Rising America

Chapter 664: It's actually "King of the Sea"

There is a big signature board in the middle of the hotel lobby. As long as the celebrities and entertainment celebrities who come to the charity party this evening walk into the lobby, they will come to this signature board to sign, and then stand there to pose a few poses by the media reporters Take a few photos. Bayi Chinese Net★★く

On the side of the signature board, there is also a dark blue luxury business car. Seeing that the trademark is a big German hg, those celebrities or celebrities will walk to this car and take a few more photos before leaving the signature board. This party is sponsored by hg.

Jin Xiantai will not go to the signature board to sign, let alone stand in front of the hg luxury car to take pictures. After all, he owns the Hummer series in his hands and is also the manufacturer and owner of a model.

Jin Jianshe and Li Hong would not do this even more. With their background identities, how could they do such a thing.

Therefore, after they talked about Cocoa in the lobby, they were ready to enter the party. At this time, Wu Yuchen ran up to lead the way.

For this group of people who don't give face, hg's on-site representative did not dare to say anything. After all, giving you face is face, and if you don't give you face, you have no choice but to do nothing.

Besides, that guy also recognized Kim Hyun Tae, a young American rich man, so of course it is impossible to put him in the same position as the stars and so-called celebrities who attended the dinner.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai and the others did not sign, nor did they take photos in front of hg's new luxury business car. The representative of hg did not dare to say anything, let alone stop Jin Xiantai and the others.

Walking into the banquet hall, Wu Yuchen guided Jin Xiantai and the others to the center of the front row. This place was the best place for the entire banquet. Jin Jianshe and Li Hong were very satisfied with this.

Wu Yuchen and Jin Xiantai didn't communicate too much, instead they talked a lot with Jin Jianshe.

Li Hong sat here holding Cocoa, and kept mumbling with Cocoa.

Jin Xiantai looked around himself, curiously observing everything around him.

47 sits quietly in the back row of Kim Hyun Tae, and pays attention to everyone with a vigilant look. She is the person responsible for protecting Kim Hyun Tae tonight, so 47 dare not take it lightly.

The media behind the banquet hall began to fiddle with their own camera equipment, preparing for all real-time broadcast work, obviously there is still some time before the banquet is ready to end.

Li Hong hugged Cocoa and asked: "You have to invest in filming yourself, do you know how to do it? Filming is not a simple matter, there are many things involved in it."

Li Hong feels a bit unbelievable that Coco wants to invest in his own film.

As an adult, Li Hong wouldn't think that way, but Coco was less than two years old.

It's a pity that Ke Ke is a child who can't use common sense to understand. She has long considered these issues in detail, and she has a lot of spectrum in her heart.

Therefore, when faced with Li Hong’s question, Coco confidently replied: “If you have money, you can ask for a director. I write a script and find actors. As long as the funds are sufficient, everything is not a problem. I have asked many people that Hollywood has a mature system. As long as you have money."

Well, Li Hong also had to admit that Coco was justified, and even she couldn't refute it.

So she can only continue to ask Coco: "Then how do you plan to make money to pool funds? If you have more Facebook fans, you can make money?"

Coco nodded at Li Hong and said, "Of course, you can make money if you have more fans. Many people have contacted me, and the price varies according to the number of fans."

Then he told Li Hong about his plan.

For example, I would choose an advertisement to contact me, and would not randomly take orders that would damage my image, or the occurrence of false advertisements in the province. That said, it was a set, and Li Hong was stunned.

Gradually Coco's voice became louder, and even Jin Jianshe and Wu Yuchen were attracted.

"I have written the script. As long as I have money, I can find a director to shoot. However, I asked the company's accountant to make an assessment. If my script is to be filmed, I need at least 30 million US dollars. So I have to work hard to make money. Yes, I don’t want to lose out and eat **** in the end."

"You still write scripts?"

"Can you write a script?"

Li Hong and Jin Jianshe blurted out at the same time.

Even Wu Yuchen looked at Coco with the look of aliens.

A kid who is less than two years old writes a script. Is it the kind of script that young, naive children watch?

Seeing that everyone didn't believe in their own abilities, Coco was a little sad and a little angry.

"I really know how to write scripts. I wrote them when I was in Korea. They were all made into TV dramas. I heard that they were very popular after they were broadcast! Although there are comments that the plot is terrible, it can be regarded as a successful script I wrote. Yeah."

After talking about it, Coco took out his mobile phone, and after some operations, he linked to his cloud file box and found out the script he had created for the movie.

"If you don't believe me, read it for yourself, I have already written this script."

After speaking, Coco turned the phone screen to a few adults.

Jin Jianshe, Li Hong and Wu Yuchen all looked at Coco's cell phone, and even Jin Xiantai couldn't help but look away.

Jin Jianshe, Li Hong, and Wu Yuchen didn't react much, but Jin Xiantai shook his body.

Kickass is the name of the cocoa script, which translates to "King of the Sea", and for Kim Hyun-tae, who has seen this movie, he is of course no stranger.

When I watched this movie in another time and space, my wife had not died yet, and she was pregnant with Coco, and her wife also jokingly said to Kim Hyun Tae [If the daughter is also as good as a murderer, it’s fine, so I won’t Will be bullied by bad kids] Such words.

For a while, Kim Hyun-tae fell into the memory of the past. This memory had the sweetness and warmth he had lost, as well as hope and happiness, and his gentle and virtuous wife.

However, Jin Xiantai didn't immerse himself in it for a long time, and soon he broke free from his memories and quickly sorted out his mood. After all, this is not a good time to remember happy memories of the past.

"Look, I am not bragging. I have already written the script. And I am confident that I can make a lot of money. This is a very good script."

Coco doesn't know how to be humble and brags about his script.

However, apart from Jin Xiantai, it seems that Wu Yuchen, Jin Jianshe and Li Hong did not believe that Coco had such abilities.

Because he knew this movie, Kim Hyun-tae knew that the movie would be successful, and the role of Killing Girl gained a very big influence.

But at the same time, Kim Hyun-tae is also very curious, why did Coco tinker with such a script?

It stands to reason that she has never seen this movie, but in this different time and space she wrote this price script, which is too curious and puzzling.

"Good! I support you!"

In any case, the little guy wrote the script himself. Although he didn't read the content of the script, Li Hong felt that he had to support Coco anyway. Moreover, Coco also said that there is a bet involved in it. If Coco loses. Need to eat poop.

Although Li Hong didn't take the little kid's bet seriously, she didn't want Coco to lose the bet. After all, she was the daughter of her nephew, and the little guy also had the genes of the old Li family.

"Can I invest?"

Li Hong asked Cocoa.

The little guy shook his head: "No, I have to make money for myself. I can't use this cheating method."

When a few adults heard their hearts, they said [Hey, the kid is pretty particular. ].

Then Li Hong asked: "Then how can I support you?"

Jin Xiantai and Jin Jianshe both pricked their ears, but Wu Yuchen didn't care much about it, so he simply pulled away and sat back.

"Tell me some ads, there are a lot of endorsement fees."

Coco blinked his big eyes and told Li Hong how he could help.

Kim Hyun Tae immediately guessed his daughter's true plan.

Little guy, this is going to kill a stone.

While receiving advertisements to earn money for filming, she became familiar with China through the advertisements, tasted her dream of becoming a big star, and then had money to win betting contracts in filming movies. This bear kid is too smart, not at all. It is a child under two years old.

Li Hong thought for a while, "Okay! I will try my best to help you."

Coco's eyes narrowed in his smile, and then he hugged Li Hong's neck and kissed him a few times, and it came out of her mouth without money.

"Aunt Li Hong is the most beautiful and has a good heart. Coco likes Aunt Li the most..." The little guy didn't know that his father would also call Li Hong aunt, so she called Aunt Li Hong and messed up the seniority all at once.

Faced with this situation, Li Hong was also a little helpless.

After all, she couldn't make Coco call her aunt or grandmother like she asked Jin Xiantai.

Jin Jianshe turned around, raised his hand and patted Wu Yuchen heavily, and said, "It's not difficult for you to find advertisements, right?"

Wu Yuchen nodded in a daze, "Brother Jin, are you looking for an advertisement for that child?" He asked this question and Wu Yuchen was also very puzzled. He didn't know why Jin Jianshe was so caring about the child.

Yes! The little girl's father, William King, is not ordinary, but he shouldn't let Jin Jianshe react like this for his daughter.

In a word, Wu Yuchen is puzzled.

Jin Jianshe clicked: "Yes, I like this little girl very much. She looks like her own child, so I plan to help the little girl. Then you are willing to help Jin Ge?"

Jin Jianshe said so, what else can Wu Yuchen say.

"Sure, Brother Jin is what he says."

Wu Yuchen can be regarded as answering this matter.

It's nothing more than contacting an advertising company. Whenever there is an advertisement, just plug cocoa in, and then let Coco make money from the advertisement.

When Wu Yuchen made up his mind to find an advertiser, he would reveal the identity of Jin Jianshe and Coco. No one would refuse it, so this matter is easy to handle.

Jin Jianshe had a satisfied look on his face after Wu Yuchen agreed to ~lightnovelpub.net~. He raised his hand and constantly patted Wu Yuchen on the shoulder, reminding with a smile: "The price cannot be too low, this kid wants to invest The film’s funding is 30 million U.S. dollars. Don’t you want to look for low-cost advertisements. Wouldn’t it be exhausting the child, so I want the high-cost...

"You are the ancestor, what are you talking about!" Wu Yuchen, whose shoulder was sorely patted, replied to Jin Jianshe with an expression on his face that was more ugly than crying.

Jin Jianshe laughed: "Why are those stars advertising tens of millions, and our girls are not bad!"

[This little girl is from the United States, when did she become your daughter? 】Wu Yuchen smiled on his face but complained about Jin Jianshe's slip of the tongue.

But is this really a slip of the tongue?

Jin Jianshe leaned forward and whispered to Wu Yuchen: "This is done, I will make a match for you, and let your "China Entertainment" movies go through William's theater channel. Is this an opportunity to know? You must grasp it. "

Wu Yuchen's eyes lit up suddenly [Yes, why should I ignore this? That little girl's father has a large theater in the United States. 】……(To be continued.)