Rising America

Chapter 618: Soldierization under tear gas

The first military training class in the afternoon was very brutal. Bayi Chinese★网★★★√★

At least Jin Xiantai thinks so. Looking at the expressions on the faces of other new students, I guess they must think so too.

Wearing gas masks, a group of ten people, five men and five men, were ordered by the instructor to enter a fully enclosed open-air stone house. Before entering, they seemed to be told something like [The old hen from Ruth's house next door] I had three eggs, one of which was double yellow, Ruth’s wife Meili took it to the market to sell...Balabara], a lot of these dizzying contents.

"Remember the information I told you, a group of ten people, if one person fails to answer, it will not pass.

[How would you treat us? 】

With such doubts, Jin Xiantai and a group of people entered the stone house.

Ten people stood in a column, and Jin Xiantai could clearly feel that the girl behind him who raised his hand to support him began to tremble. Obviously, the other party was afraid and afraid.

There is a tweeter in the stone house.

Chi Chi!

Just when Jin Xiantai was curious about everything, a thick white smoke suddenly appeared from the four corners of the stone house.

Kim Hyun-tae didn't know what the white smoke was, anyway, he was wearing a gas mask, and he didn't think he would be affected much.

[Take off the gas mask! 】

The instructor's stereotyped voice came from the tweeter.

Ten students, both men and women, quickly removed the gas masks from their faces, and Jin Xiantai quickly took off the gas masks.

Ay Ya I gi!

When the gas mask was taken off, Jin Xiantae suddenly burst into tears and nose. The white smoke was really irritating.

Two guys wearing gas masks appeared, and one of them came to Kim Hyun Tae.

"Transfer the information that the instructor told you in full! Quickly, a ten-second pause is unqualified!"

The irritating gas made the lacrimal glands uncontrollable, and the liquid in the nasal cavity began to spray out, but even in such a situation, Jin Xiantai had to answer questions.

Fortunately, Kim Hyun-tae had a good memory, so he gave the answer quickly. The two people wearing gas masks looked at each other, then looked at the strokes that recorded the time and nodded at the same time. They answered without any stumbling, and they were satisfied that there was no error.

But after answering the questions, it doesn't mean that you can escape from the stone house full of white smoke. Jin Xiantai has to wait for the other nine students to answer before leaving here.

Therefore, he had to pray, hoping that the nine classmates would be the same as himself, and the answers were so gracious.

The reality is cruel, and the girl behind him kowtows, but there is no answer at all.

Basically, it was not just this girl, but several other classmates failed. No one in this team succeeded except for Jin Xiantai.

Ten people finally left the stone house. At this time, Jin Xiantai was almost out of breath.

Even without looking in the mirror, he knew that his current image was definitely not much better.

cough! A violent cough!

The ten people who left the stone house supported each other and staggered for a while, and then lay on the lawn without any image.

Jin Xiantai's eyes were severely swollen. He looked back and saw that the girl behind him with golden eyes and very cute eyes was also swollen at this time, with snot and tears...hehe everyone is the same.

Jin Xiantai and the others are the first group, and there are many classmates outside.

Their miserable appearance did not make those classmates laugh. Instead, after seeing the miserable situation of Jin Xiantai and others one by one, these people showed the sad expression of rabbit and fox.

You know, none of them can escape, they all have to enter the stone house once.

"What is that? What is that white smoke."

In the end, his physique was good and Jin Xiantai recovered quickly.

"Cough!", Jin Mengmei who was lying on the ground coughed violently, then raised her head and looked at Jin Xiantai with swollen eyes, "Tear gas, it's still an enhanced version, these perverts at West Point, cough!"

Well, it turned out to be tear gas!

Kim Hyun Tae didn't know how to describe his feelings anymore.

He raised his hand and wiped the tears and snot on his face indiscriminately. He doesn't care about any image anymore. Anyway, the people here don't have an image anymore, right?

Look at the cute sister paper, her current image is not much better.

I think if it is in an ordinary university, a girl like her would never use this image to face her classmates, let alone she is still a girl.

"Don't stare at me, it's embarrassing, okay, please give me a little dignity. Oh my God, I never thought that one day, there would be such a shameful side."

Feeling that Jin Xiantai has been staring at his girl, it is probably in a little better at this time, so he teased Jin Xiantai.

It can be seen that the girl has a good personality.

Jin Xiantai sat down and stretched out his hand to the girl: "William King, from Los Angeles, we will be classmates in the future."

The girl lifted the T-shirt and wiped the tears and nose off her face, and then reached out her hand and shook Jin Xiantai, "Shirley, from the small town of Pooh, Texas."

The girl is actually very cute, after all, she is a 19-year-old girl.

Just from the act of lifting the T-shirt, Mengmei is definitely a female man.

"I know you, William King in Los Angeles. I have followed you on Facebook." After speaking, the girl with swollen eyes and looking funny came over and said mysteriously to Kim Hyun Tae, "I will give you back I've seen a private video, but it seems that you must have not watched it. Otherwise, why would you not be impressed with me? I am a well-known beauty of Pooh."

Are American girls so straightforward?

The black line at the end of Kim Hyun Tae.

He had never thought that he still had his own ‘fan’ at West Point, and that this fan would have given himself a private video.

Others don't know what the private video is, but how could Kim Hyun Tae not know.

"Did you choose the dormitory? If you don't mind, live with me. I've asked. The college does not object to mixed sex."

The girl got closer and made a very attractive suggestion.

I really don't know that at West Point in different time and space, men and women students can still live together.

Kim Hyun Tae didn't know how to describe it.

"No, I rented a house off campus."

For the invitation of this female classmate from a small town in Texas, Jin Xiantai refused without even thinking about it.

A look of disappointment clearly appeared on Shirley's face, but she quickly returned to normal and changed the subject.

"I have been paying attention to you, didn't you still go to high school? How did you come to the abyss of West Point?"


You are not here.

Jin Xiantai glanced at the Texas girl dubiously.

"Then why did you come to pastry too?"

Without answering Shirley's question, Kim Hyun-tae asked back.

Perhaps because of the private video, Shirley and Kim Hyun-tae seem to be no different.

"My father plugged me in. Originally, I planned to go to University of Southern California. I can give myself a good leisure time at university. By the way, if I'm lucky I can have a boyfriend or something, but now all this Ruined."

Shirley paused, and then continued: "The old man forced me with a gun, saying that if I didn't come to West Point, I would kill me with a shot. That lunatic could do anything. For the sake of my own life, I had to Give up your choice, knowing that I haven't had a boyfriend because of the old man in the family."

After speaking, Shirley glanced at Kim Hyun Tae with swollen eyes that looked funny.

The girls each have their own routines.

Shirley is undoubtedly telling Jin Xiantai that she is still a very pure girl, if he does not object, she would be happy to show something.

"Your father is actually good for you too. Now many boys are very irresponsible. What if you are deceived? Understand your father."

As a single father, Jin Xiantai can understand some of Shirley's father's behavior, but he can't imagine why Shirley's father wants to use a gun to force Shirley to read West Point.

Of course, Jin Xiantai deliberately ignored Shirley's hint.

Shirley didn't care at all about Kim Hyun Tae's reaction, who was pretending to be stupid.

At this time, another group of hapless people rushed out of the stone house. They ran to Jin Xiantai and the others and fell on the lawn. These guys are in the same state as Jin Xiantai and others just now. Anyway, everyone should not laugh at anyone.

"Why does your father want you to read West Point?"

Kim Hyun Tae is very curious about this.

With a helpless expression on her face, Shirley said to Kim Hyun-tae, “I’m the only girl in my family. My father hopes that I can enter the army and win glory for the family, even if I’m a girl. In short, all his military plots are placed on me. I am helpless about this."

Maybe Shirley’s father is a strange flower, anyway, Kim Hyun Tae is a little bit unable to understand.

But after all, it is not Shirley's family, and Kim Hyun-tae can't say anything about it.

In fact, how did Kim Hyun-tae know that Shirley’s father is an important member of the National Assembly, and even the chairman of the National Defense Budget Committee, which has a great influence on the reduction of the defense budget, so her family is not as simple as she said.

Maybe it is the hope that the girl inherits her own mantle, or some other factors. In short, Shirley’s father stuffed the girl to West Point, but in general, it is hoped that the girl can stand out in the future.

Any parent in the world, who is not planning for their children.

Shirley's father obviously did the same.

"Today I am in a bad condition. I will show my most beautiful side when I train tomorrow morning. Please give me a chance. Because my father is too violent, I am still a virgin woman. This is a shame. "The cute girl Shirley is very brutal and bold.

"I'm still a high school student and younger than you. It's not appropriate."

Jin Xiantai thought of a lame excuse, hoping to dispel Shirley's idea.

Hearing that, Mengmeng's sister paper actually showed a humble smile, which made people unable to look directly at it.

"It's okay, I like little boys. You are just like this. Maybe in special times, I can shout ‘good brother’, I think it must feel good."

Okay, Jin Xiantai needs to admit that this cute girl is a nympho, and her head is still pretty.

Well, it may not be appropriate to say that Shirley is a cute girl. After all, she is 19 years older than Jin Hyuntae, so she is almost like a cute girl, but this cute girl seems to have a hole in her head.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai silently turned his face to the side, he did not intend to continue talking with this brain-dead-meng sister.

Shirley watched Jin Xiantai silently turning her face aside, which made her very strange.

【what! I implied it was so obvious, why this guy hasn't reacted yet. Although I have no experience in getting along with men and women, so many novels are not for nothing, and I am so proactive and bold, do I have to like men like rumors! ? 】

Thinking of this~lightnovelpub.net~ Shirley's eyes are wrong.

Kim Hyun Tae felt something was a little strange, so he looked back.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it just happened to meet the strange and incomparably brain-dead sister Shirley.

[Oh, let me go, what is your look! too horrible! 】

Seeing Shirley's strange eyes, Jin Xiantai was taken aback.

Shirley blinked her swollen eyes, thought about it for a moment, and leaned over: "Do you like men? Actually, I know there are a few Thai guys in this year, and one of them should be suitable for you, but I still want to persuade you. Girls are better than boys. If you don’t believe me, you can try to live with me for a while."

Seeing Shirley, who had changed from Ms. Meng to a witch because of tear gas, and then listening to her unscrupulous words, Kim Hyun Taiton felt 10,000 alpacas whizzing past his mind.

Pastry! Pastry!

It's so spicy for Mao Qipa... (To be continued.)