Rising America

Chapter 627: Not emboldened

The situation in New Orleans is not a special case. Following the assassination of the French President Dang Bey by the "powerful race", many "inhuman" groups have suddenly emerged around the world, which immediately provokes ordinary people all over the world. They all become very upset. Bayi Middle School ★ Wen Wang √く√√くく

The anxiety of ordinary people is actually understandable. Anyone who suddenly discovers the existence of mutants and humans in this world is obviously impossible not to be nervous.

After all, compared to the power that ordinary people possess, isn't it too powerful?

The private jet of the Beautiful Girl ran smoothly over the Atlantic Ocean. Kim Hyun-tae, sitting in the large living room on the second floor of the duplex structure in the cabin, and Andrew watched these real-time news reports broadcasted in the news through the LCD TV receiving satellite signals.

The first thought that flashed in Kim Hyun-tae’s mind was [the era of change is coming], and Andrew’s basic views are similar to those of his own master. He also thinks that different time and space will bring about some changes, but he does not Just as worried as my own young master.

Demonstrations and demonstrations by ‘inhuman’ organizations and groups all over the world have been one after another. They used this method to declare their existence to the world, and they could not suppress and conceal it even if the governments of various countries tried their best.

[We need to admit that in fact some people live among us, and the ethnic roots of some of them can even be traced back to ancient times. We do not intend to conceal this fact, but are just worried that it will cause panic among the public. 】

Jin Xiantai tuned several channels, and a news item from the Italian national television station caught his attention.

In the TV screens, the Italian Prime Minister talked freely in front of reporters, and he would change the direction of the topic, not responding directly to reporters' questions at all.

Press the remote control button in your hand to go to netbsp; [This is the net news channel, I’m the host Cruise. 】

The picture shifted from the host here, and the photographer gave a close-up of the white building in the distance, which is obviously the White House, the center of American power.

Obviously, high-level Americans can't sit still anymore. After all, strong organizations and groups around the world have appeared in front of the public with high profile. You can't hide this matter.

After a while, the current US President Kenny came to the reporters, surrounded by a team of bodyguards.

Kenny is in a very good state of mind. It is not obvious that he has been impacted and affected by the news at all, and beside Kenny stands old George with a serious look.

As the vice president, he certainly can't stay outside at this time, right?

"Mr. President, does the White House have any countermeasures to deal with ‘inhuman’ groups and organizations? Is the government always aware of the existence of these people, but ordinary people don’t know it?"

Faced with these questions, Kenny did not immediately respond, but turned his head and whispered to the old George beside him. Obviously, these two were discussing how to respond.

Kenny is less than 40 years old and is considered a young man in American politics. He is also very handsome with weapons, which meets the American definition of handsome, so his image is still very good.

The quiet conversation between him and old George came to an end. Kenny, who was facing the reporters again, was a little serious. In front of the reporters and the "long guns", he looked around and coughed. "Ahem", and then began to answer the previous reporter's question.

"First, they are not'inhuman'. Everyone should clearly see that they are no different from ordinary people. The only difference is that they have a little different power and ability from ordinary people."

The flashes on the scene kept flashing and the clicking sound was endless, but the reporters who had always liked to interrupt after Kenny spoke, became very quiet at this time.

"The United States is an tolerant country, willing to accept ethnic groups from all over the world, so of course it can accept vampires, werewolves, wizards, and even capable people, right?" Kenny smiled when he said this, "Of course. The premise is to comply with the laws of the United States and not forget to pay the taxes that need to be paid. Tax evasion is not allowed."

Kenny made a little joke, which made the reporters laugh, and the atmosphere became less tense.

After seeing the atmosphere a little more cheerful, Kenny continued: "I hope everyone will not worry too much. In fact, we have reached an agreement with these capable people many years ago. As long as they abide by the laws and regulations of the world, they do not rely on themselves. The power of ordinary people does evil, so what does it matter to be friends or even neighbors with them?

Therefore, I hope the people will treat these friends with a friendly perspective. Greet these beings with a broad mind, and you will realize that, in fact, life will not be any different. "

Seeing this, Kim Hyun-tae turned his head and said to Andrew: "It seems that this matter is a foregone conclusion. Maybe the company under my name will also hire these people with special powers to work."

The meaning of Kenny's words, Kim Hyun-tae is not too late to hear.

Andrew nodded when he heard the words, and agreed: "It should be like this, things can't be concealed, it's better to make them public and let the public accept this fact. It's better to do this here than to continue to conceal it, and at the same time to let those people do their own activities. , It's also easy to manage."

On TV, a reporter is asking questions.

"Mr. President, can we treat them as humans?"

Kenny nodded in front of the reporter: “Of course it’s humans, but given that they are somewhat different from ordinary people, everyone can regard them as a branch of human evolution. The unified title is "the capable", and I think everyone can continue to use this title."

As soon as this question was answered, another reporter asked a new question.

"Mr. President, if one of the ‘capable persons’ commits a crime, will the police have the ability to arrest him?"

This is a problem that many people are concerned about.

At the same time, the reporter who asked the question immediately used the title of ‘capable person’.

Kenny looked back at the old George behind him. Kenny really didn't know how to answer this question. After all, he didn't know much about it.

Compared to Kenny, Old George obviously knew more about this, so he could only look at Old George and beckon him to answer this question.

That’s right, don’t think Kenny is the president, but no secrets can be known.

In many cases, the military’s secret military experiments and some government-led scientific research may not necessarily be known to the president, and may even be hidden from the president.

But the old George was different. First he was a member of the dark noble organization, and the George family was a political family that existed since the founding of the United States. Therefore, he knows more about the secrets hidden by the top Americans than Kenny. many.

Therefore, as to how strong the secret power of the US government is, obviously he is more qualified than Kenny to answer.

After finishing his suit, Old George walked over to Kenny's side.

"I promise that the police must be able to deal with such problems."

Make a guarantee that Old George will not say much about the rest. After all, too much talk will involve some secrets. Old George is not that stupid.

"Will the capable people be enlisted into the army, and will the future mode of warfare change as a result?"

Well, this is also a very sharp question.

Indeed, those who are able to live as citizens openly, correspondingly they also bear some responsibilities, right?

Given the mighty power of these people, will the military have no idea?

Once all countries recruit capable people to join the army, the pattern of future warfare will definitely change accordingly.

At least, many people think so.

Old George looked at the reporter who asked the question and shook his head: "I can answer you very responsibly. Such things will not happen."

"Andrew, what do you think about this?", taking away his gaze from the LCD TV, Kim Hyun-tae turned to ask his butler again.

Andri tilted his head for a moment and replied: "There are many factors. I can't say that people with the ability are in large-scale battles, but small-scale battles will definitely change because of this, and it is very dangerous to use them in battle. It is the commanders who bear the brunt. Therefore, the governments of various countries have their own concerns about not letting the capable people enter the army. This is also a normal thing."

On the TV screen, Old George continued: "But the police department and the CIA will open their doors to the capable people. This special front requires their contribution. Of course, the benefits will be very good."

Hearing what Old George said, Kim Hyun Tae suddenly smiled.

He said to Andrew: "This hand is beautiful, and capable of being a policeman can deal with some of them scumbags. With these people as agents, it will become very convenient for the CIA to do things. Obviously it is better than entering the army. many."

Andrew nodded, agreeing with Kim Hyun Tae's words.

After talking ~lightnovelpub.net~ Kim Hyun Tae sighed.

"The times are about to change. This is something that human resources cannot stop. I just hope that in this change, my daughter and I will not be eliminated. At the same time, I also hope that I and Coco will not become the targets of capable people and scumbags."

The power of the capable people is strong. Jin Xiantai is still an ‘ordinary person’. Although his daughter is a capable person, she is still young.

In addition, he is also very rich. If he is targeted by the bad guys among the capable, it would be no good to have a kidnapping or something. Jin Xiantai is very worried about this.

When Andrew saw Kim Hyun Tae's sad look, he felt a little painful. Of course, Andrew had to have an egg.

"Master, don’t forget, there is me beside you and the young lady, as well as the genetic combat maids. Those with the ability are very strong, yes, but we are not weak, we can definitely protect you and the young lady, don’t worry. Right!"

Andrew banged his chest.

Unfortunately, Kim Hyun-tae really has no confidence in this. (To be continued.)