Rising America

Chapter 681: Will you go to jail?

The power of Yin Fu Sect Taoist is definitely stronger than ordinary people.

Among them, after summoning two corpse puppets, the power displayed by the corpse puppets is simply a means that gods can master for ordinary people.

But in Li Hong and Xiong's children, these powers of Yinfu School are obviously not enough.

Li Hong and her four subordinates killed five Taoists in the compound in less than a minute. Zuo Ran, the head of her, was also summoned by Cocoa and the robot sat to death with an iron butt. Strange enough.

When Zuo Ran’s head collapsed, the Piranha also swallowed the two corpse puppets that were sucked into the big mouth by the suction it released, as well as the Yinfu school Taoist who was struggling to break free. After a few bites, I swallowed it.

At this point, there were only two people left in the courtyard where the Yinfu School was located.

The opponents these two people face are Pietro and the Krypton girl Kyla. Of course, their current situation is not so good, because Wang Pitro and Kyla are not simple.

At the same time, the Taoist who was previously eaten by the cannibal flower, when the corpse puppet was summoned, the dead energy released by the corpse puppet caused the death of many ordinary people in the courtyard, so the result this time is not perfect, at least in Li Red does not look perfect.

After all, many ordinary people were involved and lost their lives.

But Li Hong would not feel sorry for the believers who died because of this. Therefore, according to the intelligence information that Li Hong possessed, these followers of the Yinfu Sect also provided some help when abducting girls.

And when the police found the Daxing District after the girl’s family reported the case, these people would provide false information to mislead the police, make it more difficult for the police to solve the case, and cover the crimes of the Yinfu faction.

It is precisely because of these ignorant believers that the Yinfu Sect has never been able to obtain conclusive evidence of crime by the police. At the same time, with the role of the Cheng family, the "ally" of the Yinfu Sect, the Yinfu Sect can survive. So moisturizing.

But all of this, at the moment when the disciples of the Yinfu School wanted to take a shot against Coco, they were doomed to end.

Pitro’s opponent was a very young little Taoist. His name, Pitro, was too lazy to ask, and he didn’t want to ask at all, just like Li Hong hadn’t asked the name of the Yinfu faction since he came here. Pietro wouldn't ask either.

As the child of Magneto, Pietro was born with extraordinary ability...degree!

Standing in front of the little Taoist, Pietro seemed to have never moved at all, but in fact, the little Taoist who was confronting him had already been kicked dozens of feet in the lower body by Pietro, just because of Pietro's degree. It was so fast that at the beginning, the pain was not reflected in the little Taoist priest.

When Li Hong and his subordinates shot and killed other Taoists of the Yinfu Sect, this little Taoist who was confronting Pietro was just like his head Zuoran, his face twisted and painful fell to the ground, while his hands were the same. My own genitals... God knows why Pietro likes such a nasty way of attack, and the targets are all such vital parts.

In short, the little Taoist had temporarily lost his attack power.

Li Hong walked over at this moment, took a photo of a little Taoist who was curled on the ground with her mobile phone, then shot him in the head and sent the little Taoist to the underworld.

"Why kill?"

None of the bear children thought that Li Hong would kill people in front of them, after all, the bear children only thought they were here to fight.

Li Hong turned the phone screen to Pietro and said, "If you can understand it, you should understand why I did it."

Li Hong's mobile phone is connected to six internal networks, and the information of the little Taoist priest is displayed on Li Hong's mobile phone.

Under Coco's mandatory requirements, Pietro and his sister both learned Mandarin, and their listening, reading, and writing are now fairly average.

Therefore, Pietro understood the information on Li Hong's phone about the little Taoist priest.

The little Taoist is not old, only 19 years old.

But the secret files in the six places showed that this little Taoist priest was a scumbag.

He alone is related to eighteen missing girls and six homicides. It was only because of the lack of conclusive evidence and the protective umbrella behind him that the young Taoist priests could live leisurely until now.

But although there is no evidence, Li Hong knows exactly what these people of the Yinfu School have done.

Therefore, Li Hong did not have a slight psychological burden for killing these people.

After reading the contents of the secret files displayed on Li Hong's mobile phone, Pietro fell silent. He didn't know that his opponent was actually that kind of bad, oily scum.

"Spare! Please don't kill me!"

Now there is only one person left in the entire Yinfu School, and this person is in a panic under Kayla’s laser eyes. His legs and hands are pierced by the laser light from Kayla’s eyes, and he has lost the ability to act. on the ground.

Seeing that all his fellow sects, including the leader, had been killed, he didn't know what fate he would have.

In the Krypton girl Kayla, a glance at killing is no longer a legend, but a reality.

This guy's begging for mercy attracted everyone's attention. After Li Hong and Pietro said a few words, they walked to the guy and stood still, and then shot him with one shot, without any hesitation.

The four subordinates brought by Li Hong didn't react very much to the fact that his chief killed a few scumbags, but Coco's little kids couldn't bear it.

"Why kill? It's illegal."

Cocoa walked up to Li Hong and asked. At the same time, the little guy was still flustered, and the fact that Abao Tie was sitting alone on the **** was also thrown on Li Hong.

Wanda, Pietro and Kayla all got close to Coco, and Wanda even said: "Kurala piranha eats a guy, and this is also pushed to this woman. I don't want to go to jail for that."

The piranha ate a person, and this made Wanda a little scared.

This is the first time that she has realized that Kurara has killed a person after she reaches reality.

So how could Wanda not be afraid.

"Is it really going to go to jail?" Coco was also a little uneasy at this time, so after hearing Wanda say this, she couldn't help but whispered to Wanda.

The kid is not a murderer, but Bao and Piranha did kill two people, so Coco and Wanda were a little panicked about this.

Pietro interjected: "My opponent was shot and killed by this woman. How do I feel that we have entered a trap and are likely to be used as scapegoats?"

Pietro likes to open his mind. He is now full of conspiracy theories. He feels that these people have fallen into a dark trap, and he is about to be accused of murder.

Especially Li Hong released a kind of pressure that made him feel very scared. He always felt that Li Hong was not an ordinary person, and was much better than their children.

Kayla stood with a pale face and shivered beside Coco. Li Hong shot and killed her opponent just now. The white brain made the little girl feel like vomiting, so that she couldn't speak now. .

Li Hong is so shrewd and personal, how can she not guess what the kid means.

However, Li Hong didn't mind resisting this matter, after all, she had to involve the child to be strong in carrying this matter.

But for these bear children, Li Hong still intends to frighten them. After all, these bear children are a bit too lawless.

If they are not well educated, won't they be able to control them when they grow up.

No, this is absolutely not possible.

Therefore, Li Hong confronted a few sternly: "Why are you here? What are you here to join in this matter? And you, you, and you, the three of you originally entered the country illegally, but now you have absconded for fear of crime, you know?"

what! ?

The three children Wanda, Pietro, and Kayla, who were pointed by Li Hong with their fingers, immediately turned pale.

That's not the case, Li Hong is right, they are indeed absconding now.

Li Hong’s four subordinates searched each house and confirmed that there were no Yinfu sect members who had slipped through the net. Then, they recovered the released "Tianluodiwang" and gathered around Li Hong.

Coco was also scared at this time.

"Then what will you do to us?"

Li Hong sneered looking at Coco...

------split line------

In the six detention rooms, the three bear children, Wanda, Pietro, and Keira, were all shackled with black quantum shackles on their hands and feet. The bear children could not get rid of this kind of shackles. So far, the three of them are completely honest. Down.

And the three children looked worried, they didn't know what the punishment would be for welcoming them?

It is not impossible to go to jail if it is not done right.

Oh my!

The dark and cruel prison life makes the three children feel terrified even thinking about it.

Coco stood outside the iron gate of the detention room, loudly comforting his three ailing friends.

"Don't be afraid, I will let Dad find a way to help you, and this matter is because of me, I will not let you go to jail because of me."

Coco's promise to friends echoed in the corridor of the detention room, and Li Hong, who was drinking tea in a room at the end of the corridor, smiled bitterly.

To be honest, she was wondering how to solve the accident of three bear children entering China's airspace by mistake, and this matter is not as easy as Coco said.

After all, this involves the military.

A mess of footsteps sounded, and then the door of the room was pushed open. Kim Hyun-tae brought the housekeeper Andrew in with an anxious look~lightnovelpub.net~ After entering the door and seeing Li Hong, Kim Hyun-tae’s first question was: "Where is my daughter?"

Looking at Kim Hyun Tae who looked a little nervous, Li Hong put down the tea cup in his hand.

"Coco is comforting her friend. The three little guys have caused a lot of trouble, and the military is not that easy to talk."

After Kim Hyun-tae and Andrew walked into the room, Kim Jian-jian walked in behind them.

When Li Hong saw Jin Jianshe, she moved her gaze away from Jin Xiantai, looked at Jin Jianshe and said: "The Yinfu faction people have solved it, but some hands and tails need you to deal with it, and the Cheng family. side……"

Jin Jianshe knew what Li Hong meant, so he nodded: "Don't worry, leave this to me."

ps: [Daughter went to the hospital since the 3o when she got sick. I am confused now, and the writing is a bit rubbish. Please forgive me. If you are upset, please scold me. 】(To be continued.) 8