Rising America

Chapter 629: Charles

A fleet of dozens of large-scale search and rescue ships assembled as quickly as possible under Qiao An's organization, and within two days they rushed to the sea area locked by satellites to start a large-scale search and rescue operation. ★★

The US officials also cooperated with several ships and some personnel, but the main force of the search and rescue team was still the ships and personnel mainly composed of Qiao Ann. Under such a situation, Qiao Ann would of course not worry about the cost.

As someone who Annie trusts, Qiao Ann secretly holds a fund. This fund is specifically used by Annie to prevent herself from distress and other problems. After all, her family members are killed one by one. It is impossible for Annie to do something. ready.

In other words, the secret fund controlled by Qiao An is equivalent to Annie's revenge fund.

Once she died in an ‘accident’ like her family’s relatives, then Qiao Ann would immediately start the fund and start revenge. A revenge fund of up to 100 billion US dollars will avenge herself, isn’t it?

It's just that now the fund is launched not for revenge, but for rescue.

The power of money is very powerful. Fifty-six cargo ships with a tonnage of over 100,000 tons and tens of thousands of search and rescue personnel are gathered together. These tens of thousands of search and rescue personnel are composed of hundreds of famous search and rescue teams in the world. Has a very rich rescue experience.

There is a signal transmitter on Annie's private plane, which will send a signal to the American Airlines Crisis Center when it encounters a danger. Therefore, thanks to this reason, the center immediately locked the location of the accident via satellite.

Although the accident was in the air, and the endless Pacific Ocean below, it is still possible to deduce where Annie and the wreckage fell through various technical means.

So what Qiao An has to do now is to rush to the sea area deduced by the computer, that is, Annie is dead, and she also finds Annie's body.

Since it is already at the end of December, and the sea area calculated by the computer is in the north near the Bering Sea, the temperature is still very low.

Qiao An was standing on the bow of the ship in a thick winter coat, letting the water splashed by the waves hitting the bow of the ship fall on her face. Her expression was anxious and hesitant.

Others don't know, Joanne herself knew very well that Annie was carrying two little babies when the accident happened.

She didn't dare to think about whether Annie would be alive. According to the computer inferring that the high-altitude plane disintegrated, it was basically impossible for the people on the plane to survive.

Not to mention that even if it can survive, it will fall into the colder water.

Two days have passed since the accident. Who can survive in the sea for two days?

Rescuers come from all over the world, and they are basically well-known in their respective countries. Now they have been summoned by Qiao An to spend a lot of money, working hard for the same goal.


The walkie-talkie in Qiao An's arms vibrated, which reminded her that someone wanted to talk to her.

Picking up the walkie-talkie and pressing the button, "What's the matter?", Qiao Ann, who was energized, tried to make herself look like she was in good condition. While worried about Annie's affairs, she was embarrassed to confirm that Annie was really dead. How to talk to Kim Hyun Tae about this, and mention the problems of the two babies at the same time.

Annie made a will, and the will clearly stated that if she died of ‘fate’, all the wealth under her name would be inherited by Kim Hyun Tae and he was allowed to raise her two babies.

But this time Annie had an accident with the two babies.

It's okay to inherit the inheritance. Although any excuse can be used, the problem of the two babies is hard to say.

If Kim Hyun Tae knew that he had two sons but died in an air crash, would he go crazy?

For Annie who concealed all the secrets and gave birth to two sons for herself, would Kim Hyun-tae be grateful or angry?

Regarding these questions, Qiao An felt a headache after thinking about it.

"The Norwegian search and rescue team has arrived at the first location and is launching a search and rescue operation. They have found the wreckage of the plane."

A man's voice came from the walkie-talkie, telling Joan that the Norwegian search and rescue team had arrived at the location and had a presence.


This is good news. The wreckage shows that the results of the computer deduction are correct. The wreckage proves that it is very likely that Annie and the butler Nord's... corpses will be found.

Qiao An didn't want to have such thoughts, but she also knew that many things in this world were not transferred by her own will.

When the plane disintegrated, Annie's chances of survival were very small, not to mention falling in the Pacific Ocean and two days of soaking in the cold water, but ordinary people will know very well that it is difficult for anyone to be in this continuous situation. Didn’t you survive?

There are some capable people in the search and rescue team. Qiao An spent a lot of money to hire some guys with special abilities and let them join the search and rescue team.

Hiring high-profile people with abilities in the world, it is clear that Qiao An is ahead of Jin Xiantai.

Of course, all this is to find Annie.

"Tell the Norwegians to continue searching and I will give them double the bonus. At the same time, let other ships quickly enter their positions. I will find Annie and the baby no matter what methods they use."

Joan only mentioned Annie, but didn't mention the butler Nord at all. I have to say that Nord is really a small reminder.

Of course, Miss Anne is of course important to Joan, but the old man, the old butler, Nord, is not so important.

A handsome man with dark golden curls, accompanied by a young man wearing black sunglasses that looked a little weird, came to the bow behind Qiao An.

The handsome man Juan raised his right hand, the ice dragon's index finger and **** touched his temple, staring at the rolling sea ahead, and said to Qiao An, "I can be sure that the computer's deduction is correct. Where is Miss Anne's magnetic field? Fluctuations, but I don't know why. I can't lock Miss Anne's magnetic field fluctuations, as if some powerful force is blocking it."

Qiao An looked back at the curly-haired man, with a surprised expression on his face.

Qiao An knows the curly-haired man's abilities. This is a mutant with very strong power. His abilities are very strange and powerful. Isn't his telepathy and mind control abilities great? At least in Qiao'an's opinion, these two abilities are very powerful.

Now that the curly-haired man actually said that there was a powerful force that prevented him from locking the lady, then this must not be nonsense.

At the same time, Qiao An also heard another meaning from this curly-haired man, that is, his own lady is still alive.

"Charles! You mean Miss Anne is still alive?"

Qiao An came over excitedly, raised his hand to grasp the shoulders of the curly-haired man called Charles, and shook it vigorously.

The man wearing weird black sunglasses wanted to stop Qiao An, but he did not act after being signaled by the curly man.

"Yes, I can tell you very responsibly that Miss Anne is still alive. There are still life activities in the magnetic fluctuations that belong to her. This is obviously proof that she is still alive. I can't go wrong with this point. When I felt the magnetic field fluctuations of Miss Anne, I also felt the magnetic field fluctuations of one large, two small."

One big and two small!

Could it be the old housekeeper Nord and the babies!

At the thought of this, Qiao Ann became even more excited.

"Can you lock the lady's position?"

The excited Qiao Ann shook the curly man again.

The curly-haired man smiled bitterly and responded to Qiao An by saying: "I said that my telepathy was blocked by a powerful force. With my current ability, I still can't break through, so I can't do this, but I can I am very responsible to tell you that Miss Anne is still alive."

Although it is impossible to lock Annie's position, it is fine as long as she is still alive, isn't it?

"Scott, don't be so nervous, Miss Qiao'an is not malicious, she is just a little too excited, you have to understand."

Charles saw some impatience on the face of his companion behind him, so he comforted the young man.

Obviously, this young man was very upset about Qiao Ann shaking Charles just now.

On the contrary, Charles had an ‘I can understand’ expression, and did not take Qiao'an’s impoliteness to heart.

"Sorry, please forgive me for being unreasonable just now. I was really too excited to be like that. When I knew the lady was still alive, I was really too excited."

Qiao An also forced herself to calm down at this time. She thought of the two men in front of her. They were mutants with powerful strength. If they were unhappy, this would be a very troublesome thing.

More importantly, she has to rely on the strength of these two people to search and rescue her own Miss Annie.

So there is nothing wrong with lowering your posture and apologizing.

I want to come to two powerful mutant men, not to have trouble with myself as a woman.

Scott, with a cool expression, didn’t say anything. Charles, who was curly and handsome, smiled mildly and said to Joan, "You don’t have to be so polite. Miss Anne has been providing the mutant school that I and I have established. Funding help. Now that she is in danger, we should help. Actually, Miss Anne and I are friends."

Charles revealed a little secret to Joanne~lightnovelpub.net~ No one knows, Anne knew Charles a long time ago and knew the existence of mutants.

She even secretly provided funds to Charles to establish a mutant school.

To be honest, Joan didn't know anything about this.

One thing Qiao An understands is that Annie’s will mentioned that if she had the same experience as her family, then Jin Hyun-tae, who inherited the estate, would continue to provide funds to the ‘Charles Academy’ as a condition.

As for what the ‘Charles Academy’ actually does, Joan doesn’t know anything.

Now hearing what Charles said, Qiao An realized that this college was a mutant school.

Looking at the sluggish Qiao Ann in front of him, Charles smiled handsomely, and then asked a question that was not related to search and rescue.

"Is Miss Anne familiar with William King, the founder of Laguna Dream Castle Orphanage?" (To be continued.)