Rising America

Chapter 650: You really don't understand my heart?

Watching Li Baoying keep throwing the electric ball in his hands up and down, Kim Hyun Tae was shocked because he didn't expect that Li Baoying, who looked like an ordinary girl, was actually a capable person. Bayi Chinese Net★★く

"I don't know what the force is?"

Faced with Lee Bo Young’s problem, Kim Hyun Tae told the truth.

This is not what Jin Xiantai wants to hide, it is indeed that he really doesn't know.

"Although Coco has been registered for the record, I have not been informed of some relevant knowledge, so I can't answer your question." Jin Xiantai looked at Li Baoying with an apologetic expression.

The electric ball in Li Baoying's hands disappeared, "I didn't give you a booklet for related parties. Does that booklet contain relevant content knowledge?" The girl is obviously curious about this, because she understands the rules. In, those who have the ability to register will be covered by the next booklet.

And this booklet enumerates the inviolable rules and a series of knowledge divided by the capable.

Hearing that, Jin Xiantai laughed bitterly, and responded: "Yes, there are, but I didn't care, so I didn't read the contents of the booklet at all, so I can't talk about learning the knowledge inside, even the booklet. I can't find it anymore." At this time, Jin Xiantai regretted a bit, but regretted that he was too careless.

Hearing what Kim Hyun Tae said, Li Baoying rolled his eyes, apparently feeling a little speechless towards Kim Hyun Tae.

"You really are. Although this booklet is not an important thing, it contains a lot of rules and knowledge." Li Baoying complained, "But it doesn't matter, I can teach you."

After all, it is not a great thing, and Li Baoying also has a deep understanding of this, so she teaches Jin Xiantai to understand the relevant knowledge, there is nothing wrong.

It's just a little troublesome to study with yourself.

But Li Baoying didn't think it was any trouble. Even in the process, she could get in touch with Jin Xiantai up close, and the girl was eager.

The original force is the name for the use of power to those who can.

The world is not called by ability.

At the same time, according to the literal understanding, it can also be interpreted as ‘the power inherent in human being’.

Li Baoying began to explain to Kim Hyun Tae, and Kim Hyun Tae listened very carefully. After all, he really needs this knowledge.

According to Li Baoying, in the long river of ancient history in different time and space, there have been those who have powerful forces who can overpower the mountains.

Just don't know why, these people are incognito or simply disappeared.

The myths and legends of various countries are not without their sources. These myths and legends are all based on their sources.

It's just that in the long years, after people's word of mouth, the truth was finally concealed, and finally it became an untrustworthy myth.

Although there will occasionally be some "foreign people" appearing in this world, the rulers of the past dynasties will deliberately conceal or suppress the existence of these people to prevent ordinary people from knowing this.

Moreover, every time a ‘foreign person’ appears in history, it will also cause some shocks, such as an uprising against the ruler, or other troublesome things.

Therefore, the rulers of each dynasty did not have a good impression of these ‘foreign people’.

This phenomenon pervades every country in the world and the region of the rulers at that time.

In other words, the rulers of the past dynasties know and understand the existence of these unusual people, but the public does not know it.

Until modern times, this situation has not changed.

In the 1960s of the last century, there were mutant protests, but this matter was suppressed as soon as it started. In addition, the Internet has not yet become popular, and governments of various countries have responded properly, so ordinary people still do not understand this secret.

But what the mutants made at that time was not small, and it also made the brains and power institutions of various countries see the threat, and then in order to protect their own interests and manage the "Management Rules and Regulations for Competent Persons" they were promulgated along the way, and they were approved by countries around the world and support.

At the same time, in this "Administrative Rules", according to the classification and strength of capable persons, various countries have also listed a reasonable evaluation standard.

Existences such as werewolves and vampires are judged by their titles.

Needless to say, the weakest is definitely the Viscount, the powerful is the Prince, and of course there are more powerful kings, emperors, and even blood gods.

Mutants are divided by stars. There are a total of five stars in the table, and the strongest sixth-level standard is set above, that is, the existence of Omega-class mutants.

Similarly, the races of extraterrestrial life on Earth in different time and space are also classified according to their abilities and strengths.

The capable ones are evaluated according to their original power, which is why Li Baoying asks so much.

As for the gods...because the gods haven't appeared for a long time, there is no standard for the strength and weakness of the gods. There may be in the future but there is really no right now.

However, Li Baoying still slightly revealed a little secret information to Jin Xiantai. This news shocked Jin Xiantai once again, and felt fear and fear.

Li Baoying said that there are practitioners in China, and these practitioners like to hide in the world and do not want to have more contact with mortals, so the people of China simply don't know about this.

But the upper class in China knew this secret very well, but everyone wouldn't be able to publicize it everywhere.

But Li Baoying also said that now mutants, werewolves, and vampires are beginning to jump out hoping to live in the sun normally, and the meaning of looking at countries seems to be loosening, so it is difficult to guarantee that the Chinese practitioners will be like this. Appeared in front of the public.

The reason why Li Baoying knew such a secret was because when his father secretly visited Huaxia a few years ago, he met a guy who claimed to be from Kunlun with the senior officials of Huaxia, and this guy also demonstrated some amazing methods. Li Ershi, who had returned to the Northern Dynasty, told Li Baoying and confessed that he would not provoke Hua Xia Yunyun in the future.

However, Li Baoying seemed to be a little unconvinced on the face of Li Baoying who was talking about this. Kim Hyun Tae concluded that the girl might not believe her father's warning.

But Kim Hyun-tae's thoughts about the matter raised by Li Baoying suddenly rose.


There really are practitioners in Te Niang's world!

Li Baoying's father would definitely not make jokes about things like that, or used them to scare his daughter, so Kim Hyun-tae judged that this matter would never be false.

Generally speaking, a ‘traverser’ like Jin Xiantai would be very happy when he heard that there were practitioners, but instead of being happy and excited, he felt panic and uneasy.

You know, the existence of practitioners means that there is a chance to practice.

The least help is to find the other party, and mix a few secret medicines.

But Jin Xiantai just thinks it's better not to deal with these guys.

As for why there are such feelings and thoughts, Jin Xiantai himself is also very inexplicable.

Li Baoying told Kim Hyun-tae about the things that were not in the pamphlets, and then began to focus on the knowledge of the original power of the capable.

Governments of all countries are very aware that there are many existences that are far more powerful than ordinary people living in this world, and these existences have the force to subvert the powers of countries. Therefore, in order to avoid such things, all countries have adopted a method. It is a means of suppressing those with ability and adding differentiation.

Those with abilities were selected so grandly and became the cannon fodder of this policy.

Of course, the capable people are not clear about this, and the benefits are really good, so even if they know the intentions of the people in power, the capable people don't say much.

Hearing this, Jin Xiantai couldn't help but curiously asked: "The power of the capable is far more powerful than ordinary people, so they are willing to let those in power drive them to fight against other capable ones?"

Li Baoying smiled and responded: "Everyone has a family, and everyone likes a stable and prosperous life. Even if they have a strong energy, it may not be the case with their families."

Kim Hyun Tae realized a little bit of meaning from Li Baoying's words.

Li Baoying continued: "Similarly, a large number of capable people do not like disputes and are willing to live a stable and peaceful life. Many people have family members, wives, children, and troublemakers who are just bachelors."

Li Baoying's words are very reasonable, and Jin Xiantai roughly understands the hidden meaning behind them.

Without stopping, Li Baoying said again: "Besides, not all capable people have powerful powers. They are allowed to call the wind and rain in the world. Nowadays, the power of technology can also cause damage to them. Only the tip of the pyramid can ignore these. People only.

Then the strong at the top of the pyramid will go to the crime department for just a few dollars?

Obviously this is impossible, good or not.

With such an existence, those in power will definitely support it, so how could it be short of money?

However, all those who toss and break the law in society are just small shrimps, and their power is not that powerful.

Therefore, such little shrimp dare to challenge the law and wait for their end to be absolutely bad.

In general, these capable people really cannot affect the dominance of governments of various countries, which also opened up Jin Xiantai's vision.

But think about it, thinking that you can be lawless if you have power, this is a big joke at all.

"Look for an opportunity to give Coco a test of Force Points, and see what level of ability your daughter is. After all, the stronger the ability, the greater the benefits." After talking dry, Li Baoying finally gave Jin Xiantai this one. He suggested, and said casually, "Although I don't know how the welfare in the United States is, the welfare for the capable people in our North Dynasty has always been very good."

Jin Xiantai nodded, saying that he would have a chance to test it.

At the same time, I thought to myself, "For those with nine levels of ability, sss, ss, s, a, B, c, d, e, F shall prevail, the lowest ten force points, and the highest one is one million force points. If there is no upper limit, how far can it be? And after Coco inherits Hades's godhead, he doesn't seem to be a capable person, right?"

At this time, Coco was playing Fighting Landlords in his room, and the little guy's face was covered with white paper.

At this time, Li Baoying got up and walked to Kim Hyun Tae's side and did it right next to him. She was not embarrassed at all.

Of course, the blush on Li Baoying's face betrayed everything, indicating that the girl is not really careless and so bold.

"What is Cocoa's ability, is it convenient to tell me?"

This question is just an excuse. Li Baoying actually wanted to entice Kim Hyun Tae to use this question to start an action.

The girl exhaled like orchids. Because the two were close to each other, Kim Hyun-tae clearly felt Li Baoying's softness against him, which made him very embarrassed.

"Summon, summon ability, right? I'm not sure, the little guy is too young, and she doesn't express many meanings very clearly."

While responding to Li Baoying, Jin Xiantai wanted to stand up and walk away.

Unfortunately, Li Baoying didn't give him a chance, grabbed Jin Xiantai's arm and squeezed it with the fullness of his chest.

"Do you really feel it at all? Or do you deliberately do this to avoid me?"

The topic completely shifted from Coco, and it came to Kim Hyun Tae's biggest headache.

Staring at Li Baoying with a serious face, Jin Xiantai's body was trembling, and Li Baoying could clearly feel it, after all, their current posture was a bit ambiguous.

"Please respect yourself!"

After a long silence, Jin Xiantai said such a sentence.

It’s just that Li Baoying didn’t care at all. Instead, he replied: "What can you do if I don’t respect myself?" The girl moved her body so that she and Kim Hyun Tae could stand face to face, and at the same time the girl put her body on it. Kim Hyun Tae was in front of him, and stretched out his arms around Kim Hyun Tae's waist.

Li Baoying's two groups were stuck just like that, and Kim Hyun-tae certainly felt it. After all, he was not real wood.

Just facing Li Baoying's initiative, Kim Hyun Tae was embarrassed and very helpless.

What does Li Baoying mean~lightnovelpub.net~ Jin Xiantai knows very well and understands very well.

But he could not give the response he wanted.

"Actually, I am a scumbag. I have played with many girls, and I am still irresponsible. You are blind if you like people like me!"

Kim Hyun Tae decided to commit suicide.

Li Baoying, who was holding Jin Xiantai and leaning his head on his chest, looked up, looked at Jin Xiantai a little cutely, then blinked his eyes, and the little face was flushed, which made the girl look very feminine.

"I don't even pretend to be a playboy. I'm not a fool. After following you for so long, don't you know what kind of person you are?"

Li Baoying couldn't help laughing when she saw Kim Hyun Tae committing suicide.

"You don't even go to nightclubs, and you live like a Puritan, and you like to spend some money on food. Is it that the scumbag is like you?"

Well, Jin Xiantai needs to admit that his self-crimination has completely failed. (To be continued.)