Rising America

Chapter 636: Heart Stuck Charles

"But you are wary of Stryker. I think it is correct. This guy is not a good thing. I have been in contact with him a few times, so I have a little understanding. くく"

While Charles was meditating, Annie continued speaking, and focused on Colonel Stryker.

Charles looked up at Annie, waiting for her to continue.

Anne certainly did not let Charles down, saying: "Col. Stryker is very wary of capable people. He believes that all capable people cannot belong to human beings, but are another form of life, so he proposed My race, his heart must be different], and this view has won the support of many people within the military and Congress."

When talking about this, Annie took a deep look at Charles.

Charles's expression became very serious, and he clearly understood the meaning and threat contained in Colonel Stryker's view.

"You should be found from him. Even if you obeyed his will and cooperate with him, I think he will yin you behind his back and make you suffer a big loss. Because he hates mutants and all capable people very much. They." Annie's expression is very serious, and she can't believe what Charles said, "So you didn't promise him, I think he did it right."

In fact, Annie still has a lot to say. For example, she and Colonel Stryker are more than just acquaintances. For some of Colonel Stryker's experimental projects, Annie also has a large investment.

So for Colonel Stryker, Anne can be said to know nothing more.

And she was invited to visit Stryker's secret test base for rebuilding an abandoned dam on the border between the United States and Canada.

During this visit, she saw with her own eyes what kind of cruel methods and methods Colonel Stryker used to conduct brutal experiments on some mutants, werewolves, and even vampires.

Based on this, Anne concluded that Stryker's approach to Charles would certainly not be so pure, and Stryker must have his little abacus.

These words, Anne could not tell Charles Ming.

After all, Annie is not stupid. It is impossible to say anything to Charles. In fact, the only person Annie can trust in this world is Jin Xiantai except for the old butler, Nord.

Even Qiao Ann is just using it.

Charles didn't see any problem at all, let alone the concealment in what Annie said. On the contrary, he was very grateful to Annie.

"Thank you, Miss Anne, your remarks are very useful to me."

Charles' gratitude was not pretended, but very sincere.

But how did he know that Annie had even concealed a lot of things.

"You don’t care about Colonel Stryker. Cooperating with the government is a must, but you can’t work with him. This guy is a wolf who cannibalize people without spitting out bones. I can introduce you to Mike, the director of the CIA, and maybe mutant college. Cooperating with the CIA is a good choice."

At this time, Annie revealed her purpose. She wanted Charles and his mutant college to cooperate with the CIA under her own arrangements.

Mike, the director of the CIA, is an iron buddy with George, and he and George are family friends. Therefore, why is Charles such a mutant power used by his own people without change?

What Stryker represents is a group of diehards in the military. They don't have a good opinion of these people, Anne, because they are dangerous, so Anne doesn't want Charles and the Mutant Academy to get involved with these people.

You must know that after the Mutant Academy and the CIA cooperated, it was equivalent to Old George having a reliable team and power in his hands, and Old George had mastered this power, and her Annie was also good, right?

The situation now looks very good, but there is a crisis hidden under the calm surface, and Annie has to make some arrangements for this, so that she can go through it smoothly in the future.

"Miss Anne, you are not an ordinary person anymore, then you have to register with S.H.I.E.L.D. for record by then."

Charles changed the subject at this time.

Since Annie said that she would introduce the Director of the CIA to herself, she would definitely do what she said, and Charles also felt that cooperating with the CIA was indeed better than cooperating with Stryker, who represented the military.

Therefore, there is no need to continue talking about this matter, and there is no need to continue talking.

Hearing that Annie nodded after considering it for a while, she really couldn't ignore the thing Charles mentioned.

I have now separated from the category of ordinary people and become a member of the capable. Therefore, I must go to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau under the CIA and the capable management department to report and register.

Because if she does not register for the record, she will become a marginal person, and then enter the blacklist and become a target who needs to be attacked. Even if she has money and status, she cannot be treated specially.

It can be seen from this that the high-level attitude of the United States is very clear regarding the management of capable people.

If you don't accept management, you will be hit, and then sent to Stryker or someone else to become a cruel experiment.

And having seen the end of Stryker's mutant experiment subjects, Anne didn't want to let herself be reduced to such an end.

What's more, she doesn't know if she breaks this taboo, some greedy guys will use it as a loan to annex her business and wealth.

Haha, driven by interests, such a thing is not impossible.

Of course, Annie is not without the power to protect herself, but Annie, who uses force or something, feels that it is not the solution to the problem, so if it can be handled in a ‘peaceful’ way, why would she not choose.

"Yes, I should register for the record, but I really don't know which category I should belong to, so I have a headache."

Annie said to Charles with a wry smile.

Charles didn't know exactly what kind of adventure Anne had.

He just knew that Annie already possessed a powerful force and nothing more.

As we all know, the "capable person" identified by countries all over the world is just a unified name, and there are subdivision signs below.

After all, the composition of capable people is very complicated.

Such as werewolves, vampires, capable people, and even aliens, as well as the secret forces of the gods handed down from ancient times, as well as ancient groups such as demon hunters and vampire hunters living in seclusion among ordinary people.

And Annie inherited and integrated the existence of the Godhead in this way, and she didn't belong to any of these forces at all, didn't she?

But in fact, Annie's worry is completely unnecessary.

Gods and other things actually exist among the capable.

For example, at the same time she and Charles talked about this topic, in a small town near the Mexican border at the southern end of Los Angeles, there was a **** wielding a hammer, fighting a robot from the heavens. .

And this guy holding a big hammer can control thunder and lightning, and his ability is very powerful and terrifying. His existence has attracted the attention of relevant parties of S.H.I.E.L.D., and due to his appearance, S.H.I.E.L.D. In addition, some division rules have been introduced.

As for those with the mythology ability, there is nothing to be surprised about by SHIELD, so this kind of worry about Annie is unnecessary.

"My ability comes from the gods in the Olympus mythology. I have merged Hera, Poseidon, Athena and other goddesses, and the godhead of the male main god, so I can count as a god."

Annie didn't conceal Charles's meaning, she said all the names of the gods and gods she had merged. Perhaps she also wanted to borrow Charles's mouth to show her own way in the circle of capable people.

Charles was taken aback.

He hadn't really thought that the adventure that Ms. Anne he knew was a combination of the gods of myths and legends, and she became a living **** in the world!

This sounds more emotional than being a mutant or a capable person, and at the same time, it is also very high!

"You...you mean, now you are a god?"

Charles took a breath.

Anne did not see any movement, as the winter monsoons rolled over the sea became calm, and dozens of huge whales appeared around the bow of the ship, and among these whales there were also many people with fish tails.

"Mermaid!" Charles suddenly appeared those guys with fish tails, and yelled out at the same time.

Annie said faintly: "The subject of my godhead is Poseidon, so I must also have Poseidon's divine power and the domain that controls the ocean. Strictly speaking, all marine creatures belong to me. Down, the mermaid, who has been sleeping in the hidden place of the seabed, is awakened and active, and there is nothing surprising about appearing in the world."

Annie said very lightly, as if everything was normal, but the impact on Charles was not small.

Even if he is a mutant, he has seen more things beyond the cognitive category, but he is still very surprised and surprised by what he sees in front of him.

"My old butler, Nord, is a combination of the **** of Vulcan, and my two children are the heirs of the sun **** and Ares, the **** of war. My family can be said to be gods."

Before Charles was calm again, Annie gave another shocking topic.

Ha ha!

The **** of the family!

Charles was shocked and jealous!

Yes, he was jealous.

Anne is beautiful and rich, and now she is a goddess, which is so dazzling~lightnovelpub.net~ Charles feels that in front of Anne, he is a silky existence.

"Miss Anne, I don't know how to describe your adventure anymore. I can only say that your luck is not so good."

Annie raised her hand to cover the corner of her mouth and laughed ‘hahaha’.

"I also feel that my luck is not so good."

The shocked Charles felt that he could not continue talking with Annie. He needed to find a place to heal his wounded heart, so Charles left immediately.

Seeing Charles's departure, Annie slowly put away her smile, her mouth curled up to reveal a very disdainful look, and she said to herself: "I usually act indifferently to everything. In fact, Charles You are also an ordinary person. There seems to be nothing terrible about those with the ability. You also have your own. These are weaknesses."

On the side of the old butler, Nord, a strange smile appeared on his face, obviously he was deeply impressed by the meaning of his own lady's self-talk. (To be continued.)