Rising America

Chapter 652: The clamor of the dark camp

After Li Baoying left, Andrew appeared from the corridor. Eight ★ One Chinese Network √√

God knows if this guy has seen what happened just now.

After all, it was a shame.

Kim Hyun Tae looked at Andrew, and from the grinning expression on his face, this guy definitely saw what happened just now.

Otherwise, this guy wouldn't be smiling.

[Wise is not guaranteed! Li Baoying, this female hooligan! 】

Kim Hyun-tae was screaming from the bottom of his heart ‘grief and anger.

It's just that he really has nothing to do with Li Baoying. He can't find Li Baoying to come back by himself, right?

As for driving out Li Baoying, Kim Hyun-tae couldn't do such a thing, so it was correct to say that he had no choice with Li Baoying.

Moreover, in the Northern Dynasty, Jin Xiantai also invested in a gold mine, so he was unwilling to offend Li Baoying and cause this investment to fail.

Therefore, Li Baoying is weirdly ‘cohabiting’ with Kim Hyun Tae under such circumstances.

"Master, Baoying actually likes you very much, and I can see that this girl has a deep love for you, so I don't think there is anything to accept her, and her identity is worthy of you, right?"

Andrew, who walked over with a mean smile that looked like Jin Xiantai, stopped in front of Jin Xiantai and said a few words.

Kim Hyun-tae asked dumbfoundingly: "Your eye sees that she loves me? I just know that she likes me, but loves me is not enough? And do you know what love is?"

Andrew was not asked, but responded confidently: “I didn’t see it, but based on the conclusion drawn from Li Baoying’s physiological data. Every time I show up with you, Young Master’s physiological data indicators It will become very high, and her heart rate will also increase, and the estrogen in the body will also be secreted in large quantities. Obviously this is a signal of love..."

This matter between men and women, when Andrew spoke out with the data, became less hazy and hopeful.

When Kim Hyun-tae heard Andrew say that Li Baoying’s physiological data was similar to that of animals, it was even more painful to death.

But to be honest, what Andrew said is not wrong.

And because Andrew is a Namek, it’s hard for Kim Hyun Tae to blame.

It's like human beings understand the ants' culture and worldview, and care about the ants' feelings.

"All in all, in a rougher term, Li Baoying wants to sleep with you, master!"

After all, he also lived in a different time and space for a year, and Andrew would more or less pick up some words, but when these words came out of his mouth, it would always make people feel a little ridiculous.

But even so, Kim Hyun-tae could not use the inaccurate words of Andrew in the clubhouse.

After all, think about it, Li Baoying's ultimate goal is not like this.

It is not necessary to discuss the choice of words with Andrew. Kim Hyun-tae has already tried it, and of course the result is very disheartening.

So he didn't care about this question, but said to Andrew: "It can't be said to be love, it can only be said to be the influence of hormones. I once asked Li Baoying and asked why she liked me, but her answer was [I am handsome]."

Speaking of this matter, Jin Xiantai was embarrassed and helpless.

How many layers, when does love actually count on the face?

Jin Xiantai turned around, walked to the side, and sat down. He picked up the TV remote control and turned on the TV, and switched to the international news channel of net.

At this time, there is still four hours of flying time before arriving at the destination Huaxia Yanjing, so Jin Xiantai has to make time, and watching TV is a good way to make time.

Andrew followed Kim Hyun Tae and sat on the single sand.

"Master, I have been collecting information on the Internet, and at the same time using the Internet to understand the human views of this space-time earth, so I look at my face to find love, which is indeed the mainstream view of the new generation of young people, so Li Baoying likes you because you are handsome, Master. Even if I fall in love with you, I don't think there is anything to be surprised about."

Just like Andrew himself said, what he has nothing to do every day is to surf the Internet, he can learn good and bad knowledge and information, in order to understand the mainstream concepts of different countries on the earth, as well as popular opinions and trends. .

Therefore, he found that the young people of the new era in different time and space really burst into the trend of'look at the face'.

Of course, worshiping money and showing off wealth also exist, but it is an indisputable fact to look at your face.

So Li Baoying liked her because of Kim Hyun Tae's handsomeness, and Andrew felt it was normal.

What's more, Kim Hyun Tae is not only handsome, he is also rich.

Andrew observed it, and now that his young master said to him this point of view, after he was quite noncommittal, he reminded: "You are handsome. This is just one of the factors that attract girls. Wealth is also a bit, but the most important thing is you. The body is always uncontrollable and released, and the male hormones that make girls love you involuntarily are the culprit."

Actually Andrew and Kim Hyun Tae discussed this issue.

Kim Hyun-tae once asked Andrew why some girls seemed to him to like what they liked for no reason.

The answer is that when he traversed the time tunnel, Jin Xiantai was affected by the mysterious energy in the time tunnel, and then produced a very strange male hormone in his body. This hormone has a staggering attraction of the opposite **** and is not controlled by Jin Xiantai. .

Therefore, this is the culprit that caused Demi, Yang Weiwei, Annie, Huini, and even Li Baoying to like him.

Of course, Jin Xiantai's handsomeness, wealth, gentleness and considerateness, etc., are all booster-like auxiliary bonus tools.

When mentioning this, Kim Hyun-tae sighed long, and then asked Andrew suspiciously: "That's weird to say, according to your opinion, all the girls close to me must not like me? But I am not like this now. Yeah, at least Joan didn't like me."

Not to mention, Kim Hyun Tae's doubts are really worth discussing.

After all, according to Andrew, wouldn't it be that wherever Kim Hyun-tae goes, he will attract a lot of sister papers?

But in fact, this is not the case.

Qiao An doesn't like Kim Hyun Tae, doesn't it? This is a fact.

Of course, Qiao Ann is a lace edge, which is also something that cannot be ignored.

But Joan is also a woman.

So are male hormones useless to her?

Obviously this is impossible.

So why is there such a puzzling situation?

Looking at Kim Hyun Tae who looked puzzled, Andrew gave the answer.

"Master, to be honest, I am also very confused about this matter, so the last time I discussed this matter with you, I immediately did some investigations, so I came to a conclusion."

Kim Hyun Tae immediately came to his mind, and leaned forward slightly to look at Andrew, "Oh, tell me, what is your conclusion?" Kim Hyun Tae has always been puzzled about this, so he really wants to hear Andrew's statement.

Andrew did not pretend to be deep, responding: "Your hormones are also selective for women to release stimuli. Not every woman will be affected and targeted.

And master, because you can't control your hormones, then this is selective and targeted, but it's still more beneficial to you. It's just that I still don't understand how this uncontrolled and random release of hormones in your body chooses the target. "

Hearing the answer Andrew said, Jin Xiantai was shocked.

He really did not expect that Andrew's answer would be like this.

But after Kim Hyun-tae pondered it for a while, it was not unreasonable.

At the same time, he also understood why Yang Weiwei, Demi, Huini, and even Li Baoying liked him.

[He didn't know that someone had already given birth to him two children. 】

Just like Andrew said, there is no surprise that these girls love or even fall in love with themselves, because they have good looks, golden and young, good personality, and the most important hormone temptation and stimulation. Up.

"Making sin! I'm just committing sin!" Kim Hyun-tae didn't look happy, but bluntly said that he had committed a sin, "I think I am a sinner."

Sitting on the sand, Kim Hyun-tae's condition is a bit bad.

When Andrew saw it, he immediately comforted and said, "Master, you want to start, after all, it's not your fault. Besides, you are not that kind of scum, you also have a lot of shining points on your body. I think girls like you. What's the problem."

Jin Xiantai shook his head in distress, "You don't understand! You don't understand!" In short, Jin Xiantai felt that he had committed a sin.

For most men, being able to make girls like themselves is a manifestation of ability. Even the more girls like them, the happier they are, because it shows that they are capable.

But this kind of thing is not a good thing for Kim Hyun Tae.

At least in his opinion it is not a good thing.

On the TV that had been turned on, the news about the economic situation in Japan that had been broadcast ended, and was replaced by a vampire news.

The background of the TV screen looks like it is in front of a hospital building. A well-dressed man with a big back, dressed in 18th-century style men’s clothing, and coquettishly wearing a small black cloak, his face is pale but looks very pale. The handsome man talks to the camera.

[Our blood has achieved self-production of blood, which is not described by the outside world and certain forces at all. It is necessary to **** the blood of ordinary people to survive. This is completely discrediting and spreading rumors. For such remarks, blood is entitled to legal investigation. Power, and at the same time, our kinsmen must also be grateful for the progress and development of human science and technology, because it is the advancement and development of science and technology that enables our kinsmen to be free from the shackles of the demand for blood...]

Both Kim Hyun Tae and Andrew, who were in a bad mood, were attracted by the news.

It has to be said that after self-skilled people are required to integrate into society, groups like kinsmen have been able to appear in TV news or have been interviewed within a very short period of time.

In the past, this is simply unimaginable.

It can be seen from the TV screen that there are many densely packed microphones in front of the blood news speaker who is watching and talking, which shows that they are very popular and concerned by the media.

The interview process has been smooth so far, and it seems that the kinship is not harmful. Obviously, the media is creating an image for these capable people, an image recognition that is indistinguishable from the public.

But at this moment the sudden incident appeared.

[Suffer! You dark creatures! 】

It can be clearly seen on the TV screen that several men wearing the robes of the ascetic monk and holding a cross sword appeared, and after they appeared, they were interviewed by the media without warning. The five people were talking about it. A blood news spokesperson attacked.

The TV screen jittered, apparently the cameraman was running.

About three seconds later, the TV screen was cut and switched to the news room.

Although it is impossible to see the scene of the blood tribe fighting against the ascetic monks in the gods, the scene must be a mess if Jin Xiantai can also imagine it.

Perhaps it was because the scene was too bloody, or for other reasons. In short, the scene has not been cut back to the scene. It was just a man and a woman, two moderators, who commented on this sudden incident.

Andrew spoke at this time: "The blood family and the gods have been entangled for thousands of years. Even now the blood family can walk under the sun and live among the public, but there is no way to offset this kind of grievance, so it is normal for such things to happen Maybe in the future there will be more and more such things."

With that, Andrew took out his tablet and logged into his Facebook account.

Andrew Jue, what everyone is turning right now is a Facebook message from a monk in the Vatican. The content of this message is [Destroy all dark creatures! Glory belongs to God! ].

Immediately Andrew handed the tablet to Kim Hyun Tae, so Kim Hyun Tae also saw the news.

After returning the tablet to Andrew, Kim Hyun Tae is very complicated.

"Perhaps this world will become less peaceful anymore."

After a long time, Jin Xiantai said such a thing with feeling.

At this time, Andrew has a new news ~ lightnovelpub.net~ This news is posted by netizens on Facebook more, faster and more, and this news also has pictures.

A handsome and temperamental man who looks like a female "killer", holding a guy like a clergyman with one hand, sticking his mouth to the neck artery of the opponent, even with such a selfie, but Everyone can clearly see the white fangs exposed in this handsome guy's mouth.

Prince Barbas’ ‘Circle’ God Court Heresy Inquisition [I want to drain the blood of this red temple, and this is just the beginning of revenge, you running dogs of the God Court, let’s take a look! ], this news was distributed in Romania.

Below this news, many kinship members liked or left messages for support.

Of course, some witches, wizards, or werewolves belonging to the wizard group were also silently watching.

At the same time, there are little guys who are not afraid of things. For example, the little werewolf will leave a message and scream, saying that he is going to fight the gods.

In short, the Facebook page of Yishikong is very lively. (To be continued.)