Rising America

Chapter 612: The decision of 2 old Americans

When Kim Hyun Tae was dozing off at school, Andrew, the housekeeper of Beverly, was sitting in front of the computer in the Cocoa game room. ★く√★くく★

It can be seen from the computer monitor that the butler Andrew Den 6 is a China website.

Hilda, Camilla and 47 stood behind Andrew.

"Our young master's willpower is very strong, unlike many men. He is not the kind of person who is driven by his crotch, which is very commendable, but it also makes our plans a little difficult."

Andrew turned around and talked in front of the three girls.

"After all, the young master is not the male protagonist in online novels, so it is normal for such an accident to occur. Don't be discouraged by the three of you. If you continue to encourage you, I think you will succeed.

Hilda and Camilla didn't say anything, but 47 raised their hands and shouted: "Success! Work hard! Persevere! Continue to harass!"

Andrew smiled at 47 and nodded: "Yes, Rochelle's attitude is commendable. You have to learn from Rochelle."

After 47 was performed by Andrew, a proud look appeared on his face.

Hilda and Camilla were a little dumbfounded.

At this time Hilda asked, "Master butler, the young master still misses someone in his heart. We want to open his heart. There are a lot of difficulties, and after the failure of last night, I think we will have to pick up the difficulty again in the future. It will be bigger."

Andrew raised his hand and scratched his chin. He had to admit that what Hilda said was not unreasonable.

But in order to open the harem for his young master, so that he can solve physical problems, even if it is difficult as Hilda said!

[Humph! My Andrew is going to face the difficulties! 】

Therefore, after thinking about it, Andrew said to the three girls: "It doesn't matter. Although the young master is not a man driven by instinct, I think he can still be subdued. Starting today, I decided to start the "Visual Feast" project. Do a little bit to destroy Young Master’s inner persistence."

Gene girl Hilda didn't know if it was the original owner of the gene she had accepted. She was originally a literary and youthful relationship. In short, she heard the housekeeper Andrew say that she felt a little worried for the young master Jin Xiantai.

Although she also wanted to have something with the young master, she could clearly feel the loyalty and persistence of the young master Jin Xiantai to his feelings and his wife.

Hilda admired this very much.

Of course, while admiring her, she really fell in love with the young master.

With a little bit of courage, Hilda said to Andrew: "Is it wrong for us to do this? I think there is nothing wrong with the young master being so loyal to the former wife, and I think such a young master is even more valuable. Compared to those scumbag men who are always driven by instinct, I also like this young master very much.

But the butler’s plan will turn the young master into a scum. So I think it’s a bit too much for us to do this, or just forget it. 】

To be honest, Hilda's words are really amazing.

You know, according to the setting, she can't oppose Andrew.

Fortunately, Andrew didn't mind this question. Instead, he looked at Sherda with a playful look, which made Hilda lower her head in fear and shyness.

"You like Master, don't you?"

Andrew asked with a bashful expression.

Camilla and 47 looked at Hilda's body.

Faced with this question from Andrew Butler, Hilda nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, I like the young master who is loyal to love and his wife. In my eyes, he is a light body. I think this is love."

Camilla and 47 blinked, and then each showed a thoughtful appearance.

Andrew clapped his hands ‘puff puff’ and said to Hilda grinningly: “Okay! In fact, I don’t object to people like you falling in love with the young master, and I even support you to fall in love with the young master.”

I thought the butler would oppose or even stop it, but I didn't expect the butler to adopt such an attitude. Hilda's inner fear faded and replaced by doubts and perplexities.

"Why? We are just genetic people, and our identities are different from the young master. Where the young master is, people like us are small and humble. Why does the housekeeper think we are qualified to like the young master?"

In the cognition of a group of genetic girls, they are not worthy to like the young master Jin Xiantai, and they are very clear about their status.

They exist as weapons.

It also exists as a guard for Kim Hyun Tae.

Even more as meat# will...cough cough!

They are so humble and insignificant, how can they be qualified to like the superior young master.

Andrew smiled upon hearing this and gave an answer.

"Although you are genetic humans created by me, mainly exist as weapons and guards, but I don't think this is very safe. So if you fall in love with the young master, once there is any danger, love can make you absolutely desperate. Sacrifice and fight for the young master! This is stronger than the consciousness I instilled in you, isn't it."

Andrew doesn't care about the thoughts of genetic people, he is different from Jin Xiantai after all.

Andrew would not treat the genetic weapons made by himself with an equal heart, so of course he would not be polite in his words.

After all, Andrew is not a human being on earth, and his concepts and values ​​are definitely different from that of a human being on earth, so we can't ask him to have the same values ​​as a human being on earth.

Although Andrew's words were ugly, Hilda's expression flashed with joy.

She didn't care much about what the butler said. What really made her care was that Andrew didn't object to their small genetic people, so it was enough to like the young master.

As for sacrifice for the young master in danger, Hilda felt that there was no problem at all.

The meaning of their existence is not like this.

What's more, she is deeply in love with the young master.

Andrew watched Hilda's reaction with a bad smile on his face.

"At noon, you drive the kitchen bus to the college to find the young master. "Visual Feast" will start with you. You can take a look at the detailed plan, and then prepare for it. Come on!"

Andrew handed Hilda a hard drive, then made a fist with his right hand and swung it vigorously.

"Okay, let's go. I'll continue to read online novels. If the young master is as good as the male lead in the online novel, then we won't have to be so troublesome."

Andrew turned around again, and then urged the three girls to leave quickly.

Hilda and Camilla still had 47, then turned and left the room after they greeted Andrew with their backs to them.

Coming outside, Camilla and 47 took Hilda's arm left and right, and asked gossiping carefully: "You really fell in love with the young master?"

Hilda's face was flushed, but she nodded her head to admit it.

"What is love?" 47 asked curiously.

Hilda also knew how to answer this question, after all, she didn't know how to describe it in words.

Camilla asked: "When did you fall in love with the young master?"

"Last night." Hilda thought for a while and responded to Camilla.

47 didn't get a response, and puffed up his bun's face.

"Then do you want to give birth to young master?"

Camilla asked again.

But when faced with this problem, Hilda's face went dark.

"Yes, but don't forget, we don't have such ability."

Suddenly Camilla fell silent.

Indeed, they are genetic people, and Andrew didn't pay attention to this at all when he made them, so it can be said that Hilda, these genetic human girls, are crippled.

Of course, compared with normal girls, they are no different.

They just don't think about having children or something.

47 At this time, he boasted and showed off, and said to Hilda and Camilla: "I can, hey, I can have children."

Such showing off will inevitably lead to ‘hostility’, and 47, who has a very low EQ, causes trouble for himself.

Hilda glanced at Camilla.

"Beat her!"

Camilla nodded!

"it is good!"

Of course it can't be a real fight, but 47 is also very frustrating.

Two genetically human girls displayed a lot of lily skills on 47, so the 47 was completely paralyzed.

------split line------

A small town in Texas

The living room of the old George Farm.

"This plan is very good. It is much better than the wastes in our bureau, and I think the success of this plan is very high. Even if it takes decades, it is worth it."

In front of Old George, a very ordinary silver old man dressed in a white shirt and a cow-built treasury was sitting on the sand, looking at Old George with wide eyes and looked very excited and excited.

Sitting across from him was old George.

Seeing his old friend so excited, Old George was a little proud.

"The young man I like is of course not the same as your waste wood, so I can understand what you mean, this plan can be implemented."

The silver elder smiled and nodded: "Of course! Of course, we will not suffer."

Hearing this, Old George asked: "Then about opening the net channel?"

The old man silver smiled and replied: "Look at how the little guy talked to the other party first. I will solve other resistances. Tell the little guy to let him boldly contact Huaxia people."

Old George wanted these words, so he stood up and stretched out his right hand at the opponent.

"Thank you Mike, you will not be disappointed, but you have to find a suitable candidate for this project, and the level of confidentiality has to be improved."

He also stretched out his right hand and squeezed the old George tightly. The old silver man who was called Mike by the old George smiled and said, "I have not become demented, of course, I know how to do it."

After finishing speaking, the old man stared at Old George and said: "I think this kid can be catalyzed by a special case. I don't think it's necessary to waste time in high school. I heard that his grades are very good?"

Old George nodded: "The IQ is very high. High school courses are no problem for him. I also think that his continued high school is a waste of time. But what do you mean by ‘catalysis’?"

Elder Silver looked at Old George's eyes very seriously and said: "You and I jointly recommend him to go to West Point, and continue at Santa Monica Public College. It is a waste of genius life."

Hearing this, Old George was very excited, but considering that there would be some trouble to do so, he did not respond immediately.

As soon as the old man looked at Old George’s reaction, he guessed what he was worried about~lightnovelpub.net~ So he said: "Don't worry about trouble, let me handle everything. We follow the normal procedures and methods, and will not stay. It’s something that people criticize."

"Okay! Let's do it! It's not long before West Point starts school, and it's still too late! I also hope to see how much surprises the little guys who study in West Point will bring us. People like him don't contribute to the United States. It's a great loss." Old George's worries were gone.

The old man silver also smiled brilliantly.

"If you want to pull him into the organization, then count me as the guarantor. By the way, I also got news that his daughter is a capable person."

Old George was surprised when he heard this.

"Coco, this little guy is still capable?"

The old man silver nodded seriously: "That's right."

Jin Hyun-tae, who is in a very sluggish mental state, is still having a headache over whether he will be harassed tonight. He has no idea that his fate has been decided by two old guys in Texas, and his high school life is about to come. Go away from him... (To be continued.)