Rising America

Chapter 677: Let's run if not

Li Hong only brought four subordinates, not many people. √

The Yinfu Sect is not a big organization, big power, or martial sect. It is just a fragment of a tomb from which the ancestor Master didn't know, and this started the foundation of the Yinfu Sect.

In addition, now it is the Age of Doom, what does the Yinfu School have?

At best, it's the cultivation base during the foundation period, and the firearms are still killed, right?

Don't think that monks are so great, monks in the Age of Domination are at best better than ordinary people, but they are still nothing in front of the state apparatus.

Unless the Yinfu Sect has the kind of power to fly into the sky and move the mountains and the sea, it may be a little bit daunting for the country's strength, but how can a small shrimp like the Fu Sect in the Age of Domination have such a power?

Therefore, Li Hong was not at all shocked, and just took four subordinates, and was ready to destroy the Yinfu faction.

Of course, this is not to say that Li Hong's brain is sick, or that she takes herself too high, but it is really the Yinfu school that does not deserve her attention.

If it hadn't been for the good relationship between the Yin Fu Sect and the Cheng family from its early years to the present, the Cheng family had always been behind it to help and support, this evil-doing Yin Fu Sect had long since been wiped out.

Where is their arrogance.

This time Li Hong was determined to destroy the Yinfu School, even if she had the Cheng family, she would not hesitate.

Although she is a woman, Li Hong's temperament is very harsh.

She always believes that the only way to treat the enemy is to eliminate the opponent from the top. This is the safest way.

In the scene at the Park Hyatt Hotel, although it was not Li Hong but 47 who did it, considering the fact that the Taoist goal of the Yinfu Sect was cocoa, Li Hong would not let it go.

If she can bear it, is she still Li Hong?


As the head of the six places, Li Hong is obviously not so talkative on the outside.

If she had a soft heart, she wouldn't be in charge of the sixth place.

You should know that the six places under the security army are specifically aimed at those who do not obey discipline and rely on their own strengths as ordinary people, who cannot do evil forever.

Therefore, even if Li Hong is less than 30 years old, her hands are actually stained with the blood of many capable people, hundreds of lives.

But she is not killing the innocent.

The people she killed were damned villains.

As the person in charge of the six places, especially the department chiefs who are not capable of committing crimes, Li Hong doesn't understand what ordinary people don't know, and he doesn't even see it thoroughly to get a deeper understanding of human nature.

An ordinary person, life is not very satisfactory, academic, work, and love will have some setbacks. This is basically a life experience that ordinary people will encounter.

People with a good mentality may not be so, but some guys with small belly will remember it.

If such a person suddenly awakens the x gene one day, or is lucky to get some ancient inheritance, or even become a capable person abruptly, they will often become bigger in their hearts, and at the same time, the whole person will become different from before. .

They will feel that they have the power to oppress others.

It's very common for such people to kill and kill if they don't agree.

They even use unscrupulous means to force women to "like" them, so that they can lead a life that embraces them.

There are too many such people.

Li Hong had killed many of them by himself.

The people of the Yinfu School are no different from the scumbags Li Hong killed.

Even the sins committed by the Yinfu Sect were much more serious than the scum that Li Hong killed.

The world is not bright, there will always be places out of the sun.

It is true that Li Hong is jealous, but she is also a member of the system.

Therefore, it will always be bound in one way or another.

But this time she didn't plan to worry about the face of the Cheng family.

After all, Coco also had the blood of the Jin and Li family, so Li Hong could never just leave it alone.

Li Hong and the four men drove three military vehicles up to the high road leading to the south of the city. No one knew where their destination was.

However, the cocoa kids who followed Li Hong's motorcade knew that as long as they followed Li Hong not to let her get rid of herself, they could find the location of the Yinfu School.

It is different from Li Hong who wants to kill all the Yinfu faction, but these little kids don't look at the sound of the slogan, but they really haven't thought about killing people.

The most that a few bear children can think of is to beat up the Yin Fu Sect. If they can beat the Yin Fu Sect in fear, that would be the best result.

I have to say that children's ideas are different from those of adults.

Obviously, children will not understand that once something is done, it must be done absolutely.

But this is not surprising.

After all, how many storms have the children experienced, and how many dark sides of the world have they seen.

It is precisely this way that adults will envy the simplicity of children.

But what is irresistible is that children will grow up eventually, and they will certainly know that the world is not so beautiful, but dark and cruel.

this is the truth.

But the obvious problem is that these little **** boys of Coco obviously don't know the truth.

Kayla stole four invisible devices carried by individuals from her home. You must know that her parents and brothers are also from Krypton, and their parents still hold many patents on Earth.

Therefore, it is not surprising that her family has such an invisible device.

The four children each handed an invisible device, and the invisible children were turned on along the way. They were led by Kayla and flew in the air, closely following Li Hong's motorcade.

As the sister of the guy who works as a reporter during the day and a person at night in Los Angeles, Keira obviously has the same potential as his brother.

It's just that Kayla didn't have much interest in justice at this time, so she didn't become a messenger of justice like her brother.

After all, Kayla is only four years old.

Coco sat on Kayla's waist, while Pietro and his sister Wanda continued to be carried one by one by Kayla like they did in China, looking like human skewers.

Coco is about to be two years old and he doesn't weigh much, so it's not a big deal to ride Kyra, at least Kyla himself didn't think there was anything bad.

Coco lowered his head and fiddled with the tablet computer in his hand, and occasionally glanced at the Li Hong motorcade on the high road.

The wind in the air was a bit strong, and Kayla's flying speed was slow, so the cocoa head was messy with the wind blowing, and coupled with the winter, Coco felt a little bit cold.

"It's cold! I knew I would wear more clothes."

Coco, who only wore a pink sports suit and a black down jacket, sat on Kayla's waist and complained.

Holding Keira's ankle, Pietro wore a modified motorcycle helmet and said to Coco: "Or let's land and rest for a while. By the way, boss, you can buy a piece of clothing."

Cocoa rejected this suggestion.

She shook her head and said to Pietro through the Bluetooth wireless intercom on her ear: "No! I am worried that if I land, I will be thrown off by the aunt. Although I have a tracker, I can't guarantee that they will. Out of the effective range."

Pitro did not continue to persuade Coco.

Kayla asked weakly at this time: "Will the Huaxia Police arrest us? We escaped under the supervision of the soldiers."

Kayla, who has always been taught by her parents to abide by the law, has done everything that her parents think of as "great rebellion" since she met Coco.

For example, fighting, swearing, and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Now they entered China by violating the airspace of other countries, and after the Chinese soldiers found them, they escaped under their noses in a special way.

In short, all of this made Kayla feel that her life was beginning to turn dark.

That is, her parents didn't know it.

Once these things were known to her parents, she would have to get fattened.

Do Kryptonians beat up children?

If you ask Kayla this, Kayla's answer is definitely ‘yes’.

Her parents beat her elder brother, who was called "human" by the people of Los Angeles.

Cocoon patted Kayla on the back indifferently, and comforted Kayla and said, "Don't worry, after we have played a movie with the Yinfu school and cleaned them up, I will beg my father to find a way to solve this problem. Child."

Obviously, the bear child did not think that the matter was big, and his father could solve it well. I have to say that Coco's perception of this point is really no different from the ordinary bear child.

She hadn't thought about the fact that these things she and her friends did were really a bit bad.

At the same time, she didn't know that even if she asked her father to solve it, would the father Kim Hyun Tae really solve it?

Coco's thoughts are a bit dangerous nowadays, Jin Xiantai might use this opportunity to take care of his increasingly lawless daughter.

Wanda's voice rang in the infinite communicator.

"Can your father handle this? This is not the United States, and the Chinese people seem to be not that easy to talk."

Regarding Coco’s guarantee, Wanda obviously has her views and concerns ~ lightnovelpub.net~ After a pause, Wanda suggested: "If you want me to say that we have finished playing the Yinfu pie, we should just go back to the United States. Okay. I don't believe that the Huaxia police can come to America to arrest us?"

Wanda's suggestion made several children very interested.

Coco pretended to think for a while, and said in the communicator: "Well, if it doesn't work, just do it. After all, my dad doesn't seem to know many friends in China."

The little guys who followed Li Hong were chatting in the sky. Three military vehicles on Gaolu Li Hong had already driven into the ground of Daxing and turned onto the secondary road, heading towards a bungalow area in Daxing District.

At this time, Coco excitedly said to Kaila and Wanda sisters and brothers: "Their car is driving on the second-level road, so I guess the Yinfu school must be here, otherwise their car will not go there. ."

The Yinfu School can be regarded as a practice organization anyway, is it really hidden in this bungalow area in the southern suburbs of Daxing District, Yanjing City, as Cocoa guessed? (To be continued.) 8