Rising America

Chapter 631: Man on the ice field

The endless white ice field, looking out at the surroundings, is nothing but loneliness and coldness, and time seems to have stopped in this place, and this place has been like this since very ancient times. √√

Anne held the two babies, supported by the old housekeeper Nord, and walked hard in the snow with no knees. The faces of her and the old housekeeper were not very good, their faces were pale, and their lips were also The bruising.

They didn't have much clothes on them. Annie was wearing a high-collar cashmere sweater, and Old Nord was just a cashmere vest. After all, the two were still on the private jet when they were in distress, so they didn't have time to consider this problem.

The temperature on this ice sheet was very low, and the biting chill made Annie very hard.

Originally she had a down jacket, but she took it off to protect the two babies from the cold.

The aurora that can only be seen in the North Pole appeared in the sky. The aurora like the Milky Way in a fairy palace looks really beautiful, but Annie has no time to appreciate this beautiful natural scenery.

The old butler took off his cashmere vest and put it on Annie.

For Annie, the girl who grew up when she was a child, Old Nord had already regarded her as his own daughter.

So when he saw Annie shivering from the cold, even the old Nord himself was cold, but he still considered Annie first.

"Uncle Nord, you can wear it back quickly, and I can live with support."

Seeing Old Nord put the cashmere vest on her back, Annie hurriedly pushed her back, because she knew that Old Nord also needed to keep out the cold.

Old Nord grinned miserably, "Miss, I can't walk anymore. I've lived this age is enough, but you are still young, and you have a long way to go in the future, so I promise you can Survival is the most important thing. What is my old bone. Besides, Miss, you have two children. I'm just an old bachelor."

Old Nord shook his head and exhausted all his strength to stop Annie, and then he sat down slowly.

Really, he can't walk anymore.

Old Nord can clearly feel that his physical strength is fading rapidly, and his life is about to come to an end.

This feeling was strange, but it made Old Nord's mind more sober.

Therefore, before he loses consciousness, he feels that he needs to make the wisest choice.

"No! Uncle Nuo, we are going to leave this ghost place together, and we must all live!" Annie is holding her two little babies, so her left and right hands are not free, so she can't take old Nordra Got up, so she could only persuade Old Nord with tears.

Old Nord looked at the sad-faced lady, and shook his head feebly.

"I have no strength, miss, you go. If there are no people in front of you, I hope you can come back, maybe it is a good choice to eat me, at least this will make you more likely to survive."

The old man's expression was calm, as if these words he said were normal.

However, he was suggesting that Annie, if she couldn't help it, let her eat herself to survive.

Gently placing the baby on the snow, Annie grabbed Old Nord's arm and pulled him up from the snow. This consumed a lot of her energy and made Annie panting.

"Let's go together, don't say such frustrating words anymore, we will all live, we can definitely!"

Although Annie looks like a charming woman, she is also a strong woman. Even in the face of this cruel environment, she still has a temperament that refuses to admit defeat.

There is no chance for success. Obviously, it is not without reason to control the Whiston family to expand the capital.

Does the old Nord's words make sense?

Anne of course knew very well that Old Nord's choice was correct.

But Annie didn't want to do this, because this was an old man who watched her grow up, an old man who was already a relative.

To leave the old man alive for her own life, or ate him at a desperate moment, Annie couldn't imagine how she would be different from a beast if she did this.

People are human because they are different from beasts, right?

Seeing Anne's determination, the old Nord, who knew her temperament, could only sigh, picked up a little baby, and then stumbled forward with Anne's support.

Because the old Nord knew very well that if he didn't go, the lady would not go, so that two people would spend a lot of time in this place, or even die in this place.

Therefore, the old Nord can only cheer up, take advantage of his own vitality, and try his best to accompany his own lady for a while.

In order to prevent the old butler from losing consciousness, Annie began to actively look for topics.

"Uncle Nord, do you think we have encountered a supernatural event? We were able to survive the disintegration of the plane. I can't believe it. So what do you think of this matter?"

Annie's words made the old Nord fall into thought, and the old man didn't really know what was going on.

He clearly remembered that at that time, he and his young lady had been lifted out of the plane by the impact of the explosion, and fell sharply down in the billowing dark clouds, and there were horrible lightning around him. At that time, he already knew that he and the young lady, and even the young lady’s The two babies are afraid that there is no possibility of survival.

But within two seconds, he was stunned to discover that the lady and the babies were all wrapped in a strange milky white light, and then disappeared after a few flashes.

At the moment when he was surprised, the milky white light ball wrapped him himself, and then he came to this ice field covered with snow.

Of course, he also saw his own lady and two little babies here. As for the pilot and flight attendant on the disintegrated plane, he did not see.

For this kind of encounter, Old Nord also didn't know what was going on.

Could it really be a miracle manifested by God?

Yes, this is a miracle!

"Perhaps, this is a miracle of God."

Thinking of this, Old Nord could only use this explanation to respond to Annie.

Besides, he really didn't know how to explain this matter.

For this explanation, Anne obviously accepted it.

She immediately encouraged Old Nord: "Since God allowed us to survive the air crash, he will definitely not let us die in this place. I don't think he will be so cruel, so we can definitely survive, Nord. Uncle, you must not be discouraged."

Annie is very good at using everything to encourage people, and the encouragement she found is not unreasonable.

If they were saved by God's miracle in an air crash, God would never let them die in this place, would they?

Otherwise, it would be better for God to feed them and let them fall to death.

I think God can't be so boring.

As for whether they didn't die or not, it is still unclear for the time being, but now it can only be attributed to God.

"Where is this? Are we in the Arctic Circle?"

Old Nord was silent for a while, and Annie changed the subject.

The ice field is very flat, and there is endless snow white, no wind, no beasts, not to mention human traces.

Old Nord is not easy to answer this question, after all, he has not studied geography.

Different from the miserable appearances of his mother and the old housekeeper, the two little guys held by the old Nord and Annie grinned from time to time, and then danced around. Obviously the two little guys were not clear , What kind of troubles and dangers they and their mother encountered.

The snow in the snow is a bit thick, and it is all knee-less, so every step is exhausting. Old Nord and Annie stumbled while supporting each other.

Although the temperature here is very cold, but also thanks to the absence of wind and snow.

If the wind is suspended again, that will be the worst.

But even so, the condition of the old Nord and Annie is not much better, after all, they wear too little.

The two walked forward for about another half an hour, when Old Nord was suddenly tripped by something in the snow, making him covered with snow.

And Annie, who was supporting Old Nord, was also implicated, making her embarrassed.

"Uncle Nou, what's wrong with you?"

Picking up the baby again, Annie didn't care about slapping the snow on her body, and quickly got up to check the condition of the old Nord. She was very worried that the old housekeeper was out of health.

Even if the old Nord fell, he still held the baby in his arms tightly, and the baby was not affected.

He got up, saw his lady with a worried and nervous expression on his face, and waved his hand: "There is something in the snow, I tripped a while ago."

With that said, Old Nord leaned over, and at the same time stretched out his hand to fumble in the snow.

Soon, he drew a cold weapon with exquisite patterns from the snow.

This is a nail head cone with exquisite and weird patterns engraved on the handle, and it looks very old, especially the old Nord and Annie shocked that the nail head cone is still visible to the naked eye. Energy ripple.

Old Nord has a good understanding of ancient history. As a qualified old butler, this is a link and knowledge that must be learned.

After all, the owner will buy some antiques~lightnovelpub.net~Can the butler not learn?

But for the nail head cone in his hand, the old Nord is a bit unable to tell the age, especially its whole body is still exuding visible energy ripples.

Is there such an ancient cold weapon?

Suddenly there was a loud thunder in the sky.

Immediately, the ice field began to shake violently, as if the whole world was shaking. Old Nord and Annie both held the baby nervously, with a panic on their faces.

All this happened so suddenly, suddenly there was no sign of it.

Hundreds of stars appeared in the sky, and the sky became dark. Numerous pops of burning flames hit the stars, and the stars began to burst.

Old Nord and Annie suddenly realized that they seemed to be in space and were witnessing the splendid scene of star destruction, which made them both surprised and sluggish.

after all. All this is too weird, isn't it? (To be continued.)