Rising America

Chapter 634: Black-hearted landlord

"It's been three days now, Charles, can you make a mistake?"

At this time, the search and rescue fleet had spent three days in the locked sea area. Charles also vowed to tell Qiao Ann that Annie was in this sea area, but after three days, Qiao Ann and the others had found nothing. ★★★√★

Therefore, Joan found Charles and expressed his doubts and dissatisfaction with him.

You know, this is three days.

If Charles got it wrong, wouldn't it be impossible for the lady to survive if he missed three days in vain?

Thinking about it this way, I don't blame Qiao An for being so anxious.

Looking at Qiao Ann, who stood in front of him and tried his best to endure his anger without exploding, Charles smiled bitterly, and then said: "There can be no mistake, my telepathy has always been accurate. Ms. Anne's life magnetic field fluctuations are in this sea. , And I can still feel that her life magnetic field has not weakened in three days, but has become extremely strong, causing me to get a headache every time I release my ability to explore."

Charles is telling the truth, his telepathy has never gone wrong, and he himself has strong self-confidence.

At the same time, he was also very curious as to why Annie's life magnetic field was getting stronger and stronger, even an hour ago so strong that it made him feel ridiculous.

As a mutant, Charles knows very well that such powerful life magnetic field fluctuations are far beyond ordinary people, and they have been out of the category of mortals.

If you really want to use an adjective to describe it, Charles is willing to use the word "God" to describe it.

Fortunately, Annie is not hostile. Otherwise, if an idea strikes, Charles will not only have a headache, but become an idiot.

You know, Annie has really become the goddess of the ocean.

In winter, the waters near the Bering Sea Strait have a lot of wind and waves, and the temperature is very low.

Such environmental factors have brought a lot of trouble and influence to search and rescue.

However, dozens of large search and rescue ships are not decorations. Qiao Ann smashed billions of dollars. These people worked hard and worked very carefully. The entire sea was turned upside down, but in the end, Still nothing.

A lot of debris and wreckage of the plane were found, even the corpses of the pilot and flight attendant were found, but there were no traces of the old butlers Nord and Annie, as well as the babies, not even the corpses.

The possibility of being eaten by something has been ruled out, and anything that sinks into the sea has been ruled out, but why can't it be found?

Qiao Ann was puzzled about this, and Charles and the search and rescue teams of various countries also did not understand.

But most people are well aware that it is impossible for Annie to be alive.

After all, who can survive three days in cold water?

It can be said that, except for Charles who firmly believed that Anne was still alive, and Joan was dubious at his insistence, no one would think so.

The cabin was a little dull, Charles and Joan came outside, standing silently in the bow of the boat.

Charles understood Qiao'an's mixed feelings, and he didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

Qiao An was worried about Anne, wanted to believe Charles's judgment, but based on reality, she didn't dare to be too arbitrary. In short, she was really confused now.

Suddenly, several dazzling light clusters appeared out of thin air not far away. These light clusters appeared strangely out of thin air and then paused for a while. Then these light clusters rushed to the distance, and only one light cluster rushed towards Qiao An. The blink of an eye made it into her forehead.

Charles was taken aback. Scott, the cool man in sunglasses, who followed him wherever he went, got nervous and looked around quickly.

"Miss Qiao An, are you okay?"

The sudden situation made Charles feel a little at a loss.

After the light group sank into Qiao'an's forehead, Qiao'an didn't seem to have any bad reactions. She just looked a bit silly on the sea in front of the king whose eyes were a little dull.

Charles noticed something wrong, so he stretched out his hand to touch Joan. When his hand was about to touch Joan, a powerful force overturned Charles, causing him to flip back a few times. A somersault fell heavily on the deck, and Charles's face was distorted in pain.

Scott hurriedly ran to help Charles up, and put one hand on his sunglasses, looking at Qiao Ann, who turned his back to the two of them, very vigilantly. If Qiao Ann has any excessive behavior, Scott Will use his own strength to hit her.

Qiao An's thick down jacket was replaced by a set of golden armor. This armor was very shabby. It looked like it was made of gold, which made people blind.

Like the old housekeeper Nord and his own lady Anne, the godhead that had not entered Qiao'an's forehead was also crushed and reorganized, and the spiritual consciousness was directly erased, but the time was relatively long, so Qiao'an would appear to Charles. Something is not right.

When the **** consciousness was erased and the godhead was truly integrated by Joan, a higher **** subordinate to the sea goddess Anne was born.

Of course, the golden armor of this upper **** is a bit sloppy, at least not far away Charles and Scott think it is very sloppy.

Think about it, who would use gold to build armor.

Qiao An, who had recovered her sanity and consciousness, had never thought about how dangerous she had just encountered. If it wasn't for the mysterious power to help her, then she would not be herself, but a different person.

Similarly, after inheriting the godhead of this upper god, Qiao Ann also inherited the memory, combat experience and knowledge from the Olympus god, so she turned around and smiled apologetically at the embarrassed Charles: "Sorry, for a while. Explain to you again. I'm sorry for what happened just now, but now I want to greet my lady, my goddess."

After speaking, Qiao Ann turned his head again and knelt on one knee on the deck.

"Join, General Qiao An of the Seven Seas! Welcome the return of my lord, the glory belongs to the goddess!"

These words sounded very stupid, at least Charles and Scott sounded inexplicable.

The next moment, the sea in the distance in front of the bow suddenly set off a huge wave. Charles and Scott were stunned, because the wave of tens of meters high appeared without a trace, obviously it could not be a natural formation. of.

But how much power is needed to form such a huge wave with manpower?

Mutants and capable people, as well as vampires, as well as the powerhouses of the gods and ancient families, also have such power, but these people can't come to this place boringly.

In all fairness, Charles and Scott are still a little scared.

On the head of the huge wave, a huge whale appeared. On the head of the whale, Annie stood there happily. Although she didn't have the golden armor of Joanne, she stood on the whale holding a golden trident. The head is also very powerful.

The whale's body didn't twist, and it moved forward relying on Anne's supernatural power, so it was very stable.

A huge wave came to the bow of the search and rescue ship and dropped strangely, then disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

"Joan! I'm still alive!"

"Miss, I want to kill you."

Anne was still very happy to see JoAnn.

Joanne was also very excited when he saw Annie.

They thought they were still themselves, so even if the two had merged their godheads, they were still the same, and their personalities had not been changed.

Although there will be occasional impacts, in general this impact is not relevant.

Annie leaped slightly to the bow of the ship, and Qiao An stood up and opened his hands and rushed over.

It is a pity that she was blocked by the trident that Annie lifted before she could get close to Annie.

"Don't think of taking advantage of me, your lace edge, I am not interested in women, and my body belongs to William."

Apparently Annie hadn't forgotten the fact that JoAnn was a lace edge.

Qiao An was indeed planning to take advantage of it. Who knew it would be seen through.

So she could only stand there embarrassedly and giggled, seemingly innocent.

"My lord! My lord! Goddess, we can't keep up with you so fast."

Immediately afterwards, the Cengfan Corps appeared, and these little loli all got on the search and rescue ship under the whale's transport, and started to chat non-stop after getting on the ship, more than 10,000 ducks came. It's a headache.

"Miss, these kids?"

Spartan loli has 3oo, and they have the most number.

The number of sun **** servant **** Lori wearing long robes is relatively small, only eighteen.

Behind the old housekeeper were twelve brawny men who only covered their lower body with small cloth strips. The tendons of these brawny men made people feel terrifying.

These people are unfamiliar, and Qiao Ann has never seen them before, so she is not surprised at all.

"Those kids are all scoundrels, and the big guys are hired bodyguards."

Annie's answer is simple. A bunch of little loli have become the existence of Cengfan, and the frost giants who have controlled their souls have become bodyguards.

Perhaps it is the relationship of the fusion of the gods. After the initial confusion, Qiao An finally noticed that these little loli had become ordinary people-sized giants.

So she didn't ask much about her own lady's explanation.

Qiao An mysteriously approached Annie and whispered: "Miss, you have become a god, I have benefited from it."

Annie curled her lips, not too concerned about the matter, nor as excited and excited as JoAnn.

"What about becoming a god? It's not because I have to support my family and earn money.", glanced at the excited little loli who looked at the steel search and rescue ship, "I don't think becoming a **** is so great. Look, I want to Feeds more than 300 people who eat free meals."

The little loli did not know that they had become the existence of a certain population eating idle meals. They were just like the hillbillies entering the city, chatting about the steel ship endlessly.

"Iron ship! It's actually a ship made of iron! Don't mortals be afraid of sinking?"

The King of Sparta yelled a little fussly.

The little loli of the subordinate sun **** collectively despised the King of Sparta, but they all admitted that the iron ship now is much better than the small wooden ship they had seen in the past.

"Miss, what are your plans?"

Joan looked at the little Lori and asked Annie in a low voice.

Annie thought for a while: "That's all my son's future wife."

Qiao An's eyes widened suddenly, an expression of admiration appeared on his face, and then he raised his right hand and gestured with his thumb.

"Yes, the fertilizer does not flow into the field of outsiders. Miss you are really smart."

Annie glanced at Qiao'an and explained: "It's not what you think. I just don't think we can raise them for nothing. It's not good for them to eat free meals. I'm not a philanthropist."

Yes, as a capitalist, Annie is very conscious of being a capitalist.

In a word, I want to take advantage of my old lady to eat rice, no way!

At this time, Annie looked like a goddess, she was completely the incarnation of the landlord's old wealth.

Under Qiao'an's surprised and shocked gaze, Annie raised her hand and touched her smooth chin, and then said to herself: "How do you describe Huaxia. UU reading www.uukānshu.com", she was thinking. I thought about it for a while, and then clapped his hands, "Yes, this is called a child bride. Yes, they are all child bridesmaids."

Annie looked very happy with a smile. Obviously, she was proud of having a deep understanding of Huaxia culture after she had studied it.

But Annie didn't know at all that her own thoughts and arrangements were darker than the landlord's wife in the old society.

Because of her thought, more than three hundred little Lori had no future.

"Miss, where did you learn it?" Qiao An asked after swallowing.

Annie raised her pretty face proudly, "The landlords squeezed the good people's record. I think they should be the early rural capitalists of China."

Qiao An looked at the lady whose face was full of gloss, and really didn't know what to say.

It’s just that everyone ignores the existence of a little guy, that is, a Husky cub that looks like only two months old. It also followed everyone on the search and rescue boat and was squeezed by a bunch of little loli to the side of the boat. ……(To be continued.)