Rising America

Chapter 606: Rushing

[French people held large-scale anti-war rallies and demonstrations. In the face of such public protests, French President Deng Bell announced a message half an hour ago that the Vietnamese colony must not be given up in any way. This remark has attracted controversy from all walks of life in France. August 1 Chinese]

In addition, according to the latest news, the French Parliament stated that it will vote on whether the war between France and the Vietnamese colony will continue. At the same time, a reliable person revealed to our reporter that more than half of the members of the French Parliament are not willing to let France. Continue to fight against Vietnam...]

After leaving the dining room in embarrassment and embarrassment, Kim Hyun Tae came to the living room and turned on the TV to continue watching the international news.

At this time, net's international news channel continued to broadcast news about France.

Kim Hyun Tae doesn't care at all whether the French will withdraw from Vietnam.

If the French decided to quit, Kim Hyun Tae didn't feel any surprise.

After all, the French in different time and space have fought with the North Vietnamese army in Vietnam for more than 60 years. Therefore, it is normal for the people in France to have war weariness.

Especially the French were hit hard some time ago, so if the people in the country don't make noise, it will be a hell.

Those in power may not think there is anything, but what about ordinary French families whose families serve in Vietnam.

Five divisions and more than 100,000 people were surrounded and annihilated. How many young French soldiers were captured?

Although the North Vietnamese side has not disclosed the data in this regard, Kim Hyun-tae personally feels that there will be no fewer prisoners.

These young people serving in Vietnam are just cold monotonous numbers on paper for politicians, but they are all living people in the eyes of their relatives.

Especially for the parents of these people, they are the most important people in their lives, right?

In all fairness, as a father, Kim Hyun Tae can understand the feelings of French parents.

But looking at Dang Bell’s remarks, it seems that the French authorities do not intend to withdraw from Vietnam and give up French local interests in Vietnam.

But think about it, it's been more than sixty years, how much manpower and material resources France has invested in this, so if you withdraw now, wouldn't all the previous investment be wasted?

But looking at the current situation, France's rule in the Vietnamese colony is deteriorating, and the puppet regime it supports is unbearable. Obviously, Vietnam has become a quagmire for the French.

If it is withdrawn now, perhaps more than sixty years of bloodshed and sacrifice will be in vain, but the French can also get out of this quagmire, right?

Because no one knows, if France continues to fight in Vietnam, when will it be the best? In Vietnam, the French will not see any hope at all.

It is true that Italy, Spain, and the United States have all joined the war.

But the Italian army is so bad that it can't be counted on.

Although the Spanish army is still successful, their strength is too small.

The Americans are fine, but they were dragged down by the military defeats of themselves, Italy and Spain. They were besieged and fought fiercely by heavy North Vietnamese soldiers near Binhuaxi Mountain. The situation was also very unoptimistic.

Therefore, in the face of this terrible situation, the French had to seriously consider whether to abandon the Vietnamese colony.

After all, without the drag of the Vietnam War, the French can develop their economy wholeheartedly. Over the past six decades, it is precisely because of the war in the Vietnamese colonies that the French economy is now deteriorating and the domestic unemployment rate is increasing.

And over the past sixty years, how many families in France have lost their relatives because of this war.

Is it just that the law-fire tycoons would easily give up their interests in war?

"I think the French are very likely to admit that this time. After all, their domestic economy is on the verge of collapse. The unemployment rate is as high as 18%, and 66% of ordinary families have members who have lost their relatives due to the Vietnamese colonial war. Or the relatives become disabled, and the war has been fought for more than sixty years, but every individual will feel tired."

Li Baoying finished dinner at this time and went to the living room.

When the girl Chong Hyun Tae was watching the news, she walked over and sat next to Kim Hyun Tae and talked about her views on the situation in France.

After all, she is the daughter of the Li family in the Northern Dynasties, and she is also the master of the beacon group. At the same time, she will also contact some external politicians from time to time. Therefore, Li Baoying is obviously more powerful than Jin Xiantai on the international situation, and his analysis is more reasonable.

Kim Hyun-tae moved without a trace. After keeping a proper distance between himself and Li Baoying, he was not sure enough to say, "Will the French be willing? After all, they have been fighting for the Vietnamese colony for more than 60 years. ."

Indeed, don't talk about the French in this matter, but it is not so easy for anyone to change it and be willing to just give up like this.

After all, the French have invested too much, and sacrificed too much, right?

Li Baoying pouted noncommittal, obviously she had her own opinions and opinions.

So when Kim Hyun-tae’s voice fell, Li Baoying answered, “Otherwise, what else? Is it necessary to bring about an economic collapse? And now the anti-war wave in France is very loud, and more than 5o% of parliamentarians agree to withdraw from the battlefield. War, so even if the French President became Bell, there is no way to stop this trend, even the supporters behind him, those arms companies will not succeed."

Li Baoying seemed to know something about this matter, otherwise she wouldn't say so confidently.

So Kim Hyun-tae asked curiously: "Do you have any reliable information?"

Hearing Kim Hyun Tae's question, Li Baoying smiled at Kim Hyun Tae.

This matter does not involve the Northern Dynasty, and it will not harm the interests of the Northern Dynasty if it is revealed to Kim Hyun Tae, so Li Baoying nodded without intending to hide anything.

At the same time, Li Baoying can also think that she has obtained relevant intelligence information, so it is impossible for the Americans not to have certain information and news, otherwise the CIA guys are too idiotic.

Therefore, even if he didn't tell him, Jin Xiantai would still know after a while, so why didn't he tell Jin Xiantai in advance so that he would have a good impression of himself.

So after nodding, Li Baoying said to Jin Hyuntae: "Yes, of course I have my own special channel to grasp relevant intelligence information. According to the information I got, when Bell’s position is already very unstable, Several major parties in France have united and are ready to overthrow Dang Bell, who represents the interests of arms dealers, and then elect a new president to end the war in the Vietnamese colony."

"The most important thing is that the French were wiped out by North Vietnam in five divisions, which led to a serious shortage of French military forces in Vietnam. Now the French forces in Vietnam only have one division.

At the same time, the plan to launch a draft in France has not been implemented very smoothly. The domestic people are very resistant to the draft. After all, no one is mentally disabled to let their relatives continue to die in Vietnam. "

Jin Xiantai listened very seriously, and he also felt that the news that Li Baoying said was very credible.

After all, Li Baoying's identity lies there.

As for how she obtained this information, Kim Hyun-tae was not very interested.

Besides, he knew very well that even if he asked, Li Baoying would not tell him.

Of course, it is impossible for Kim Hyun-tae to ask this question too much. He is very clear that there are some things he cannot ask himself.

Even if Li Baoying likes herself, it's not enough.

"What do you think is the probability?"

Asked Kim Hyun Tae.

Li Baoying thought for a while and said, "80%, my own estimate is that the probability of the French giving up the Vietnamese colony is 80%."

The probability of 80% is very high.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai also began to ponder.

If the French gave up their colonial interests in Vietnam, how would Italy, Spain, and the United States, which had just joined the war, react?

Well, especially since I have just become a member of the US material supply chain, so this matter is closely related to him.

You know, Jin Xiantae has taken the supply of medicines, and there are people who have a large supply of military trucks and Hummers.

Therefore, if the United States is affected by this problem and intends to shrink, he will suffer a lot.

Right now, Jin Xiantai felt that he had to talk to Old George about this issue.

Just like Li Baoying said, she has obtained some intelligence in this area, so it is impossible for the CIA to have no news.

So Kim Hyun-tae accused Li Baoying and found an excuse to "go to the bathroom", hurriedly ran to the study on the second floor, picked up the phone and contacted Old George.

When Kim Hyun Tae left, Li Baoying picked up his mobile phone and quickly dialed a number.

After the connection, Li Baoyingxun said a few words in his native language [Americans may change in Vietnam's military issues, please pay attention. ], then hung up the phone again.

At the same time, at the gate of Kim Hyun Tae's house, a Hongqi car slowly stopped. After the car door was opened, a Chinese man in his thirties walked down and came to the electronic video pager on the side of the iron door. Stopped, raised his hand and pressed the call button.

The video opens, and the pretty face of a Gene Man maid appears in the video screen.

"Can I help you?"

"My name is Jin Jianshe. Is the owner here, William Jin, here?"

"Yes, what can you do with the young master?"

"Please tell him, saying that it is an acquaintance of Huaxia who came to see him."

"OK, just a second."

Jin Jianshe looked into the mansion through the iron gate~lightnovelpub.net~ while looking around, he muttered: "This environment is really good. My eldest nephew will enjoy it. The so-called villas and this mansion in China A comparison is simply scum."

For the environment of Kim Hyun Tae's house, Kim Jianshe was deeply impressed.

After all, Beverly is considered top-notch mansion, so it is not surprising that Jin Jianshe can be sighed.

Not to mention that it has undergone some renovation by Andrew, making the whole building and garden look closer to nature.


Just as Jin Jianshe was sighing, the Gene Man maid appeared in the video again, and the closed iron door slowly opened.

"Please come in."

The gene-man maid in the video said very politely.

Afterwards, Jin Jianshe recovered his thoughts, returned to his own red flag car, started the car and drove slowly into the tree-lined path inside the gate. (To be continued.)