Rising America

Chapter 654: All have good ideas

"Four hours ago, there was an incident in which the sacred staff attacked the blood news spokesperson. What do you think of this matter, Miss Lilith?"

Jona, the female location host of net, asked about this. Bayi Middle School √Wenwangく√く√く★

Lilith pondered for a while, and then spoke to the camera with a solemn expression: "I am very indignant about this incident, and this incident was completely provoked by the court personnel. I am very surprised, can't we live in harmony? Under the same sky, do you have to fight to death? Or is it still a dream of the dark Middle Ages?

As a new generation, a blood girl who has accepted the things and concepts of the new era, I don't understand this problem very much. We must know that we also have family and friends, as well as flesh and soul lives.

Some people always hold that kind of stereotyped concept and abide by the old creed that is no longer in line with the times. I can only feel sad for people like them. "

Regardless of the young girl's age, the meaning revealed in her words is very detrimental to the gods. At the same time, she put the blood in the position of a "weak", which made many people who watched this instant news interview sympathize.

The little girl is still very scheming.

"Master, do you think she is really only 18 years old?"

Andrew asked this time.

Jin Xiantai shook his head, "You can't use common sense to judge the age of the kinship. I think this girl is definitely not too young. Maybe she's over 100 years old."

After all, an eighteen-year-old girl, even if she is a blood clan, can't say such a powerful thing.

Want to come, and only those old fritters can do it.

Fortunately, this doubt will soon be answered.

Net location host Jona asked: "Miss Lilith, do you really look so young on the outside? Your conversation makes me unable to compare you with young people, and the age of your blood is a bit difficult to judge. ."

Lilith looked at Jonah after hearing the words, and then faced the camera: "I am eighteen years old this year, but I am not that kind of old monster. I don't have to deceive everyone at this point. And the words just now are my own truth. Thoughts and feelings, I just hope to live a harmonious and happy life, and then pursue my dreams, so apart from the identity of the blood family, what is the difference between me and ordinary girls."

Indeed, after listening to what Lilith said, she gave people a very good sense, at least everyone did not think she was different from ordinary girls.

Youth, rebellious, like rock and roll.

Most girls are not like this.

Therefore, Lilith, a blood girl, has a very good impression on the public.

This shows that Lilith is not that silly and straightforward.

You have to say that she doesn't believe in ghosts.

"Don't mess with me anyway, if you provoke me, I will report to S.H.I.E.L.D., I am a kin who believes in the law, and I don't believe that the court can do whatever I want!"

One bite, one law, Lilith's performance was perfect.

To change a simple concept, Shen Ting has become a party that does not follow the law, as if they can violate the rules and regulations at will and trample on the law that everyone follows.

The ordinary people around responded with applause, and these ordinary people were moved by Lilith's words.

"Miss, you are so amazing, I believe your nonsense by looking at them."

A Killer Matt girl standing beside Lilith lowered her voice and complimented her with blood.

Lilith gave the other party a look, indicating that the other party should not be too excited. At the same time, she lowered her voice and responded quickly in kinship: "We have to use our brains. Only idiots can fight and kill. We are not brainless. The werewolf."

Jonah continued to ask questions at this time.

"Miss Lilith, I can feel that you are basically no different from young girls in the 21st century, so do you have a favorite idol star?"

Jonah treats Lilith as an ordinary girl, which shows that Lilith's performance is very successful.

Hearing this, Lilith nodded: "Of course, I am not like those old-fashioned. I like all kinds of technology products, and I also admire the stars on the big screen. At the same time, I also dreamed of becoming a rock star one day, standing Performing on stage. And the person I like and admire most is William King, who wrote the "William Fairy Tales". I think his fairy tales are too good."

Suddenly, Lilith mentioned Kim Hyun Tae's name, which surprised Kim Hyun Tae who was watching this live news.

Lilith stretched out her hand and grabbed it out of thin air, and then a book appeared in her hand. Looking at the cover of this book, it was obviously the "William's Fairy Tales" that was on sale.

Holding the fairy tale, Lilith moved closer to the camera.

"William, do you know that I admire you very much? I like the fairy tales you wrote, but there are also some stories that make me hate. Why did the mermaid finally turn into bubbles? This story made me cry.

But I still have to admit that your fairy tales are really good. If you can read this news, please send me a collection of stories signed by you. My personal contact information is..."

Just in front of the camera, Lilith said her contact information, and didn't care about her contact information, which might cause trouble or something.

Is she really a fool?

Only God knows this.

Andrew smiled to Jin Xiantai and said: "Master, even the girls of the blood race are your book fans. Look at her appearance, as long as you like Master, there may be a romantic encounter and night. Then am I going to give her? Give me a call and get in touch?"

Andrew's remarks had no morals, and the meaning contained therein was very obvious, and it was not impossible for Jin Xiantai to hear it.

He was speechless for Andrew thinking about making himself **** all day long, and he didn't know why Andrew was so concerned about his physical problems.

Jin Xiantai looked at Andrew helplessly: "Don't trouble me, and don't need to contact her. I don't want to have anything to do with the blood clan. Now the conflict between the blood clan and the gods is at hand, so that I won't get hurt by mistake."

Hearing what Jin Xiantai said, Andrew could only give up and stop mentioning this matter.

As time passed bit by bit, the net location hostess asked a few more questions and then changed the interviewee.

Werewolves, wizards, all appeared in this instant news.

A tall African-American buddy from New Mexico is an out-and-out werewolf. Facing the camera, this guy said that he had come to seek support from congressmen to find the possibility of entering the sports world.

Werewolves are basically uneducated, and few graduated from elementary school. Therefore, their occupations are generally manual labor or nightclub janitor, so the general living conditions and economic conditions are not good.

One word to describe it is ‘poor’.

There are many factors that cause this poverty. Unculture is just one aspect. More importantly, the werewolves have to live in seclusion or simply become wanderers in order not to reveal their identity. This has led to their ethnic group, no more Channels to improve lives.

Some people will say, go to do black #dao, or gray business will not be successful?

S.H.I.E.L.D. and God's Court are not decorations, and werewolves don't have this brain, do they.

Now the werewolf has obtained the same benefits and social status as ordinary people, so the werewolf is also wondering whether to use his innate advantages to change his economic situation.

These guys who didn't have enough brains, after thinking about it, finally came up with a way, that is, to enter the sports world and watch. Maybe this is a good channel and opportunity for them to make money.

Werewolves do not consider many items, they consider boxing.

These guys are all five big and three thick. Although their brains are not easy to use, they have so much strength, so if they make good use of them, they will really break out in the boxing world.

Of course, no one can guarantee whether it will work or not, at least the werewolves think this is a good way.

Compared with the group of wizards who can tell fortune-telling, and the blood races who have the capital to do business, the werewolves are simply scum, and there is no way to make money except for working hard.

So this **** man was appointed as a representative and went to Washington to seek support.

[We werewolves only fight and have strength, so we should have a place in boxing. Of course, we will not fight with ordinary people, because it is bullying, so I call for the establishment of a weight class above the heavyweight event, we werewolves can compete as boxers...]

The **** guy said this idea in front of the camera, but it also made people listen to it. After all, this matter is still very possible to implement.

To say that the werewolves are also smart once, if boxing is done, many of them will really make a lot of money.

The wizards interviewed also mentioned the project that their group called for, that is, to regulate the fee limit of the fortune-telling industry, hoping that the government can participate in it, and at the same time crack down on those pretending liars.

But no matter how he heard it, Jin Xiantai felt that this group of wizards wanted to monopolize the fortune-telling industry, which made him lament that wizards have more brains than werewolves.

Regardless of the fact that the fortune-telling industry does not make much money, as long as it is monopolized, then wizards will definitely make money.

What's smarter is that the representative of the wizard who talked in front of the camera never forgot to mention the need for government participation and management and rectification, which already shows that the wizards and their monkeys are good.

The plane entered the descent flight, and the pilot's voice came from the cabin.

[We are about to land in 30 minutes, please be prepared. 】

He was about to arrive in Yenching, his destination. Jin Xiantai picked up the remote control and turned off the TV. He turned to Andrew and said, "Go, tell Coco not to play, and at the same time you call Qiao An and ask her to contact Lilith. See if she has the potential, and if so, sign up and train as a rock singer. At the same time, I also get in touch with the werewolf. I think it’s good to play sports, and that stuff is also very profitable."

It was also suddenly that I thought of the entertainment division of my own net, and now there is a real lack of talents, which gave Jin Xiantai such an idea.

Of course, that’s all. Kim Hyun-tae still doesn’t want to be involved too deeply with the blood family. UU reads www.uukanshu.com, but seeing that Lilith likes rock and roll so much, it would be a good thing if she can become a rock singer. .

Who makes his entertainment department short of people?

So he didn't even let the werewolf let go, and was ready to contact him.

Andrew stood up, "Okay, master. Then do we need to contact the wizard? Actually, I am also very optimistic about the fortune-telling industry."

Kim Hyun-tae sat there and waved his hand, “Just contact Lilith and the werewolf. I think it’s better for wizards.” It was obvious that Kim Hyun-tae didn’t want to deal with wizards.

Seeing that Jin Xiantai didn't mean to do this, Andrew did not continue to insist.

Soon, after receiving Andrew's notice, Xiao Keke ended the game of Dou Dizhu, and ran to his father on the second floor in a bluff.

"Dad! They bullied me and put notes on my face."

As soon as he saw his father, the little guy started to complain.

Obviously, Coco played with Hilda and Camilla in the landlord fight, but she lost terribly. Otherwise, I wouldn't say that I was covered with a note.

He picked up the angry little guy and put it on his lap, Jin Xiantai looked at his daughter dozingly, "Okay, just playing games, we are going to Yanjing, I will take you to eat delicious food when that time comes.", The father knows how to divert the little guy's attention.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard it, Coco stopped worrying about the fact that he was posted with a note on his face, and all his thoughts were attracted by the ‘good food’.

"Okay! I want to eat ramen! Lanzhou!"

The little guy raised his hands in excitement and shouted out the name of the food he wanted to eat... Lanzhou Ramen.

Kim Hyun Tae nodded heavily: "No problem, I need to increase the beef!"

Coco: "Yeah! Dad is the best!" (To be continued.)