Rising America

Chapter 635: Charles' advice

Since Annie has appeared, obviously there is no meaning to continue the search and rescue. Therefore, Qiao An immediately ordered all search and rescue ships to leave the sea area and return. At the same time, she also announced that all teams participating in the search and rescue mission would receive three times the bonus. ★August One Chinese★网√

Qiao An promised to give the search and rescue team three times the bonus, and Anne of course tacitly agreed.

After all, for her now, money is obviously just a bunch of numbers, and its meaning to her is no longer as important as before.

You should know that Annie is no longer a mortal at the moment, but a brand new Olympus sea **** with a mutated godhead, completely separated from the category of mortals, and can be classified as a non-human group.

It's just that Annie still retains her humanity and her former personality, and she has not been corroded and affected by the divine nature of the godhead. It has to be said that this is a blessing of luck.

In other words, since she is now ‘human’ is also a ‘god’, she is completely different from those inhumane in myths and legends.

It’s not just Annie. The old Nord of the fusion God of Vulcan, and Qiao An, one of the generals of the Seven Seas of the God of God, also retain their humanity, and have not become the kind of cruelty that treats mortals like ants. Gods.

Qiao An ordered her ship to set off for Port Duolun in Canada, because Annie did not dispel the idea of ​​going to Huaxia, so she needed to go to Port Duolun before taking a plane to Huaxia.

Although she was already a new sea god, possessing powerful divine power, she could reach Huaxia with a single thought, but Annie didn't want to do it because it seemed to her to be very meaningless.

The more important question is that it would be very inconvenient if she went without a certificate.

"Miss Anne, it seems that you must have had an adventure? I can feel powerful energy fluctuations in your body. This energy fluctuation is very strange and completely different from the energy I feel and have been exposed to."

On the way to Port Duolun, Canada, Charles found Annie and chatted with her.

After all, Charles is not an ordinary person, so he can clearly feel that Annie has been releasing energy fluctuations without any cover.

Of course, this kind of energy fluctuation is not noticeable to ordinary people. At most, when they enter Annie's 500 meters range, they will have a physiological reaction of increased heartbeat or heavy footsteps and inexplicable cold sweats.

The reason is very simple. The energy fluctuations that Annie emits unconsciously contains divine might.

The closer you get, the stronger the pressure brought by this supernatural power.

An unsteady person would even kneel in front of Annie involuntarily.

This is just the divine influence in the energy fluctuations that Annie unconsciously releases. If she really releases her divine power, then the range of influence will be greater and the pressure on people will be stronger.

For this kind of pressure, Charles clearly felt the most direct.

Fortunately, Charles is a very determined person. In addition, Anne did not deliberately release his power, so Charles can face Anne and talk to her.

Annie has changed into a British lady's black woolen coat, which makes her look very capable, but also echoes her image of a strong woman in the eyes of the outside world.

The winter monsoon on the sea is blowing on the face, and Annie's golden head is flying backwards with the wind, but she does not feel cold at all. After the fusion of the gods, it seems that her physical fitness has also been improved.

As a god, it is certain that the heat and cold will not invade.

But Annie, who still keeps the habit of being an ordinary person, still wears clothes that adapt to this season, instead of making people look weird.

Living in this real world where ordinary people are the majority, obviously Annie doesn't want to make herself look so different, even though she is already a member of the odds.

The old butler Nord, dressed in a black tuxedo, stood respectfully not far from Annie as usual. It was because the old Nord had inherited the power and godhead of Vulcan, but he still maintained his loyalty to Annie.

Oli, the king of Sparta, is pushing a stroller, and inside the car is one of the two babies, and the **** of Ares is integrated into the **** of war, Jin Zhiyu (Auston), the new **** of war, just like this Spartan Darling became a little nanny.

The red cloak, the leather three-point outfit that looks s#m, the huge shield and the cruel-looking waist sword have disappeared, and now the king of Sparta Oli has changed into a new outfit, [Panta] The series of children's sports suits are still pink.

And beside Oli, the king of Sparta, there is also a little girl pushing a stroller. This little girl is the upper servant **** Lutis under the sun god. It can be seen that she and Sparta Like the king, he has also become a little nanny, taking care of his brother Jin Chenghua (Aldrich), who has the godhead of the sun god.

Annie will not let these little goddesses eat for nothing. She has arranged what they do every day, which is to take care of their respective masters.

I have to say that Annie's arrangement is very suitable. At least the girl gods who belong to the two main gods did not oppose this arrangement and accepted it very happily.

This shows that the girl gods are very satisfied with this arrangement

Annie's eyes were very distracted, but such a violent sea breeze had no effect on her. It seemed that some things were abandoned as a god, which made Annie very uncomfortable.

"Well, you are right, I did have some adventure." Even though the sea breeze disturbed her shoots, Annie looked back at Charles and responded to him.

Charles looked at Annie, who was distracted, with an expression of understanding on his face. He walked to the railing at the bow and put his hands on the railing, his eyes on the undulating sea.

"As a strong man with the more power of ordinary people, you are destined to lose some of the fun that ordinary people can have. For this, please get used to it as soon as possible. Because your world has changed, if you can't get used to it, this It will cause a lot of trouble in future life."

Charles said so with good intentions, after all, he himself is a mutant and has a strong say in this matter.

Annie lowered her head and raised her right hand. When she raised her right hand, a small water ball appeared out of thin air on the palm of her right hand, and the small water ball began to change shape continuously. It was a little pony for a while, and a pony for a while. A little bird, the next moment it becomes a little man made of water.

Anne knew what Charles said.

So she whispered: "Are you talking about power control?"

Charles nodded: "Yes, I am not sure whether you can use and control this power purely, so you must give you a kind reminder. After all, the power you have now is very powerful. If you can't control it well , It will bring danger to ordinary people, and it will also bring unnecessary trouble to yourself."

For Charles’s kindness, Anne of course has to accept it with a humility, so she smiled at Charles and said: "Thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention to this problem. And I will not walk outside until I control this power. , So I don’t think it will cause any trouble."

Although it is integrated with Poseidon’s godhead, Poseidon’s combat experience, and the use of divine power, this kind of divine power is not inherently owned by Anne, so she is indeed not very used to using it now, using and controlling it. Not very purely.

So Anne also admitted from the bottom of her heart that Charles's reminder was not unreasonable.

Annie is not the kind of person who can't listen to kind reminders, so she can't stubbornly ignore Charles' kind reminders. If she is that kind of person, she can't make the family business bigger, whose wealth has increased dozens of times.

"The president and the Congress have both announced the affirmative bill for the capable people. Those of us can now live upright. People from the military came to me yesterday, hoping that I can select some outstanding children from the academy to form one. A team that can join the team for sudden incidents, but I am a little worried about this in my heart. I don't know what Miss Anne you think of this matter?"

Charles asked Anne to talk, but not only to give her a kind reminder, but he also had a little problem himself and needed Anne to give a suggestion.

To put it simply, it is to communicate with each other. He wants to hear what Annie will say.

Because Charles knows very well that Annie has a strong network and knows more about some things in politics than him.

Don't think he is a mutant, but in some respects there is really no way to compare with Annie.

In addition to strength, standing in front of Annie, he has no advantage at all, and now after Anne has an adventure and gains strong power, Charles's only advantage no longer exists.

"Military? Want you to form a team?"

Annie frowned her brow.

Charles nodded: "Yes, the person who came to see me is called Stryker, a colonel."

Annie looked at Charles seriously and asked, "Is there anything else he said? I don't think he will just ask you to form a team, but will inevitably offer some conditions?"

Charles smiled: "Yes, he offered the conditions and the benefits are very good. It's just that this guy feels very hypocritical and makes me feel very uncomfortable, so I didn't immediately agree to him."

After thinking for a while, Annie suggested to Charles: "I think it's good to form a team. The world needs people who defend justice~lightnovelpub.net~ There are bad guys among ordinary people, so there are not all capable people. Good guys, after the current existence of capable people is disclosed, I think that in the future, various cases that ordinary police cannot deal with will definitely emerge in endlessly."

Charles heard what Annie meant. This is for him not to give up the opportunity to cooperate with the government. After all, despite the fact that they are mutants, they are also part of human beings and must live in the current social system and also Need for social stability and harmony.

At the same time, in order to reassure the government of people like them, cooperation has become an inevitable link.

At the very least, doing so is equivalent to releasing [I will not rely on powerful forces to subvert the existing power class. ] Such a signal.

In particular, Charles’ mutant school has gathered thousands of mutant teenagers and children, and the abilities of these people are very powerful among the mutant groups.

Therefore, for such a power as Charles Mutant School, the U.S. government and military will certainly not ignore it, nor can it be let out of the world.

After listening to Annie's words, Charles immediately figured out the joints inside. (To be continued.)