Rising America

Chapter 674: There is no blind man in this world

"The father and daughter are right to guess. He and the child should be related to Lao Jin's and Lao Li's family, but I don't understand what Lao Jin thinks. He didn't show that he wanted to recognize this young man. It means to her daughter, so we old guys can only pretend to be confused. √"

Yanjing City, inside the Wu Family Mansion.

Wu Mingzhi and Wu Yuchen stood in front of the old man of the Wu family, and respectfully listened to the matter they mentioned.

According to the meaning of Mr. Wu's words, obviously he has his own judgment on this matter, and this judgment is basically the same as Wu Mingzhi and Wu Yuchen.

"Grandpa, on what basis do you make this judgment?"

Wu Mingzhi, vice chairman of the China Red Cross Society of Different Time and Space, asked curiously after listening to his grandfather's words.

Wu Yuchen on the side also pricked his ears, revealing the appearance of listening.

Obviously both of them are very gossip about this matter.

Think about it, too, as Americans, Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, how could they be related to the two families of China’s top families, the Jin family, the Li family, and these two families.

This is very irrelevant.

The old man of the Wu family smiled bitterly, and then sighed with a sigh, then turned and walked into the house.

Wu Mingzhi and Wu Yuchen looked at each other and then followed.

The living room of the Wu family is very antique, and the furniture styles are all Ming and Qing styles, which makes the whole living room look very classic.

The old man walked into the living room and sat on the wooden seat in the middle, while Wu Mingzhi and Wu Yuchen sat in the lower left hand position of the old man.

The old man's eyes were sighing and his focus was a little lost.

The service staff at home put three cups of hot tea, and then retired at the old man's sign, so only the old man of the Wu family and two younger generations were left in the house.

He picked up the teacup and took a sip. After putting down the teacup, the old man of the Wu family finally opened his mouth.

"Although I am a bit dim-eyed, I still won't make a mistake in this matter." After saying that, he glanced at Sao Wu Mingzhi and Wu Yuchen, "About that young man from the United States, I still remember having it in the summer. Regarding his report on the show, do you still remember?"

In the summer, Kim Hyun-tae followed the old George on a trip to Asia. One of the stops was in China. China also interviewed Kim Hyun-tae, and also broadcasted about Kim Hyun-tae’s life experience and his experience.

It is precisely because of this program from China that Wu Mingzhi and Wu Yuchen are not so strange to Jin Xiantai.

So when the old man of the Wu family raised this issue, the two younger generations nodded one after another. Among them, Wu Mingzhi even responded: "I have seen it, and I still remember the content of the program. It mentioned that this young man was taken by the monastery. Mother picked it up at the gate of the monastery and adopted it in that monastery. His mother was lying outside the monastery all in blood."

The old man of the Wu family nodded: "In this show, the boy showed his mother's photo before the camera, but I recognized that the person in the photo is actually the second girl of the Li family."

Both Wu Mingzhi and Wu Yuchen were shocked.

Elder Wu went on to say: "I can't read it wrong. I grew up watching that little girl, so I can't read it wrong."

A look of pity appeared on the old man's face.

"So I can confirm from this aspect that this William from the United States should be Lao Jin's grandson and also Lao Li's grandson."

Both Wu Mingzhi and Wu Yuchen looked shocked, they were shocked because Grandpa Wu's judgment was too zero.

Both the Jin family and the Li family are China's top dignitaries, so as the grandson of the two families, the identity of this young American is very precious.

In particular, although the old men of the Jin Li family have retired, the second generation members of the two families have performed well in the military and political affairs.

Needless to say, the boss of the Jin family is the commander of the Western Military Region, just like a rising star in the republic, and is currently competing with the Cheng family for the position of the Yanjing garrison.

Kim’s second child, Kim Hyun-tae’s “cheap father”, has been in charge of Guangdong Province for ten years and has achieved a lot of political achievements. Now he is transferred to Gyeonggi to work in the Ministry of Finance. Obviously, this is just a transition and is preparing for the next effort. God knows where Jin Er will finally come.

Jin family's youngest... This guy should ignore it for now.

And the eldest brother of the Li family is the commander of the Southern Guangdong Military Region, and he is making a name for himself in the south.

The little girl manages the special six departments. It seems that the position is not very high, but the authority is not small.

More importantly, it is an indisputable fact that the Republic owes one life to the family of Jin and Li.

And this life is Kim Hyun Tae's "mother".

And it was the hard work of Jin Xiantai’s mother, the second daughter-in-law of the Jin family, and the second daughter of the Li family that enabled the Republic to obtain the human genetic engineering chart of the United States at that time. His own genetic warrior.

But it was precisely because of this that this woman lost her young life and the Jin family also lost such a virtuous second daughter-in-law. The Li family lost a daughter.

It's just that no one thought that she would leave such a bloodline as Jin Xiantai in such a critical moment.

For so many years, everyone thought that the child would not survive, but died with his mother in a distant foreign country.

But when Jin Xiantai came to China, and after an interview with China was broadcast, he still let people like the Wu family see something.

It also made people who still remember this incident have some speculations about it.

It's just that the Jin and Li family didn't say anything, so these old guys also pretended to be confused.

But everyone is not a fool. Li Hong and Jin Jianshe always haunt Jin Xiantai, and these shrewd old people have long seen the problem.

It's just that the Kim and Lee family did not express their views, so everyone has been silent.

After all, the love everyone owed was too heavy.

That's a life.

With a sigh of sigh, Mr. Wu stared at his grandson Wu Mingzhi seriously, glanced at Wu Yuchen and slowly said: "This is just my personal guess. You don't want to spread this out. You know what's going on. That's okay. For the young man, William, as long as he doesn't violate principle, he can help as much as he can, you know?"

Wu Mingzhi nodded, he understood the meaning of his grandfather's words, and it was nothing more than good acquaintance, which was nothing wrong with him.

Therefore, Wu Mingzhi tentatively asked Mr. Wu: "Recently, someone from the Red Cross Society proposed that a welfare lottery should be launched in China. I wonder if we can let foreign capital participate?"

Elder Wu also heard about the fact that his grandson's Red Society wanted to engage in welfare lottery.

I heard that it was proposed by a businessman from Xiangjiang, and many people at the Red Society were moved. At the same time, the other party also proposed that most of the lottery funds would be used for China's charity, so this is also a good thing.

It's just that the reputation of the Xiangjiang businessman is not very good, so the Red Cross is very cautious about this issue. So far, no final conclusion has been reached.

And now the grandson Wu Mingzhi raised this question, apparently wanting William to join in.

After thinking about this, Mr. Wu said to Wu Mingzhi: "Inviting investment and cooperating with foreign capital is not a big problem. As long as the bottom line is not involved, I think it is okay, but in the end you have to ensure that the funds obtained by the welfare lottery can be If you really use it for charity, you must not be pierced in the backbone."

Obviously the old man agreed to Wu Mingzhi's proposal.

However, the old man confessed to his grandson: "People will not do things that are unprofitable for foreign capitalists, and you should try to ensure that they will not make people lose money, you know."

Wu Mingzhi nodded repeatedly. Of course he knew what his grandfather meant.

In different time and space, China has a population of over 1.5 billion, so the welfare lottery is definitely promising. It is definitely not difficult to ensure that the capital involved is profitable.

For this, Wu Mingzhi is still very confident.

Especially when he listened to the analysis of the old man from his grandfather, he became even more confident about pulling Jin Xiantai in.

In Wu Mingzhi's view, when the time comes, the Jinli family will also contribute. Once they succeed, their position in the Red Society will become more stable, and it will not be difficult to even get rid of the current title of vice-chairman.

Thinking of this, Wu Mingzhi was full of excitement.

[Aha! My chance for Wu Mingzhi is here! 】

It cannot be said that Wu Mingzhi has selfish desires. It is normal to work hard to make progress. Besides, this matter is good for Wu Mingzhi and Jin Xiantai, isn't it?

Wu Yuchen, who was quiet by the side, also muttered in his heart at this time.

The words Mr. Wu said just now~lightnovelpub.net~ he also heard clearly, and the old man did not hide his meaning.

After all, the relationship between the Wu family and the Wu family is not ordinary, they are also related by marriage, and they are also from a political alliance.

Wu Yuchen muttered in his heart, "Do I have to get close to that American young man, and have an affair? 】, his mind is also alive.

Speaking of this, it's all human nature, and no one can blame it.

At this time, Wu Mingzhi mentioned to his grandfather the murder of a boy in the Park Hyatt Hotel, especially the incident in which Jin Jianshe slapped Cheng Bao.

Grandpa Wu listened with a solemn expression, until after Wu Mingzhi described the whole incident, Grandpa Wu spoke.

"The Yinfu School is going to be unlucky, I know that little girl from the Li family, she is cruel." With a serious expression put away, Master Wu smiled to his grandson Wu Mingzhi. "The Yinfu faction wants to abduct William's daughter. It's not surprising that the girl of the Li family will react like that, not surprising..." (To be continued.) 8