Rising America

Chapter 625: Am i sick?

December 27, approaching Western Christmas Eve

Because of the "New Year" of westerners facing the street, Manhattan, New York is full of joyful atmosphere. Various shops on the street have hung up colorful flags, and Christmas trees are erected in front of the street, and they are decorated with small hanging lights and various decorations. Some. √√

Due to a blizzard just a few days ago, although the streets were cleared of snow, some snow still piled up there.

Street pedestrians hurried, but their faces were filled with happiness.

Yes, after a year of hard work, I will be happy for a few days right away, right?

Major companies will be on vacation soon. Whoever has no plans to spend time with family or lovers, take this opportunity to go out and have fun and relax.

Therefore, everyone's mentality is relaxed now, and their faces will naturally show a happy expression, which makes people involuntarily infected when they see it.

On the eve of the upcoming traditional festivals in European and American countries, the citizens of France and there are not as relaxed as the Americans.

The discussion about whether to withdraw troops from the French colonies has aroused major discussions in all walks of life in France since the beginning of September, and it has also brought President Dangbei to the forefront of public opinion.

Driven by various interests, Dangbei firmly stated that he would continue to increase troops to the Vietnamese colony, and submitted a proposal to the parliament to increase troops. At the same time, the law and fire giants also began to make moves, through various light or dark The methods and methods used to lobby and coerce the French parliamentarians to pass this bill.

From September to December, all kinds of public opinion news in France appeared endlessly. Gradually, French nationals noticed a trace of something wrong. From the perspective of public opinion, it seemed that the possibility of the increase of troops being passed by the Congress increased. A lot.

This moment makes the French people unable to sit still.

The war in the Vietnamese colony has been fought for more than 60 years. France has not gained any benefit from it. Instead, it has ruined the lives of many young people and brought down the domestic economy.

This time Dangbei will continue to increase troops, who wants to let his family continue to die.

During these three months, the Americans fought hard in Binhua and were surrounded by the North Vietnamese army for three months. The fierce and cruel battle scenes were recorded by American reporters who boldly entered Binhua. They were recorded by cameras and then broadcasted on TV. All over the world.

Although the South Vietnamese government forces have organized several rescues, the South Vietnamese government forces are too rubbish, so they cannot help the American soldiers besieged at the Xishan military base in Binhua.

The Spanish and Italian armies, considering the fact that there are too many North Vietnamese troops, simply turned a blind eye to the Americans' cry for help, and hid in the southern end of the South Vietnamese government-controlled area and became ostriches.

Therefore, these three months are tantamount to saying that the Americans are struggling to support the war on the border line during the independence, and for this, they have paid a heavy price.

In three months, 16ooo people were killed in battle, and the cost of more than 20,000 people injured is very heavy.

The total number of US military bases in Binhua Xishan is only 50,000 people.

But they have to face the siege and attack of 30,000 troops from North Vietnam. The danger is not obvious to fools.

Especially after the North Vietnamese side settled the French, Italian, and Spanish troops, it was basically tantamount to punching the Americans with fists.

Fortunately, North Vietnam's weapons and equipment are not good enough, so the Americans rely on advanced weapons and equipment to support Binhua.

At the same time, thanks to the old George’s trip to Asia in August, he and the Thai government-in-power reached an agreement to establish a military base in Thailand, and 300,000 American troops entered Thailand.

Therefore, using Thailand’s “borrowed” site as a springboard, the U.S. military began to carry out limited troop transportation to Binhua, as well as material supplies, and air fire support. This made Binhua have not been trapped by the North Vietnamese army for three months. collapse.

The losses of the Americans are great, and the losses of the North Vietnamese army are not small.

Compared with the data of 16ooo deaths in the United States and more than 20,000 wounded, the regular elite troops of the North Vietnamese Army in Binhua have killed 120,000 in battle, and the injuries are uncountable. The attrition has reached more than 75%, and Obviously the late attack is weak.

The French people have learned about the above things on TV, and they have also seen the corpses on the Binhua battlefield through TV. The cruel scenes made the French feel cool.

Therefore, when Dangbei wants to increase troops, the French people are unwilling and do not want Congress to pass it.



The college students walked out of the school and gave speeches across the streets of Paris, denounced the troop increase proposal currently implemented by President Dangbei, and at the same time opened up the topic of the upper echelon.

Public opinion is becoming more and more unfavorable to Dangbei, and some righteous people in Congress have also delayed Dangbei's bill. All this makes Dangbei feel very passive.

In the face of turbulent opposition, Dangbei decided to give a speech in front of the people in person, telling everyone his thoughts and ideas.

But there was an accident in the speech.

A guy dressed in ordinary clothes but surrounded by dark blue electric lights stunned the guard and rushed to the side of Dangbei who was giving a speech. In front of reporters and cameras from various countries, he also rushed to the speech site to prepare to protest. Before the eyes of the French people of Dangbei, he turned Dangbei into coke in a way that seemed strange to everyone.

At the same time, this guy who was full of electricity also announced in front of the reporters that he would kill the tycoons of law and fire that promoted the war, and try to get France out of the Vietnam War.

Who is this guy?

Why does he get electricity?

All the viewers who watched the real-time broadcast using satellite signals all had such doubts.

It is doubtful for the general public, but for people who understand the mysterious power, when Bei's death and the appearance of the guy with electricity appear, it feels a bit bad.

Now it is different from thirty years ago. Internet consultation and media have become very good, so it is obviously difficult to cover things like this.

In particular, that guy still appeared during a presidential speech, but reporters from many countries were present, and it was still broadcast live on satellite signals!

When the electric guy killed Dan Bei, Annie's private jet had just disintegrated, and Kim Hyun-tae, who was driving her Hummer, fell into a coma due to angina.

------split line------

[French President Bebe, was assassinated by the mysterious lightning man, where did the mysterious lightning man come from? 】

In less than an hour, this piece of news was urgently published on the headlines of major newspapers in the world. After all, the death of a country’s president was not a trivial matter, especially the assassination.

However, these newspapers unanimously focused their attention on the lightning man who assassinated Dangbei, and discussed and speculated about this guy.

After all, a guy who can put a little on his body is like a non-human existence.

Is it possible?

Or a mysterious existence?

Everyone is very curious about this.

At this time, Jin Xiantai had just recovered from a coma.

The heart pain disappeared like being cut by a knife, and the inexplicable feeling of dying the most important thing in my life also disappeared.

After opening his eyes, Jin Xiantai felt like he was lying in the hospital, and his nose was also filled with the strong smell of disinfectant.

"Dad! Daddy! You are alive!"

Coco, who had been waiting by Jin Xiantai's side, saw his father wake up from a coma, and rushed to the bedside, crying and smiling, watching him shout.

Li Baoying raised his hand and patted the back of Coco's head, "Your father is just in a coma and is not dead. What you said is so bad." Li Baoying was a little angry when the little guy used the wrong words.

After all, what Coco meant, as if Kim Hyun-tae had just died, it was very unlucky.

Coco was not angry after being photographed. The little guy is now full of his own father. During the period when Kim Hyun-tae was in a coma, the little guy was as sluggish as he was at the end of the world.

Coco didn't want to lose his father, and he was afraid of losing his father.

She couldn't imagine how she would live without her father.

It was very uncomfortable to think that if his father had died like this, he would be alone...Cocoa was very uncomfortable.

"What is wrong with me?"

Raising his hand and stroking the top of his daughter's head, Jin Xiantai asked Hilda who was helping him adjust the bed.

"I won't have any major hidden illnesses?"

To be honest, Kim Hyun-tae was also very nervous when asked.

Little Coco is afraid of losing his father, so why is Kim Hyun Tae not afraid of this.

The daughter is still young, if there is something wrong with him, how can he rest assured.

Even if he can leave a huge amount of wealth to his daughter, will the daughter be spied on by bad guys, and thus bring danger?

I have to say that fathers have to consider these issues, right?

Hilda shook her head: "Your body is very healthy after examination, and the doctor said there is no disease."

Hilda's answer made Jin Xiantai not sure, after all, he was in a coma just now.

Andrew walked into the ward at this time~lightnovelpub.net~ After receiving Camilla’s notice, he let the surveillance spacecraft open the small wormhole, so that he rushed from Los Angeles to Kim Hyun Tae’s side immediately, and then used special The means came to New York and took Jin Xiantai to the hospital.

Of course, Andrew also checked Jin Xiantai himself before being sent to the hospital.

"Master, Hilda is right, your body is very healthy without any disease."

I followed the voice and saw Andrew walking towards him.

You may not believe what others say, but Andrew's credibility is still very high.

"Then why did I pass out just now?"

Kim Hyun Tae raised a question.

Andrew also thought about it with doubts on his face. Hilda took Li Baoying and walked aside. After Li Baoying left, Andrew lowered his voice and said to Jin Hyuntae: "I guess it might be caused by the mysterious energy of the time tunnel."

Well, this explanation is not without reason. (To be continued.)