Rising America

Chapter 656: Li Hong, Aunt Li

Speeding along the airport ring road, in about half an hour, Jin Xiantai and his team arrived at the final destination, which is located at the intersection of Nanluogu Alley in the center of Yanjing City. August 1 Chinese √网★★く★

Because Nanluoguxiang is too narrow, cars can't get in at all, so Jin Xiantai and the others can only get off at the intersection and park the car in a nearby parking lot.

Fortunately, when you walk in at the intersection, you can get to the house in about ten minutes, so there is no trouble.

Near New Year's Day, there are still a lot of people in Yanjing City, especially the Nanluoguxiang pedestrian street, which is a place where young people like to hang out. Therefore, standing at the intersection here and looking at it, it is full of turbulent people.

Coco likes lively activities. After spending a long time in the "big rural areas" in the United States, I always feel that the place is too deserted. Children's nature likes lively and crowded, so Coco is excited to look here and there. From time to time, he shouted so many voices.

While waiting for Andrew to stop, Coco ran to the hawker selling candied haws and went around the hawker several times, causing many people to look at Coco, this cute little guy.

Candied haws are only available in winter. Kim Hyun-tae also liked to eat them when he was young, but he didn't have the money to buy them, so most of the time he could only watch them.

He is rich in this life, so eating candied haws or something is not a problem at all.

"Cocoa, do you want to eat?"

Jin Xiantai, dressed in casual clothes, walked over, looked at the vendor who bought candied haws, then lowered his head and smiled and asked his daughter.

Coco looked up and asked his father, "What is this? I haven't seen it last time."

There is no candied haws in the United States. This thing is only sold in China.

So it's no surprise that the little guy has never seen it before.

The father and daughter talked in English, and many people around them woke up and regarded the father and daughter as foreigners.

Of course, Coco is very cute and beautiful, and it has provokes a lot of middle-aged and elderly fathers, daughters and aunts secretly admiring, which makes the little guy very proud.

"This is candied fruit, the sweet and sour taste is very good."

Kim Hyun Tae responded with a smile to his daughter.

Coco's eyes widened, "It's edible, then dad buy me one." The little guy has never been resistant to what he eats, so he heard his father say that this thing called candied haws is edible. After that, he immediately begged his father to buy one.

My daughter wants to eat it. Of course, Jin Xiantai will not stop buying it. The size is just a candied haw.

Pay, ten yuan.

After getting the cocoa of candied haws, he immediately took a bite, and the sourness made the little guy tears.

"Oh, so sour!"

Little Coco's reaction made the people around him couldn't help laughing.

Your daughter is so cute.

This little guy looks so blessed, like a Fuwa in a New Year picture.

Jin Hyun Tae smiled and accepted all these words.

At this time, people realized that Kim Hyun-tae was also a handsome boy, even young and unreasonable.

Oh my goodness!

The father is so handsome and the daughter is so cute and beautiful.

When a group of middle-aged and elderly aunts watched, Jin Xiantai was a little embarrassed. After all, he was stared at with the kind of eyes that looked at rare animals, but no one would be used to it.

Fortunately, Andrew and the others who went to park at this time came back, and this was considered a relief for Jin Xiantai.

"Master, have you been onlookers?"

The group walked into Nanluoguxiang and walked towards the mansion bought in the summer, and Andrew asked with a smile on the way.

Kim Hyun Tae gave Andrew a dumbfounded look and said, "Well, I was watched."

Coco was held in his arms by his father, eating candied haws while looking around.

"Master, you will gradually get used to it. Who makes you so handsome? It's better in the United States. After all, there are differences in aesthetics between the East and the West. But in the East, you are handsome to the point of harming the country and the people. There is nothing strange about such a thing."

Andrew was making fun of Kim Hyun Tae, and Kim Hyun Tae wouldn't be inaudible.

Therefore, he could only shook his head with a wry smile, and didn't say anything at all. Obviously he didn't want to entangle on this issue.

Jin Xiantai attracted the attention of many girls along the way. After all, how could such a handsome guy not attract the attention of sisters.

Even Andrew still noticed that after some girls looked at Jin Xiantai, they were stunned for an instant, and then their face turned red.

Of course, there are still many sisters who took out their mobile phones, and held them up high, took pictures or recorded videos.

Until Kim Hyun-tae walked to the gate of his mansion opposite to Zhongxi Opera, he pressed the electronic door lock number to open the door and walked in and closed the door. Dozens of articles were titled'Nanluoguxiang is a handsome guy, so handsome to be terrible' or "I saw this handsome guy, sister paper I was wet at the time." The blog post with pictures and truth appeared in the China edition of Facebook and attracted many viewers and comments.

Of course, from those mobile phone photos or video videos, some people still identified Jin Xiantai and pointed out who Jin Xiantai is.

And attracted a large number of sister papers on the Internet, they were going to Nanluoguxiang to collect the clamor of Jin Xiantai's single dad of this century coming back to warm the bed.

There are two pieces of heaven and earth separated by a wall.

After closing the door, the hustle and bustle outside was completely blocked on the other side. No one would have thought that there was such a quiet place in the bustling city.

The three-entry courtyard house that I started in the summer, and Jin Xiantai paid a large amount of money for repairs. After the completion of the construction period, it is indeed a new look.

While retaining the classical charm, it also incorporates modern elements.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a small corridor on each side. A circle of water troughs is dug along the side of the corridor. There are clear water flowing in the trough, and dozens of small ornamental fish swim among them.

Andrew leaned over and reached out to test the temperature of the water. Well, the temperature of the water in winter is a little bit not so cold.


Andrew smiled and retracted his hand.

There are four pomegranate trees in the four corners. Because it is winter, there are no fruits. Planting pomegranate trees also takes the auspicious meaning of ‘multiple children, more blessing’.

A rockery was also erected in the middle, and there are still a few green lotus leaves floating on the water around the rockery. It is still rare to see vibrant green plants in this winter.

There are wing rooms on both sides, and the furnishings are obviously used to meet guests.

The first courtyard has a large area, covering an area of ​​more than 12oo square meters visually. Such an area is not small in Nanluoguxiang, which is an inch of land.

Of course, considering the 13 pavements of the townhouse next to Nanluoguxiang, the area of ​​this house is definitely not small.

The second yard also has a large courtyard, surrounded by wing rooms, penthouses, firewood rooms, kitchens, and so on. Obviously, this is a place for service personnel hired in the future.

After all, such a big yard can't come back without inviting people.

Should Kim Hyun Tae take care of himself?

The third courtyard is the so-called inner house. There are three main rooms, five wing rooms, and even a small octagonal pavilion. There is a bamboo shelf beside the pavilion. If you want to grow grapes or gourds in summer, You can enjoy the cool down below.

Whether it is the wing room or the main room, the front wall has been pushed down, and thick transparent floor-to-ceiling windows are installed. At the same time, the windows are wrapped in mahogany with carved lines, which does not destroy the overall classical charm of the building. , It blends modern style very well.

In winter, the whole house is heated by floor heating. There is a boiler room at the back of the yard, and there is a boiler worker who is temporarily invited for heating. At the same time, the boiler room is completely separated from the front house, and it belongs to a separate space. You can also stack coal.

Obviously the yard is often cleaned, so it looks clean. It snowed in Yanjing the day before yesterday, but at this time there was no snow in the yard.

There was a person who claimed to be Liu in the house watching. After Jin Xiantai and others arrived, he confessed some matters and left, which was tantamount to handing over the house to Jin Xiantai.

Andrew liked this mansion very much. He felt that this courtyard house had more connotations than his Beverly mansion, but it seemed a little deserted.

As for this mansion with strong ancient charm, Li Baoying obviously liked it very much. The girl looked at everything in the mansion with a look of admiration since she entered the door.

"Master, this house is too big, and we live in a deserted place. And the courtyard also needs cleaning and maintenance. Only Hilda, Camilla and 47 can't take care of them. So, are we going to Los Angeles? The maid transferred some?"

A few people didn't have much luggage, and Jin Xiantai always didn't like to bring a lot of suitcases when going out, so only Hilda and Camilla carried a small suitcase, which was basically just Coco clothes.

Li Baoying was only carrying a black travel bag.

Hilda and Camilla walked towards the side room with 47 carrying boxes, obviously they knew where they wanted to live.

As soon as Li Baoying saw it, she walked towards the wing room on the right. The girl still distinguished the priority and did not intend to live in the main room.

At this time Andrew put forward a suggestion, he hoped to transfer some maids.

After thinking for a while, Kim Hyun Tae agreed to Andrew's suggestion.

He also felt that the house was too big, and it was quite deserted for a few of them to live here, so it didn't seem like a bad thing to get some people over to increase their popularity.

It is convenient to get the maids by using a wormhole, but there is no way to get some documents, so Andrew can only use the formal way to let the maids come to China.

Fortunately, it takes only three or four days to fly, which is nothing unacceptable.

Immediately, Andrew contacted the Beverly Mansion in Los Angeles and selected fifteen gene-man maids and set off for China on the same day.

Kim Hyun-tae took his daughter into the main house.

All three main rooms have been opened up. The middle room becomes the living room, the bedroom on the right and the study on the left. Kim Hyun-tae is very satisfied with this layout.

If he is not satisfied with the three-hundred-square-meter living room, it would be too much.

The house is very warm, after all, there is a floor heating system, not to mention the comfortable warm-colored carpets on the floor.

Leather sand, 8o inch LCD TV, sound system, all kinds of equipment and furniture are all available.

Jin Xiantai and the others are simply checking in with bags.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that it is worthwhile to buy this courtyard house for less than 200 million yuan. Jin Xiantai is simply satisfied not to want it.

Coco ran to the TV with a cheer, picked up the remote control, turned on the TV and tuned to the animation channel. At this time, the animation channel was playing "Bald Head Strong", the favorite of Chinese children in different time and space. Coco ran to the sand again and climbed up. , And then looked at it with relish.

The phone rang and looked at it, it was Li Hong who called.

Pressing the Connect button, Li Hongsa's cool voice came from the phone.

"Xiaojin, don't let me know when you come to China, if it weren't for Jin Jianshe telling me that you are coming to China, I still don't know about it. You are seeing Aunt Li."

The corners of Jin Xiantai's mouth twitched when he heard it, and he was obviously a bit noncommittal about Li Hong's claim to be "Aunt Li".

"I just planned to take my daughter to spend the Spring Festival in China, so that she can feel the atmosphere and culture of the Spring Festival in the East. This is not a big deal, so I didn't think about bothering you."

He explained to Li Hong who was on the phone.

"Oh, are you going to celebrate the Spring Festival in China?" Li Hong's tone on the other end of the phone was a little surprised, but with a hint of excitement, "This is a good thing. Let the little guy feel the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year. The Spring Festival is much more fun than the **** Christmas. You tell Coco that I will give her a big red envelope for the New Year and take her to the temple fair by the way."

In the face of Li Hong’s kindness, Kim Hyun-tae was also too cold to behave, so he could only say on the phone: "Then I will thank you for Coco."

Li Hong said bluntly on the phone: "Why don't you thank you, how can I be considered a coco elder? I can't give a red envelope during the New Year? By the way, where do you live with your daughter now?"

Regarding Li Hong's utterance as an elder, Jin Xiantai was a little dumbfounded and very helpless.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that Li Hong said she is an elder, and it seems right.

After all, Li Hong is twenty-seven years old. In terms of age, he is indeed much older than Jin Xiantai, who is seventeen years old, so Jin Xiantai can only pinch his nose to recognize this.

It's just that he didn't know that Li Hong was really his elder, and if he really wanted to talk about it, it was his relatives' aunt, who was an absolute real relative.

It’s just that ~lightnovelpub.net~ Kim Hyun Tae is not clear about this.

But he didn't know it, but Li Hong and Jin Jianshe already knew who Jin Xiantai was. Therefore, Li Hong certainly didn't let him start claiming himself as "Aunt Li", and planned to become an elder first.

As if it was Xia Jin Lao who recognized Jin Xiantai as his godson, Li Hong also touched Jin Xiantai little by little in his own way.

Jin Xiantai responded: "The house on Nanluogu Alley is ready. This time I come to China, I plan to live here for the New Year."

"Wait for me, I will come to find you now and take you to a charity banquet in the evening. By the way, I have something to talk to you. Jin Jianshe has also returned. I will go to your place with him. You are waiting for us."

After speaking, Li Hong hung up.

Kim Hyun Tae smiled bitterly and walked to the sand and sat down, thinking in his heart [Participating in the charity party at night? Didn't I just donate 10 billion soft sister coins in the summer? Could it be that this is using me as a fat sheep? 】Although Kim Hyun-tae is complaining, but he will not reject this kind of invitation. Anyway, it will be fine at night... (To be continued.)