after seeing the black uncle's low posture, Xiao Keke also felt that it was a bit wrong for him to continue to be so arrogant.

And it would be very rude to do so.

Thinking of this, Coco finally spoke.

"Netbsp; this is a good start, the black uncle smiled sly.

Pietro on the side stabbed his sister, and all whispered with jealousy: "These guys from SHIELD discriminate against us too obviously. It's really unpleasant. Isn't it possible that we mutants don't have people #权了!"

Although Pietro's voice was low, Keira who stood beside him heard it, and nodded with a very agreeable expression.

It can be seen that the little alien girl also feels discriminated against.

Wanda glared at his younger brother and Kara, and then whispered: "In the future, don't talk nonsense about this, unless you are not afraid of being captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. and given to Stryker for experimentation. Don't think of ordinary humans. It’s just a bully, we still abide by the agreement, it’s best to know."

Pietro curled his lips, obviously dissatisfied with his sister's reminder, but he still had to nod honestly under the sister's eyes.

Keira fell silent after seeing Pietro shrinking.

The whispering conversations of the three little kids did not attract the attention of the two men in black. At this moment, the energy of the two men in black was focused on Coco.

You know, S.H.I.E.L.D. is most concerned about ordinary people who have the ability, and most of the people who can belong to S.H.I. .

Therefore, for such a seedling, the two men in black must pay attention to it.

As for the mutants of Sister Wanda and the alien, Kayla, why bother to go so much.

Isn't it true discrimination?

Although it is not aimed at ordinary people, it is indeed aimed at special mysterious groups, which makes people feel more shocked and surprised.

As for why this is the case, there are also a little complicated factors.

According to research by anthropologists and scientists, although the x gene exists in the gene sequence of all ordinary humans, if one thing is mutated, then this mutant will be very different from humans.

Powerful abilities are just one of them, there are also changes in appearance, and changes in the entire genetic sequence.

Strictly speaking, it is no longer a ‘human’.

Well, this is the result of research by scholars and scientists.

But this is really the case?

Haha, the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wise.

Why are humans who have acquired supernatural powers treated differently?

Anyone who is smart should be able to see some tricks.

Inhumanity and inhumanity.

"Oh, your father is William King, the author of "William's Fairy Tales"."

When asked about Coco's family situation, the two men in black looked at each other.

Next, these two guys treated Coco more friendly, and even in the eyes of the other three kids, they almost all reached the point of dogleg.

The reason for this is actually not surprising.

Kim Hyun Tae is rich!

Not only has money, but also has a good relationship with the vice president and George, who has a strong relationship with American politics.

At the same time, it also controls netbsp, the most influential media on the west coast of the United States and covers the largest audience; and some time ago, it invested in Stark Industries. This arms supplier with a deep friendship with the United States became its shareholder of 4o%.

Based on the above points, people in black would not be able to do it or not.

You know, when SHIELD was established, Stark Industries strongly supported it.

Even now, SHIELD and Stark Industries are still unclearly involved.

Some secret experiments that cannot be made public, and the supply of raw materials, rely on Stark Industries.

Even for another secret test base led by Major Stryker in the military, its builders, instrument material suppliers, and scientific research personnel providers are all Stark Industries.

So, the daughter of a shareholder who controls 4o% of Stark Industries, and the little guy can still be a human being, so why is it strange that these two men in black have such a dogged attitude.

"What are you talking about with me?"

Coco asked curiously at this time.

The two men in black asked many questions about her family situation, which made Coco suddenly vigilant.

The black uncle smiled and said to Coco: "We are not malicious, but I can tell you clearly that your life will be different from ordinary people in the future, so you have to be psychologically prepared for this, and you have to start. Learn some rules that are different from ordinary people, and at the same time your father should learn together."

As soon as the black man's voice fell, the white man next to him answered, "Is your father the same as you? Is he also capable?"

Coco heard that after thinking about it, he replied: "It seems there is."

The eyes of the two men in black flickered when they heard this, and they were slightly excited.

However, Coco said a little bit, but they both staggered their bodies.

"My dad always makes girls like him for no reason. I think this is also an ability, but I don't give this ability a name." Coco, like an adult, stroked his chin with one hand, and was very still It's a serious look, but it makes people feel more funny.

Sister Wanda and Kayla raised their hands to cover their faces, and the three little kids were also speechless by Cocoa.

Suddenly Coco yelled'I thought about it', and then looked at the two men in black excitedly and asked, "How about my father's ability called [No one is as handsome as me]? This skill has to be displayed, there is no woman. Can resist it, they want to sleep with my father before they know it. Do you think this ability is very interesting!?"

The little guy was completely caught up in self-confidence, and didn't care about the feelings of other people at all.

[Thanks for your size! 】

The two men in black, including Wanda brother and sister and Kayla, screamed unanimously in their hearts.

Well, the skills are so scumbag, and there is still a strong local flavor.

It's just that Coco himself doesn't think it.

More importantly, can this be considered ability!

Anyway, the two men in black, as well as Wanda's sister and brother, and Kayla don't think so.

At this time, Jin Xiantai appeared at the door of the principal's office. He heard his daughter's funny remarks, and he stood there with black lines on his face as if he had been struck by lightning.

[Are you cheating again! 】

This was the first thought that flashed through Jin Xiantai's mind.

Coco didn't show her father's figure, she just noticed the disapproval of the crowd, and then quickly lowered her head to think about it, thinking that she should change the skill name.

Not so much, she thought of some online novels that she had read recently on the famous website of 6 China Online Novels.

With inspiration rising, Coco yelled again: "You think that skill name is bad, so I'll change it! How about [Buzhongtianxia], this sounds like a 13-frame high!"

"As long as my dad uses this skill, all women on the earth will be able to ~lightnovelpub.net~ The self-healing cocoa is suddenly shot for the head, which makes the self-healing little boy finally back to reality.

"Oh! Who beat me... well, dad, you're here."

Jin Xiantai's expression was paradoxical and a bit distorted. Standing in front of Coco, Wanda even saw the blue veins on Jin Xiantai's forehead still beating.

"My idol is very angry, but the cocoa boss will have serious consequences."

Wanda whispered his own judgment to his younger brother at this time.

Pietro nodded in agreement, obviously he also felt that Coco's end was not so good.

Kayla leaned in and whispered: "Betting on two lollipops, Cocoa will be spanked."

Wanda thought for a while: "A pack of chocolates, cocoa will run away."

Pietro looked at his sister and Kayla contemptuously, and took out the one-dollar bill for Cocoa from his pocket: "I bet a dollar in cash, but the boss will definitely pretend to be pitiful, and he won't suffer at all. Beat." (To be continued.)